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BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: Model for Computation of Interference to Radio-Relay Systems From Geostationary Satellites. (May, A.S.; Pagones, M.J.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: Model for Computation of Interference to Radio-Relay Systems From Geostationary Satellites. (May, A.S.; Pagones, M.J.)

Model for Computation of Interference to Radio-Relay Systems From Geostationary Satellites By A.S MAY and M, 1, PAGONES (Munn macrod Jone A satan! model i suet for tn vompattion ofénerforence into tere radirelay systems from geostationary en "The mol i oneal T incorporates taney charactrie, ails erangemens, and allowable eatlide power ue desis. A program Uimlator can be used fo ealolae Hm mato power flux density caren ‘ponding ta partoular radioely interference objet. Tetrferones dition ave compl or ATT and COTR raio-reiay ‘odode wing the power fae dey Cha mee suggested for stuly atthe 199 CCTR Foti Matiog e¢ Gena, Suiteerlant. ‘Terrestin!redio-relny systems opernting ia the 4GIv and 6-H hands ehare these frequencies wish eommminiention stelive psn, find adkitionel bunds may be desigaled for shared uray. Tn the future, os the promationary orbit oceapancy ineenses,ooeistence of these cyetrs will be possible only 'f tonzole are imposel on both ‘Prenat, the Internationa! Radio Consulleive Committee (COTE) recermenct’ thar radlo-elgy enters, eudisting froeuences ore sol ly saelites, mantein a pected anger wpanatinn {o the genstainnary orbit a. where Us ie nol praetia, ‘he apploation of power inition to Ue erste] tranamiane. They Turuher teonmmend? thet sutellive power fe density be limited as « ction uf Ue angle of ursinotion wb bs earth's surface. The point- Jing restretion intended to pole) sateen from terrestrial systems MMeihode Inve Inen device for euleulaing bearorbit separation ‘fiction of neimuch dilaoenent ofthe untennm from interop wl 82 cane maa evening seunacaa socAGAD, SAMAR EAL ‘the rerommeadaion is being cerspiod with by te Boll Systm, The stelle po lnitetion Ese seen eblerged ta Geog too resiesire and, in the intrest of satelite asster economy, em izerease ct the Tieher angles of arvival has been props ho sviation ofthe prsentsacellive power ux-densty limitation vesasaes ene riowelay station in a -Rop sytema will have a direct fsnomute to @ geostationsy satelite, and the rineinng ststione ml Inne nfieiens antenna discrimination that the eddiions! inerteence ‘snot simitcane. On this premise the tix-denscy Tint ara tangeria? ray was esablisied, A Tver weation Tor higher ang of arial fzea:nes arly for ¢ éiinntia ir tetnersinion ose aed atelita ame fezna gain beusecr he Tori ai she subsatellite poi & prapesal to erect ineroave Ue ths dlvsly Tait at all engl bor hae ae Aogsoesreouice a nem evetuatio AY present the number af rwnmunication steliieg by soll aul the elistive seat power in Hels existing its, Chmsesenty, fexpetitnent with existing sels tnerering into the terrestrial net ‘work wll nat generate fia! rls in delersining adequate proteee tion for bath syatemie_A Inboratory expesiment is sore tractable but iis very difieteto smilnge actu sae hevnuse the entrferote i 2 Towler of Se spatial arm uganen of the oo tema, aed 39 Be ete should be appliable iveraationaty, ‘Pa pee an experience elite the genmeaonary orbit forthe picpase of mensuting inte: femmes nly rns apie is Iabierons tor ib would yield ne more information thon « Inboracory experiment and woald be wiineratle nthe some imitations Anew attompr to evaluate the satellite power fx densay tinita- Lion nrginated In the SLA. in peepazstion for the 1959 CCTR wets ing in Gave, Seitaesland, Ib wae concluded ‘hab au analyte ape ‘ach i the ast promiing, Ta subsequent sceticcs wa precent a desesiotion of the sylea model ovlepl bythe gathers for etudsing ectlite interference ine ve