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BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: The Covariance Function of a Simple Trunk Group, with Applications to Traffic Measurement. (Benes, V.E.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: The Covariance Function of a Simple Trunk Group, with Applications to Traffic Measurement. (Benes, V.E.)

The Covariance Function of a Simple Trunk Group, with Applications to ‘Traffic Measurement* By YE, BENDS (etna sre 8 1 Frdenss closioa! mate for telephone tae a lose system i eane san rodN ante, calls anvci in 0 Polau pres ad eget exp Menlad ating times ele tle cana! Se acted ef ones are demtsid lett retrial, Let (1) tthe nner of tra Sent at lw exp fowua or tha eosariance RK) of NU) ti forme of the hava ates of the tawton mie f the ABortwo prooss No} Soto “inn 2) ie enone paly im rv uf eonataate and he "reser Sanction, ie the tention aroiabnty PAN(t) — NNO) = Nhs RO fe accurately mppearimated by RIO Ie, wih rhe Large nate cr federico wl apprasimad (underetimetad) by ~ HN IU Rane wel epprerimete Joroas for sampiag errors ae mans- feemend ve ee ro feat rout. A theeretcal sniy of pling dtations in telephone ne meus suontene i use both desing poeeedires for easing eric Toads and in iotepreting Feld servations. Hywant and Palm’ have fiven an nponoxitate ferauhs for the eempling oe incured_ when tservations uf the ounsbers of eal, iu exitere are made ee ied i erate of in Thee fran Yas the dst that 3 derived for probe mel fof the tote) sv shih tere ie a infinite ‘umber of awsabietrusks, Thue there fn Timi to ebe number of fei ean ho jogos te Kim, and no eongestio, Two i Juttant poctanelery te uurbor 9 af raksin the grip, and te prob oii pul ows ane Ice of arent. Porch wson the practical snl myn camped in lilo he ahr we sing ene a 118 rm ante arene sxc TOMA, dats 101 pplication of sis modsl's wsully reset to large groups of frank sich ae lightly fonds 1m this paper we cere and stu the covariance nstion of the si ple stochastic model fw finite group of trunks. The sampling ear In trae monaremants cat ho eeulted exsety fom the eatin ‘We fing formals to" the magia octane of ened “ath for borh peiedie aud estintnus cnervtin, ‘The eet formas le to staple appeosimatiens sul tTlapsees hick tke aout of the munber nf Iruks, Out tesllsne susvarived el teu in Saucon ‘We sal use A, Eshrg’s oh of tn, described ae fol ie Holding tines of unks are motually epee, vate with w agtive exponent cistibation, ‘zw i mnwwaned in nts of mest holding tie i. lipoens a hich slle arrive Zorm a Pesan proses of dates fe > 0, inepenslnily of the Today tina. ‘The foe tl Hehe lene ik Thore are V2 - taurie; calle whieh fal all 4 ofthese trues Ino or", "ane are clare fy ye, ‘These aeumapions decernine a Markov slachtstic prooees Ni na ey cay the rtmher of tanks in use at tine 1 anid, “tep nstion fastating in unt steps et wees: 0 aid A swell now, No) hea sletionesy prebabiitis (poy m= Waly 8 given by che (rst) slang dissin ca peobabilstic mel for «yew wo = equi prbuiy k (als ae as With Mis stro of alate prcabilite, NC) ea eietly stationary rovees, eos mean ssl ware ze sespetivay m= elk — psi Fm im apy = wh ‘The robebilty prof los eshowa in Dg, the fvctional ocspanry 2 i Fig. 2, sd the varias is Pig 120° em wn evsnmae eunteaL JOURS, aANCAMY L9BL seaman (10) Sai ‘The covariniee R(t) Vebveen samples NCDAV( of tho slorhaatie preotee HC) he the average af fhe pendust