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BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Error-Correcting Codes for Multiple-Level Transmission. (MacWilliams, Jessie) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Error-Correcting Codes for Multiple-Level Transmission. (MacWilliams, Jessie)

Frror-Correcting Codes for Multiple-Level Transmission By JESSIE. MucW A elovl alphas i jn a 0 ow aolr pace wer file fll wie ardent The flere of alphabet ona of the sel parr, ok ans of mba fr the grove od. The eight uf ete i Inve of onsero some i amine. The mee weight of the ltrs the alphabet, elt sri noted yd relonahip i exabihad sien the elpholt ave a set of pots Sina nite projective apace. Phe fea mena curosnctoner later the tere of the aihoet ad the agerplaves of the pace. The weight of tee Sx apy reed te fence oe set Sik the oreepontng harp "Fo ats of pit in Se precive space ae call ewido iF hay ave yeni of te spore. Ino ep a ald ep ff then evita tena hom, a rose apace a ele presen = Founacpdhi. Jt 30 shown Chat thee esnione mean the same thing nd duce to hws dfaton ation 92 “nthe staid between the dinaion of the ape! and the porated hie gi fr han fr mx reno the her Dpevamelors,1¢ i town at thin baud ead be aired ly alkalis teth erated eta A meth i gia fr eaarveing la of abe each atin ths boc, 2 son Ha fr he ease = 2 tone he only et {inthe see of pe) foe wich the awd bee mt 1AM, A gweat des! of work has Leen done on exror-onrecting sodes fr tha biaty ohare. Tn This paper We censider codes fora ehunzal that ea Ianeast mur than v0 levels, Mtplelevel trenton is practical iT the carne! is suri quet, ae for example, the ubmaine voice table I ml ia substantia eres Sn Ik re dina ithity ning a cade. One nse hos four parameters toad — the tuner uf Teele of seanerieion, the wumber of information esis, "he br of dada yt, Ue ter of erry dee able ta deiece and/or corect. OF couse i canuot be decided witha dlevaled snalysis whether thece advancages il more than compenate fer the ded romplesty of the terminal equipoen To th binary tay, sylenie orroreuoreting codes he cet esearch ne rene to knoe mathemati tes aiques, Tt has been shown hy Sepia’ tht the words of « eyteratio fork fun group sal plata ion ml ‘he nara tononviation fa group nner the Fel (01) apne ta be a veer cor ove faite Held of ¢ elena. We eal uch veer spaces aFpba- Fete, and cher individual lemencs ae alld tues. Ia the general ue cede bocomes an “pabet” wad a word (unfortunately!) Becton t "letter." Rash iter it row of syle picker from the grourd Fel; the altel iv see ro vectors of length w. The g eierent symbole of the ground field correspond to 9 dffrest trmmamiscinn levels ‘eu only a neteetil typeof eke emilee, seme wenn nt sale about the nar of the channel ard of the Fakormadion ng (ranted. Those nea foi {a} The numberof transaiesion level 2 poser of «prime mn, tines the somber of eeraeata i «faite Eel a power nf rm, To Dprantieg ths enol amvere rssicon; hotween one and nine we ve ‘elidel oly te auaber {The vhante ie “synrmde” isthe see thas ever’symbel ee ‘he fame shance of gerting tvongh sorry, and that the proaliey one syzbal bring hanged ini ane i the sti for every pa sd (Co) Allerome ae equally ad, This might be theese, for exemple, if ‘one mer ordering mershastise fra @ mailorder house by extalg mise her only. ‘With te assumptions the pnwiples uf eer meetin Dye lel Alphule ae maety shea ox Une deri Ty Sepirfoe rou fea tie a to eve alphatet;- Fer eorwenience she peesinent celts from Slew’ per ate ssatind in the Aggie, Phe purmnelers fan