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BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty - II. (Landau, H.J.; Pollak, H.O.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty - II. (Landau, H.J.; Pollak, H.O.)

Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty —II By HJ LANDAU “ ©, POLLAK, ‘The theory dele i te preidng paper ie appiad ts a number of ventions euler a banded sips. Tn patna, if 0 festeccergy signa is give, te posse proportions of sis enrpy 1 0 ‘site ime iterated afte fegancy Band 28 fred, 08 el ne ‘gate which dhe bes job of somatonrous Hime ent frequen camera tration. It es common experez in tae cumin il Mat ene en not simultaneously vonline a unetion Jf) and te Fouvier transform Fi) too sevedy. The st foliar atemient ofthis phenomenon ie the Heivenbere weertednte priate: Ive rasane fhe titwespread bye) by [a= arto ra [nore to he Frequency epee 8 af FW) by then, Ine any choice of ty and en OF & J. Tang P and @ eexnot, for say Fouser Usastorm pair, be oll stall Bxuality wil old 10) [and hence Pia} are gzusian, and ty and ay are chosen as the meane ff Lsi0) amd [a9 # tin this ease both zor). This result, hile nun ibe orereN mecameaL sores, saNeaBy 1931 demunstenting that our experince with timeimiting and bandlinsiting is indeed eet bo watematial ruth, dows not auceeed in proving very good uersianding of what is ey happening. We should The ‘0 kar just host ease one ean ame to smnltanen nisng bot time and requoney, a shal he price sUbat ane hw to pay We ec aberper meseure of the contesteations of se) and Fé) than ted Mlorded by the abuve vavianows of [7.0 Pando) * a mere Ivbiehs if pomsbley wll depend oa the behavior of ft) ia given nite Tins inter, al of (u) in a given faite fenesney ban ‘hn rosy attempt to mer thie need wns made hy L.A, MaeCll, sao satal 1840 proved. the fallowing previonsy nmplehed form of che uncertainty pri: i [uae flisere soa LO Pte tate_ Litera then ‘his heen does iacleedeanphasize the behavior of f(t) and Fo) in ven Tile intevale. "Tho quantity a, represeting the proportion OF the tal enemy of ft} whieh i he Cime-nterval (ey fyb Te ‘sperally etisiying a2 « meucwre of the sproud of #7; ww she ulher Nand, a: hae no immediate physi interpretation, & turer dieulty vith (1) iy hal there are no funetans Tor which equality eat be Zehleved, although i practice ie estima i ile go Amore uefa fore Tie uneetainty priseple von sepace che stow mma ny the proportion af chery af a) in 9 Hensesey and, ha is, by hiner to That af os. This is done inthe proseat paper, We sal se tha i nee [ice tor ‘ele #a.3) il be foul eis iy, ue inealty #8 e abomp and iimctons yesiry conti willbe gives, ‘The opriead fanebowe 20) wil always be real iss i the above stetemen:. the Frey ison Fonterad as were The ste sunt holds i th eequeney hand irda ean youre at aero out thea sop Fete ate in general, epee ‘Eee sho special cage of oor rol arian iC = 1, oo thae al ores! he owntained inv 8, and Fis) = O for fo] > 4 The lhstion "if a is given, wb is the in'mim S72" can aoe bo 2 Sliced fein, whet Be the masicurs 2” Lets rho the folleying mations The sare norma of i he total may of [swe ‘owetiovting a fro Fphoices a frets DY whi i$ aestrinad wit) 12 ‘Atondtnstng w6onstios fyinss a function Lf shoe Louse te torn agro Ihe Foutir nemsform of or | | 2, and vuniehes safe] > Hh Pas = fis ay ro azo that en alternative axpresin for if given by 1 fey anelt p=! fp ts ayo! petal 1 ane Ae ig ap a tn a nite nol thn nine a egy mb tnd ya le {econ hise te gcse she nee aia <b [4 tall Bay a {in paticun, «function. is ales handled f — 2, then by ‘his result | DF 