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BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Normal Modes and Mode Conversion in Helix Waveguide. (Unger, H.G.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Normal Modes and Mode Conversion in Helix Waveguide. (Unger, H.G.)

Normal Modes and Mode Conversion in Helix Waveguide By H.4. UNGER Helis woseguie, compu of ctvety word slat copper ere ect vat enh aw acre oe martin sort, raat ev eee raves eth fon lms, Aerhanonltwfertona, such a errs eet dara toe vnplng bere Rive tri aes et att ee Vgc the tonoyssnn Fa sai Pais wc for a paste tac appfinsan, «frst wed eft thet mininaoo he fae Uagradation, Une mnie charters ud Bast ephing a tres be ruse Bn atten a tony te rote af & ace Span soning mii Bese fons I penn es boo ep fr mutiny Siding by ime mpousiaton, St fou the name oats Sate chat amavis be vhavotorils een a ted ta all yet sue of we the pe! ent ll wee of Stren. The sepvarneton avntcice ace (eton af ell impacts ta Vinipnaton of motes Btempnsnne sosegaide, The Ty moaen of hit avepniie nth 27 50% hace oly 0 Tattd atevetion. Phos ete titer tie desig of made flooe. Movefacuriny simpenfietions ine een te every By aa dsp fhe wh dupa. ern ‘Sonatave wih dee eareatintxnace J paced yagi tenor, Dt ie conti Go the arage Tae ie nite in @ Rel vege toith ey Pre wet pea, omg vate oie wove esl wound from salted eopper wirw dow cee wth on aleneptve or rove vee i 9 goa Usman mc {Tis freer ete sven! a ong rnnnieation, ave eve ca be big el 2 ale er, to negotiate ben om Tetras, lo serve ae the reais Be prope "Asin medal wave, the hee ral electric waves deena stony nis fron oni if pelee: heli wove. Any curv 25 ame meu aveeioe eines goUNNAt, sAseau LORE tre of the guide as, femal of the ems ston or devition of "he wing ei le nd ver pel es oe nl degre ‘he transsson chartoretin« Tn a pevfert elix waveguide cioularclecris wavs propagate a iturbed. Leapetione esti coupling betwen etcalar eee waves tnd other modes. Power is leet by onversion to umanted made and reconversion start any month transmission characte. Ts onder ta censtel mice enivesion and remaverinn in ix we side with practes imperfection, and tleo to deren. heli waveguides for mode filters and intentional beads, che unmaated mode character iste and unyaated mode couplng must be invested. eis calcu latinas have rested inn euruteriie ein hil ply de ermine The propectow uf hele woguidomuae? wre le in exit xpress fe varvan coupling ecient? ?* Nemeriew) evaluatone Bf these equaciens have been veny informative. Thy wer, hewn, ot compete enragh ln reveal all Une newaned rele popestin onl end not serve ae &. kee foe els wave deg in every pple ‘he neues of a nore extant xe vmod ration lic wave side eqonriene il ho prewated bene Ln few typi exp sese results will ke applied to nex waweguice detign probleme, Mist the cequutione whiet deseo wuve oropusution im pesfect anal impefee: Teli wae wile Fed bets waveguide (Hg. 1) wil cll peo whe the helix fue ‘rah eeelareylinder al i won with ioe and nif pith ie mathenitical model which then replace st ie am anisorgopi in pedance sheet at radius a conducting pesfectty in cincumferential dire ‘ton but with a wal impedance Zin aialdizeetion. Tho Z rplaces the jek srrounding the Helix aks ini eran Ui Gite se of hele wines ‘The elerlewngnetin Geld omsponen in ended eae dinate system (ra) ate hon subjen at — a Uo the boundary cone ‘tions @ @ Solutions of Maxwell's equations in eylindies! gonna are Bese [SOLMUAL MODE AN MOR. CONTERSTON 2st ig 1 This navies hound rondo otons fy de li rigonometie Funetios of the anal ad sspoaetal