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BSTJ 40: 2. March 1961: Pulse Transmission by AM, FM, and PM in the Presence of Phase Distortion. (Sunde, E.D.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 2. March 1961: Pulse Transmission by AM, FM, and PM in the Presence of Phase Distortion. (Sunde, E.D.)

HE BELLSYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Pulse ‘Transmission by AM, FM and PM in the Presence of Phase Distortion Ty ED. SUNDE (Manan reid Otte 13, 10) Tn puiveeanamissonagloms, poten malate in vrs wage to carey nian nny He ranted hy amps, phase oF fee vate tion of cari, aul thea tipo of maiaion varios meth af e betieve pao Aw smpurtontcanaiteetin x wong alco 2s the performance af raians movuatin aul delcion method i he prc fave of pes otrtian se eunsolent rude day datarton, we a Nenana i rain franesasag frien. Mh peincpel purpae this preseintion fen tvadicel ceabenson of twanetesion imparemonts recnlng frm erat repose pea af delay tartion. Phe: iran Pe oie ee sete se eed Sr ine sia to-s prava fo hefen of dby strtion. ie arene ation I Jaca rms of be fetin con lv encive ple trsiniaion character, whieh roe a Pours itera t the owns aot phase characterises of th eae, Hrasvial vate ave tn Hest Joe eave gals ras dey ston, gto et nual by these aly reeset five orm af lay itortion sith viaue methods ef eaerer meduation ard signa stetion Thea ide movin wth onslop tt ath syurivonoe dean, pls nt fose hase tae we Sckemane it tetion aed dient pase detetin and tary fe ‘ono aration. sun chante ith ear a “he maim freon ipa AM mn ants avRrRAC ron SOPRA, AH sO Tn deeomining te let of dele dtrtion, arose ease anette prt of npn uth tv spe ae Leen enon al et, lege wih the ncn pe ate printed with ths sptewn ond ‘deal plementation of each aoation ad detection methed Farthr= nore, optima adjustments from the slapoins of lieing tee ea wen ling stands a ke ctectrontput are eam for each ortenon eae f tog estar, Chew ieaiatone ins that any he elect of day ie tari i ealucted and eonaidere in compering medulaon malas, om? that hie fate minimian by appropiatseyctem auatmenie EP Boars PCG Prcuae'y Dieta Beto nr Si Sara ee Hemi a Be Sette eo a HEISE Shane pie Hees BE ». Here S ee ee S + bes Gshae gegen Mo ase: HUIS RE USRESI SINGER vi Seen BRED ccd gantsie bs Sin! 9 Eero Mn ise TaASAwGsHOS: WHE PAE stanOHNIOS 855 inary pube team by Yasue mtd of earrer modulation Jans ven Galt wits elanhore ch the premise of idea upland ih lanktvstes of the eaieeehapsels! A importa ommlerse Tin i misy appeationss the pefurmaoe the presence of phase Gisortion oF equivalent envekqye dle’ distortiog, whi wa’ be ape Drevahle in eortas transmission folitia, An ideal xmplitre spectrom Di receve pies can be aproicli tstheald of appropriate teeming fiere with dual ett, nae that che asoeated phase characters inte i virially Tinea, Neversheles,proammeed phase distortion my tee untountee in pose tscasion over cbeanele with shawn eas ute he pbs pstran bad, fn Srequerey esa eatin system "cane deigaed princi for Yoie sane nisin. "he prinipal uwrpine othe provost anal ie a taoretical eva tion of transis impairments felling from certain zepeesenative fynee of delay diswstion in pulse tunsision by various methods of ‘tie? megalotion aoa sgl detetion. These Seanemssion imp ert are elected she rd fr nero sipvalstoma'e ratio atthe Antero pat te summa fo the cBeet of delay lino. "The setfosmenee in pulse tts hy vast cxeer msl sun! ciegion metho ew ly csited to se Sati a th Tanéer pale transn'sion rhwrarteies, This bosie fanesion gives cho Ullape vf single euerier pe tthe Auunvel rupat, Le. the detector input unr ideal enon o in the preven of the particaar kind of anwaission divwrtion nicer consideration, Brom this base fines tan be ceterminad the euveloges of woven pulge tine at the deter tor "put, ogee