spades, biden sn a IIe dimengion asa vertor space, denoted by &. The alphabet con ‘eine lettre: palo the nursber of eymbosin eae eter whi ean be reguced us eurrying information. The remaining n — F symbols axe aldo forthe purpene of crrarleetion ana armen, 2. The iinimuin neh i the eters of Ue alphabet other tha (0 --- 0). (The wail of «let the nantes of nonscro eyraboe it tela.) The quantity ely edt the errors prop inuneta-tavu uo conserva coms ose crt ue alpbet; fan spats be capable of eomecting all Srourmeeref 1,2. eetrnein ae Iter it must haved = 201 ‘The parpove of thi pur so fvenigate the properties of weror passe ower faite Sells, paral these proporties whith an related Inthe parame:ce & The weigh getter ext oy Sa neation Yaa particule suf The vitor saa, wich fxn weed situation in denn alge, Henne nr chief rachenciel tole al sgh ba Fite projective gcomelsy. The esnoston hotween inary goa wads fn fice gore as pte out By Hue aa is many exended to th xoseral cus We fest ostublsh overs ew deft of oquvalonse between alpha hts (To equivalene lphbes have the sane een-coreeting proper thos) Tower bd for is Roe i tevin og dd. Ceely Uleseuble to have w — (the sbmber of eheceymbais} as sal we [eel Te is shown tha sis hoe bd ea Be attcne, bt aly By 2 steed else of pls. Ther alphabets arc, on the whole, not Prarie: foe eommunention puepores unless the expecta cur ens strmoely high Hewover, thr yeometis metheds used. the wnsteur Fin shee alsbubet an espe to iad useful alphabets or specie Saee "he chon dened for lvel alphabets mpply equally well 0 those g = 2am esrtafante wo the Mary a Wary geoup codes In this scetion we deli He tation to be used in thie paper aaa inneduce Boss's theorem en the roblion Lett alphabets and projective gooneteien Tet Pie int with g elements nnd charaeleite p, nd let ey) denote the nonera elect Pq). We consider a vector space fof dimension w over Bq). Tet (f(y) denote th “row space," tha partiular representation of the veotor=pane comsstng of all pole elopesa elowents of Pg), Ke example, Gl rnin of che 2rples fom) cm Us ey Ce 0) Owed feed anh Go fa) fe) FE Gok Sos sve 8 primitive ene ral of cay Clearly Gag has a° mecubers They” Lnensotoclemente of @.(2) can be divided, in stany waves into fg — Vp ante Gyo By. ah Tins = Me), © JP Egh, Per ene parse Te kx ually” enough %0 Torte prsjetve moriy, e Csoniocl Ch 2 ar Gali os PBL waa avsniac atest JOURNAL, JANUSEY 19H examine only oa of thee sets fr example the frst ine i the table ‘A subspace of Gy(g) ic elled am atplatet oer ig) and 8 mambers exe callers, Tre lng of Teter ism nd the sume of roazero oondinae ins letter i ie weight. Kory alae contain the ltrer LUM) The ings weiter es i ented by wed is alo wollte ph of thea. Th diego he nie tea veotar space seer Pig} isk By @yln) we mean an alphaber @ ‘ich dimension B, weight an length (ofeach lectern. For exemple, fina) ll "An alphabet (isin) contains ¢ lotr, Srom whieh wo pik any & indepeniont veewrs as generators. We waite thes as the rows of a fx sn mattis ACG), the geuraor mab of &. For example, (1) Fe eyo mato au (223). Wo ny ame a et fa gear mate ctl etry of sonore ha Tp Steph fo& bp of a Sarde el tT lets eg), wot ll ae or enol. ¢ colt s gone mrs) be eae be ene Poi ofa pect sue Te), uf pete neo (k — 1) {ror F(g: Weal sayeth oresson th ne we sere pont Tq) tole tien cum vector eg few a. 1 sg) oni — 1469 1 pinta PH, Qa AQ ae hate Th tn of) ate era epoence sit tei pcre oh cin Tt wt the goers ae a WB @ Rie te oe MEO) = Re Joe ge te Ralt e o e rurreisunvub wine coRRFETMa chore 285 tad esi te rows Fy, os > Re and sho columns Qs, Qyy ==> 5 Qe “Rngacd the column re of pointe 2 7}. ‘Thre are xa" & jnceperden eolumrs. so Thi 9208 pats spar the xpuce Tafa). et fsbo tho nurshor ol irs which some maltiple of she eolaran Q, [tbe "ripe being cement 07 F¥9)| appear in Si. Tho comespond- ing point in T'tg}abal the hare muplty ,. We enn now Sto. ‘ave Rose's thecrem, oe om fs Lat hou zeta pot a Ph stg) Let S denote the at of points Qy Qe o> eh conttod with proper mulls. Then the weight of the Vetter HO) = Al bey = oo Maley CPG oF @ equal tothe number of ints of she et 8 which dont Teo the ayperplane HO) Sy Phat tte = 0 oP. eh Prat It for example, aga ag E00 Dg = sho point Q, esos: H(A), ‘he soroa im the Inter RA) avi rom the points 0° 8 vhih Tie on 220), td he mter of sores wil be the tnber af seh pants ernnted with proper lip. The weight of Fah) se numberof fo nonaten neat, whieh tho numlr of pints of (aga eountel with prper multiply) not Wing on HC}, ‘This proves the theorem, Tn Fig 1, the projective plane 1,(2) ix over the Geld (0,1). Note that 2.040, a sao eines Teen poof th oes the 28 ame ms, store mneesT IT, MANCHA GL olde rin Hig, 1s the vet wo obtain w gnorator Mond fa alae E254). Hise Fn egw hae sw a6 a Teast tv point 02 not on ay in af 223 Tr thi eon ele up the ution of equivalent apabels, ana show how Sepian’s definition of equivalence may be extended to the ore general ase. ist we discs what properties one would inttively Tope for fon wah @ dein "We may onsideran alphabet ae an aray of letter armanged ene under nother in such a way that we ean speak o te columns. We ksow that the opetations of permting the eakimns,malipng any eon hy an tlernent of 8"(q) sa tern Use ent te en ale ‘ello change He erie corr presto of the slpbabel. The del nition of equlvalenee between alphabets ahnuld allow u2 to do as maeny of these things as posse it Bove orem we ral hat the waight of every Inter of a alphabot i determine! by che properties of ae: of pints in 7-9) ‘Post we wish that all alphabets desved fre the aura ae: of poitss sion be euvalen; secondly, ito arte a pote SS" hove, i some ‘mie, the sat incidence elstione with the byperpes of Te9(g) they should give Hise to equisulene alphabets runreaauvbt eeuor-connsrnnc copes 27 tiven a st af points 8 in Ty ag), e dorve an alpha from ha by means ofa generator matrix. We obeain the gonenr mite by the calls sep 1 Fis a enna system in Tht) 2. Write Une coon!vmtes of the poizce of Se eulumnue of a manic repeating enc rien {ime nereetsly myncr atively + with the proper pity "The ont i wish se write te wala ie iar alo if is socha column ye have testing of ng MK, A 6 F(t Tess iis appaceat That a great may ere renator mateoee may rie fro the se se of pies “We sal presealiy give tpasute ilsincie delntions of equialenr between no sets of pints, two trons and tee alphabets, ad shin fw they ane ineerzeate, Trt we give a brief desription of she rn Tineason arp of Pt -4 ‘lnetion snag of the set of points of TC) ont ise swish preserves al nese propersin: a ite five ita es loves inta ples, ines sunnah agent Sat Tee through point and fons The eolineations o7s-429) ema n grap, devoted by C2. 