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BSTJ 40: 5. September 1961: A 150-mc Personal Radio Signaling System. (Mitchell, Doren; Van Wynen, K.G. ) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 5. September 1961: A 150-mc Personal Radio Signaling System. (Mitchell, Doren; Van Wynen, K.G. )

THE RELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL A 150-me Personal Radio Signaling System TL and KG. VAN WYNEN, By DOREN Mirren ne perma wiguatng rats ae ten wo a as al ele sh tyler guid Lon experimental Woe Yor! Cite te este tere xtra nn. he stk fn ree dente svar det! Se dr ne WuUg" Fie gage estes uc cea one on eB fren mnginecets Hao unseen with he 2 sent ad (Borner eal sats neato pte, Aw expevimentl tial of « 15U-me personal rao sali, <rtomn Jase the Bebo ester ss sinrtd fo Nove Vine City Orta (Mi. Tho service given vusintms very slr to tl provided hy Hane telephone compa syeiene wow open nein sever all iow sytem, howewe hea ith greater tafe eapacity, hsceteoive af greater aretisty and ivy, and eden die customer dialing, Teal, sha system extends the telephone Bell to the customer's Se custonmey carves # pocket radio recer containing reeds vio wine trocueiekes Thi ellos farm toe ceo tively fignaied. Thvee traenifters ane insall in ve noe art of an Futon to give eovempe to prtially all Incas llo ith Soret Cental offes acrangemste are peovided that aceept call tise iv u,v sje, etine che pete signal of the beige to be noel hose Lanea an the 1210 me neu systnar rnemacL JeUUSLA, HeRERHER eh ‘When this sigral roars the oustezsen’s i cans the st to emit salting signal. The eustone nom kon Hint i afin ba recived fin poten eal add Ie wa br tee Hens: “eephone an ala beck larget Bis meee ‘Ph evtems now scsi ab 5 me gave n general, hia same nd tf esvee. As be pond wal ten thie pape, asceer, th imin= tions of the 88-ne spatem, whist ineide netevers of ower sleet fd mostivity aed slower siucling jel, veoly tnt te use in tig elton, Ti uldion, there a won fundamental problen wring from the lined naraber of Fropiney allocations available ut 5 me, fnunting wich ofan stew ko mony than few buble cue” Conners in mun sal es Thoee pee the min resus fr proceeding ‘nth che tia of the 150m system. Some rompurons uf the environ Tenia of the tso sytens even in Seton TT, “interesting general foatte ofthis experimen ei is that some ofthe receivere wen provided wh ropvenbe baleriee nd somo wath fechargetile bles "Tho eter type of reesiver nos st ae bal= fey be roshargiel every ng a desktop anit provige for dh t= pose, bus this wanoves the zereedly af applying ares hastery tose Tn Honey lemcng of Uspajeo. i wae apoaront that heer ene ‘oyu mujer techieal problen. One waa te need for a ighly masiive jel seos'ver wf cece napoaave dese, "he ofl was the need Foemare aeons biwoge tadie trae int bring "A ery semitive, rnb, ad recive mesives aw been developed by bel Teplione Talsornanee lo eqwsle ‘hte 150-me range, This fever will he deserted nore de i fortacom:ag paper, bul mare (fies chwvnclerities age oven Ll ia this paper. A resever capable UEadving service a 85 me hss Ion eve by ants spi. * Tonler tw litsin knawodu of evi transmission lows ino buTlings an entenive fest program Yor sep early in tie projet, Those mins fucments have been eovert ivan ean paper by Ive.” ‘Operation the UelIboy system cam fe understood by Arvin Hse yuh fa cll 2 ie progwses hoon the visio pore of dhe ryan That arr str Fig, 1, Whe tle ie an nagent need to ech ace me wh in onto the fi, is mseetacy il hs wher, eich nigh Ye, for exemple, 25-4054, noe Tatas, She