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BSTJ 50: 10. December 1971: Statistics of a General Class of Avalanche Detectors With Applications to Optical Communication. (Personick, S.D.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 10. December 1971: Statistics of a General Class of Avalanche Detectors With Applications to Optical Communication. (Personick, S.D.)

THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Statistics of a General Clas: of Avalanel Detectors With Applications to Optic Communication D. PERSONICK By Presious vente on fe sais of avalanche testes ave posealan tha eae where electrons ad Paes suf oalsionfotvotione eth wheal probity, {15 set her ta! te rk af eosiontonsaton rab lives ger wit wath of wealertovinngereanrer ie @ conan © ‘dependent of positon inthe highsield ream, The moment generating Iioction of the rare eoalanche yi se adained as funtion of ‘andthe cere gata a nal tn Chern lund eror rates of tel pial reer empl avalanche tetra Ton abun the guia ening pe pale 20 are @ pin arr rate deren wt eo tavanes fara @. Por each K > 0, tere thn ep moun in Gn ‘seuling 1 nina veguredenorgy par pute. 408 ~ 0.1, Ge 100 fd the equiv energy st sihin 10 AD of hu repel with hry igh fine Co foe hewn) a = Inc provious papott rolls on the statis of tvo particular ava~ Jacke cetestors vith applications to optics, sommunieation ware S078 cam 101% sveMENT-muuLAHENL, SoMa, CREE 10) presented, Te wa toquiod sith that only one carrer euler ooltion {onizatioos inthe high-field region (unilateral ga) o tha boll wrrens raffer cals oniztions with el probabty por unit Jength inthe Hiei-eld cea, ‘Tho preont work allows for more general unequal ionization probablitis por unit lengeb with the rajunoment only that tine ratio of the two quunlins be constant throughout Uke highild region, The momentgeaerising Faelion ofthe random gain obtained {ha faction ofthis ratio nnd the average esi. The results ar eon- finont with onpsbiabed eojctures of Hd. Melntyre? The mnoment- tenerating finetions are dod Wo obiein Chanoy bounds on the error five of digits! optical reesivere employing avalanche detectors and {hing sthercoberet ur inoterane light. Result on avalanche ctatistios fev summarized in Betinw V. Numriel zeelte on the Chernoy bounds ‘ee given in Seine VT (6.5) nd Seetion VIT “The avalenehc deter a a devio in whigh thermally or optically enerated hole-clerines paita ganarate wiilional holeeleetron pale {through collsion ion’erions, Within the dove thees is "high-ield elon’ ero ules tavspovbabilty {a} per unit lenge (which depends T T fe | Se, | airy 4 4 ' ad } | | | | | | | = serene avabasea weraerane sor ‘upon he position 2) of suring #colsionSoniaton as they Irwsl to the let under tho ialuenes of the eet se Gor Wig 1). Ketone feeling te he right Iwo alse fs) postal eagle felon ionization. Caries ra be ert win th high-rise to thermal eects or due to the presees of ineident light. Cucriens ean lan drt int che region fhe ave genotated outside of Ue regan Le is sumed that all ealison iensstions axe independent. ‘He rogues thet te meen distanoe bstiern ionizing elim hy large sompared tothe cite over wich etree ca suslmiae its momeatu after 2 colisin” Llole-slectson pas ereated then wilson funtion es dn tara gonoreteagciional pa hy the sue svehaaiam. Tale the avslencho proces, We sock the sttitrs of the anda tala! suber of lsleslzetao pairs whieh result ullictely Cugagl eolvion ionization» whew an tal hall-eeteon eds