testa? systems, along with tbe sratyele,corsputer simulation, al “The satllce system ie sesumed deterministic wich all satelite in th yrowtationery orbit, ‘The spacing between satellites‘ nssusned ‘Gaede coch. satelite trmamitting the aaaze elective ruditee Iwas: Moneever, it fewer (ve etn orbit i fed ‘tae aesamption that all sstelites are in the goostabianany oobit i realimie because the number of sihunmonhic systems ie snl, and Ihe ditional ilesferenee from anedium orbit satellites eam be #o- sonal Jor by desaring the interferenes allocation ofthe eationnry fvelites, Of oouree, she short-term slevfereace contibution from titi oobi seelies shoul oot be jane, ut thi is nt the au ot of this cieewedn, rte, tie saramed chat it slit visible to a saiioselay eat, 3: wil Mlomiate sho urea uf che tlierlay alalion wath the fux ety pecmittad by the ane of rival Astunly isi ot lst the eae, A satelite may be veble Tha it may ase ® Highly sete antexte Ghat oes not iliaminate all swlioseay ebtione wth Ue maximum. permissible Cus senwty Sein, the effect vt sue sesumpsion ie not eeions because the pot ini batts ale redsge the iaterinenee tnd Toes eff con be celsguitely akon “a eeeount by izenasiog che elorlise sale le "The redv-elny system Is assumed to be compose of « nuber 0 hops. The number of hops depends ax the syst hops for w ‘CCTR system and MU hope for a» AAT system, Figure 1 ineroduece the svetem model coop ro axioath of sh Isdio-ety syste, eer to as a tending fs aoutnad ge a zandom vivian. The disibution that wee need for the rnule even in Section V i air betcoon and 2x, Towaver = persue 8 oe mn svarEw weMTOM, somMNAT, TETANY ‘he simulation is eapable of using any distribution, For the AT@T ‘emestial network, © uniform distribution ie wasonsble; however, for ‘thor eouatrise the distributions will be bitoed (Canada's network it howey east-west). Sineo the direction of esch etstion isnot the ee ws (he trandize (intrweyatem intesfeenee ane gegrepEy dietste a nig-x8g route}; the destion of each atation is asromod as a random variable ‘within sume rage about the direction ofthe treline, Again the rents in Setion V wor ealoulaad Zor «uniform distsbution witha =£25° of the treline dation The ratio-relay unianna patiers ean bo wy aporoprinve patorn erating on the neta yet, Llomever, che angalar weparation be fiveen Ure bean of the nadio-cly tabioa und the eatelile does not arreepand to the of-becn angle uf moet magne ankenna patiams Teezine the pallens ere usully meeeured je either the horioatel or {he vente dicestion, Te teus ungulnesepeertion is nother, bu either peter mn be ut eeu mvs 08 the intarereneereaite when the Separation wngle is emnell, and the pattern is nearly symmetrical in All places for emall of-beam anlee. TT aussie, tho mode ineorporstas « axtlite apueing, radio Pelny anienne peter, number of bope, tendline, ditrbation, and ution pointing ditribation. ‘hese parumcon ure tbe inpute for a fompulte sregeur wT ek enrulnoe Gr distibucom ofthe tora mam Felay inference ‘The ication of the redio-relay eyatem need only be identifiod in Inside, Sine the stationary evi 'ssecumed fled with a constant 2etelie spacing, he longde need not be a parameter of tho inte faveneo, Tho starting azumption ‘3 wade thatthe Brat eudiowcag ste- tion ie on the sara longitude 2s one of the saalites. Moreover, the Inciude ofthe eartarof the rain-rlay eysvem is nee as & peremotar ta deserie the geogeaphicel lneation of the radio-elay ayetem and ‘this parameter i definitely one ofthe veriables ofthe aysamn Inter fevasee. ‘The tending dierton ies esndom variable thal was d= ‘arod earlier, Tie variable wil not appese in the Snel answer be- favs aikibution witb aad and Te willbe averaged oat TE tymmmotrion dissnion jenni abou zen degre, There are ene ‘bow pointe of emmy tho: ehouid be considered én oer to save ompulaton tine, Assuming chat Ue ladle draiion ie meseured im sho south, there