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BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Margin Considerations for an Esaki Diode Resistor OR Gate. (Gummel, H.K.; Smits, F.M.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Margin Considerations for an Esaki Diode Resistor OR Gate. (Gummel, H.K.; Smits, F.M.)

Margin Considerations for an Esaki Diode-Resistor OR Gate* Hy HK, GUMIMEL sal FMESMITS An Hants aires Top, poerot sev a thrphase sup Sunleng on gt, i onnlond. Boatiet tenga avy af the de of 1) Th sets a och thy aceon! wazsnuin and the our “iced cnr 0 a apyer ao he ache teat gale. 7 ¢ Sumo fw pat feat af 3. he maria 0 ey is et eet pe amore wn! be her ha 2 et th of gies arama cpt "Fie sarge cow be sk yur vat frm jocen lo fateout of 2, whi, Ravens tea he opyotions fa sbi egiterd, ign, end ise Pat cine are bing sonido tor highapoed Ig dum their poten vally high sites nwo, Several papers re vy ape oneal ou ube cee of Pale indesign 8846 Tr such ays rth bstote WF clmacetstc of Ce died i utile tn ene Thee Leal oates See” eng "tn The bas enesnt af the ode, tipper ni hea tigger urna denied ror precious eta, heer Trees ish of he eve sates WL. ellie, LE the vig eamrent fot Te kept smal 8s geeptet he pur curont, lie gin eat fe achieved, This generale svn hab the churns visting of the Hindes be ell cvtnstod, size te lyin gain oll priniily depo firthe margine of the dieses aul v' The eu paranelem. Const= ently, the eons one of mann Tesi of me impor anen Veiga olga sore In is paver, netsiae macy osaiceratione om given for one of the ievibel ype of Kali iar log, a duller lage powered Fr nhgeaphaee savy! In partenie, The discussion be esis tothe lee! sole] Ie lens sa ow ga oT aera ate in zs Ty Rl Coro 264 em neu svsrmar Tora JOUR, SANA LOGY ‘iret, a geuceal dseript'n of the svete ll be wes Berton ID), jollowed tga qilbaien ware ways Getiae TTD." hu Sevtion 1 Ss ws atthe geet svecea porate rly a fie Teg, fren fore megs rd ute sltlig ie The sien eed lene ly he squattaice man at analyte Stn © etn VI The fra sul oe sco ag ena i rong ato a fru eoeesperding to che quaeative anys whic, pera tke mae a0 Tae the inns ‘San WET} a the om sion (Seotion VIII} witiour studying iz dewil rhe recone i 80- tions ¥ ara VL "The base steve iu an Casi ivde-reser foie sonite ofa cries Ti aie a mean, Rh apt aed pat os ly ence stan Fg. T= Te Wan collage i hen nt a tilt any vokage al Uke Tae nde of he eamplng nonin i gos ae vo 9 eunmunt tisouga “he cite wish ie be ow the peal cument ‘Conseencely the dade sll eax i is ow-volege mate, Wit aie renal eurzens sapped ta the center nod Haro one oF nee Sapte for ostputy restora, the diedo qt be mugs eu eet te the I Solkage state With the tins amet anh allel salen chon the pes fament, very small “trigzee cureate ure acces, ‘Once te lial i eis herve apa sae il moa hen ee it curt fora willows af ns ae, Tey neces Hm th fntroat Casgh she aiece temas above the valley coorent Ze. The estan, eum thar eax be khan i, tbereoes, the ifenns txt the acne es fall ren Uh tlio hin uC oneat wo che rigger euen’ conse 148 loge! gan su dca eleanor fis Sons) PTRTOTE Rhews eepastche wanein ianorss ror ment wuouneREatamon on GATE 21S iy propor rei of che hus earent se earont of a eat me inp beth come ere? sevens. se nents (W Uiger Le Ute‘ ioe secur gy san act 22 an ow uate 4 2D pe oF hen Toweanon gate, The wpot Wren can be connects The vole of x shempent stage, Sins, (he igput weieaes exp powered Som: oes previo stages, The extern ofthis prineipe lee tn Tegel econ Th auch s network ty howwoer, necessary to determine the dive tion in which information wil be propemnie. One elegant method tlio Lie poe ine supple as fepded e Ty, 2 Adjarene dice Heese ws peveral ir ifr psec. This dinle ou pase, for fsa, i ego ‘roids ot ps me iT Ugg 8 fle an phase Bren in ew aniltihase oysiem “ackswitching” ea wer? To intuit this, conser the oeeungemsent of Vig. 3.1 th tng ope tone gate one singe in high oleace (one) esi il ger ffllowing slope Sagres L sad 2 ae powered fos plawe 3, while Shas ard tate powered Sons phise ne Asse tha stage Lf ip Use vn eit a stage 2 HT “nen codons As 30 phuse ie ping, ete tall essa the “ore” eondton, S'nce stage iis onal 19 seage 9 wil tr tag 2 int the “one” ean, ulin in an eeroneoas ve” i ogee Io avi such buckling, syste om gatos set be