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BSTJ 40: 4. July 1961: Project Echo: Antenna Steering System. (Klahne, R.; Norton, J.A.; Githens, J.A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 4. July 1961: Project Echo: Antenna Steering System. (Klahne, R.; Norton, J.A.; Githens, J.A.)

osucr eco Antenna Steering System My R. KEAIIN, J. A, NOICTON, and J. A. GETHIN The Projet Beho ecperimen’ employed large serait eommaniaton ‘oneness free, These ar bly verted tenes ft sensing auton wach nite att ad acraey poate fot tke prsainy sale, Tle the dynam contrl of antnos how tbe fepaced en price Ball Sytem enmveecatns, #2 wit ay ae Supt debe face agen wai ny wlkng epee, Ahh unease snemeasrowl be sted to optical or asdar bite. informetinn ce eters ura steting learns i eapected to be rare ecaranzita een many antense snd tes are vere. Tae hte seal ee fs Projet Keo and played he alloing se ps “leering satellite postions by aevutste ain means (oor ce, ete the hse etellit ort elements 2 es laos lena tse te Futare setlists postin tourkeny at ea ten ae the ef bai i. tre Hove pings vane pong ances for she aaa Te the Bro eerie, thee lnvetions wee perform ye Ali tack tlie oun etiork wal Sur Cael Space Plight Compts= tion Contr, ski are loin he Natioval Nemopauties ne <Adiainsstration, The pret ages ye rms teletype too the sonmputer ef Wesson tte Pal Tolplame Tan tores seen Castor Hil He el, New Seay, The Fst pion eye dese psi design pnblems contesting the tees of potinginformstin forn compte osuteuna sity al enor there dt is eviews ig sige tab move the tenor to te beet angle a the csi tins The son portion deseribes how 208 as gota spre TeSICAL AMMAN, FOEY 19 these prblems were mpttehid fn the anterne piating system prom vide fr Projet leh." 1 Systm Canaidoations Seer face fect she dos of a dana procesing sien fr ane toni srerng, Fanetions posted by tee aye ele 4 saan of poedited poiting data from a omputer Ioeaon ‘othe eoanmtniation nina and temporary nage thexe porto tach slit pes 2. srl ofthe date fons storage al synrhonization to ee time 3, erorebtok ng and rejection of ereonous cant 4 cenverson of liga orders into ale command sire 0 sonteol the antonna drive mechanisms "The mos impneaat faetor acting Ue tsusmisoa fity, rege ver, a dra oronstetion ecm ie the seating ines of the Gite pointing ivormalays delivered fy ths compalan “We wll uee the tern dota mnt to denote one sump of is informa tion, and tae fenen date po iteveat todo incerval clo foreeive pins © wide range of faterens i possible, and interests Trade ats ca bo me helen data, rae rt stneage equi nent, eompirs:y of he sonvetsion eqsgment, abd vl per formance, ‘hero is «one extra, the poeiiiy of trating large numbers daa points wi rt datespint ateresee Advantugss of Es ap fron coi from twa eonsierines, Tis, the dist toaralag ee emi process vor sindiorwan conversion of each poi inte Ancnuicslent yeoman "Te mpi he aonvetsion equip find ene lve fn Plait, Soe, Hse data terval i shor; therefore cerns ‘hb unu” in Esai, erage, or gece from Sotage cue enly maneateny elect. Dimaantagee secu fur. the Tange emontty of daln spinal deserve one saelita pas. This plore gn exctsive bas! Uae computer, Hho tasaraissiog, wd the rg siti ‘Tile ter rl firs she posi ranamittira fewer vets of pnt ings with ei devivative= at dara-point atoreals of any seconds, nexpoation bowers ska wints sein “hese evivelisen poids o> femstruction eon tina pti efron. Retin of dt for “Se CASRN Sint aaa ach pare obaine athe esperse of mone evens eloolations ye the enpater ated ta comple conversa enipanent tthe aaenas nei ad ter the data tare Hae tts al age of rina storage Tectia one hed, ane the snnpleity fhe daca conversion ipo a the antenna an the er Wet bing cit intevale ate vor, hii eit a more coniinased, Disree