wy fe pease of he were within the envelope, The te oi denssvhdiel pulse trains sita vexous methods uf ware Inert advert sy tne, be determined ur ons cme Unt of tranemitted pokes, bates with the masz tees fi inpairost stom speifiad typeof hel impefertion, such as ‘Sela stro fe ic ere “The eories poise lonintseon churaeterite e elated by a Roxrior insrgia. te the muplitade el phase Puractasatic of the elanseh Ie his hen eclev ind ewrbone ur pulse ith a raise. cose speetrur fn cosine avin in sranaission delay over the chan! ars an for pulees with a gauian pete ith Inear variation in delay. A tevin uration in delay i aypmaciated i some teassuison fiiten find ha eetain advanieges sno the sandpoint of anata, oth 3e gars rave eh agp Gem opal echoes ‘sometshot snus form of day distortion that ated ratisfatory S36 eras svermne momen sown, stow oe proximation in many euses is quadratic {or pasubale) delay distor- fiom. Quadratic delay distortion in theory npproathed none midland ft fink brulne asl ih tarp eal" neh aw carer len ‘oie cre aol usally alfonnsaliartnryayiraxiaton aver the chore insnortt part of te swam Dan of stch abasnele Linear fol istorinn is approximated when shea ehennel och gendua else tne se of ainda a fla Danas cnn ‘sth sharp cuts. These and other types of ley distortion do no Tend Ahennelees tn convenient alia ovation of the Fourier ine tural far the jsike trammision sharneltatic, Howry, a prewat thee Intagrals tan be eceuretely evalted by numeral integretion ‘with tho cid of citel romputers Zor uy mpesified pulse spectrum aac phase distortion, TNismerial enue ace glee Hon for the easier p ucuelrites wid Heat and quttalie delay distortion, tageter ith the maxinnm transmission impeiements caused by thee Limiting and fairly rrestative toms of lay distortion with various methods of sari mxtalon ed stl doo, These incl ample nex lation wth eevelope aaa wh arneheonous deteetion, te phe abd fur pase sada with aunrnonousdetersion and with diterental hase dolestion and binary frequeney modulation. Im dovarminiag tho {Mteet of deny distortion, w russ! cosine amples spectrum of the pl wh ete pat hv ase fy ales, together with the minimane pulse interval pried ith hie wperteanty Aud eae Hementalave af ach rondilation and detretion mated aed atime hg fons ae ata officiel ane sampling, ada {elector oul. Phas elias ene sal ly elie! of delay ‘ior fev and snsdosed in on:paringmodation eed, 1 eof that is felt to sealize with espericental rather shan ‘aly teal compasious ‘AF mentioned shove, the promt analysis involves bse neti comms to all madutition michal whith in genera would be detore ‘rived seth the aid af diglal senputiys. This appraish hae eras falvantages in enpavin i? mndticn sete ned er he ede oink of optus este gn er ret congener ri lian ofeach rrodleion method The Iter div! appraash mey he preferable for fy apecta malts meth and bype of tran inp tal its Int wed in contort with & binary diubiesitehand ABE system with envelope dtcetion, for cine znd ine asiations intra tistion delay ever the chaanel buzd asd for eombnetions of thse? ‘The tromsmiaioa impairnenta euzed by line asd euadratir delay Aistoction, an enmbinions shore, have been determined expert oUse TMA SEIS Win PAs: DISTORTION 187 rental for a binary vestigideidrbaad ampltade modulation dats Inasion system ening envelope delet! “The proses tay de concerned with ens "roan struct var- ations in transssion delay that ovvarily peedaninase evor smaller "fine sirirture” vacations, eserol i eanarision felis. whew vores eoualzeion ie en. "Prananson impairments Tro fll irsgua tive stustare gay id phase devitioneovur the anne] and evn he worluatee by anew digused eeewhore™ and wre 1 order eve 2 Gensral Ti envir pute movtlation syle the pe tains st the eran ling end inate earier iy senile, phase oe feequeney. Is