fayetnns of the aa. dst Ell 22) bon where pis the asisuthal oor of the wae. "Phe asi! propagation eon ant aed taal propane ane vate wi the 28- Ini pongacer: eon tu we of Ie wera ing te weweguide (acu ” Won te bonndary onditions (2) aud (2 ae igposed on the solutions (2) af Mayle rquations the fllowing ebaraeteristi egal reals atta) Jad - oe PETA Ae ‘Values a > Year atnty she eharsentic equation (3 are the preps: ‘iow eonstones of norms modes uf th por: ix waco. Ths Alserite wave propasstion in pert ele ease completely 256 MULE ATEN MeeRICRE JOURN, TANTARY 1961 Fave pation in ampere e's sence a Lee decribed hay eenvalinn telegraphs oqo In a perfect bel waves ‘veri! mode w of emplitude , Ry propagates independency ‘rom sl ‘ther re Moy = Ally wo Impentome eau incewetion Hote ene oa ne weave wp sles nee nals coupled WB am B= Leake "The coupling coetTicients ace determines by the kind and sizeof the im pesfetion, But they are alo tama dependent on the wall impedance Fr irenlarvlccre wave applications, only coupling petneen these and ofaer eves Ie of interest. Coupling coeconts of typical imper ‘retin in alix waveguide willbe leted. Tho subserine m wil reer [5 he Tyg wave; ew oe te ans of tas souoled moda A normal sito felon TEI % Brig —nyyte de wre net with w 0) a Cure “There i ony coupling tern siculae netic mes and mes of fase aaimchel coder in a curve bee meee = END thE Tyo toy an oe Me Ve RL an geal IR one ia he ning of ryan, XOMIAT WOBRE AND MULE CONELIOS nt 2 Deformation of th Coos Seton ‘Phe redive oof «deformed guide of muni mains # oan he wetten a = ah + Ey 0 ped 2) Back componel wil erase coupling bet sseule elects modes ‘and mae of eaeacel ord p ig ym he ne ean Hie Wong! bay an a Teo Ie poriet oi wage te ge Velanen a eli wite and the rom sls i stall enough © be regia se veo. Than egular sietng hr angen bowie ¥ = Diane oy ae mnt ee coin ae of altel ade gg = Mtb 8) "The prmpazation votsLant of normal aedes in Helis ssid 2, 9 4, sl £3), only split yin a a Fonet on of freqnoury ard wae ‘aie pmentoetere Pie you ito find be eoumple sels o£ eae “oeuetal ane compas oy am "Wit p+ ean be elvis! frm 3, The, form oe fhequancy fang guide nase the saaritsie eyuation deny © a a Foneson mee Feb) 0. a6, oe Z = Ute suanasoristieonuation degra into i — 0, = 0, a Ue sms of whi ongesponil be TNT snd IE wence ees mela wre, ‘tasting fo the nose rool of (17 for Z — 0, the wlio of (15) fo helix waveruie erie tram by enedlfmerosing the wal ime 26) amp mata, sreymAromemteAT, aHNKt, JANCANOY HT prota. Tf fy al Zy a on soon of (6), then an apie alae fr the statin ab 2, = Ze} 32 given by 3 Reb, ey, i) ka, Za] A bertae appraxiniatin ie Zand by Newon's fem: Hb Ariz oo Tne farther maprovement, che proses (10) ean be raped 0 any dee ine anoracy. "Te fs eel he alsrting pnt fare mest ol tthe ashen ing value of wall impedanes, Pur che numeri evuluston, the well inpedanco wae rated ta the impedance ef tre epuce Zy = V/s Zaye con ‘The sototons were traced along Hines of constant phase © of Z. The inecompct bo wae varied and kopt sufiiently sual to insure continuity che proce, he evalstton we prugmmied ry Vi. ©. Te Realty for wstomutie esectinn on on IBM TO4 Daca Processnu Sete p characershis cgi sno. evalesie far a wall pean swith passive pays solu alen mp ANN ss AN Te ‘Sons ese tod whi fr neo wal aptace tr Uae Following rmotallie wer gide mndes: "Ta, YMa THe, TM, THe, TMs Tha, TMa, THe, TMs, Ty, TMa, TBs, TB, For sue speria! wall impedance phases che evaluations were extended oer many more modes. A value of @/h — 17 ws essued eorespond: ing to a eeator Fequeney: of Fae jones 6 a 98 