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BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: A Digital Transmission System for TD-2 Radio. (Broderick, C.W.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: A Digital Transmission System for TD-2 Radio. (Broderick, C.W.)

‘The Picturephone® System: A Digital Transmission System for TD-2. Radio by ©. W. BRODERICK, (Osnaacit ssved enter 2, 170) A econ foc rama distil spade cane TDS edema rds olay restos han Bone deviged ond eos! i o reco ibd Wiad. This ‘aaperdatesonin of the vaio eta chacarrisin whisk sbuenced Ie devi, deere the maior entree of the trina, aul reports he triad res, Te ginal will be ued in the tll nto provie ner ily Peturaphong® trans aa de cout ‘Tee TD? Radio Reley System is the major tmvnk corr system in the Doll srameconricental actwork, interconnecting every nj retropolzaa centr in the Unitod States Therefore a digal ans risson groms, ite nstural ep eonsidar how TD-2 might be wed t0 ‘stra these signal. ‘A ternianl Ubab piee the digi it slream Wo TD-2 has been signed to tranmmit nt Rote nf 202 rogaite pee tnnd (M/A sing » four-level, 10Temegatany! pb oral to mda standard "TD2 terminal wpioment. The ins ie eranged Jo wale ap Lo tires 6.812-Vih/s Kino soars frac euch eouteee ax Peterephone faders and data see, Design feanires Snluce the use of lee etafing for multiplex eynehnonizeion, dedieated ules for Ging te0overy, fs toansversal Alter for optimising the reeived eye pattern and the tee of sellaynehronizing sertmblers for testing ** The sig is rege cated as busebund about every 400 miles to limit the weeuxulation of unequalizablo pulse distozien ‘A rumber of digital torminsle have been constructed and tested in conjune‘on with the New York-Pstsburek Picturepkone product wal Tet romls on this 4Bi-ms tial rat, using ore regenerator sation, case Hietel that pertarmanee of licen ‘an one error ix 10 bit, 482 num any ererme macmocac sovaman, seMMUARY in the abeance of sguifoant fading, bas bean realized. Tho eror ral inerests to about oe err in 1° Vita when the roseired sianal om ‘any radio hop fadas to the pont whore transmizeon ip evitehed mito ruaticaly to a protein radio frequensy obannel 1 0-2 snopoware averaie ‘The TD.2 microwave radio eystem hus been deserved previous 1 opwrates in the 8700- to 4200-Mie bund, with the 20-MHs-wid ‘channels spaced 20 Sle apart. Te ayers employs frequeney mea Tauion of wn IP oacieeeonzerod at 70 MLL prior to conversion to the amierowave epeeivan, ‘The bss frieney sespenee ie eonatant to ‘within 0.8 4B lo abou! 3 MTFs for w S0-mil yee The relinbity of the radio chencel is maintained to high degree through the availbilily of nulonntiewutehing to standby protestion hanrrl in the event of a sigaal-to-nlee rato (S/N) below miniznam ema dese late the esting TD-2 rlerowave equipment includ ing the 28 FM terminals and to meke the digitally modula mero ‘wave cbarnel compatible with gular analog message and terion slgnala on aljavent merowave chaniels% Tale makes il porsibla to ace the existing TD-2 aationvido nutwork in providing Pisturephone tall trunking and egal dala ezeaite and i imposes the following Slava eonstreats: (@ The bescbend cial must not interfere wit the radio protetion swicehing syste whieh uate w 7-Mle pile tone ard e MPs nose "ot. This sovomplished by using » bueebend treasnitier Biller whow ‘uta frenueney is below 9 MLL (3) ‘Tae 1 sjga spectrum saust aot intasfore with dhe rwive sot ‘roquenty or the top mestage fcequeney of the adjacent ebel. This limite the peak frequency deviction (ii) Tas limiting S/N in detemained by the protection enitehing system initiator setting used for anslog messege service lio) The dial signal mur: be regenerated to limit tae unequalia- ble asssband distortion exoountered in REF teanamision, "The ended Pictanephone signal hos 6.412-Mba ate? This rate was shen lo traieh a standard Ti tale hich f evolving an part of the Ball Sywenis digital trenssson nets end whieh wil be wed by the T2 igial ie, The digital 'amsission spate capac here> {ore wns ciocen in inerement of the @S12-Mbe rl, rot manussios: st8te a8 ‘The intial uae of che terminals io suppor: of the Pisbrephons predate ‘tial between New ors sil Pitshorgh required wa err Fave of <r, A ploe of