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BSTJ 40: 6. November 1961: TH Radio System Equipment Aspects. (Haury, P.T.; Fullerton, W.O.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 6. November 1961: TH Radio System Equipment Aspects. (Haury, P.T.; Fullerton, W.O.)

TH Radio System ‘Ry PT, MAURY and W. 0. FUL Equipment Aspeets ERTON hie ast deus the emevatans govring the gene er at ovrensements nf he TH npr, acco oar ett vain mene, BE toma oe prurient 1h scien the pence mechanical Stare othe ties, from he ing ay wl othe i ectossoe te of go weil pemuetion eh 1 is sho nate of astm sich «Tsao that the problems wsso- iain with engizcering ration gout and with perparation ef oxdens Tow preduc.on nthe sifting ope, ae of considerable ei indo Mon’ sft, the designe eteernd ih aceangeeti far ‘perlion vod secnlnaser, wor magnus ng eal incall prot ions ta espana involia ina af thee. Rebiabilty 3=else of fever impostane: inthe ‘TH syste in bw of the Inge mcesae relly af « PUT mio chanel. The design of tho TH equipment ‘ Tased noting (he pen! problems while retaining proper reo rane Tv sednes engicoring sal instalition ert, tke syuipment is do sigue irsine ns pate for asweanbe. tring wu ts yg of rope Inge [wt momiaenning shop. ‘The opinions eae be penned rrore effsieally tere, sl tie snout a Tel fnstelaion abd testing ‘Ms: iherohyrecced, Engineering llr also ashe oy edberenes {To wandantiard for pan wreargeseuie wherever posi Fer conveniere sped in the nrtaration of servic i the mart of foil, extensive uw is mack of plgein eoacetions gad plugin tite "here alco used for lfsins puchaging el ence of fealtion 02 system goes Halton, the plugs designs ae owns it the Diloseginy nf eae procedstes Spe sats sede eh tation rt ncashe aecnteranes eemeresm Fat defective ane? eaa be ese pees ga ent toa miintng-cr ote Foe opie. Some maizenanes 1800) rR nia, SYeITW HPCHNTEST ADEA, NOVI 28 utente euippe with» tee bench sal flies for testing unite ard wsking wert “Ve desig of ny’ eeuipment ie dines town carangments which orovte racy acess for eoutine testsg are eplacecen ef units. Wheve posse the tasamseon equipment ie given prefect! hatin the toys to minimize the we af lass during normal maintenance. Routine tests saw nade with ineegaced ste boomed in rolling cabinets end with ‘multipurpco moter which plug ino metering connestars an the has Ts waive rbsblity, goat ce has been soo the eee of con povents This is portculary tre in the eae of espacitone, whieh are Tema scaled desig sheaverr posi. All once ar pro de ith yoldpleced eoutaets ea have keen sgn y ele Bala hilt alo zed in the power planes anc aa le dfrued ke in the bawerapster fo she mena sudo base Thien to the topiesdisaubend belo, « umber of miselarcous ites shouldbe mentiotesl fr fhe seke of eopleteness, stor they wil, ‘tl be ramdened in dea. They ate, however, important pate of tb omplele syste, au! ile hirano ender wie equipent, wo vit svat rl ansintenne, on tehing wl testing ek eorecg 6 ane op general types of THE radio sttione: fa} main radio stations and (9) dio ropenber staions, Main alanis ane vied fu Usirehantstrien, They may be end pointe ap inermiate prints in th evetem where iniermedinte fe ‘quene TF) signals ane arp frm and dived eval iis, In adeitinn, main staiene provide poita of Mrxbily im ube yatem whore provision i mae tor IV pctching tad snitoxng, sutomatie peo Unt seis Ting, diver pking ap of aguas ton from oe 0 ‘ae ray asi, el rine iteing rom rela 20 potee- Tr sued: Such sation abso rile eorerien. eins for pe Toning aeons teste, Thee setts ally ace fly or atl lead ‘The madio repeater stations yids tranaason gin wos] maintain ine--ight paths. They comprise ve majors of Ue aati i ay largo apetem and sxe somally unattended. Coke mais satin (he reenter setions ore mone rites i thet ralenp and ane ne eta Ile brs alas? feer plane an’ x bling corstrcetion. “The transi eqpren! for the TT oun yster falsinto ovo ‘omenhat diferent categorie, One isehales the merovane nulla ne QQIENY AepneR! ME SHeKEAN 07 seeniaced micrave cane supply ecient, which is eon 9 al A genet view a thine i done in Fg. 1. he other Stendesiciten anh a protection swing and packing ine ih fe fond nena statins oy. Te on ears reheated i iene faa us preferably nace in nin stag ental ay ths 1% re pou sven mueuntest JOURVAN, SONIA 361 typical foor pl ie Fig, 2. his desethle beenus the miremente for the mirniave equipment sre devermined by ee munber of radio thannck provi, nfvteas the resuirement for the other equipment fre dlervined bythe matrer in whieh the radio channels nr assigned fd aduiters. Surber, uhste are unique reciente of the edie sauipmens whieh rane stolen 0 