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BSTJ 50: 10. December 1971: Statistical Behavior of a Fading Signal. (Lin, S.H.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 10. December 1971: Statistical Behavior of a Fading Signal. (Lin, S.H.)

Statistical Behavior of a Fading Signal By $.H.TIN (ofan eae Jly22, 01) A general analyse ofthe aan! Peharar ofthe enebspe of «Jang Ce" Ge prowl sn thie paper, The eatiwics nal the ‘PU 2) thot he amplitude FC wil fois below a epee sigue D; the exposed numer (Lt of foes of V0) btn Te amit fine; ond the average duration 10) of fate bio J The easel forthe ‘Sinaloa annstaatector plas a sande neering air whic Sepreants tw rele! of ot she rosie extraneous signals and nae ha ioral ee ees th hon areal obaered peeve shipe obtained Gn deep fais af wondiersitysigntas FQN 1) = Le NC) = Land IL} = ba Th tonraton sere ave applioats 6a its ‘dau of lading prablnes. Phe anaiain inate th frais wc of Fey, Nabugave, Norton, Pole, Manel, cud Shark os eset exes A gonoral eaulyie of tn statistial butane oft mvs PG ffs fading gral be owen in this poper. Ute prizepal interests ane the probability, PV), thet tho amplioude PG will fade below a specied sigusl level E* the eqpoeted sumber, N(L}, of fdas pee unit time below the sported evel Js and the wvenage darting, FL}, of tases blow Z, Thee sttistes are ll Eanes ofthe signa level "The theory presented neren has been developed to cunplesnent an texte tho empinal ruts developed by my aolleguos at Bel Tele. hone Laboratories!“ from their axtasive experimental experience, Published dats of other warkors have also boen consdest. ‘The previous theoretitl works on the slefistes of x. fing signal often assume a compen Claueslan ore! forthe fading sign, "Phe thooretical eupsort Zor tie aeeumotion i (ant, by the eontral Tit theorem, the real end the magina’s pris of Uae sur uf Tae or of independent iaerfring sis ill be noprorinatals Gaursia, Aen the Heguaak PLE Loomer be wpeted arn of Sang ee vi Ral teal pte Fe tee 8212 com mene crore wecunw ToORNAL, pees TL Fr troposphere rin Hinks, this model seems to be sttsfanary However, for Eneofsicht radio inks, th results of shor. puis cxpertnen? and the arylcofarrival nesrurements"* indiete thas the tuber of interfering wii ia usually firy small. Thy tesine theory an indiates tit for typi! ineo-sght radio inks the mumbo bf paths contibuting to vnltpath propagation ix unlly wo be Tare. Furtheraere, the theoretic! reall of the complex Gousion moll Aly mot agro wal wits the experimeatal data on tho statisties of feling Signals of Iime-oFsight rio lnks, pve for certain overwater paths In this paper, we do sot impose the restrictive casumprions of the omples Causa noel, Iather, wo szaply mel Ube fading signal Ve'tas a constant venir pean interfering rtdom veelar Ly Vet atthe m1 tet i®, 0 shore Ry @, a nd @ ane tae ample, olises, wal pax, and imeginary pcr repectively of the interfring vortor. The interfering vetoes seri iy the fiz: probity deity funetion fe 6) and represents the resultant of all the oacived extras signals echons, rays, and fie, The waulyeeapplion for td @ iter dependint or independout; Punitvoly of toauaonmiy dairboted; « and eicber Gaussian oF fuonChausan, ‘hus, the resuly of dia anys may be applied to a ‘nie cae o ding problems. "This saper tats fhe piblem in thee perts: The fate were vith the amplisadsdistbution nf V."Thesoeoza eonsidrs he number Ut fades A(L) ord the avenage fade duration 1). The fal seeion inwergates seven) nyeial topics