the recuicol B/N for fixed err rates and of le aveVable S/N de ta dhe above restrictions, Bath as x funelion of ‘tho syne Bit ct, ie aoe in ig. 1, Ihe alle 87 is ealalater at the fading threshold of Ue rolio potection switching yyater. TH tue’ Ihe sigral entrants above, the pale inenuerey deviation ane ‘Rerctoce le uvallahe 2/8 ust deeronsr a nho Ayatem bit rate "The iil sigual ese patzra distortion inorsmes with increasing ceystem Dil ale due to t2e sharper rollo? ithe Daseiand Bltering Thonono, the required S/N for eure erie vale ineeases a the ceysteca bi» male ineeraves, #rom the ixeroation of The veited 8/8 tive and the erainile B/N curva, i ean be seen that the eystem fapacity a about 21 snails Tor an sero nrabebility of 10 al he Teling threshold of the ride rotor iw lahirg ape. ‘Te diol rv ips Rerazore wae ect a throe 342 Ma “aoa ‘The eystom Deramevara ate paced in Tob "The wemeroling signal eoxstaiat (he Flaswetion in Pig, 1 ia LP levl spolsal overlap nto tan melee elt froquerey 0 Une adjaceal of) XO | Fig, tavnlie 5/7 and suid 3/8 Gr nase pedir af aon sri ror Bae $84 rmx az sverm sromnncst socmst, runavany unt chanzel. Thin 2 a form of nearend adjanmt ehsnoel invrferance ino a ever aa eonter Feu 20.Meatay tin tans mitce, The inverfeenee path include the sigetu-de wupling of nunoeas torn elector waleneas aad the Jasin mrad rane "ror tionmmitter vo entenne and antenna to reteiver, The eouping oes ie fypieay aboot 109 aR wave eveulte in # redelion of ade engin qual ta 0.8 6B. Ia some eirscmstanos ering dfcshies Lead to esupl- ing Ions that ane aevora sina, end hungfors a futhes ere fa ari 41 Trosanitng Peemieat A implied block diagram of the tremnittie Serius shown in Pig. 2 wih spinal wavcfosne, ‘ho eigtal trexmitter aotepts ‘three 6312-Mb > pulse azeume in parallel ond millers ther ity 2 single ceil pule stream. ‘Tamen [Drom Trasmunsnos Sterna Passer 1 Tra ja Tame ~ omg ‘ia geste Lge aoa ed ee Sear Was pe ‘akan capable FEB Goda awa weve Out Ta Ga Ms lr {09 pa bandh For igital oT ‘isan oR HANSA SRT 485, DNs Tie, 2-Distel came oes ast lo renege ‘The output of the digital srwwmilier ip a 1O.-mesubeud, four- level signal which ie mede up of infomation pulse, fearing pulses, ane eyasinorization pulse, Ih composite signal i Bhen shaped by the baeebard lter fa the signed which wil deviate the FM ane titer,‘ output speenruma of se IM trometer, eaaterod ssoxnd 10 MElg is stow in spied 2 Bovwting Terminals At the seceiving tring), ae digital ema is recovered from the FM serial seeiver at baeeband, fltered, equated od dezul plexed inco tines G212-Mb/s sigue, A simplest Mock diagram of we nteiving terminal, together with ite appropriate waveforms, Is shown in Fg, 3, The fancinnal opeeston ofthe receiver iv eacatialy the invaree of the traneittr a Fito ‘The overall shaping and Sering of the four-level, 10.1-megabaud tuschand signal ie obsained by eplicing the baseband Allering and Jowsling portion of iin tho transmitting terminal to bund limit the sisal tnd the reminds in the receiving termine). Uo limit noise ‘The combined tnnaminion eharactarctic of the baseband Bers pro- duces a pulse wih w mine emvine apedrum which has a high tolerance to interference” ‘Tae enanemiter basin Stor earacarstia ie ven 486 urn nts senna TecMSueAL JOURNAL, HREREARY 177 faa fe<\I\ < lan hee "The resiver beacband fier characteris is given by 1 fl Stash Ef <font hi 10.41 Mi, ‘i jerent vllof ter ured in shove terminal, fe equals Jaye The 2/sin tema inthe tremaitter Miller chorea iso cor- rection forthe spectuts of the asuare-mave input ‘The digital trunmictr block af Fix, 2 i shawn ix expanded block iagram form in Ag, 4, The fei of Bit atraun synabroniation, ‘ruldplexng, and modulstion shown in Wig. ane deseribed below "To tine multiplex the fuoe indopondent GSI2-Mb/e ipats, each faput mast be eynehronined to the sane eos frequency. This is ao- complished by the method of pulse snufing. Hach input is writen {nto a eoparntevighrell elses store under the contol of ex inpot Prottuence we al mel = UREA, massa sxasese 437 “nen eon sa al sesgyppneen™ ers augur? Wig $B don of Ul ema lock devived feom tke average froquensy of the respective input Siezal, The input froquoaey is 8sil2 Mie SU ype which ia a tl frmmoe of shest 100 Te. Tho