of D7(8) and Ns}, mint {he produc of the averages Rita) = EN@N(A) — BME Since N{-) isa etaconary ral proces, we have Riéal — RE|¢— 1 ‘he function (+) i led ts ecarinsefaretion a the process) Ccvomrasen HeNOHON aF SBME MEK arom NT Ivan be writen INGE AND] — BIMUE + DIEING ‘where fpet ave she scationary Cor monn} proba give by (yc (0) = tin Deane) = 9 [FCQ) = denotes the tension pbb thal» tmake are busy wt ine (8 ‘pete busy tre ®, he funetion 2-1} express the avg: depen reo or eartlaton between ste nf A+) saan ab ee Fae "The yrinrial pracien iw ie eavarianee fonetion 2{-) in tho ‘wong of telephone fri isin comping (hewretealetimstes of sten- pling evr incusred in fe Load misaurements, "Two methods of meas triage, the aedk et andthe fimeaverage, are considered in thispuper, Pyle aitecount,» obeervtions (24y-">y 4.2% ~ Ur), Jonesy! of tha elon peowesa are mode at inverse apert, the ‘over LE a= WS fs then sed as an estimate of the eared Jad m= @ apy. This rthod s isporisnt ecmvomically Deeaus it sheaper to seu tra irene paved clly chan la sere them eomnsovely. "Tho murbe > ip the won isa and the tte Sy — zy = = — 2n i ele the Cinna wader of pti im ere, fa cervations Table st etn fez okdng tm, sean fers used nd routing values of + fo yoni | —Monaase Tamms Sous Tormarats ax Vanune ov 7 1 Stas Cat sme | Fiblatee Rese tdiag IBIS. | wer 22 eon, pram nnamwtest nTsaty FANN TOL ‘rious typas of eal, "The vaviance of a°'S, is expesible interme of the eovariace fe) a8 08 E = bRGr, (ah 1 he nese the tou eal earl were f suse vo rine Un ie a, he vba of ee aT) = vet yen [Oromia ay ‘Thos she man square crn of bth these metheds of traf miasne: ‘ant cane palate Lent wily i the evince (+) i korn, 1 forts (2) te eaveeinne fanotion iv exprestd in erm of the stationary probabltie [p.| given by the Evang disbution, and hw transition probabilities Post) — Dafa} — we LEO) = mt pitono tral, the particule tension probatility Prt = NL} =X Jang heen singled oa (in Reds, 9 and 4, fe at ie chichetrie of the dynamic fo pink of the alsin “all Th the teary of te soveey” or “eelasation? feo Fehon of tne Marhow piv tmaaks ney" eonition Wie shrill hers tat ¢ mush air eogont reecon Ua thi a Be wl hud ta support tho inporsiuee of tho resorery fmetion tn tele Uo: the eovasianee function R¢-} ean be expressed atively i terse lof the very fetion and the ered las Tn other wot gle fone of the (N+ 1) tsmstion probabilities pearing in fortala 2) races “ar determining the eovirianee funetion, aed tis one is he eancery‘anetion pys()- Thief in thooneie asic of Une ities ci ta the reootey fa Ln epee now te wae vie oF 94S, atl af HFCT on expenile ing uly the eeoveey ‘We next give a summary of the enatente of the naomi setiont; thie i followed by en aconat of epic resus ad socusions, ‘Ax ewes fons fer the covariance HI) i sacod and daessed in ston TIL end deived in Seetinn VIE, ‘The foervla wally yiells 4 SOALANEH ENCHON OF eRERLE MESSE orouP 130 rigorous upper bound which apeats to give & lose approimesion to We) ited, To Selina TV tle eecovery tion py) en, nit ie shown lane Uhr nsaiance rag be express in eeu the neraceey faetion ey salon antes Tho warioat of 97% i ied Seotion Vea entt fruits, and an appresimating pneu [sed fo the upyee bound for 12), are bth obtained. The varianee of che tim average 17(7) is sidered in Sertion VI; nguin, an exaet formula il an appresimstng upper bound are ound. rhe eovarh nee fata Fe) ie bounded for hace