jot nt thy High eld at sore psi Define ine eh a the poate leita enlh ding the iniGally ete pin The mentenegeaereting Furies he mb of pies Aa fs Ue atid = Sota, We ell ahve Ao, 2), Boos nocusing we met review some well Is ralls which wil he vee fs cht erin TH} ane random variables wish ane indepen, ew Lie omen owns neti of i of the the potas re dua Icncnt generating furetions* The seiiavarisat seomergeveraline Finetion SIMGF of rsndom vaiubse A having pubabity density G2) is the nally of she nomentgensresng fae ea = ton — nf pce] “9 ‘he SEG nam of nee don bls the sam ‘he needa! SEM, ‘We can now proeed to derive M.(6 3). Divide hs hight gion into utervals of with dX — HP/KC See Fie 2 Tal hese intervsls 12,3, 00+ j, Af boleslearon pair injrtd int intorval 9, sine, as above, she pavbabilty density wf tw otal wunber of paies himstelyrseulting in tke avalanche proc Gilaing the itil ie) BOTS TE SLLL sybrint RCHNIEAT TOMA, DRCRMBER =n ss pu 2} hers ten af th conte of interval j The hoe of the Intel "pir maves to the lat atl the cistron to the ight toward 2 ors = W respectively. As they puss Uiough their respentive intervals now ire maty be ead in cach through colon lonauton We shallgssume that the Sntarval width gai aufieny mow 0 {hat the initial poi curiere errata ther one or no new pals in euch iereal I the anitial hole or nleninws generates & now pair in some Inteval thon thet new pal nll imately ganerste pos ineling Steet through tho sewboashe jneat. Thus with each fetawad ee can lecocate ts mummbor of des Nie nmaber equate aero i the wp ‘rine iia pair carter eure 20 eolsion tao interval Tun abe wala one of more ifthe eopeoprie iii pi eeeer baller lise Sonieatinn sn interval The Totsl nomber of pairs fltewseky onerted sbzough the swabeieke priest ineading. the Initial ps tenes the sof the [N.S Sinoevolison iniestione fe all indopemfons, all 9 34 are andopendent, Thus we bave the SEMGT of the otal number of pins given by Hovd —0 BE bale © try 4 is the SIMIGF af the detore the IRIGY of ¥ The SIMGE of Ny is obuiaed a fallow ‘The probability shat Initie pair ad pyle) 2 gegue Pee Pl eer ic! sovwienics op avaLanteue mecaeTone 3070 AG= O81 — yx waoeoy ~ ofa) if interral ito the ight of interval 2 ere the inital poe enters — uC) fist the lt a fxn ovale duce at tae ootar of interval b) The probability hol y= Z > 0% ‘the probublity of oon inistion ia incereal sins the probability thet «mew pa creo az vowel ultimately mosaics‘ 2 pois ineiding sae Toa in PQ = 2) = 7A wiZ A tor 220 ai eer boi) ml pax bya Hea Sn yax bya has yaw) ey wot hes anton of inter & Tang ing te iit a 6 gts nite mal, on 16.9 oo nae b [ocr ne oncon (ino eral equi for tring 2, ant th Malu, 2) — exp [dele 2] Using Loibnite’s rule fr eiferer sation uf integra oe obtares gsi (7 i = (mncaena) 8 9080 HT RELL svar TRCUSULAL JOURNAL, BREEN 171 where C= (es — nye ahioh can bo checked by substitution. Substitting (8) into (6) one obiains the particular eesult| 40) no [ace Af ane makes tke assumptive’ hak at each point in sho high-field gon ow tere i cata sn ve @ bin “been eo cet Ayman Tao Mm aD where Aon) "aad a= | ale ae (One can mate (1) in smother way by makings substation.” Deine (0) mics by 6" 2 a. 08, a) hati 8 = Bnfo,0) 0. a ning (12) in (11) ous obtnine tho irpieeequation = ele et} ay which determines 6) and thus 36 0) Sow (13) iy‘ ion (1) i ll no expt. A numerical vechnique for slution is isso ia che next ection, One oun te (11) for (49) and (8) to tala yl, 2} or AC, 