i no nial tu consider negative trendline cai- saouoeneiay rrnrEREe 85 the beenuse duplionie results wil be generated. Furthermore, spective of the nssumml disebution, only che dizcetion of trans tnission having soulierly poizine reeivere need bo runsidered bee fuse that tation wil feveive he sgrifieant interferer. Consa- {uy the saith dsetions that nil be considered ue hetmeen ‘Oand / rudinnsftcus seth for the wart Inituces, "Tho compte program brgine by welling a latitude forthe center of the radio-relay sysier, Rests are provid in Uhie memorandum, for libre betireen 20° said 70° in 10” izeroment for 50-hop ays- teane and 40" fer ¢ al-opspxiem, Some exze is rogue in selen= ing the Tattudse ased in the compiler progears. hove hut are an sina nay cae te sudo-ily eles Go ecom Ube equator requiring ome of tee loge of the pmunsnm to be chenged to sevount for the Porsuver of th equaturin, sbi. All Ul desived geometry, howeve, je. veld, For asividos beyuad stout 863°, Ube entire geostationary Cis ia eow the horizon. Cinseueay, sarin Beyond tie Inte sll eee np inuerference.* ‘After a lecuae hae hoe selected, a troedlise diroeton, ris eores Troma random number generstor of sumbere be:weun 0 and 1, C0) ” Eoin, ° shore TT is she gral-f'sla angulsr apar of the nadio.seley selon ‘Tae average angular spas for a CCL ey en [50 Ips) is mear 22° nd for no ATET store 1140 Eepe! aoat 61” "With le kris abel ansene iete lotion is the total izvervone ins Tie Mea sation fhe al vate ental, Th iit of tha vsile sal ionary abi a eden fd tie wil, intra, ceterace the mati of vibe ayia. Fes, the achat dizpucument, (oH ron of le psn onary frbit wl Un Dorgan de ealeulti} nad Chen Ue rlaivg “orgidi fisplacer sub, a, fone the soto is determined soe Fig. 2). Tao wie tnt displaemene” (aegaarc fr she nowt) 3 TReaiae re Sipeely iain 86TH me sverige eHeAL JouRSeR, raNaRO An) aoinergaat va eee 8 ‘The ale equation getunes sew die elevation for the raion lay akon ond nore remeron. The peoblem eauld have Inn ear Fist on with s naa-xyeleatun and with sn appropriate disemtion, Humever, most exist system Have » mean of near zero degrees. eo, taking tetaeien fro necoune wend ave no elgniBeance in Sia eal rise, Consequently. any’ ule sumption Wau not hase bec nih one walsh "The rletve ‘ongiadnal eeyxauton of se icereat ie in Iain AL = CIE ® Sines Ure spin of Uke stationny orbit Se symmetseal about he vm ler saith fie, the toe lotwenal span of the orbit i 2A, Comouentls, the murher of wise satellites iy Une toi of tae one fn the same niertiar se ce fet eadioclg”tesm aa all otter telizee elude by ieverentig “he aver autaite sepurion the erties! Ionita 4, i+ ol, cre Alka fo negative eaizambe the aatllito sposing scp gato inorements enti the og tive erie! longline i veadhed. "The problem then reduces the ealeulation of the angular sepnni= tio fon the heats of he radio-elay station to exch vile tlt find conversion zo se mypeyiace inceferenes suppres, "The asim, eto vac vse sabe hs Ay = oot” Joot Seg ® wvhege Avis the relative luis tothe neat satelite, ‘Phe elevation ngle to tho seit, nssumiing aero-degoe elevation ofthe naioseay s-S-wr a. © os Winaiy, che seperation angle, a2 abomm In Fig. 3, evo a os eo @ on w ‘where 8 ie the random direction of tke winery wots mane 88 ay wna sven AUEMLOML JOURNAL, vasUARY I froma the sth and i B= (+259) — SO-RND @. {9m naodom number ae a3 deonibed eater sn. th ‘yay £25* about the chcemn trendline. Tho enule, y is one ef the Sanctions of tho interference, However, ofore eumguing the interference, neooemary do determine Ue Jeti far the next station besa He aw diferente wl jt is iprebuble that i onthe eame meridian us exe ofthe sult, ‘The proeriee sto exleante th new Iaitde nl Longtnteof exe steading statlon and start esleusting the intarfrenee from the stelite that wus need ot the dest radioreey mation, Natarally new eimntlnl huis ofthe orbit, UA), aod