AM the comodilaled sonal depends wa Th enesope of tho reseed earrior Duce tsi at upling nes iv POE on the phase of the cartier ‘ith “he ervey ad in FMC a the Hie derivative of the phase wl noe, Tn dene To owrmauce of ches varios rer mis inthe peeeneo uy Ineabsen dsr ows bs areule the reel ener ules tale, "Pye swore carr palee tit al Tue rhansel outout, Ly che de ‘ta ip ea allege Ferns i torneo the oer pao {rasan haart, tt Ihe evi raior palin response toca singe (runsilled pst, This pe tranenason ehuraecenstic elt te the hope of the mutulating pbs atthe transmit xt, ft toy de smplitede and pluee vhoracteitie of the ehanoey byt Tonciee inet, az asesevrd nd kere for spoil ees inthe Appendix, The geval formulation of the piles eine at the detector input und the resulta detnodalaed pulse Naive with various methods Pease alo nl sigs dtoeir salt ith she ellos 2 Career Putoe Penesntotion Chaaceritce 1 sl gear that nee pio of tetanus cnvelepe fs pli ae cance ef Tate ate. The Feevive puke sith armer Freqenes can ther be wnt: in te freon a [Be 2, Eon #2004 PEt) = eos ad PME | in (od QMO euler 6 eOIB.D, a 868 a svstiae eusueRL JOUANAL, MANE whore Pay = Ire + ALIEN a ei) = tan Quine a Raith = Pat ox ett fo uth = Path sin galt, co) {An thosbovw mations Hao Q- ave she envelopes ofthe in-pse and ‘quatre uorsponentsn the vil erie pale oe P the es fcwvelipe. ‘The tine tie ae ride waged lo eouveniealy own ‘rkin for expe the midpoint of gp interval ar the inant ‘which J or 2, reaches a maximum value With a crviorSrequoney ay rather that a weation (1) ie sai Path 08 = Folie) bin bat = Bogue CT sd reletioms (2) thoongh (1) ae eorsspondingly muti yy repe= ing by the setcph 0, When she earner esque ia hanged ean ag ta te enetrans of a reewivell pull il Cuangy, puede the Leuunissionarequeney haraesntis of the chanel teeaine xed, exsepe in tae iting rare bt eatriee pis of iniitsizal duration having afk spetruts ow fren by apompriste moeetion of the ransissionirequeney rhagae- araie the amplitude apeteum af a pis at tbe channel eau, Le the dtescor input, oan be mace the sae regardless of the cate fe hnueney. On the latter premise ef equal amplitude spect at eurricr Frequencies ey and a, the follwing trations apply (Rei, 2, Euston (28h) Rift) = ees ft) aad = elPatth = ov ets ba = Wala a (ud = BRAD) — sn Cd — HOE G40) = sin fet) = yt — pa o ra ant — BQH EE La — By, ot) = tom "198/000 bbe LReltions (8) and (9) apy when RF) at Qa eer te the ovens sa sesaiss TERE Pre haweHtos 250 sari hse in (1) rather thaw ree pas fy in (7). IF 8 ear Fe pave duo red as refed ~ ia (8) ome, wed Rey = eos aslts — €a asl, 10) ea = eos ida + sin Wink (and (0 4 Ew CO} wwe CLL in if on Baby = Paes = (ese + GFF. oy ‘rhe resultans envelope of ingle pee tae dh a nega af carrier fen nd hose, onthe prvi of a Exe ple poctrar she loaned np ss asunsed ube. ss Pale Trains ad tet Lap Let ures pase i sited a ater 7 al fet # th ime foo the mips nse eval, he following designation wil be introdis for convenion wat an) -[t (hee)]-mieem accra) <a.[r(54e)] auto Wee) — Za) ens fes = wos = 9) + Dota ain iat yatenlote — 0) — Davari on sehen fie stmt ape beticen = <= on w= Duuing the nest interval, 7 to 27% the rove ave is abled by eplcing i) sal fet by ofa ud yale 1 ad ths Band oe mPa — a), Ene $a eos fas = yan ED) = wen nd rer co iit of interval 2. (01 800 run AcLL avRrED Tac JOUKAL, MRE IL In pie moduluion torus us eomsidered herein i wos ‘he eodlating ples are rectangle in shape ae ation om he ple iotereal. Por rua pli li) ell ie mong pes, C1) he hw Wy = om fos — yeh Eee = a) ~ Hy Datesete When o(0} ~ a ss const te input aa consinuous ease, thal cada (17) i gon an Wy = wd. rm (ad = Yad as) ‘where isthe amplitude of th tressnosinn Serquenoy shararlerisi af the elannel aw ~ a and it asad the detention of B, fd (that tho pase chacucteristie