ara Sn sue tay cot wr wll ap i fe fom stg cig Inultiple ouput. Teel desig thet forse the iw of "nee ages, ‘ie stages wit ae pat deg tage with one inp . iF] preaey 1 [- - wns 216 sap pete overt nacusacus rooms, Avo 1001 we | r i <p] Pe As pone out before, the mspuitade of the trigwerouzrent depends a the diferenoe bobween peak current ard oice curment Thi life tne ean Be me sal fond theroitts the ogi ga lags) both fananetone are tightly controlled. Tar an on gate the qualtaive eect ff pred in the puraretere on te gia wn be ready dom rate “Assume thot the peak eurronls Jy ofthe devices all aw se bee toveen J, snd Jy, abe thay the bias curse fe ia surge beoween Fon tl Ie One ea ean intcodon sash rinive vont bok a s D Te and fanaa = Fonte e 7 - Wa smasinn valley ener Ty gg fora dos me car fine a valestemae™ eat a) As pine out or, foe tiggving deve, the tat vent heh the fevion rst xen the pal tarmnt. 1 iy laws Cand will be anise FoR Rasgr mowennsroR ow uae IT Fiscal in dell in the nest scetion) ow. 2 verdve A is necessary to crane evitehing wilh the reqeed sees, Wo thes itreduoe a rola tise nerve ar saat a Iv worntonse analysis, it rast be yabelained tha a stage giving 9 wisn taal epic encent eae oF daliveing ito each out Diu sage rigger cure whi Testa ig as tho trigger euerent Fes fn Che woteteae, ‘he oie) yon, eg the numberof tages {09 that can be eset to one ouput ee be Fara By equating the ‘minima earns tha caw bw dliened nto oh o}pHe AK® Can el fo the worstanse (pye carent (Z)- Due co the bilateral nae of the Paki dlnde (ott and inp ane ential, this muraber ie ae Sie of inputs pie opts (fansn” pag Taso) "Foe cheon currents the follwing wtasizations ars intruca fy 6 -E 6) sal t vale @ i Tor a qualities salve the wogpiinde of theca enerents is found say hy ere ie nose ns Tig. { shows w vallage-eatnert ehnrsteristie of 2 Keak dinde in ching varios: Sinoe tke masini Iie eument st equal the Tig. 1 usenor marie arly. 2n8 ome , sraTM TreMTEAT. SCRA, YANCY 1961 ‘minimum: pea: eurren tke onsve spread in ing eurones (2) must le teow the spre in ponk euros $e fr xe with she highest ea ensrentt minha ovotiyn nae he amared, et be wc tu ‘he maxinnn peak ecaeent. From Fig. fans to the normalizs: ager eure atoms, @ ad fur ee Soto tpl current wean. ® oat +d ges the ee gals Lo ey, ‘ reeee 9) An evaluation af this equation il give a fi-onder etimate of the raced nasging. This acalys, however, weglets the elects of he penk anc valley vellagi, eich woes for am margins ill Unit he ‘ien gain under satan connie ae wi be abosmnin the max oe fon. Far a fl evaluatinn of he magi: equacons, she reali le ‘ttn rola svansiv dan thang dst eka Ts slg wl he given in Serving ¥. Ihe derale sncrgin enalyss Sersion VI will xe only saad the asiahse ronsidened in (amd the Hoot of the peal nt valley voltages, hut it alza wins the varia- ‘ons of tee rotagee vd the varttn adhe eouplng ners, he diadersitr logic discussed ee tae at upper tin he ag cal vin i stage chat aro to be drives have fan-out lager then their Sania, This Initasion ie determined the magnitude of the vltagre for che caret pk wl forthe ener rnin, sexist ever i lpr angie the valley vrata ‘Ta dewourlewe this eEect, coer fhe eatvane re of aye Bs fing one iron an (nm — 1) oui, Asse a view shamotertit ae shown in Fig. 5. "The magni af the Sine cunent i deer y ‘he souition thot th sage wer evieonio. uo petted 10 ‘riggere into ho hh-voleage condition if zone of ae sagge comneeted ce ether the ings othe ori essa en he bigh-voage cl an. Due to the bias pube ovelap wi ue previous asd te along ages reepetivly, The ter ends af the coupling weiseas eon vary in Soltage seuwcen geeo end Vy, the voltage a° hich the enrent asi Thum reehed. The eoupligresieogs whose tar ends are al Fy wll Deumuine 906 dann KEOERINEDR OR OU 219 rok shunt any’ eur, atl it as Ie sveeened that the bias eu Fontana ne ecco cl auppl rns greater tha Tt the dlince, With only one epling nest wing a4 aunt, the msiruon Teun becomes Bea ht 0) ite (is the euetanoe of es comping rab ‘aac ito be taggensh ito the higroltage eonion at a ime wt te lpn festa are gow teat, ed he Wiggreu Teas mint inert the eatent hv (ae dade abo he pel ens ene Site, for the sara of emi esa, (9 — 1} cess a as Shute me tins fa he rier erm Joa Ft la DOT. = hy = 200, an 1H nous be possible to supply