Deuce eemensary bark, flioned hy & urbe enn, whic gis shat che morber Jes bust seeloed,ehorbod, rd meee in the ont oie riper. he may me Hone up, Ls if Sasol sb Heese a fee oreordé Her ale il eas u veka ratement ha: bee Belly eyotom snumoce wll he sgvaled. Within peti ening fn far Senn bs > mite, tbe sigual i ton th ait anal Ue case's sel evs seule hep, ‘The eustomer nov depresses a butlan Io rtp tbe Dee es te nerst telephone Cia this ets, a pay sation), end calle Be nice 2 Cont Of Acenngmces Whit sessile happrord ng ater the soweary dale was typical of ay dae telephone ell Tho His Uno dil of Us aaa, fonmapid br ene offi esynaon aed relly would sepresent the ie seh vrsen the alls! party with incoming server. dn the ellos: eytran the nasntorpart of the terminating sete! oes is at fay the ot Iersnal hie pls theme plat tthe cabo prt Atte ryt Topi lin ae wine 0 recente Oe et find set rp proper Route inngh tale oie Chet be the te aceept digits any tn Th Hone fee fora eg ‘8 al pes ino the poveet J is ranged lr arept any Ahi ie ‘of sgn Fig 2 iustres the Fanetions ineladed! inthe 11 eel 1212 me meus STETRAT THORNE JOLIN, SHIORIE Tt Vig. 4 Conc ace aramgmont et fone igi, M651, ase pinta che ore they ae reccived by ilgulee gies, anabercheeing visi then verios hat the svinber He asnolly ihn the number Blrks confining he ali vokac A connetting eet ne tansors the fur digits So the Tracer inn rv site store a tro-out-of-ee In is snmber, alan with line die to adetional eis, stays storage suttenle fae by thestorngs ve 16] eto, wie orenee when the reo Inwvaniters ar nvallie. Athi Erne ra -ealat ree th ifort {ota the somes in annvecr flue of he 32 te genenssan in se 08 Cilazor tothe cranes eontrl it Tete the fons are ample and fed to the theee vaca tnoiiteys in the tial yystom. AM trans Inittors one ined ox, ata tho weseusr of the mduaing, dane an IRE sure is vee’ yy “ser” eieate av each one A timing cient then nuirtaine the motion for about OS reson and chen insects Ate of fb secon olor ews ig). Bach iid code sg ties roe tries to pan sist de pa Thr pale thew nA posible cals wl, tene a earn hm tinge rons a univers of. Am foe slen Ibe teaneetin [rom the four “igi devin numba asaignd to neh tesive to the hr Cones nse from made nce simp aa sermacal by ssi oly 3200 of the fsible ore, Ne endee could he provi by infrodeing woe Forepeaced eausstor or Hy frrensing the mtsator ol tvs Tully system nimeny ro evel on thesis oF ep Unt ative Ahn Thue intereals hide ye af ght's over ene inte long. ‘Ts ergs jeens am cron dsigh, bub rolls na dle elie aa rag fron se seed to somewhat wore eee, with Em Late reason saci stossteve SHRI ass sesonge vale af out onal ante, foe amb sled ints the teri ie trae neiley ¥ Mens fs ae n'a Momogo, Tha: uatuler eeaine eschdve we ol the cin oun o-e Ties he boa taste the hic tte abou i econ ler Mio tl, arsving avbeneamst wait Bor serve. Ul Hey ae rite Jn sequence, eh taking about one aeoud tw proce Allee te think ‘razsnision, each number is eleazed fm storage and, whew the as to arsve has been cleared, the next waiting gion is erred in sian fashion Fy 3 fe fr cngran llstting He foregoing or & modesacee Tea mys, This assume What Hw ff he earn einai ines ang to sve alle 1 2, ad in grap A. Th thd tomer ‘ell coped tone ice. Dr that inser alle rong T avrioe in logy anal ais there faster ranging Fon 82 to 8 seoords, AL 64 seconde efter ¢ — eal is sorve. The figure nln shot the mal sacl service of gnvap Th wl be ele ht the rainy {ine interval pee the arial all in soma a Ue completion ff the thi tonamision fe 120 +n} asonde, whose frame of ‘alls in the madiacly preceding exoup. “Each code that i ramsmitted eenmprst nce audio tons ee bing sopiet mu stage tt praitoe nomuer honor 1 ee 4 bea 7 Wetoaaae OM run oma, sare necuiekt sora, Su 1H tone senites are erystleonl voll timnsstsired square-wave gouers= te Thy pd dalle f 7.5 eps, beginning a S17. eps fending <1 N73. Thess equa saves age choo Elwnal to prnduce Fine raves ee frequency props, rend high are foro by omit the center Freuneney, 2.) ep. Tw iy peecnd eystony ene ede cone fino of tye duce fromm vane agoup sme one frqueney from the fller Twill be clear sist sevwxlder prods yale in sh ever fil syslewn fall ets the prowl ange of topes and wo alway fall Tetore lones tthe range were tend by adding more edd harmonies C175 eps Attough soie thine prude een Tal on operating frequency Hey wil Ie to oar evel to atrodtee erm ses Pat Resco ‘The pocket rrciver wil Le eovered in suas deli ia 9 fortheoming paper, baba ore genera dscrption of i il eof nearest. [bs High sevsitive nd sletive adi roiver sing ten teaasistors nnd tice vibrating re. To vies of « meeiver ae eave in Vig. Reels Ere uvalibe for each of 22 fooqanntee poo by he Sion genta Hed any tae ma be inset in any recive ‘The mnie proper eunsit o tio stages of RF arpliation sb 150 r,s veils with cdc iver, ad thee stages TE. Sh ews Aare toed for thse funotins, another ie aed fr the iiler, an Ue for ‘heaping dev he eed Gil ansstr ponies alo signaling lit smal tenasducer whic produces the beep. An intersting fe tm af hr eevee esha tes oy ome esse converaion wth TFavabaat5.5ke, Thsleabce hacallowed at eeonnnieal woviver des and pricier very #tsiaeory cneration for teed igang. ‘A subeecuont paper wil dese se reede manos ctl, Kael s Dish stool runing fork struct with » hula one eves, sar to those wand in the ial i ed sigalg incre eaio a2 chron, Virgins, some years ago" The new min lune reeds however, cceapy tly best onesewenth she space, have ses onesinth the weight and reqnize oneith the power of Lhe ut ak Rien. s Intraed Operation The speraion of he ternal dowribed ubove assumed that he radi chansel wae cesigned soll to Sanne ae thee or he ial The txminal, uowever, has beew vesigno xa thst Ht ran opecare on a tamed ae wei for mabe eephave series, dn ches “ingen ony ‘seal the madi ehaurel ie alverunted between che tv seve, th o> bie telephone soevise aving prin. Fella servion munibers whieh Ihave boon fensmitted ase nay Se ein nwt nore than shen nal intervals telephone cll oignates before i setond testi, ‘Thiet result in intervals of vine Curation bean st und sr ese nad ied lessen. Ae this period of Hine heresy the eustomee might come confacd aa whether he wea eresving a ee tion ne anew ell. For this teas, iine feature provided Me oni cirouit to eer from sarge any cals which has Dem serve] “phinnever this inerval avon reso ly bg Tea well nn that longeresae “kip ineromence hs sovossitated Aividirg The North Avera conn inky aos Seach af shiek ly fone oF two ane eommon carver Irony” allosations ace ve. The ture of skip intererence is euch that, ale the frequency alls tion muy be reoed a distances up to afew heed ales annat be rested at ditanees fom gnghly 10H) ba SOND ies, Fi, dicate this ‘wollkovn zoning plan its ted for 36 me mnie telephone evi Ty gouerl, this means thats. tenmnitie of esonably high poe, sch 240. nn area ersrny oeTeNT JOURNAL, SETPOER HEL bog. $ — Commu ere ong pl or DL Se te a 2 250 walls pus be arsgned onl to ison one rsueney. Others, ‘evesional ip ‘nienforee fon ts endion el rose svi inter {feene ta mie elephoue veers