fe tovo gt ga, Tht iy a 00m ant taazsniscian delay it igncred,whie i penile without Toe generality ‘Whom 1) anil Q-() ae ectmsinel rom the char rams Freeney: enact Fe vx Teer ine] eelicoms im the oer represen be 11381 tira of ae Apnea he fll relations apply for rectanggalay taduleing kee. of ation 7 eq vo he par intereal: A= Star m, an o- Saw m. en 24 Ample Mouton In AM atoms Yan} = Wala) = oad — go) Ee er — 0) rs a ba Din Wen ayaehronous dezeton ase tfered to £8 homodne and eo hese delet che reseed Wave epi to prec deazodaator together ith dndaaing ve en (uj ~ 9.) ler Sination of Migr frgpeneyieneation pte hy bree len the do rodulited Ineehnd ouput bounns, when a Ticlor of oneal ie “ome or eomvenionee vaca) = Latanitae ~ 0) ay = cvmnton and (1) howomes Powe Tua SMIRSS WIRE Ne pusLONIS un 1 os the bandh of the wodalsing egos dhe high ‘ouipa oF the prod desnaduiten sl hore nowt Treen 2, — (2) hina ean be separated From the msdlating ware by Inn-paen fl tevin prvi Boy a 2 sy oF a 2 "AU strpling ists — Oy sh dese signal i a() R00) end the smaining tere (22) neon atenspmbel teres in yates mone sin) 72 Dfor n ~ Fl, 42, ote ‘wing to clinton of the aude components, spuelmi eiecion is sir fn the searlain f nay than enyeloe de fection, which the created sgral depends ox the envelope of the recived wave (219 aa piven 9 We) = UDatwiecr wf = Leiwace — aki en he desired sign at sampling instants # = Wi (0150) + QO) 2 the peng rm fn 21) tense itera! interference 1 Phe Madan with Spvohnnnae Deteton 1m phase modulation systoms the amplitude ain) = a ~ constant sunt the phase foo} ss vac Ss oe pee Fatova to the next. Tho receive ae (13) he fone Wace) = Covel = pulm) = vi Pe = mh. 8) 1s multiphase syseny, the roosved wave eS general applied to Prk denote sezerhor wh» denutulating wave es Thr tye patient eow uf tyerphase met 0 sg Hehoviacnr sais al te denwalator output afer elation of high-nequeney demi predate low-pass ering sd omitting 2 factor ol oneha' yt she gener ort uy = Dome Wain 6b esGe = Pe = ah 1293 At the sapling instants buoy = Seoeltaey Ps yd-miPlanl, (20) where ge tefoe the sui ine Detagen # = a aan = “The desl inepuesenta oy ae tc fr a 0 Tin) = eon td.(0} ~ aAPLIO) en = am $065 lh) = sn 0 sin ycO51E,10), where =o 10) es sien m ‘Whin the phese of she de-maitacng wave sweeney Ewe = A andif ./0) ~ Oorr ais trophae main, ten U0) = P.O) is tourphase modalstion tro predict, demudulons ase required, with the demodulating wares diplace 90 nase. The af Sool demodultri then, pe (20 van) = Deisteted Fb ete — aw) a sod the deszed output at sampling instante iin place of (27), Vio) — ein¥i02 P.O can ~ toa sin (0) ~ sin # one .(0)).0. The profeble vduiee of the paws of he desedlating wave in Are shove eritiony rig: depend on ceriin cmsiertiony fs the ie stain of tedulatets nal hadalatoce, IeTable Tare given th four patible tombined outputs as determined by the eacrer phase (0) forthe particular eoses @ ~ U and @ — 7/4. For convenience the bonne for @ = + o76 normalied to unit amplitude, the sea ample cudee beng =. will be ned that with 9 — U/the output C' detemineswhetaee ‘oe cari is modulated in phe by Y= D oF x, while the output VP Cotermines whether the qdare varie be mdused i pase ip $= orn. The eo exrines ra th erated wed eemodlaced Frdesviently, without fr eed for eieitry to convert Eis ts ‘uaa cup ater phase, an wil be rue ith 8 = ‘With difeentist pheee devotion, to bv dissed in th west sein, such converters weld He requied both with #~ and @ = /1. Th thin ware € = 94 may be poereube fr the neon thas only wn tate COLE aw passe for each einaduarer, ralber than thier sales (oi oai wih = 0. Tanuy 1—Dewesuscon Ovsrers Uy? ann Veo ty ToumPusse Starnes as Drestioa va 9 Carin Puteh §(0} row Dawn tarien Woven Witm Pages @ fax a7

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