including m-distibutions fistribations, the Resligh ditribntion, Live dtrbution, lognormal Uisteibation and the mam af unit randoms veetor. Appendix A is ist symbole and their definition Tm spite of gaast uration in fading environment end test tiwltions, the experimental dau" on PV 2 D)y Wir), an {1 of mast nondiversiey* Fading egnals obey the follwing three prevailing powcr Ins of deep fades opti Pita Shae dese tons steristes saa psn t @ NUL) © de? Gaver 8 y= 4! a he hootrtical anatase shows taat 2 the probability density funetion fl, 2) of ths resulta ntrfering weet, lee" = + i isa anooth fusetion which i nether aingalor not zaro at he ep Tide point (a= —1, 8 = M), then the atatstios PLP = 1), NUL}, and 1) of deep fel Fallow the three provi power lows (2, (Bh an A}. Tho exily satiod emdition, => (1,0) > 0, iesuiclent toeblsin thee Tunesonal relationships (G8) The set of power laws (2, (8, and (1D apwly for R gud @ ther independent or depen, # ther wfirny ne noniforey Aitrbote, Cor,» sid wiles Gans natant, her Jndependet or depesdent ws In ws fe, 8) bx sat (is) LG, 8) nsingut (@ = 1, 4= 0), den the henry penis that for sl ms wing 4b te aod hs exceptions betaian (6) eostent se 4 = 122 has eon observe experiment em gerle'n uvarcoter rai line with rte fading, In thie cass. the sorutant intarering weotor fontsina the tong wsternalevied my ey dominant eompo- next, Therefor, sho proboblity dorwty fret fla, 8) ingulasity at the positon of the dominant component vootae* vay eh ot ® men | oo The composite fading siguale of divericy combining eystome te the set of power aw (), (9 and (10) Por everiend eaco snl ly fy a abla spe sei Ua 19) al 8214 ae meLL ave MHCMTOIN, JoLRNAL, puER LOT Unt, the pace onder of diverse. Jv our cxperiente, the nondives' Galing geal of a alativey short” ra Tink wish pat Tongth ISAT rake hae also shawn tho terion behiariondeseibes 8), 19}, ad (10) (8) Thr thencetical rests (8), 7), snd (10) indionta thet tho power wr, ib} Tor the wverage fale dration ie more universe than thove of PAF 2 £) end NUL). This prediction ares wit ‘sallaleesporimental dat, (os) In genera, the lationship betwoen f(a, 8) and the amplitude distribution PCV 1) 9 nos unique, As an example, this non ‘umiquenes ehows Us spying the Tasleigs dsrbution for tine anpltads of a ding ign os nt neeeseily empl that tr ond # ary Caueinn, nor does it aeceazuily imply a large Thumbor of ineersering sighs Ac aH eormsing foe, Ay aswnge ath Ina of Knog allo i ro ns sae ae 15 Part 1. Amplitude Distribution tne ae 1 tno nl Seay. a Pome Soe Repetto Amide Date oo VI, Pesvng Sates Ly of Fate sas eA Bonin Canoe om Teanga am EX, Orsi Ned 26 In the study of fling syste dim tn msipath interiernee, tae exporinenta da on the eusnlative atapitute distribution, PV 2 23, ff op fle an Ten plotted oa a graph papor wher hw fede Fe exproorl inl atid the paobabsity of Fale we exremnd tm Lgeale fie sown in Fig, 1, 'The eonatnses fala Tange anna of experi smontal dase je thst the cnulative nuplitade distibsion St mos overt fading signals in the doo Fade cog ea wall be represented by a straight fine its «preva inverse lope of 10-41 Ie seeade nf penbabibity "The mation hich deseibes this typical trbatin a Big Lt WW 24) =I, for By 2 EEO ay ‘where V isthe envelope voltae of the random fading igmal normaliced ties nonfaded ign level, Zs wy apie signal evel, «isa param tier depending on fuding cnvirommont, atid 4, i the upper bowl of ‘gna lovelbolow whieh the xesght cline epeveonasion of (0 = ZL) on Fig. 1 is valid 