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BSTJ 40: 2. March 1961: Winding Tolerances in Helix Waveguide. (Unger, H.G.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 2. March 1961: Winding Tolerances in Helix Waveguide. (Unger, H.G.)

Winding Tolerances in Helix Waveguide Hy MG, UNGER Astana) ose: Septem 29, 1 Ive poet bac wept te ivan eetee wi Toe a stovana by sly caren, dn arb 1 th Bei, eta doo the ce spate gt ete ofthe wire ting. Daly the eatrbutons frm ey ent ‘nna pitch are frye cvough co inst wt wy ul paring. ‘Experimenta lous orgie hae ed urs, Th fille ont ae pling Bernsen irsalae nec md unsoanb we, Brom the ooupting Boden meee se ati of ola ose, the eouptig fn Tilted wees fom For ee woot ath igh Iovce eavepvit Cowpuioe winding asin fey, grerae! t eit ‘Tile au utes Sropsustoe I the wbuting Kecene te ie SAS lng tor exon cman anton evar of Di snavant they ts 2h de ant fle sve ty £9 ps con af loss pg eoppr pae vith acoth Ate. Preset fabri jars inne snare Ml a tha Hsin wavegide vonssting of lowly wnnd ialtrd ronnie reed it ant eletoney fornbing of serve jal so 3 Iso edbun: Svs ietaie mes I loge ane emma tion mith eresborsorsie waves twas wade ey, fw nega ing Benes er srt rary as tuned Tw sop nea of @ pa nora sarge ev antag, th les of esenlaseoerie war ders clly th Tequrney ony peat a0 wave, Amy eda Hye fn and tt gas roy iva al bow pita vol ai the lve icra lesa ewes TDeviatos (von ol-aiges aod decorate ore sein of Teg wevoqiide hae? een solsae) wore tnd thoi feet mn isu Cleric nae Toi as a deere"? Wan ee mpente nue nen vere suoustest sortNan, saneRe 288 ios ae eased fn ty satarng press Oy are sail os tril sor He guid ng lhl conan dane. Ts they a nearly the mame avecage Toe tn The eeu elie wave a they dh in gplain stale warrguide* Manusecouring tolerances Zar ‘rains td for enoaraueional deiermons a threfons Ue ae for halls wavewuide os they are for mowlie wrest ‘Lsigtons af the vending dma a lonepitel wife: epi ee incpee- Fevsons peeliar a the helt waregcide. Their oe ex cela shee Save tsaemision will be anelyaed heer ane tolerances oa tae winding 1 he hos aera tr kee teem wl destined "This ean nv rao salen wen His waveguide i uals exad fm round wee wit un nculting layer Been when fash ali is perfec cecarate wad uifors ta der ser Tine a atooth mptelie Revegside acd to tas enewar electric Weave a. The vania effec car betel a3 f0.078 2 silly OnconeLave 8 the Spd Wie ‘ho eceurerental wulleuerats ofeiealar elec waves ase Ionity dabributed in @ meath well. Tt tho spased wires of te helix oveganle tis dissibtion ia anmsanfe, ‘Ube hes asia therefore ‘novesged uve Ue sau wal ee In Hig 1 hi oe ineronse ile) ‘ier the pacing Gor «wate size smal empured to che wavelength, xing risen cleans. cwoueran nares ‘WHSTHNn RANE AE RC wa EAN ow a Patel! 