Khe layout desi ov eaeentin. Shedim of chi se allows growed of the Ing fempment in tar orderly manne, vith conserves: sings in engineer ‘ng and installation expenee. “The plan avople fr He seroma b's essentially te sume for all seasons whethwr sino peater. Ae chown en Hig 2 ch of the thro lines evginaes with bese equipment forthe group ne with the three bays ler the anieowave enrrier apply and the olher with thsee for thew snilary vaio eharnels Beyund thee bese hae ithe lize et sow independently we ong c2 aver-mumberel rhames are sted fet and then eer unbeted cele, Thine pele boeaas the boys bey thf thie ane asoraer wh ope ale of the station for one Thevap snd Ue opposite side Zor he wher Hne-ap. Thus, only growth ‘of In-up ssaintsined even thee the station may be temporsily {emma pono she vote, "he tinal fettes proved main station vury lo aut dr Sng reunite service al adwstaice. These consist of 1 cya autuunatis protertin eee, equation, and patching tnd tmitorng, With Ue varying sanounts ol Lyre of ech equip, practical considering dn ve rt sigh deggee of ead OF Hoorpln hyonta, However, there arr wsietons om tnsissinn Cable ngths od pene eatin of certain Bey, which eoult diva ied anna f eancezaion pve Bgaipment Fur Plow De actors whi eel to adgnisnd layouts ofthe ri equipment ane the navegiie Tor microwave saver rupply disebution ard for finienn comaeetions the ibecveling air futon, ad he need for Shdniy grit OF these fasore, the waved: nei bene rn roan stench, Rigi wexegge edie ein for ordinary Felt ngealices eos dhe varome pieces must Te Wed prises in pie. Premnginering of wevowice pores i weoesany Wf ty age tied on the jl ad fr Tnealaton ‘The enteuns waved run, which erginaie al Uh hraadban rio nage, are imple wal die in themoclvse Thee are four waves 1500. re nana SERTMAE THERA JURA, NOVAK HL runs from aach 20 of hays fora fly equipped station. However, the runs inelide the channel seperation netivrks fr the auniary cate ‘warmers end aeeevsrs Carfulplansing i the lotion of thee ‘works wd inthe rong of be waveguie fromm the aeewacks to the colin chine] radio bos ie aceestiry to ep waveguide mine short ard siple ts vosble Tm the distbution of the eauierfrequensee from the microwave carice supply beys o the veri transmitter and aecever hays, si sore ditfealpeoblenaa ar. (eof hw te misnas eis be distibated co all the euband suo tacamicar bay (eg ul rns) and the oer to ll the brcudbetd nadia recive bays Cour ul racks), and both enero vo the wislinry ene radio bays Thi i severly tara “avrg shes" ne fr ah ter Cling “waved juneions hang one inp nal tw wal pee, pls was se parens anc bends a engl output nthe iene eure supply Uy is divided an satlviced. Tas iste sweeps an: po uc for te various ing contin transite ged ig er hoe oataining receivers, Si further epiting of The migra oneier ‘oer tlre plas within she hain eansiter and rooney, ‘The waveguide rns are lated in the space above tbe radio bagand ‘over Cte tena sh fw roa of tas, 8 shows the wee rent for a fully poe twosay mts, The apne the oe Rociewse serene ox mays vse sigeteble reduction in enpinorag eort is rote if hese wore frangenente are stunned fe all wns Tis bees dane Sandan or ps Tn bev prepuce accordingly: 22 Antenst Wasp Connectioaa Standozzaton of wavngnide atangenets hs bese cansizad to te rzaie reper nu ale eoutol i= petal, Bryne the ado rem, fie ratenve serge rita sana be copfed G0 a Bsa penn ‘ons of arying jab cous Seositeay, the foetion of the weather Sell ten tbe wage poses Ueugh te outer wll of the bling, Seedsevnsive! by the position of the hubling votive tn the antenna noe, and eben to provide the eel ditet eas tothe loser, Waver ‘gestern Irom The racio zoon to (he sealer pace mas therefore I fuged eu i Tal sditinns. This asp of the je er sim Died by the insorieton of exible waegade at the wouter pate Inv of eae raver a this pin takes the mating of ador onsen puns 40 outdoor saveguide runs etsier nerhnntealy. 1 Iidivnn, the fexibie weve ate og enous x0 that any indoor swe in «group of exhl amy’ Le connected Yo ay outdoor wave Fide in ¢ coreeponng tou. ‘This is ipertn sne The eraee com Trecone kar fn altar to loon, a delersiaes Fay many Eacters sohich exe cif lo sumtin, A ce weathor seal nthe lst wal the mio wan, the indoor sesvepide nan tom the eadiy rau eoreet to pester dow. ML The atdooe end of Ive pve wimleos, the pvsnized nse tune erin: thee swireth bo He tena sem, The kororlleesor Briana sid systems smubining notwrrke of the antenae sero ave flnatdy Been sksrried ene note i wale of the prableae involve in the napporl of eras and waves on Ube Towere und of wae se rms in the balling, "Tenure equines evumination nt solely of