3216 ur mma avenune sursion. JOURNAL, BECHER AL ra NS 4 4 4 ig Come apd ston ane sins ‘The erin! nent (11} mewn thal the amplitude distributions of nos: rovaivensty lading gras ibe te folowing square nw of deep Fates PU EMH, bg bEO 1 inanite ofthe gpestvorintensut inding easizoument wil test condition. Fioever, shege are anne vxcotional eas. "Tho mest orofouns excep ign ocean oh gettin overeoe asdio Links wit severe fading. In these inetance, she priuliy of fades, Po) 1, deren very lop 28 the sigaal Level 1 desmaes ana in chaeuteriaed by wn inves Floj of 0 ad per dovede of babsity a shown in Fig. 1, plying power law ry sneh as) in the deep nde regi. "Another kind of exeontion oevury on etrinin endo Hinks wits relatively litte multipath ling. The probablity of fudes, POV =}, doereses ‘very rapidly it, wl is eharatarzed by gn inverwe soge of 5 aR Tr decade of probability’ as shown im ig. 1, This kind of distribution Tollows the poner hw anew as nis stone snes ites nz in the despfode region. Tor exsmple, at 4 GHz operating frequency, the average path langth of line-of-sight radi links i show 27 mle. "The behavior (14) has been ebserved to occur on a velatively shor path, swith path length of 15.87 re. "The those emplitive distributions previously derived were bused yr Gaussian model nd pedir a enue law depend ) sn the deep fae reginn. For example he Naku Aistsbasions! which ised Hoyt distibation, "Rie disoutiny fond Tavieih distribution oe special cases, all exe equaee aw in the ‘leopetude ego. The exploit expression of Neha denn ea be found in Eoustion (.0-25) of Rafeones 18, Figure 1 alo inludes ayleigh dietribution (ached lize or comparison with the experimental ats "The smell number of interfering signs in line-of-sight radio Hinks suggosta tat tho assumption of 4 comolex Gaussian model may be Aju Dao of bie win chores thi et etenmine te ‘woke wt tesa er which mane e813) 3 abt, tad the sondtion for which the exeopional cage auch ae 13) oF (14) srl oneur In eunmery: 19) Thu Uoretien! ose for te fading algal, 4, 18 & constant nit vorlue plug reauand Satta veto Vet 1 te” 1 te ti ‘he romltant inteoring vestor Be" — we + 22) wish joint probability densi'y funeion fo Bb, repose dhe stn of all ‘the soceved extrseous signal, oehoes, cage, and mise (8) An infinite fade (ce, V"~ 0} occurs weenevera— Tandg = 0 ‘At thie point A —" Laud ¢-~ x. Therefore, the behavior of ‘a, 9) npae che inne fade point (x ~ —1, 3 ~ 0) i clecely Ielated to tho pover law of amschtude eistsbation 1" 2 2) in te donate rion Fur snos radio Tinks, the intefeing sgla and ine my be eres so thatthe jal probability Ueailyfeneton 1, 8) of the resultant interfering vector ie @ emooth fanetion ‘na the infinite fade point (2 = —1, 8 ~ M). The analysis hows thal if flo, 8) is a ssusth fuolion his bs neither singular nor row at fa = 1, = 0} then POP g 1) 12 for fll [The simple soaiion > f(t, 0) > 0 i easly tied by moet radio i Pe vay of Ussuace La doe 2218 up waa. vere new JouRNAL, pueRM TL hot maine that fla, be 8 nom density funtion, Therefore, the tuber of interiring signals docs not hase tobe lane. (60) The anulyrisshowa tht if fl, 8) i not smooth, bu is singular wt (a= 1,8 = 0), then for sna, PED ei 1d eh [A physnal example for this exw is the overwork whore the walesteectad ray is almost as stable us the diet sy. Tie roullant ineceving vector in this ease contains the ‘aterrfcel may which i "uot very random." In other word, th Joins probable density furetiu f(a, 6) et « Wh peak ‘et tie portion of the