lovgitudinal Hit, 4, wit be calculated, Farthersore, since tke starting catlite is the acme cx ‘thas of the fst sation, the aumber of visbleeaalitas an ee ile ‘of tho wartingantliza wi, not be emetic “The latitude sift of the net tation i 38 = sin“ [ind cos p — cos cin poss}, (LHD where 9 ie sho arcat-crel: axeuler gpa “o the new. tation. Aine the (otal aageler epen wee prov.ourly given as 32° far Bop ater, ie approximately 038°, "Tho lone shift of the next eatin ie ‘The eometry of the latitude and louse shits ix shown in Fig, 4 From ules vals she animatha! Emi of Ue orbit and the reletive Ingitade to ench tele ern be eee’. Capeceueny, he beam feperstion ale from exch rence slaion te cath vise satelite fem be caleulaed, "To etsumarize briedy, (he progam stars ab a giver Taitude ani éooges a trendline disetion, Then i sista the latizade of the fret Stalin in one to make the senzer ofthe urenline le nowt the middle of the ehoeon Iattde, ane i picks Ue beam diretion of the fist Sadioseiy sation, Te elouiee the Jnana Tits of the visible lelionary orbit snd eslealatas th interference om each visible fatelite taking into account the [nim separation angle. The eoorle hes of the Beat etation ere calealad and the new ect of visile Callie detained, Tho interference i ouce again eeleuete starting te the came aavelite we the one ool fr the Be etstion and proveating in poshive and negative satllve spacing inewmeste unl 0) visible satallves re exhuisies. Th interference (o ell radioxeiny stations ‘of o sytem i stllasly esloulsod, The praypam proesece with other Sacple Luniline diredions and hues x slfirien nomber of dreo- Fig, 4 Geumalay dering te ses and ead 20 tee wets onan nec. dorsi, SANE AMY LOL tions to sevurately amive at az interference cietebution, The results in Section ¥ mere cerivr fo a sanple 60 tndlinee ab ech [atic lie, Furhsrmere, the provesune is sepected wel ese “aticade ‘The size of che stviie appeneee eelequste Zor ealesntion of the seen; hosever, 1 was tag tral tfo- eelenlecion of the tals, Couse= Aqueely, sore smonthing wae aopbed to the rez, aud sume onset tier geran wit lager sales 2b cesue thot she suggested ‘eel of Ue SO-satole neste war atanraln, Inewasing tbe sample size oo sreater than. 80 Wat not od Tacningful Because tho uscertainty af Ihe ruio-rclay and satellite sharecterstion wae lange ezoush #0 that snore acetate computation with higher rmplea would net eve bees snore enlightening ‘The exnot ealeutation af the Fntercrenre between the suite an radisteay eystem involves the earvoition of tho to revel per tral densities, with the enpeession of the Satsfering spesra density being efanetion ofthe beam senertion ane, y. However, a approx imate eolouletion ie posible hgewee tle satelite gyal ix ote of relative bigs index. Consecuers, ube simplilsig aswimp'on ean 3 rade chat the iaterferine epwctiun: ie subelerially Mas over Le Tn, The yore Cnt 12x asain way sole ‘alae hecho ies i a uli! high, az when he tye is math emaller eh thx? of the jerlay sym, Feeney, rn for thw eases an upper bound Cnlelation can be msde by easing 8 At apelram with the see nent ws the pes of Ue clas! epectrun, Also the asssuption ie ‘act thal eareer dispersal is ured ding pies of Hilo ‘The actu convolution vould have been masily eave ou but the reason the comptatins were siaplied ie Lisl the pesk ofthe baso= and inieriernee ist funtion af speeteal denies, from separation of the tw eigrals, ni! the deemphasis of the radio. stent, Hones, i med have intsdavad ationn! dimensions i i ‘bumber ef variate. Monaver, the fen i dhe rosula would have brea owgionn, Tis ako “net ht a salt signe without ceriey lopersel and Tow-itdex of oculatan may geuertce more inter: iron, Te any event se Mat sper apron’ nll 8 aed in ard torah the -ralle mote atan' ‘The bean’ intas‘erenew ea Ie ort oo the thermal raise af the eyatem be

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