1 eusingalor lies” roirsive.ranscormtot ol rutaatn ie a Celine iene the {aor transition of eoodineteendaced tor anrmatimnngtists ofthe grows teal Fa) Let Pe rhe gro cf Hnour projective tramsormatinns, aed aCe: Bye group of tars Klein ions inca ystems of Ue gece eld. Then ane rolneaion of Cog! ean Iw expeesed tthe xl of member of Petyp aid a cies of tf [Alton a elemens of Peg docs train senoral somite sith at element), the evo roups Frommite as sump 1g] We real tha an aitomserphisn of Finite eld of yy lenente ie vave of the form 8 > 8, whore @ ia primitive clonht; and fo woutevial nulomorphism, 0. >< m, ‘Phe gers othe fal (the laments he pene subield ace nod hengal by sic mapper pez ed haw rvs al orgies and rin awe CGp) — PEE) ‘Wenn she the flue ern of equivalence Dosactine 1 The "vwendesee so a pots 8.8" ane equiva i ther exists wlinnsion af The) whic sens 8 ato SY. We mnie sees 1) oo contin tea Welsh thom encoing tho beep 288 nuh uu sven moeuteAt soUKAL, saneaat ORL Definition 2: "Two (8 Xn) generator matsons HEMT over PCG) ave cuvalent i AP = pb, ath = A. Here is an anton 0° ie grea! field ppd toh eis in FF gat inverle % wostix over qr an Xn) pela sats, Ao (uonsingulee} dingane: (x X 1} mattis ov Sine has only we onsen eniry ix euch row and column we ot ass chavee A Un Dentin 8: Two slphabrs @ und @ are equivalent if thor wits ote then a weight pacrsing sen homnphim, ‘Asomisbonorphinn # betwen tons voor apes, ie aay pried by deseibing shot Iappens ta the ae vesters By ++ He Sf, tal easing an antomwnptns of the groin Del The mapping FOR My bd H (San) =Zecont inva sembisemorphism provided that RC, ++ Rave Lien indeple ‘oly any seatomogphizn em be decribed in this way ‘We note ako thot & weighl-preverving rapping ofan alphabet & once au alphabet is necessur ano to ue for only letters of 200 weight in ean map onto the oro (0 --- 0) wf @ nal of thew dinitnny xuivalener a ix usta properties ey is symmetrin, flexion nd Imei We now show thet the shes destin: use te be made preese, compote; than Definition 1- > Deion 2, Definition 2 Defines 8, fn — Definition 1 ‘Tiewron 2 A 8,8 ae aguvalont in the aense of Definition I, th Ve sacrigs JY, to whieh thy givers n a fed coordinate eaten, are cquivalent in the sense of Debut ‘Povo Lct § bo an ondesing of the st S, and S' the ordering of S* sl tna Tet 34(8), M(S%} deme she mateoes with cola ee “Then thore exist ponanation matries eh tht My! = MiSs = goTi83, MES} = ae AP = ght, AP = ate = 3, olla rE 6 4 perraion mats "Pheoroos tthe generator nears WF" ate eeuivalent in cho renee ff Defiion 2, the tha alboers 0 dered tram them ze equivae Tent in the eine of Deion Prof: We have w eat, ata Tbe be the alpha dove oma At, Wo st 9 welght-precerving mnephisnt A bebare & aad Cate exh perenoving see Tromphien f betv eo ad Wr dine Pa Folleae 1 eller of a hen Ma) = Hed “This enriy» weight -persrvn mepying, snes effect i to pemaute te entries vd wip eur em Py an element of AC). Ls fab iar, for 8, y= He ane the sof A ane at +++ RP he tows ob AP ee have NUR) = Rend = Ie, a(S) = Zastea = Eine We deine fs flows: AEH? = rj. go yt) Hs wetter of a, ther 200 umm mea, svarme EnemTeAT oarsAn, TANCAN 19H Hitt) = Wr) 8100, implies r= 0 "To show that its semi-comarghiem, lo) waht pera, sine ea sro ahsore that g 2M" is also» onsnator matt of. Tote Ie the roms Mf, ade Tote momo A, with Ro" = Gea wwe have aati arg) = Prat “(Gen) -ebond Be) a 1(Zats) = Dalene We then hee RRO LR, aR, Bek tS Biel ig Jf isa rghcpneryng, senisnmaephsnn bearaen 6 al "Phere $ Unt 44° be egivnlnb arable he vere of Deion S.and 32.47" be any generator matic «Ga. Tin the eoodinate ya. teen in T(9), and let 8,8" be The seta of points whe coorinates ara the columns off and AW" ‘Phen Sand 8" aew equiva i he ree of Defsition | “Eemog: Vet the xlhable eat We ceeted Uy a wl -pneer ing APAM* are generator mates of and. sre Tak i els of AF aoe ME eve rise to the same (unordered) tof points

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