dominant, stable component, and ma be ‘onaderod ingle thal in (0) Tf fle, 2) is nro oi welisiy ral the ifite fd point fan 1,@ ~ 0), then the analysis chorea that for ssa £ PY ED=E wrk Apihysical example for tie ese 0 the short radio link where the pte clffenees among the muah propagation are a call, Thon the velo of ((—1, 0) fe unghigbly smal Breanze the phase, ¢, of see reultany intereriag vector ia generally nll, Anoubee camps for thie eaae ie the compeeite cgeal of Aho output uf wiliyerity noahiningeystana whore the artiGeal retire combining deve Forvez to areute a zero of f(a, B) a @= Lest ‘Tap ronsved fnding tiga i¢ rmodsled as a constant voetor plus an interfering runs vera ne liar in Fig. 2. Te latter reprints the resulta uf Eve rind exlemneons signals, eeboos rays, and no, ‘The rcsived fading sgzal noreanzed to the maeitud of the caw ‘oul ens ie written Heb RE, as, shore Rn (at The nnnnataed magnitude and the phase ofthe Intereringrudown veriae repmalvely: Pit and 3) are the normalised aon nad mance saw fan Tela amd a bo the real ent a he iginary ek te comptes inleering random weer Ie, Ride" = at j8t0 a Fs $28 4,29, 9 nd ane all eal oncom vargbley. ee uma zp power Vise eems Relat iat as Tho mfalve ne, 86 hetreea tho intanering vector and he consent “porn en te 0 awe rales frm ls Ze i Bs (2 — 2a) Iie say Tslager tate indctngsiile Uo lw rave epi al a Dalny Ferguaney. "A eomecicd erp of squesions (6) vo (18) snow ttt step fares the, sac 7} neror wien W and 6 ae sear thointnts ade foil (a; inthe (6) plave or eouivalontly whee x sad 3 are near ho indi’ fade paint, (1,0), Hay 9 phan. Tor Viney rio inks tie os ar ws the roviv agnal Pete” i comers, culllaoa, etmorpberis diengoute, wel earth Delge often way leo be replaced by © mathorntically uvalen inesorng sgl Z2Gie""° wich wbow eombend wil Uy eoastane ‘oul give th wecived Bustuntn gel ‘rehome nods) deasibed beatin 16) ty (08) ines mow some ‘ating mechanisms which miny éveus individuals ve simultwreuusly on a ding envio, ‘Going ne st t=, thi oda tap cies eet whens [veel armies verte roars knesuse the rhea deco postion (16) 3 eopliecle to say arb Urry fling sig For ant natin, a6 gears aston mse) repsvn ie average goal Jesel "The usta of se rg cedeee lu Le caused by am eq eaend estat intern wel Fe Ter rao Tinke subj to unlepach intense, che ourer of fngoming corpo raves estas sate ta to. rae the wlan fntastenng vooten Rs" mut of mnee tan one gota s12 shold nel be faresprered aa asacel physi! evo, The wait estineo 3 taut the agnitads aad the time dey of x piysiel eo age not Fanetions of parti fequsney ule os Ue agnirads and che ecuivalew sine Geleys Pa vn on coule steteing water eonsetng of ure Uh to gos ane Cala af speatingfeqgonr fan, are dienes SRO es oa, svermMe HeemETGH souRSaty mecenED in anton (18: cho tn Ube peobility Hat Lie dom signal be faled bsvow a order gua level fa sual tothe probability that ceond 3 fal-wthin Ue rebar neo aie teen ass in ef, pome aa shorn i Lig, 3. Let (3? bo tho joist probity ‘notion uf aad 8. Then PF £1) isthe Sateral of fy 2) over the ‘enue ep (19348, pren- f fleas} duds. 0) ‘he total hehas'or of Oh iteworny swelne, Ra? — a 8 ie sorntinesceenbed tx the joint eobbiliy dona fonetin 9G @ ff the magnivade ead the ps @ ut the intr vote. A anlar ‘Sevivacon in vers of gn @ yell vwan- [f° an 2 Mel ef she flowing analyse in ia toes of und 9. An equivalent recule interme of H abd #8 given in Appendix Veco es, ” ig Hig ss motel fo, ons

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