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BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: Measurements of Atmospheric Attenuation on an Earth-Space Path at 90 GHz Using a Sun Tracker. (Wrixon, G.T.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: Measurements of Atmospheric Attenuation on an Earth-Space Path at 90 GHz Using a Sun Tracker. (Wrixon, G.T.)

Measurements of Atmospheric Attenuation on an Earth-Space Path at 90 GHz Using a Sun Tracker By 6." WHIXON, (aussi seid Noga 3, 180) Morswremente of 20-Olle ellnsatin dog Whe fla almoephee de to cbeortin Ing cath, Yop and rain ore presented ond ecmpared with Svsdlenoons oarsmen ct 46 GH. Th fa one thot vag is th mast Simperin! contr 9 ahnosphiric exncin at 60 Cla, ght vain feousingerener Phew <8 alemuation on a number of occasions during the tmasnremen pie Atbocption iz the armapheie windaw beoweon the toorption unl afi en oxygen abeoration Line at 118.75 GEE 3 hue to abeonption hy the tails of atmosphere oxygrm and. water vapor feature. Liged water, when preset in the foc 0 esin, emf acd fg, entice ch aloenol in Ia this atzacepherio window, Mess treneale of atentation thraih te total atmesphore are af inpoe. thee it helping fo ces fe “eabicy af eanh-eaelileaomsnut ea Sons in cis freaueney rion “Measuremon's of eitenuation through the lear atmagphers 25 a Imation of clupberie -weter repor enten! have been made by FT Shimebusure’ on aw ettk-apaoe path ab U0 GH. The resus te in fais agrecment ith they. A. AW. Stren ard ©. W. Talbert® he. ©, Hegg tne 1. F, Tutria® bays measure! prypazation Toss ‘ron ere aling goad-basod pts Feauenches boar $f GH, Their rowlts agne aatistatorly with Uiearetiel pre= titions prove suits values are saieza forthe pressure broulening tonsils of the oxpaun mil water-vaper lines# Hogs endl ‘Turia’ Have alsy aeasured atvosation ‘oa pia, and the vaults sgain show reesonely goed aarcement svt theory! oo 101 unas sine maemoHe Jovnnady sasuany oT ‘Taore fa however «lack o!experiacotal asa on the effets of ain, ow nnd fag on attenuation long eurck-spree pas wt freuen nour 90 Glls. Theoretical tcatment ofthe prebler: is hempered by the lack af detaited knowlege nf tat ar clout eaaractesstie. Heecnt papers by AF. Freeny end J.D. Gabbe end RA. Semplakt have ‘Fes runt iba measur He neighborbood of Cr ford Hill, New Ferwy, gad simian shor patente mes temenis nf 185 and 2 Gt. Por the mesh part, Rowevee, ile it Jkvown aoah the hevisontsl and. vertien? dishrtwions of rain, aad ‘ve es ia unread abou those 9 lox "The netd far dirert monsements of total atmaepheris attention fn is fregueney ron be Ui apptes- and t-povide the inentioe Te wary ous eins tensunomeste sorely wei, the Crawford TEN sam someon? A rectiver erating st 90 CHa wae serelied atl eaibraedin the Icboetory. The eon trae noswelly operates ab 18 end 30 GMs, Fo che purpese of this experiment the GOAGFa weriver vepaned the SILER feeiver. A Mook digran showing thereover wonneaed to the som tracker can be seen is Big. 1. Tinea* ar logarithmic char eur qe weer ava. "The revives wis rns ls haven douse sideband noise fgnre | 110 AB fhe, a nog temperature 0° S1W0"R) ard a yeni rege 25 a when overving Uh an, A ri Tap, cour inn the fine vin a divetioual coupler, was calibenr! wing mate ond at eno leraperare ane liga nitrogen tempore "The sun tasker anlencu Besan wt GHIa wes abserved by allowin the sun to dif throegh i The rom, 9 emnvolusion of Ube wins lnigtmnse ditcbution wth the xterm beara pettara,leekad ule syinmeivie and showed no luge sidelobes. rom thie meaantement Teauinidta of 25 mineces of ort as eorpted for the tun tracker ek 0 Clg, Aimar ereqeurenen: Never the bagsa wide at 1 GH to bo 8 rainates of ae, Thus, almost the entre slar ds, about 2 minutes of se, wa covered by both Sarme. "The MOGs reesivor wes eteacked to che sun tracker during the period from December 2 Yo 16, 1060, During that tine « veriety of srvceearate ArmEUAMION 108 . B anaaen : Srwrasy Eb ig, lek dsr hs SD.GKE esi the mins. ‘wether wnditons, vil, eleed, shiek fo, rat some wet sn0M, fecurted ae Crusloal Fill, The extess atensation gt 60 Clie wes [Egeured fora of thos, No ctempe sce suo to obtain ate ton ffatistce, In act, one the attenuation through tke clear alsmospbore Ts heen ategrared sd the close wrather levels noted on the chart scorer, the receisrr Wie switehed om only sasing pers of bad sweater op when cla waa present; i other words ovly wen exeese ‘Mention ws eerie ‘heccsion