1 the oof sai i lly ord ingle ie an diameter D, then ts pte ane"? # sg vn ly We one! ‘The we enstoms of srl electri wasters cient I te fo. waveguide tie pac is disurte yt is itel, Poser lino ectie wee ipated sU al pinen Zhi the aurourding jock provi ty Ihe song ce nti. Th aed ‘eeu elveie sare ls deo fi ie oo aaa E) % ‘whew Zo — Vig ie the wave fopelance and ko the prope Tio combat we suse die fhe ama ema cE Ate Oe Re v elm ple onsen ti Ty BE AX reoctive jacket ll wot ssnace nny pores A Vol nvr stosigne for treasni ig te sire eae are hey a ‘unaren ara jacket with w yore Tage wal pean Les thi ee Sep gg tne, 9 fea a sce sx Poser Dissipation Voeon Wire Spming Voven Mngt ela ie ley woe the woes stp ease’ by che vin sti, Wh he else ld of eirvloreletie wares paral tthe wav, she opae botnets seal eine rad Being hott this Sutff averse sil Cw sore ri ular ween ase pre, wb i then seed by the ket Tera elt wa Tour ews by thie ser aloo has Ben insvetigater Sor varios fos of ine rae svt” Fue real ei ie tha Ios a9 sa feampared to The ely cure Howse Fig, 1 Ui 2 uy be iy ge fica ime Chessy th nerrace inedy eee Tues, nthe Hae the nce iil oa cig the wa, Bn 2 fet of Whe Pesan Ve ang “ner a hs hes iss a sl eae gave hi hv laa lifes. says Fs lorie emis rae race 200 tae RL exmune mnenes aus ny ANNE 0 ‘sn the outed to ta ayo ‘Ute le wal eras wad all unrent loses ase increas, Ir wit, he ate leo Foe a any satin g moter. roses levies Ms a bt ie i Tell uf the ereuburoer tiv ssve, Ff fect can Be cated swith seen printin Te tos Kerb fe ena srg with c die Ti” “Again fue he He flor elt layer ane ae sta eoanpuzed to the wily ear! las thal they oy he eee Nhe af neg ie wie, aml ste apccig bros ingclation are therefor te-rine e c fet o 42% a be eH he AO Fig Lo oped the yoning the memoces of wee shoud 2 las "To inrovge tha efee of u rele ur noid sw urbe ary onan rnc renee shoud he widly se! The era in i le lei wave es fom Fg, Datei 123 8 Hil were, to ste Ir of wees on thee eng “The proving soussion as ure ey Ts le ipso vend lx ware. eee hes 9 Tas ently ae rnp, One importer in aatienae hae been mes cea m2 Zaveb rials ut he's envi ed Rp ell T.anboas Labors tie, Frais imerte fw ily lm wind ng, ‘de frame the ie pie’, single Cur ofthe tei uray not in a raneveae pla, ssl inolved sd forma a mal. amg # with the asis ison tr fusseasal nding abtvel nich at aumaie ed fern hus no ctinly ining ees inition ‘els ulna Tels ver so unde sourerson, Ther sineple voy ane jae iter ele save province saves (Sh mocunitosuly tel sind ng shite sus of pots na Fatioas tre wee, Chanter a ese ix wawrgride, a seni of thish ere = — O wal = — 1. bor bem cafacted in sw eobitacey Tanner by ost ny shut Pig 3. Wish whi deletion ie acid Shorey of euide Cvetiry dete ul fen gent deletions survarae View aoa, ‘Que sy te alsa pronation temas thi etwad sein Sst tp the formviie fie wae propegstion in the curved bes warez fi evalua Hs fr Ure sures debian ee has chen Mead wkrail's rnalr an? te pain fs dsseribed by Serene soup et ieee al ae oe eign sonansNirs AS FREE wayrantn ou of ft order eiromaleencial epeulence (2. UE, andl TMi). The eigen vhs lh Ihe ta aang it 3 the maa Irmmagatinnencatont of tre compen nvale wl be — VP = (EIR fee axial propagation conga ofthe coupled spade a. Nis no ation face forthe seule male gion by (23) on] aad platheh on where — 15 the peal ns Ande tof unit anole idl a went power in tae fret ote fo the wae mdm, Roe gentle delet the wp) thideund peu mecew ats =F Eegiven by 2 ee mu svete nacusieas suuuat, MARCH wim f oben