this tigaer curr from the entput of tive prvi stage whi ie > Ube igh wllage eon, ‘The far end this partielar mpg resin tho i a the valley” voltage V5 Uvth the uur end af, Oue fie abine fr the outpnt current Ta = We Pe 0) Heating Fag and Fi yl ¥ % “thie eemorstrtes that she saw of farcin ard Suwa fr sth at says age remus Tove the ane of 20 fooranaes, Va up 200 uum wate exert recmest sounsst, sanvane 1061 “The one ent Tape on de raed as show in Fig. 5, which ehowe a gerd bur alll practi shametevstie for fetmaninm die, The eonhined condvtannes of the iat ave watt esets are shown as the lel 1 chase si ee tha ‘while tourbing the pea: poin: it iatsvepts the valley. ‘Thin hee af he iad tine wil alo abtaining a msn cueent ap “Accum now thal eure ef glade fe (> 15) ie applied vo the peralel combination of inde and load reritanoe ot shown in Pig. ‘The expacity presents the dicde eapacity (plus eny shunt capectors in parallel with the diode, Any sone inducernees have boon meget, Turing a tnt fn wv gr state lg highvulage tate, Ah eat ng he iu oe ge Te rine cent te even voltage i tho difforenge hobseen the supplied eamens Zand fhe ey ae Hd nr as ve eve earn hm tho inde say given volnge Ti Big. 1 thie chy erent Teen bo read off a4 a funeion of voltage, ses ivi ‘ust thp cillereneo beste the lad line ata ke ae ohanveteise. The ww rial ogo rs ‘oltags ta voltage Fy 2 given oy prewar he 7 A numerical inegeation of this eution ss ean give Ue switching Tie Seon two anbibes inde The the obesa oboe, the MARGIN Fue BAAKI wTENMEIOTOR OR GAT BL soloing ine fom a low-vtage eate tos bigh-vltaygs sal of rior tu sing, che diode volte cornea Lo the able pint (ig 3) me ve voltage, Aer vite, che diode voltage orresponuls tu the sale pine at igh valle. Switching ie accomplished by he Applic oof (igor entra which life the load Line above the di fae sharwcerstie as depited ing. Tie Hing of the Jad line owes the high-volluge tenet to th right, and the dee voltage will approach the ule vrerpomiag to this intcrep After removal OF Bae everdrivy the voage wa hoe Grego again. ‘Thus, site ingen lw nied as eomipetl chew, with appiod overdiee, the lag of te wale pout pete to Ue apgtiation of the trigger ur reat reaches Tor she sualye's i be ilapendent ofthe pstionine bing eaten is runvenient 10 conser, ae teal ellag, the ntreeps of lt line ‘ehich “ant vouches tbe pone Poet analytic teat he Tolling au suplyingessirapions wl Le ed "Thw wokage epcedeut emavily CU) soe repheed by «eon teat average eapanty © Ti The disde chests ‘evistis sil he sporesinctnd ky tv pneaboie sectioned ath wecier Tots and Fg. 7) be oe pnts sh did eharacterstin whi Ue hg ie it ea he Ted Tce and let ed Tbe he ha lige vurrents at -bese pats Tel he the puint al hh ove pac bois oo) nue mute suereN tarmnieat sorwsas, vast 11 pproximation joins the sceond approximation and lot » be the pot ‘whan the stesight ection enmanenees. Then th tzse neded to vith from ax asbiteary pon the lonevokage pve to the fl point ven by re tho constants doserbing tas curvature of the perthales are 6x pressed in terms ofthe peal eurent, evel ir term of eenstarte Vy and shaving the dinenson of vostagrss Suh «presenta: is eonverson sites the conetnt Fe equal tothe peck voago aud che eonstan: Ve ie the order of m-agnicule uf cho citfresee betes valley vltage an pak veltege. Note tay Va, cepead cs the ode shamnctersbe Dial ane siege fs sin Pasar hs teat 1 eke ‘he seston in ths tis ge deed ig 7, shoul bo ote that Ty worepinn so she overdvve (To — AD) wal that Ta/Ty = a defini {1), Po an evaluation of this equation, the vue he apaciay C mans be known. This capaci, howeccr, ca be expeesed noah the chara Hine ne ~ [=| shih ine is aay rm Siders as the fgue of wert foram Heal diode. 1 ie therfore pose to eapiess the svtehing tn in tems of th te my. With au no malsation, the results of the sualyie will be fairly general ig. shows sn evaluation of 16) giving che mviteing tines in terms of the characte time r for sitdbne irom zero to the final voltage The assumed value of the load ino permits « musimum output current ile evforing tly the miner evasilenatione Using so isto of finite vole ts estar pin lta 7 ey rig AS gan he tee) TR. 8, the eaehing havine eat ie fie well epproxinated hy salty = BB ihe = 22H an)

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