Ss rv ofthe aeration al 00 GH cane! by various typer of weather mnlitions, To net the neeesurly qualitative do feviptons for most weuther conditions ‘eg, igh elo, Neary fg, ler) the excess astennntion of 99 GE ill bo eompaced to Thee inltaneosty measur wil the 16-C receiver. In this wy the 90-GTle data will be seen less Suto allenation meastzemente 106 rem anc, svrme Taemtest sormsat, raNCAR et due to rane wonthor earitions, ane more wy rests to be vie Ju perspective with the moze fariiar 16-GUls date. Te should bo borne in mind that at the time these measaremente vwero manda, too son was very low in the eoutnern eky, ie elevation gle vorying fom about 27° at noon to 18° at @ PM. These angles forepond to path Ieng:he theovgh the atmasphera of 22 and 40 "uns De pth ength at the reich sesposively ‘ttensetin through the clear atriosphere wee mearuted by obsery- ing the intanei'y of solar radiation yerus sith angle. Oa a lene cal Gey {temperature 29° Fy rlative humidity, AE) w valve of O28 AB was cbiained for We allenuatinn through une alsspere aa Haeess Atanuation due fo Cla Pour luseelly difeent typea of eloud caver were enceunterod, the ssvencivion ebartetoreticeo: hich aro ammarsed in able L,ke Values of atleruation were actully measured ftom be output of Use Tineneresorder, beemare exalldlbebangce were amore easly measured hote than oa the output ofthe logavthmic eeordcr. Only those values of sunution messured between 10 A.M. and 2 PM. aw quoted 'n 3g thase time the almospherie path length took or values poten 22 end 28 tnses the eeth pally aye The mex'= ‘nurs atrenoition vans quoted in the tele id not acer et the ime ‘the longs path length for any of che four types of eloads cove. ‘The meanied atic” of the Me end 10-CHe cloud alterations for the fn too cloud eases are about what one would expect based fon thenrtial ealetations. Feom expeesions given by D. B. Kerr Tor atiemation deta stpalt water drei iti esi eet Cink {hie ratio would be 27 for elmde a! 20°C and Ta for clode at O°C. "The ratio aoanlly metsnted forthe fist two ela ona when the fread teperwiane was sous 9°C), of aboot 25 is perbaps a Tee larger than sould he expat steo the cleus temperate is probable lone 10 0°O, This is all liserepaney howe ‘The laze value of alienation tensed in Civ 8, ie. daring w period of heary overeast onsen rainfalls, (ae Tip. 2) sees proba up to the fac thas sineo precisitation oeeured eortly aftarwarde, these clonds eontained aay lexge water droplets” In this cvent, ‘lenuaios would be greater aan inthe cate of cloude of comparable ‘rarer aontent which a2e no: ceoeiated with preciitaton and whose Tc catoe ae cntimae a bs aural Lo wii oul 210 perent ie sper tener aac a ara Ue ale wae SWEET ME REST aren os srvosnne aeroeeans 7) dooples size i very mush Jess thm.» waeTength acter yer fa thue pact of the bess ineereptad se rin; tis would, ofcourse, also have izerase the attennatia, (Case 4 ie ifrent trom the proviows throe eases because of (he lower raceativd rato nf D0 to 10-Clle alieation. Sine the ground femverafine wa thi Uo fresing doting this measurement the © temperatine was prababey belo — 10°C: If the Wouds canis of cure ie ove onl expres very Te axtamuntion a either Sragueney™ find, indost, Guxing neh of Tis ive, no masnzeable cevensatin Sus present on cor the @0- or I6-CH ckgamele ia apie a? the eropletely elndccuvered sky, hiss in togrked contrast to Cate 2 when sn overost aky gave cise wy sovlinuows Mustustions of the LG sien ‘On x ber of ovensons daring te Cese experiment, however secne sveantion cil ogeus, dat far which sme ven iv Table L Hom ‘went follows i same cenr thet this atrevtion sas sauce hy elocde tovteinng superenled ater dope, Such duplets Ive Deen ob= fered invcloue ot linpearuses as le a8 ANC. Santon” hae deduced, fru Iboralery measurements, tho dileteie prperties of supermmisd mater ae —U0°0. TE one eubeietee these Tilerice poojeries int Ketr'® eaprestinge Jor attenuation die to fuel sat dive, respecte ali Be to TGC Ha ienatin tf J e ebtained, Pais agree very ‘avarably with he seared rest: fof 14 and suggests that cloud of supereceled dcople were indeed responsibie for the stzenuation expesiaced in Case 4 sa etn Atenuasion duet Fo Exess atlerution due to Moov Som stex resend an one das, Dacsasber §. Oa this tisk ciyy abenmncion one 1 load, ra and for wet meusned. Pigure 2 shows toy ul We logan recorder onto for Both the W0- and 1h-GTTs chanle for tis daca ‘Also show is tie evar weather sighs nel Th it sen from the Bure ‘thas dasiag the period of honey fog, the siz Metts were much 1g rap than daring ti pend of heavy evens. hie tegen that te atmngphine wae anceh store ese caring he poise of og. Be ‘even nn an 2 PAI, the ascrage sstenuttior wus 82 eB eC 60 Gls wed 02 0B aL 16 GH, ving a caie of 1. 