TT rin at of the vetel piesare of 114 wordline vith otker ssromo, The hoeo-oferoe Seen ca trosmit all thtse mas surver miewoease estes He laped for Bel yen iw Tho ace thane TDS, emce (TTD) oa Tkine (T}.Ssedserii n Re 2 eatean ening networks peri ouplng igs of ayo ll te ts system with citer horiannsa br verti! polation single unten, ac ach ssigent re- Ipives a separate naceguide gu to the preeeure windows, 1302 ree net APOGEE TEith eat JOERAty NCEA 10t ‘The numer of enters equine for «given sation depends om fa tore beyond lb sce of thi dive Tal tanger oo one to w mse maxim of eight. The sl ponetine to plage unten oa in Fower, whieh may rag beg row abt 10 ty 40 fot. Thus Moti ee utercedou of tr svat all nor ryes appeuring sl bath polszstons sed, there wil Le eight antennas. ech eens ‘si have tomewed to He fall exeay of syst: combining aesanks, tveach uf which sb rrtungular wavegcie rr wll connector an lt vate 38 forth sat In ena « reenter ston oft sg rate squipyal oy for TTT nalio need enly have one combining 2et work and tn nesanglsr saeeeide rvs per mnferma, ‘The fll Fepipped stations sith var stems wun tw 4 limate of eh certains ts Ce neem ww, Bree of te wie arintin ple i the peso tems oubining neon and Ie sswesatel waveguide rs the bli ite esa Ua the design ofthe usporlng somtare pom ex Inlity i engiering to meet onal csttens. On the tomer, this involves ‘he postioning of restrincrs and prntectve shies forthe combine otwores whic av, ineftst, a extension ofthe vertical ran of eels ssid Poutanen Adjant to wir hat ot tpt drive inte estes enisnirg nctwork, anges re provided co rapa he rretanguer su-oguide esting tothe tase ofthe tower. Thess hers orang taper dap melanin ge bv seven ‘reais the romining aekouer aa deernie yan is ‘ution and network polarization ix combination At the base ofthe tower, the retsngnlar waveguides ame ehasneled into horzontl rine tose bids, Where prea, the honigoatally ri wie ore pl iy enon supporting meuctuce, Hest the mone usual confit i -0 tovidefer separate paths te the bullng for the eifleset spasms. This ops the tora lengts of waveguide te “guts ur he trams sol rovers tina, ta sehiove The Haves ptr ras ls. “The miewnnee nado eget, stings fr MC veering ud proton svitding, eexpries the comuron mieeywase ceeior "apply sad he enuresis Ser both sho board nd susiary nly curl. Besruee ofthe problems iavoives in the matin tenance of this eqspment asd cmasideraions ssing fon use of traele ingswnve tube (TW ampiters nT, « new type of bay framewore soa designe, This ee desig eld lignes by Framer reverie astucrs oF 4 SYRTINE et nd is sp so, for uniformity, forthe mllples terminals ofthe an: Fiary rh chase Sling ost Bay Tw lding-rak hay Famnewore purse ely conrdinated essoeia tio ote ie eenprset fas, so Nw pace sore efisenty, acd provides equ 0 all epee rs neste The design sso gnplites the stein of eooling ar for eran cles and pesmi aeation of ‘he TOT ene for eoweninat aeansevane™. "The desig provides feuentiona typeof ras rete wish Ihe eprom ie cuted, Thcrayipvent rk sn ia mente it hie Frameweook on riers wsth he Taos of the ack st ght wigs Ls te eet of the bay. When {rete to the eqipnient fs nine, he eae 3 pl forward sat the tse space In this pin anh ses ae flly cowie for taint hance. ‘Ths bogs amy asad ee-byede , ke Hooks on thls and boas he alien foe permite aves all equip sn theron ise, he tos has may” be kasd buck-orback ne arsine a Well "The design ihre > Fig. Tae hie ssw mae ap of tng and boron eatings hs an jue tngrtie by Goa eunncr poet sae nto sf so a te ont ed ie dened Ia sou fag ese tae yo Tne of a fs the rami of fabless the bottom Iw Tay srt Ble ia provided over tbe Trough to emer vio ee thoagh she np es and fc hogs an aed, This dct 3 we for the abs uion. of fooling ait to she lays i the line Ue lids rack is eonventionst excep: That the rear uprighs sexta wit ese tion chi Femme adc from cop tu bute of thy rask, hie duet Sr nso for he dtebution fecal wi to the eigen ionanted an che rack Ales plied to this dt hah flexible ose enor se ain duct i th base Df hw hoy. The rk i moun i le base Framework on. envy ut TalHoarine tracks Shien travel is pried fy he Urns pei tho buy to be lly ere in teow prt "The bs ic 1 ule wid, 28 ease dec te ste el igh overall AML structural motors of can bisie Sovmesurk atl tdi 1c are Sho uf slim, Ts verieal members are extrusions and the Zep nied sols memete ol thease frascwor a laced ie 70 eet tig lo of alu, “Tn pent the aiding rock so be wired on wd, the poser, conn sed msollancese conaoetong ane mae the rack jn fein ease ‘hie am position dforeed to allow the requir nveral moyenea

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