samples ot position and higher deivatives Socom inital conditions in a integration proves whish extrude aver asa dn interval lrmor i teeemitied data whieh are aot cetetea fond removed ess the en tor the durion of the de ster Houver, in this ease rani for satomuatie star ebeckia ete spliced to die cred qsautities withont reining peoktvely Large saat? dt “To sunrise, Ce opened terval teen of severed Eas= tors ‘These alae the loud imposed wa the Grvldard sorter in the moder as copending sees aul ihersndee erntioey he nt mal evafabty of Insure Uinks, ral Ue romplenity of the Alta couverdon ecupnent edd at each atu ‘Othe drs seeders instnds the sth! nod for onyseson of lu eanamnited gia data inte atten steering commands, There ate ‘wo authids, ‘Te Lis cuighys eleetronis doowling of liga pring, fommeaads s9 equiva sag signsts “Thse may then be tse Ainock snanber of antemnge ate nite A sexo mee ive en fon of thet menon sat wetness form and a snbsrassen Trunees the enesiad yosstions ani the digital comma sigs, Here Agta ror sig thy aoe dsive, whieh ne ure ensly easertel vg ence to artcts he attri sever. The Tate tet, pe fev en prec anton contol requtes separate encoding imochaniszas iu digi ubeccens ta eae ance mcm. “The srtion sheesh yates whieh wae eg i tant inti instrtions from the Coed enmapte to Hold atl cere fouvezs dea into ante seeing dene 2 Syston Piston To the des, ny oe fasts discus i Sesion Two gon silreo Vocertatien egaing rape otal peethatiow nf the Talla satellice plow eanphass at om appowel that would provide ated pointing iste ctions afer each satelite pss, ‘Tbe experimental TENG ran eee aramar monies soruNAL, JUN a nature ofthe profess ected the wee tespensee trigonal ‘nvage mia, wel a reonably snp lpia tena reve ‘Of primer inettonee are the duis Tange of th sccog dal, the egnversnn gv sbo rede, Yt we analog ial ree by the eutesina cout ators Ve Fro salts we te paced ix nerieut bite at ali tunes 890 fo 1000 ie Mian. sngular tracking woes wun Tie amr 15° per second an average veloties wacld be mate lower ha “To nse that data conversion eeoes would not aeteadio trans sion whataster ties, lesign gore tolerates wm se a 0.09 ‘Continuous threcaviw ae aero volages wene eee £8 output of the eoaverter, 0 eummand each externa wn optical mount eral ‘nunc While etiveel eoverson ron ital Gr to ae eign epee Bo, on sper teing sal inermeinty servos to. pesition synch austnitir write wae mare estetive Plein moducacon testes wane used ts yustion thes servos gal inje romans were cmveried into pule-potion-mndulated {PPM rignale. AY che sume Ur th rervo output haf yeti ere toritoned iy pression roulver angle tans, Revue outpats pro- there PPMT sgh of he are en, ‘The ty PEM saale sero com fhe nn nse has to erate oar sigs Lak postion sh ore avis se Supt Date Poacanaion A four-sccon dala-pin interval eos, This allows the deep From ofa engl stelle peo be (ranean ogee OD a mie {eletyponr-er ehasnel fa approxintnly obese amount Lin akan by the pers The ation of standard speed tletepeeriter wos nthence by we fork Consension eqipment a2 aval av the Gord canter enter to prahwe yambet-paper tletypewrites ape Bom. tac remiss eutpcts THs ae ood be renvarited gaa reprodvel fa ehe antern slo provide econen en da sctage “The poling sh finished gro the arin h and elevation ontenna, angies somone: far the geognap hie lwation ae Holga "ns a sp plemented by: te vevage rites uf ion aindeloeation over lm a= Feeding data ‘olor peraut a ur interpolation between daa point, 28 PRpitatto- dno Coneetor rgueictioa ‘he das formal, rate fetes and ang wore chasse the igitaltocanlogransorter suipmert, Pebly sein ood eon Un: yr ust wo denote devimal data ine 8-124 binary code, withthe fh ova f sh tage beng sada ingle nda muy bit ‘This ws pews Lercnae rota of wrly 14 vharuters yay