1 the prevalling. ground temperstae of 134 is taken to be th bsurbing! Inmperaisee of the ‘water droplets in the fog isnee, tevpielly, fogs io uot extend very fae above the ground) then from [Keres ts espeoted raia of $0- to 15s fog sbsorpiun ¥en alae TO muy wane syereoe eae, JovsNy JaNCnter a to be ubozt 24. The low messured casio of 16 is probubly du tthe not thas dang a og the atmorphere ie 100 percent aturaled wit vator por. Sine the sasio of wtlenuation se 09 and 16 GHs de to ‘eter vepor in che atmoqhere ia abeut 8. at a ground temperature Of 15°C ita yueeence in fy will lend Go lower predisted ratios af fttemation besed on emall droplet absorstion aloe. Irvled, then one esesias she ates fm ee to the exten watar vapor inthe atnosthere on December au (i, over he ann pre fat when che clear weather sevel was established! and eubtearta it but, values of O41 dB and 226 dB ste obtainl fur the averugr ‘ttenustion, ab 0 and 90 Ole respectively, dive to the fog wer Aroplts alone. ‘Tis gives a value of 28. for tho ratio of 16 (9 90-GH ctonantion whieh sprees withthe calculatod value of 24 ‘28 Lncese Attmuaton due to Rain Avtonuution due to rain was mouzore on thes days; Doeombrer 8 1, cond 1 During these cimes, rain 2eies not exceeding I mamy/oar wor ‘measured asing a vain guuge located on Crasford Lil, about 400 fe. from she min treks, “Table HT cummeries tho zeeulte ofthe measurements of rain atten ‘dion, In Jig. ) the logesthmie roetd for Deemer 8 a een th offcet of astonustior due to lish eteacy rai, bebwecr. # end 10 A.M. fd duo fo interment showers, beeen 10:00) .ML. ad noma, (On December 10, a Heat e8in war abeerved Fram 1:80 PE vail 2:80 P.M. wien the dyuamic range (25 dB) of the 60-CHs receiver ‘wus execeded, During this time the attenuation, both at 10 end 90 Gils, increaeed stanly betwoen the limite shown in Table TT and the AB reo af the sctanuaticn, fnctuming rendouy between 25 and 29, thud an average reine 0? ato "T. 8. Chu! ha caleu'ated expete ein ellemantions for dierent sin ratan using a Taws-Parsone drop wie citation, Prom Cha’ ‘work i ie aber Ui sce exif) ate verse, the enti ot alemation sl §0 and 16 GH doureaes. Tie eon be oun ia Tis, ‘shore the rei apo: agains rain ot. The dsrase ea he unde owt by fist waliyg Cha TaxeseParsons divellion Gwe © Chu srl Haz) the average ently size inaremor with increasing rain rate, Now for each feequerey there iw ecrain drop sito whieh ‘most efetive in absorbing elostromagnoti relintion™; the higher he frequency, ihe exnller the moet efleetive raindrop wine, Ae I Gifs tho mast nhuncont raindzope havea smalls cae then Ue mh sce moe: efeebive; consequently, the increasing cze in a heavier rit a RRRERSTERE KORVER MIR a0 KAPRRAE—TT TEV, vill mersase tho abcommdon effoorvenese, Ab 90 GFE hawaver, che ‘mort abundant doops are already langer than those whieh are most ‘eeetive; conzcqueniy, tae ineeasing sizo in x buuvlor rin will de- feast effectiveaesns© The tet reeule is to dosrone the cai 0° A0-to KEGHs iain etlamiation ce the tan Tate ieresace ‘The obsueved ratio of 27 on December 10 incites (ate ig 3) thal stenuation due toa very light rain was boing mensure. 2 i interes Ing ta nore that oven tkong the G-GLLz attaantion inerecace dras- tealy during the meaeurng period, tae ratio remained rowsonehly constant. Ths suggeis thet the inerezsod stzenuction Was et enuse hy inetasing’s hesvy main‘all a: one pring fut by ke stanly inereasing eecuteenes of light rin along the becm pth taroagh the linosphere Gn Devember 14 the allemation through rain mixed with snow, rove yall ning evan, aes bere, The retin of C918. 0H iiemetion Sows 2 definite ‘nd, bogioting al a valne af 2% Alnevasing, to 17 and increasing again se the rain sloppal to about, 2, The maximum valve of OMGH2 attenuation (36 oR) cil no, focus te samp Hime as che masinanm eave a 18GB aenntion (07 dB). Tho Inve genre wile te ratio wi ab ite minim ef 7 nnd abot 10 minates afar ho maxon attenbation nt 99 Cds sas revi, It the eet of the mow it neglected, che abave reste can be satorpzetec sing Ie. J, e8 indicating an Snereasing Fain rate

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