distant xc. The vather signi frat and of iors, however, Fiat eh interfer, which aroun vo Peeves Ietemiion, sully no more tan aint 20 dh ace & IM Png recover er a ea 30h less msi than moe te hc reeves Bens of choir smal ewan. ‘Thes at 5 one she Tinld probobly bee isteserenee press iat Lelie wrens from sistant sone, On the other het wonld 0 be ulate to tans 21250 alts choad another one brn i interferace into male rallo resives editing taneniier power 2 dh ot more dees not appear to De practi solution, since even sit 250-vate crapsmers ml higheper fermaice vives the range jn moder steal-rinforeed buns fay bors one aud mall mee, nd to Tgelty trees ih in ia fee miles, ¢Beot V envers thew wera in tore desl) ‘Pow factors suns up tothe eons than the Dotty ef ease tude umly mutica ro give Hellboy serra a5 Ue negro hued fy cea, Ue neni shat is desired vo ive sue sr ce tn es alealy basen hghayy mote lepine serve, i is ecessry i lograte Belby wih rhe mobile sevire. This can be Feadily doe, but plage «sever Tiniltion on the poe marae of foatomere wid te goa of sorsion. uly he ae ae, i ile i ig 6. Teel se ee theft ehanels sot, so thatthe ml be no high powesed eda tion i shat soe wn any aecehy chganvie. This allows the use of ela lively amareletiee-veiore. A peblemm may aver, hosnven, these ie Ptencaliatefeence fwon vacehy channels sigue ta other sx. ams th entire One rsp 3 then af aed cane, a aba iaFig. Thos factors pert cho eatifaslory we of super-epnnative reiver to give serview fs ran sto rleruesiged eles Posh "he rauteys About 20 syste ane nei rercie. Bucs a zee in asumaily substantially sips and therfore chexpor thea a mote elec Hive eroiger. Ass mates of fat, it apparent trom Fig. 6 Ut i meet ‘Salina chee st inventive Co use a ator elective tecever, ae long fe the preeent allocation plan ie used inthe Sane frequency rang. ‘on the othe hand, tis also apparene thar, sx order to provide ade ante eeview is he reas whore fhow are Iaege mitokors nf patti Sstirnes, apo ie rae (al wate ie ee are Frere shan waite, Figs 7 mien est situ fon in he lll Tans. Hens therm 11 shana aged (funn care kg atl, lie Ten tr lenotange tevin prea all ese chal ae ilk fv say wot Tn some highly sted cavae it may be neceeary to use almost all of these channels for awhile tolephnies,thezehy tenwiring that Delboy service be give on in integrate hax, In many aaa, even the tiekly ‘clad onee, however, it wil bo possible to et aside at leoet ono clea? ‘hanel for Helboy, As pont out in Seeron TV, one le hse pro vides & lange ester exit Tu ulti, he 150m estou bs 2 ‘Lio-l spool ulssstagh do to rh sy of inaltaneows tone instead uf ‘he cuenta ster wood jn Ue $5 eae receiver. “Thove advantages, eset, ane nbd a ¢ wonders cosh, A indiced in Fite 7 ie moviversletiity mart be pl emma allow sujacontchaniel ypu, This of wou, alka implies high degree fee sty "Dh central offive cuirent:inthe J terminal e designe on fas Iie aie ov only she exigent seeded fr x paeientaretuation wl be fasted, Whe fllyeapped, tbe syase wll naromedate a nexrooma (oF 3900 ional smn, ae fal she Flloving naraber groups 10 1998, 210 30, "000-2000, ‘00 4800 ‘Dre aude of Beltboy eustoniers, WV, hs een be served froma singe ‘pulio shun: depends on the aroun! of lee whiee they eerecte, Sine te Hong ne, of uch eal xed ab approsimately shns cons by design th alin rabe ning the ar oar haces Te ‘ontrlligg ster, Rar experince ich che ane sem lien ony FR cll pe eustosaee se day aud approsimately 1 ell pov hon in tbe : i ! a2 i ie. Petes in channel ar

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