he egy bd forthe inch inside dmc wns yr. Tn mumnerial resi were ald uted to cateTase fram the eenaration constant, the propagation eostunt i ile nal ad enone pale igs. 2 though 0 ure pllled fm Use cri, These gras hi Sunast ons a azobu Cow OS ot ig ently ne eile of conten ines of constant pe sd constens em impedauce drown in the compies plane o propagation eonstant 7. The fee on Hefei hax beetles hy he Ey phase Gaz = 2:805 fd represents the iference ia phe cenwiaal between Ml, and te lle mod Tar lingam for a purtculue value of, peeing the respective lite p of the wal QML me ania sxereg rnewNteAL sSAt, 2AKART 19 ures for wall impedanoes with complex phase fan ea int the ‘plane, Some retum {o the imaginary assy others continue mone and ‘ore ous ta ever ineteasing vatues ofthe actemtation constant. The propegstion conetant ir & mnitivalund Sunetion of ube wall pedance. Forany one wall padanee value thre xe a9 may dir ates ofthe propagasion ennstant ce there ave points of end wall ho Fig 5 Prongguioa conta » = ap +t + ate in atc wos of wal Eaprdanceouioar ny how 1 eeede apres pe gle Sonus MoDus sn" sO, CONFEBSION 285 (G+ 48 In Re: ware raotion costent caress weet With respect nny field component le lsignton of metallic waveguide i Nevertbles, the mode designation red hele vei, for that 20) mus wou evaTEW geomNtest socRNac, saNCARE IHL atten, on any’ heterogeneous warexuide, when she yplane i divided ftp 20 aut in ach ragien the propagation constant ie singesvaled Tneion of the erica guice parameter. In the present case tie vall Ipsos the exieal paras. "The diving les i oe ple wil be araneh outs nthe Z-plene ‘Tiny ert the inte gor of Urauhes of 7 iors wach ebber, cash ancl rrrespandiag co 8 Heix wiveguide male. The ranch cute of “aul! conaeet the branch yin the Z-plane. "The branch pints (ery im ho plane are male pins of 2 in The plane. Bran ras If ehould therefore eo thmungh thy snlle its Ziv the plan ‘A taany branches mill hein ontcs at the cade point ae ie the onder Of the eadle point. From iopection of the diagrams all saddle points fre found to of rose! utes Heel, oly two branches of are Sh eonfact at Those sede pints and only one dividing ine or branch mas env ag ach, "The ressiing path ef the brace ews ie arbitrary: They should onvvenionty folow a course ih never ruta vonlour es of wopaat hase nf che wall impedacee gal eds either in innit oro she foe the pint faite wall sedans er example, she brane et le TE aa TM startin Fig 2 at the eoresponding pint of infil wall ease cw neni fontour ine & = 40°) orig fron Ty from the conto line ( 435°) coming fom TMy. Somewbere in the +-plane the dividing ‘ine hte w saddle poi of Z— J). Hevond this saddle point the branch feats continued according to tae same vule, always separating contour Tis f ennstant phare which originated ac diffrent pointe of zero wall ‘Farh sch rion, bounded by the dans wl the brah bs broken Tins inthe diagrame) is ow designated by the zotalle waveguide mode Ieee within, The sera medes of hex wares are then defined snide, anda further asexual er ns ese. "Ta mode desigmation is bls wwvepuile az bo defined in fea worn rs: Aue i li waveghide of fnite sl Smpedace fe Heated ith the mele sa vege mode into shies it degenerates ‘vue the wll isp plate hepl-constant and the wall aspedance split we ro ‘Modes in any Deleraaseitt waveguide ean enttespnstingly be ide ‘id with metallic wvoyuide unto oe the eiical parasite are stbjested tn the rope Tinting moves AM erseal parameters should Te heptrorstant exes Rha ane whieh in it mit ebatge tke patil

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