uosded, "qnenees of tape ehuraser call wiele repre the dkss-print tis, ‘deanuth susie, vlevason angle ath tate, and location mate. Pack Twor is dented on the tp with i identi tag” code wih fl los the word. Iu sti 2 idemtitying the word, these tgs conte the switching of she words tothe propre estan within shew sonsion ‘els Tho ue of 42 males the peratiny hen depeen ox the resnense a7 wore soa) muakes the eyton: sane taerane of eur ataodeed by tnx links ‘The conversion unit assembles the date Sn ls, sychnonings 1 svt eal toe, an witcha to counting decoders, which proice p= postio-oduiated sas proportional t the dial dat. "he fellow ina poruerapks serie loge eaures ofthe eoastason wal. Meer Tito? Mh esi owners aul sonveeon of te PNT signals to see rns ane deserve neti ‘Able ingen ofthe digitl-tosnalng comvetson wi tow i Fig. 1. pluto tope reer rss the tape cbasaetes in esqunce = and converts the infrotion to elctricl signs These aro introduce ti shift registred to arene the sera in‘rmation fzom the tape imo parcel wor, The wess-aseerbly Testor eutpu: eeds the wt ing decoders wwe the tne-axparson cert. Tho oshor put vo che Sine-somoui stent isthe eatput of Tord ime This ce Fair provides the eaavesoa uast with ral time syzehrongution. Ror fntpute re ab spied to the tog deviled the parits-eleck vier "These actuate the cowl ont end deiernine the arton tekza Dy the ‘Consideration of ovens thes cove while n Wack of informal "# read from te ope Misses che opens of Ube conversion wn Ase Sue that Uh toe i toppod ser the enas hus rl ine ag. hie {ie ists te wor in son inthe word-veribly ibe as the tine yon emesporing ts he Lise forthe aext daa point, Ths tne tron scompaced te tine cmpeaann eel ih ce contest the Teevli manner. Au aint iden Larne Hnwessmpacion dna eanges a clock leet alr Lal che nest dace point vk be (lsd Tape ear ation i ntited. As the tape moses, each char- fer is examind by ae deecdre the tape arate bing te is fol tag, the eon ents of ihm anadesesmbly hgter arp eis) ene Aig ta the righ cad the ne cg mtor is eore on the Bt ‘hie procesvonrnies wats ngineentesoe inthis issue, te azamuthsqunty, Deteeien of te aaimsth tg aime that the a ‘uth nye si postion i He won-ansemably riser aad i ready Cor Trasniacen tn the azimuth envating decoders. Whess a signal from the Seimuth defer indicates that 3 ready Uy esoiee new ds, i is are rd the new sairuil word is eased Com the worbassembiy fegiser. Roading of tie Cpe ostsinue, wh exwinaton of eae ear linen intrsd to che ordeaseorly repstas unt she eleeation Tog ie encouniered. This eases the eval wore to be pl in te Clevation dese, ‘The tate informatio ace sinus. After the {at inforwaton lie boen Len tthe ate ries, ean oF te tapi sine ati the next Fw tag isdetosvl Wi indicates shat these sul forthe ex? Bk of ifocaion in the wandeeeerniily Togter nd i being cone panel it lel ise, ence tha epee Tin hr of te time-onsaaon ezeuitis designs chat Zr ata bck inte pooper reece, Uae comparison sini wil nda eam ote a aon tag i tact fs he evades. ‘This cummin rks fe che fue ine, when i tg is read, the ent Ione of che mur sennbly segs rd ae Ieatime eounr ds mt ounpate, the stant ezesitenupes Ue tsa os advances tothe mst ise gms renee eve or) tag and mate another comparison. IF dese Hanes eorapars, i ter: pro cree ag novmals ft ap a gies a alarm. I the comparison ould become qo cura of the slenand proceeds 43 usual. Thus ie the ever of ¢ time-comparicon faire. the system makes « euch ‘hock to son Hat hee nt sigs" got behind aay happen if an rnin males hts hance ool ke tie aI te eoparion ‘hock sill fails, te slain alerts uperting personel, However, be ‘oe of tgnatiaaindroprts ot ens, teeters his ol fe inc Sheva it wil ssmaiely eorce. el, gully ete any ral rasntenaue rings est ho tated, "The dant eeek hit wath ach