acd awe pproxzncid hy a sinyv exponential function FARO, neo, Bi = Hee 2 KO ‘iliiam,vatnnoe of N4-) {lot cari} — load letra ae of dla trun au the roriproal fine constant yim the exponent is tho dominant™ "haractedatie luo of he rals” or "ransiion” mati cf tho dite nti equation sstsfisd Soy Ihe bation probabictie, ARercaely, Fis the “oot of leas sogaitude us Paisson-Cbartiorpayomia. ‘The ft ehonaae a faction of elena! Lae @ far Wms, 835 Hi ‘ad intel i ible TL, A lower bound fore depeding ey om the mean an vrianee of NC), ie riven im serie VAL! By nnn se of che ace that the met of Ih difeoutial esanticns forse tra skin pechabiiee ie symmcctiza Vie, Hale vale of eve ae pe tun, a7 <1, this banal fan be use fo appronimate my. Tan’ ese, the bound is came rting pice for the nee of Newton's met, ho found e Ue 2300 anv oie satis the iat ith 1 = slam mews of N6-) = taid earned — aft — pale unin variance of 805) haul eariad) (ld lose rena srr of in eum) anyeositnstion 2 ya rae in Wig. Tae Phat est ait Ae nse arr aes) eovamanex FONeTION tH SibuAe RENE GROM 12S #4 ryt T 5g 6 Martino te position 2 at iy the “five tr model se shall Rencforth me the sovhis ‘ue mel for tlophone tafe dstermazed iy all The sane asumaptione tial we mae she Ielrduetion, except dhs: N= 3a unlined hnuber of sunk fs ptated ir” aad Benes agro consid this mel; Hayate tors pling error formule on i sidly believed fh the "inknte trunk model is appeals to Tooee grou af ight oad Leann. Sach a bebe i gratis unit Fmparisots with a mace having Bnite mumaber of Crk ae rade, Shudying the sovarianes ‘anetiew 0th azple ite trom gran om les us to make ome ofthe aed umpadeons; eg, she varines of fh i5, and ACT in the tu mls ee of pares inert. Knot ledge Ur dhe gran fbn, zelovnat oo he ther Tv eas tr ahich engineers avs Unldto py the Vinfite tran” model, vie 4. laree gue of arly Hee (an, ii, small ruta lightly Ineo ean, Si eal rns Beal ode Lea TAS me saan svsvane rpmntEAL sowed, aanan LORE ‘The vance of 'S je mmc Htom above and appeal she onal rim 9) fot — LE et ah, ‘ Varin 83) tty — Ea 4) where nis the mambor of obsswitions, and {eoingn ehatacesatio vata) “The eet oem forthe vorianes of 1¥S, fa the “infinite unl” model we Cetuh tr co $+} oe ‘Tae upper Dour {4} for the finite eroup is comporod with the exaet her (3) fr the “ini trunk rel in Fig 8, which showe euch Thermal ax a aetna the sean inereal for vations, for a 20 ela fer Vo 20 (eke. The wares sages tits the wppes Bowne fie Weve 18 for Nos smshionlly ess a Ue erresevale seine inthe “ante trinket ga br eapoete mses fhe sen inser» inmpeoves arcraey for Une cane aie of ebaer tis, This Deets the envarienes faneton sive, and inant in| The ve aul approsinata by aoiat Tes vasl AT] = 2c wm wee ie he lenge of She Limeinterval of wsations oberon, fad of and re, as befor the varinnee of YC and ie demon ‘hameteistio value topeitively. The evaet formula for the verane OLAMP) in te “fate trunk wad eteaar 7 Since ry <2, sad oie alee Jess than @ if. < the “infinite funk” mde! wureatimates the ravines of CT) i api to faite coup. This condusix i ilustrted in Tig. 7, whieh shows the farmaa {i} and (7) for ala of 0 cxhnge afer to 20-runks. Fos sn abervor lon tia of 10 meup holding tes tho “infine trunk” formula (7) applied hore wotld overestimite the variance by sboue 900 per ent Tie is about as extemo a cus us would oceur in pructien Fig. 7 leo a

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