9) for omy 2 Real that 21 the peat of entry ofthe init pai, An the nppieaiona ww ball be eoncaraed with 2 = 0 fra ~ W. Thats, pure ure xenernel i cd" erga outeide the high- ld regis sith ecrien ering Ineo the high eld region tL alec Seg i napa ie ta ok mage te ees frm samtaries oF AvATANEUD MEcavTOn ‘ust “The eoustion (14) i consistent with mnie apblised conjectres of Melnisze gives in Appendi A ie 1 thc te ed uy Ova J es Equation (L5) ean be integrated with » commter to obtain Bf(, 0) explicitly. nao : 2x0 ~ su, oft - Lar oe From Sootlon Thimugh TW ona peevinws paper by this author: se abtsined rhe followin Augen Holes navel worl» = 0, elstrons toward x — WF ole inaction probability pre unit length = 32), Blectr ioizatan probabilts per uni angi 2G) = Fools), be consent forall. ‘Highseld region with =H, Definitions as fT oe, pan, 2) = probability that i an nil pewter the high-field region. ‘point % m paies wil ultimately eral thnagh The wale protest nln the mits pt, Ge} = ssn avenehe gain = F pt, 34,4, 2) — wmnentgonerating funetion of p(s 3) = E pin ate Rest ‘MR nue amass 2TRNE EREMSTONL JOURS, DPeETIN 1 sna [=i Pola afore] forall bh oct ~ 0 (Gneterl Guin) eee ee 2 no sualis Yi Laworer] For & = 1 (Leu Tonnstion) 6 2 aao = eco) 0,0) hoes a 1 General Comments We aholl ext spply tha reas of Section ¥ to obtuin Dounds on the ror rates of sligtl tcsivas, Tho reoivers (nie dkaused here are the singles ud twinechannel systems deerted below. We shall upper Thou the power requ atthe wei Using the Chernov boas, a The Rociors ‘The tvin-shannel recive ethown in Hig. & Depeslng Ue sate ‘ofa binary Iafortcatien sours, one of to charne' has opti! up snemtcs oF avsiaxeue nenscovas 0s Pad Tavshamel pte, poser Zar duration T ail Uhe other las wala see p> BX fo {setion 7. EXT siguiies extineton, EAT woud ideally be 2er, oat et bite and les then unity for prtel rou, "Tho optic. power Falling on an avalanske photo dizie oncses the emision of proto Sostrosewhien are melkpiad long with the éetoetor “Wark earrent™ thtouga tke avalanche gin metnism. ‘The detector outputs (rl'= plied count} ete integrated in devices naving tzermal ave referred to the neapeetive ips. The itegretereutpars ara mubtrected and the fiSeronce XC ie eompared to a taresoid of tore 12 doce sshat te information sate was. "The eingle-chanmelsystom i essentially Ha the tinsel astern ss shave Fig. ‘The sgl inlgralne tp is compared co a threshold 9 To decide upon the aration ale, (8 Tie Chern Banc ‘The Chernov bound sa usofl tool for Bounding the probabiity that anon variable X ile above ot Below a given thresbld y. Te is five fulowa? provided » > 0 M084 rae au vabnaae RuCERHGAL JOUANAL, URCXaRR tk rived provided» <0, (21) ] wher: v= sinc =n nd & wi = 2 et 4 Charuow Bows forthe To Syelenes at Prbiivaies Wo wich co determine tho requited power p to ackieve a desired ‘ksi ere probity for eel of ube rezeivers dieueeed in Seeion 12 with vari tyaes of Getueone nd vuious vals of otber eye pansies sgh as dark eurront sod shore moive ia the integrators, ‘Toapply the Chertov bowls ou ol soe the SEQCEI 98 sh vars 30 atthe ont theneciver. oe Pig. 9 a 4.) Au imponcaatnemalt used Lea isthe flowing Lowa: 1f © fe aitegosatuad and greater than or uel to ser; aa if 1 = SOG 9, whore te g, ae indsponen,ideteaty diibuted vanton, sovablt Uthat $2, cach "ez proteced ly the CP prucet lepers um | | aoe petty foe os i, | oli | LoS 4 Fie 4 Sager te.

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