ester hued the eras i ul Ha pity orm deere Che wt ale mai ae the swear Fe et tee es Ta so cr the Het Ie i sn Ae ees ia Ine ern, Ue ening tkeles mtinamsty seeds asisth nl clevation angles, whieh ate ‘uedavel with sl Latteredvel rate iforsation, This gives sh stern sceling ela, la eons Bleek of inna. may ee fed wit sstounyaoting th eyo aceaear 24 County Decoing “The converse tigi poinsing commagndsjnvulvoren itera ‘conversion to EAL se Whi fs perforsed im hygesed sees ing eres "The esr x vey se: the mle ie fered elf toutes ih fg cons ewan At {a oronstonee of atte pb, thie witb in saceed By one fe feet elapad eye uf stil lak pase ose. Zeta deteston se ‘ty attanged the sounies tpt profes an outpnt pase when "he mscter noes aon The Kane anv fy tt Te ar pe se alia ie lek ove ed ei Tl Avie 3, by "This ive nmr Tovey praia ta Recent portion che logical eonicetinne So single souaing decades are seen Mig. 2 Thy arranging thr sonates to teeysle fers reaches Rs peo content sreesive zso-erasiag ostpre pres ate produced a tte “utes ‘and ttle pratt sok Pete aad Tal wane ste in The vomiting sence: Minwowess by arrmging Mie tii Gn tf the Alar pues tat 12H rue pose res TaN suUH Ay Se RL Bema, 2 ‘where © = total aur of ses inthe enanter, suomsive zero eros Ings ttses te re abr degre fhm thn stat pleos by dhe same san Tht ten ste) @ raining 2 fen pn ane of gene a uated a ‘Rar pe postion ie svn hy te digital quanity plana i te counters The telatinaships berneen cotter eons, sa. ple, a ‘pute ate aly vw win Fig ‘Mtns @ mer ssw i fe ter i qual Sag come sown, stonege of shat reser be posi laa the sounser es he fanversion press prods, This roel ef the sniqze relaiorhip Tete rounler route al ne Uae ese foe ensh ph HTL el asoitn sts Vig. 2 Coating sseater oe 1 wabtine sont sysiom applications, the rpetiion eats of Hh decoding proces is impartemt, Ths rate determizes tha bandseth of sale that can 9e devi, ‘Phe dorcel elation yo ects, dee ined by the nomber of slates in Tae cotter. Conner sages operat AUS ue lives eg eRe anal wpe ioe 25 Inlrpaation So far, counter decoding prrenes ave heen considered in whieh the sonmting ma reste somes? snd interrupted. The gnerat tive ler alee, Hlowecer ig tienen ay lle a rate, the arietinum ean be pe ced the esntents He eonater whe she deen process 2 fines, For exampir, couse a dawnceoating sequent emanier fa Thich nabs of elk spat p= aor init ‘Ee un ting Tress fetter Blt) aon ens aonars Tete thant veil: wel ove mn pant cual to she mbes of ined tee pals ix ellevively aio ts the eaanter Silene, © the aloes ingot esi 1th net ns goal roving gy He ea sgn nie eat ea The Its of tes pa ee ete saat ram the counter sor ‘he ability to modify te wots. of eh eoler sed fr interpola tem af npr dea over onch na terval, Angele poten commands troponin the couilors atthe begining of ch date-poit ler AXP tee ome thor, angular vrueity eons are plsed in war fomaters, Te in erate deveined Yr Kae veoety counter deve gor extracted nd ee ping sual to iter the nmber nf lock. Dilses fen the position mater deers. Depending on the pitty Brae velocity inturntion, se sp to Ube postion scutes ney ether ikibited or iter meage fr ce dentin of his ers. Tn this suantorinenvnenssof peston propio to avenge ely ate ede fo the portion eonsand revel ies over the data interval Tn the egiteltoransy ester, age psionm eomamands wre db sevded to PPM sil povide mrs AON-egreo, 0: eons, cn ‘mot aad a moduliv3.¢-degres 7 fine commana. Deeg spend jnataroesteqe dornaleounter, giving w dood reshui of O86 1S enunter elec freyuwney off ke pri atpate at 500-epe rate aie information is ome with soe sjuensy of 8 me to PPME signals having w lLke necting rata One a shee onepts fs ecules i imee por sod wd mos the ecung uf desi stage pre

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