7 3224. This, now, is just the special case of che nserainty principle tick we sare heen stoking: Uf 2 — 1, then aevy. Ta the sonzel, we shall take « longor lel at Us forme and ie Fgnifeance; lt us, however, state che fll result for all valace of w sau s* ‘Theerows There i fauesion ¢ yuh hab | = 1, BF) = eeu BF | ~ ander the follows vendita, and oy idee the tele ing comin ano, hen 2WocasVe, mhmose sl BMV ae S01, whence eae 6 E606 Ve 4a whee Den VE "The bony of ue preaeat poper will caver the fllowing roquence of lupice:Geeton HI will seep she peopoties of timelttd ond hand= lietea fuseions, gad the geome interpreta W shew prapertng wales we quire, Section TTT eualaize he pray” af Haque Uo, lisnasion af the es" fneions, sad 3 number of partinen: geephe tnd aria wenger TF id vals poste extension a Pe ‘huey, wad icles Je inveresing rl a if Fineliited tation stand Tinted thnolion are ees, iia abeays poribe 2 find a "alles" eign fs ak Df =e end Bf = he Pally, Sting sve wppienions othe reveting Mowry in fila Unvony data wane Taisicn a antenna thes. Rota pranHOlvet, KATE FUNEMOSS —1 a0 Wr ore nenoerned, Sa te prow paper th ce ooletion af fun fons feG whieh axe square infogeable ex (ye), Thos fon a Fiert pte, denote ye in which the tamer prc) is do Exedy tne = [rom ah. aud | fF = Gf 2s ws "The coletinn of tintin ted functions oom Tino aubepaee ob ae neil Fane fe invited, 0 eof bf Turtbernore, is bomplce, whic mesas thet i we bave a aqaeaco ofan Us, Joe Daal | fo fa | lh then there a a funesion {2 rach tha Vea, ‘ihecily he ome satemeaca may lw rt: shoot bendlmitod func tioaay sy Tor a ennplee linet aubspaon 92. "T latter ale Tent fellows frum Uw earbee one thnengh the Parva svatin for outier faoslinngs 17 F aad @ are the Fair aastorm uF and swepecivey, the [comm n= J [roa an Wee stall ell tv Fanesions f and g erga if (ta 0 Novice thst 2 ail {= Lf are ortingowal, singe each exe vanes Size the ocer on sha aot; by she Puesoon raion, aed f — Bf tem alo oeebogetal "The ister probe pera is dee the angle bebe two Fe> tione aad ys fille: Li the Sehner inna, we knew that lute Silat 4 Retiad |S Ge) Ie sve kaos chat Beth a sl-tel ‘We may eh define pe 4 heer the faneton 1 a gb 70m pun snvns tueusican soos, saseate 166 ' wg) — eoe> Hetio @ Tet ‘he existe reuse Mand v for Figg? cam be reached auly Hf and g sre propostonal fan Pra sytity Holle in ‘he Seivare iuaguetey) and 92 ol Sup row that £6 Gl ant @ & aml cht neithor fanetion sisi ideteally. What eae we way ali The an eee tem? ‘The wie can waa mig Th woe vn Sf = by. Ta nce sar a a Tinga spaoes, hie won neean fat fh inline Sandie, and ie He nown co be impnsstle.| TF, then, the ange fant vaniah, ea it be axbccarky small? This i the hey spl ‘hich aball eecupy us for zune tne. Let us censide, fet ct all, fixed funetion fw ud we aritrary 3 © 2D. We mow thot <j) eane nt vanish; ie (9) howaded wos from aonoe AF thera is agora Towor Insel Tor 8), he i neon for sume partial fanaa 2 DPT hie een pip, dn ade the Fatosing Tamme f: 16 & si6 give, then int olga) > ef is fais assumed by 9 — AD fc any prative constant: ‘Prac It gia foto, them Reigad = Lied — (he ee ee eee Fi (ia | = PE Me | SSS Se rTe neg geen 0 es ers Ce so Tella PE Recs Wis 2 n> Pah is wo nuts evi i fOr, i alls Thar ifs Bb furany g © 9th ity sles g aol Df ere propane THis proves the fons. We pooeced naw to the eae of arly f Wand g@ ©, Tek sy, for onvenionne it at te) is etuallyansumed by spene Fant ons Han the pees amd ers eget ate ee now ave he Calling ‘Whew de Thone execs least angle bern @ ord, TR angle cuneate" ig ad ia assumed By Yo = wh end Dp 3, MOR i he iasgestrigenwale of (2), ml the corresponding egertune- ‘as Rye pvc eg It, nin aU Dil ee ii i) if 6493 — inf ow LEE y 2 r “ tan he inferane om he Me (6) i ta nee Fhe i Font The ight 's. Tee shoo in she pseding ope that any ti mey he expanvted in a oves, conergert in-L? meza, of the eagerness fy 2), fo Eos. 72a, seer mpesiear eta seman IS ny = Seto, St fll from he prmperieg of 12 ta Hopf Det Te we PH = coc (Boab), i Ler Sli en som in te poeaing paper Ua Ay <n HE B , ica at max (21% GE) iewutined oy = O3or 2 130 tthe nvm pie val =I Di vet PH, ranaeiy oo4 | hig, ar ually assumed it Yo, and g ~ fy. ‘the thepre is prove ‘We have thn dows Uaat ae to eubapes aul of nave is muti woeeptO Ha eaten, sti by lace insane ale Detneen Tn, that, in fae a nzlile aetna a Tiled fineliie causot oven he very low together. With th aid af Ihe rst ae re ehall 906 tho amtoriinty privepie whieh we are sexking ill allo: Tn peeparacion for the roming Ucorems, 8 must consider oxo nthe agpoct of the rymves al ®, Taw eloge doo sed cowether came to Ala up all uf 2°? The en epee questions which eomecen te are the followings 40 Lega ~ ty | dean Cauley gave funetin =F, what can fe Sense Hse ak Tks al i) fy there esi nein > hie 4? arhngonal Wo both 8: and tha, to ‘very ietinn in i gm bi? "Hho anew bo Ulase guosrons ane The Jpubjrtn ofthe subsequent the lem, Trou 8:1 jh) ina aueay soquunce of Sovetions ot the form fy — an erate RRS em ent Soe hat MOAN TF SRS et bowtie dy & Dand by © 9 for cue n how Une Timing fhnetin Fits ofthe fom d+ by where! © Dud fe © ‘Proafs Vow wl fy = ay hy 80 may alo Wrice [= The = Bog) Whe bb) Here Bly +e £2, while by — Db, LB. Th moe fallow for the fact tha! Ue fs form's Caney sequence thot the functions 6, — Ty a; Hor = fal = b= Dg = (be = Dig) 1 | Dhy = dy = Dy $y sr Uk 1 = Da = he = Dowd So Fa Lat now; since fy — Dh} fermi Caney sequence, 9 dove [Gael For ee ee en and hy Ten Pim — bed VEG Olle to tt Sines fel i now & Chushy styuenne, Maa kw fusetion = oh sh thet ean. hos if] ml a boll covey eat, Benes a0 doe oi outst buvetion 0 Sar wie, jo bbe We Ive tla lows Ue Cakig fini af sms of ain one nl pivos as nothing aes, but ealy,oues gata, a um of function in and b, We suty ehbrevito this by saving siuply shat ob 2 ie tod uma: There av fia Fantiane a Shih ave onto soma tad FB TA mm muy sveraot nacusie4s unady sANUAGY TES Proofs The Suaetione 1 HT2=ns (ST 22041 0 eleowbere ‘ve instances of fumetions net in @ — 2, since the postion of fy in Te] > 1/238 not w pie of y vaunted laation, Loma 2 panzita toe cp write the bes: upprorimstion to j, frum ob + fs tho form by Poy whore by © Bund dy © 0; thea ahha tune sive Fansions in 2 deh aes oathoyoaal boa 8 "Thm ae in fact, some arash "tsa te” Eometnns 2" — at — ahan int} By ne de nes his, however, ef any Telly sonveuie prewstati foe eueh Suaeloas, We begin ly restate theorem aaswane ol in Beta T ‘Phorm 2 There ine anetion FES meh Hak [p= te] Bf! =a nud [[B¢| = a sine the Glowing criti, and en's aaier the fal niin 1a =0, hen tS <I 2un<a< ve, who ses) RUE Sa <1, when eos et eos PB ee VI. Ltan4 wae 02 6 Vn Proofs La i the foray of fetes fx ith [f= Vand DE oy satel, for vach cage of. delecmine Bel ‘We sll alba show, i each ease, char ony alte nfo le thx the sperm ea he erabzed hy 4% appropriate fonetion. Wartace ox Tt the sprercum Steel? cau he realize will weny fom eago to ce. (Caae 1. 0. Ite ~ 0, the funily § ear eoatain no Tanetion th gL Loesff qth? = 1 wo mom have? © S, whenve fs azn Ipfie and wonishos for [| <1 only ff = 0, This ion sontecirton ‘To abe that fontaine with ses ut B aeirily Pome tole sot

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