ne wy Another sy Wo ealelata mepagaricr: through the deeeted. sulin js Wg eonislr ib a outinuey eee waveguide with a eortinnnaly Varying It # ofthe winding, Het the ase aod Ue ll B — di iT hen es aging bese a iene lees mode m and nace x Sey et drafter The song tert fo Chaos ht Bt oh wa ESE sae “The voplrg entivent for tld inding i il alr Amplituge and phe of ova ick; we we giv ye noaef (eee) Pipa: 00% shoul sv she soe rl a (03. Interecing by parte Fringe (10? int fru Ua ty omnparel wth (6 410} ne (Ge ti Oi aon Azqutins¢11) a 68) roy gle eal ree when f ‘ Rome TR Hence tho covpling soviet fo etd winding ia G A =the met an Sabri froma 1) wd (8) ines (123, al Fos (12) inte (8) i) [Wah these counting edits, genszlied selexruphits eyuations leinmie soa Es ae WAYROEIDE 133 ‘oun be writen doar tor the bel waveguise wi tilted winding, ‘Thee ‘lation sess propagation in tk oiligusly wound helix wavegie ompletely. Fur eanrpley ts mide of ait anise indent on lens Zo helix egies menor ted winding 62, chew ‘onal awplitade ad plas of thie mode av ie given ro aceon le by af Efomu foment oa} ov “Th summation i (14) isto be extemal wat only over ele mae Thal abe over Heir tv plaragtogs aero to th ork tion oi ray: ot ony bein the plane of Fig. 2, 4c aso ke nerponicla ‘hat laze "Bron 18) the Toss wish raed to she mae bya Ue nding ye calnlared Wi iby — Be) = Sen 48% and Hi, heated los cones ve in 8 cel oh (Pr = Qo 382) : ow ff wonme tae "The oblique’ scum ex of the yreonloy eion ie juss a eer cease of a gonend regular wing. [4 Fig, a tun of euch ar slice Tis hee been din in ore det Ase fogs a mall pl I wine {allows the me += etn act e069) us) around the vrsunfinense. Its dtotion devntes hy y from the trans eres dino, seve tay — tan Ong cn to rt one for sal ti, f= bain an (4 um meas, avarane eReRRTENT sOtTeN Ay MR oH v-E tn os) Amato of pal ona dn mst it ig ta am Bem atte 2) ow em ese the lipase th oe kt ot gh The tn sree err coavrisg Svat can $8 Ae, ay Oe A le (22) ar fe runnaens 1 TAN wea ro Me ay cn sar rae Mm 22H, ww aut, _ at Me OT jae 1 Lat, 16) TR ett) = OF — nt re ito generalised ickyrplat’sranetions For the boundary eoitons gy end 20 "An appropri tebe? pment texts of ro wales the pert: hele weenie, With tc ate of ave eons Be = Nadya 4 pe, Ty = Nuno) 205 pe whi tiny lave equation er os ti normal ese Go he et es tie mo ntl ir the n= Er eek) En (ht) ae gg heat Enis) noe CE eh wy esting 21 (28 ad (26a ig (28 he bE vans fe LAE From fy = Wt he pot ti 6960 nnn EL. SSE MHCUSICAL SOEANAL, MARCHE 1B Balad a= plat a nd rm B= Ziyi i pe hei a DS cS) ‘quetion (#2) ie the characteristic equation fr th peeeet bel wave tees Tle role, = aye eersvne the propagation opstante | hex te 6 bo on n= gt [a ara ed (om 1e(-8) xCh-s)] “Th inteyeal in CH) extend ver the crus set o He ges Bon is the Krsuecker amb, "The edepencienee of the voltage and current coetciente in (20) is found by sabetiating the sue of C20) for the Uransverse fl come ‘ponents Maxell muons. ld Ao ios (21) al Lat ee sine (2 anita Umi of ie Ug, ev Bee hE 1, Fu wed Be Ae R) aK [gma wyia0 a8 = op DS (20) (ont re 4 8a rt nS,

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