racing funation foreach synchraniser is porfonmad by one of turzo red elves yuroratd in tho puso sting ontra. Bach of thece read eles overs long pried of tima has exaedly the sate nua of elk ples oe tare one information ple writen into the storage cally of tha wmocitad elute wore. Furthormore, tach rend lock bes boen blond oppropriately to allow the inseton ff the feuming and synchronising poles, Soneen bisa ow, oF every 2o0-bie frame are aloceted for those purpeeca. ‘The namical pulse stofting rato ia 500 aul pulsce por eccond. ‘Tis zat i varicbo from inioum of reno to maximum rule of ome sult every 12 (umes. Tae ‘tual eyachronixtion fe perfermed by Se puto suing contol shrogh ‘tho mitoring of sta quests goncrated by nearly empty clasti stor ‘Thee stuf requesteresch the pulse stlling eontel va tus multiplex. All of the peridie waveforms cequired to posiorm the Zunetions of synebroaising, multiplesine und modulating exe genernted in the Crmesller eoninn vontni. The bese atten lees Praqeney ie 20.2 NHL MN pins gonna bythe 20.2-MLLsexytal coclator ‘Pho mrtiple aespls Ie thce properly eyhnonined ifertion 688 vie nn aver rmomsTen JuuRAL, seMUANY HA ple scans with ther sovorint! sin request poles Isle recives Uhe required periadie waneforae fea Ube pale stoi control xl Uo tranemitier common oontrol and te sultiplece them tpter With the information pubis art Ataf poses into 2 20.2-Mb/s binary stream, Included in thie stron ace the neeweeary contel signals to allow tho rerver ta remove tho eed sn pues. fica esital operation inthe elt iy (owiodalae dhe 20.2-Mb/s binary signal to-a foes, 1.Lomegebuud sigeal. Thi tokes ple in bo suese, The 202-hy/s binay aignal ie frat earvertod into eo mall 10.1-Miys binary atreaca wish soe then converted into & Sngle, four-level 10d-megabrad siaal, Amplified ehemasie dia fam of the mocltor ix bows in Ile. B, The eral bie pars, BP, fre mapped to pairs of pslll bit 4/2, iro the Tantions D> Fe ond 2 = BOR ‘The parallel bit pave ther. contol ike cotter soupled transistors hich ous the proper sazouy2 of erent foun she euz:ent genenstors Int the loud reiter to prcdave the “awlevel nent signal ‘The dgtel egnal forint atthe bioary obenu of the muliplx end the coreezponingfour- rel signal unt af th modsaene age tate In Fig. @ The contents of ene rare ser rhawe, ‘naludicg dec Gg Fig 4-Motnler ©, sed te comtloneats D. = nen berets waneniaion oenes 190 fey eel Siem | ft ie Pe Korn of dg i Sraming pulse, stu spe pile, nhl ls, ad Information place ‘The ctu eyao pulkos of 12 svereaive frames make up ately ro2us- lant word hich isientes fo te nteiver when and where ati puloss see iraeed for esch of the thres informacion chuonele. Prem the Tmodulalor, the signal pwear trong the tsanamittiog Aer, hich ‘oirets cho hrsrhend ferononrien en papridas the cetined pase ebay ing, and tien to en FM trensrlter Srough an wrbalanced-to-bal- anced ampli. "The digital vecever bloc of Fiz. 3 is sbown in expunded bloc. iagzam form in Tig, 7 Al the digital receiver the four-level, 10. ‘egnband signl, fromm the TO reseiver, ie eonverted to an unbalanoed fignal and then seer fire through The receiver baseband ter and into the tranzwereal filter, Th basso Filler, tageer wilh he fer in the transiting termineh, providre optimum shaping of the hase band tesponse charters, lve etwortal fer spies schematic in chown in Fig, 8. The inp sta poets cong 2-seton Lael delay Tie, ‘Tho prin nf eash tp, except forthe enter top, ie manually adjustable ro hat the output signal S(t) ix given by 540» Si xasie~n0, 490i mts svsvaae teen eat TOFRNAT, FRENTE TET where Ka -1<K<4 Si ~ we) isthe input signal ot tho nth tap. Adjustment of the tap gxins, Ry, componmaies for the nantading Uisortion encountored by tho tgaal in transmission over the radio thanncl. ‘The oqualired ontout eigasl driver the digital section of the reoever. "The operation af the Tessier iin general, Ube inverse ofthe range smiter. The revi vereonveci dy 10.-mnysbals, four-level input tga, into threo 6812-Afa/e pote strane hy fst derotulating the signal foto 2 202-Mbs binary date stroun, end thea seurating and adjut- ing tho timing of, or deeynchronising, the threo individual cutput ena Tig. tlk daar of resving temas

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