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BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Considerations on the Solar Cell. (Kleinman, D.A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 1. January 1961: Considerations on the Solar Cell. (Kleinman, D.A.)

Considerations on the Solar Cell By B.A, KLFTNMAN Catan ved Soptomber | 1) ‘The etetonefleieny sl cle red by nee mad nick i ti fet of he sear wpe ele abarpon cure are contained Tha engl function ey obned by numeri snseaton. The method ested by nebo sly of the eee of cfs roennbinaon, boy enmbivation aad jets deh ie toon eas, Tho math i al ger7~ zat includ bles leh eid, and eal aw gten foro fame Sofie sey fede to Iuprne the ealectoneidenny askedly fam te enc Gn sme compel veaieaettra From a geen ithe nea ons Al aensinn tp of te endo of the etoton fh Henao te adept cw of a soon TE abe ia io Iota tery fore lvoe saree st eomparinon seth Gas of FP. Pty eaten Sa gion of e mucty nmi elcti teow ri, an aati ore pease for ion. 140 eee sat tivactnce aap be inportau fr le wk Aigh energy ne wal ert fer he considerations separtad inthis pape have boon stimulated by she urent incereat in the sor balery ae posor eupply for insennente fd transmitters iv satelite and epee probe vehieles A ember of space vehicles have cused solar batteries with peak outputs rng: in from several wats to several kui} walls. Tas been demon nt thnk solar battery power eupolis are telaially teaibe, not niin spce velit alo fn cesestral lepine eystome” For the latter type of application, however, the salir ney has bee fs bye not pen eoonorially with seer uther avaiable power sup ‘les! Fomrvez ee highly advantage fr rpace vehicles reanss nf Ite advanced devslojonn’ onl oummersial avs, Tight weg elisa gi le aug fe i due noe only 6 the uggs find pertnienve 0! iis siuetuse and the wbsence of waving pare OF [or envio the nf slate aaa we Dats! SU me wits, wer nora at go aseh, ans ua IO cherizaliy unstable omponcrs hal tote exteral and independent toate of ergy, thes. Tl lof rin ua? veces i overadsurysinuing the ett ay aoa redune she ie of salar baceerie eatried ‘nto spaen’” We shal proceed with out discussion, Fwvever, an the asanplinn thal sel battery vn survive ie ea. "The solar battery is en eray of hundred oF thousands of individ celle ell nol ell Fach ll ca enna lay ypielly 12 fm, containing w pn junio wilkin a very sal diane, typically 2% 10°", of the iusinated eunface. The fat and bade faces ae freed with “ohmic” contacts ar making eeetrzalconneetion, and the front surface may be specially treat to roduc its refoctivity.” Com nerehly assiale ool ae male of sie, ei have eeieneee of up to-H per cot fr converting tho sur radiation ineident upon them ito sleotte power.’ Wher reece now noma fr ccmverting lar radiation. fre fr lee offiests| Thormoelor(-eemvortrs® for explo whic Considerable sor Is leon done as pprenct leeee uf 1 pes eent "The solar ecll wus inverted by Capir, Fall, nd Pesce” wo Dit deni is ivieion ite iar placa epeata,nd e lni fasion fis efeieney, Date re nef evar ar ater au ‘hog, volably Priuge” Pleas atl Van Rosin? Cusevon* tt ve" and Lofts" che solar aattery 2 wel uperstoad in tems 0 oonopes Samia i eleeseal ieuit and semicon physio. gh elficioncy in a sole satory woula be deavablein ay application, boat especially 9 in space veel, ‘The valuo of tho ree, anened fonsidesnble expense, deeends in large measure on Uh struments and transmittrs Ht enrrios al the pune avaae for thie eeprom. At the sume ime, the mare eigen tha. are, the les spare and ‘ict ean be allowed ft Ihe rmer apply. "Thaneare, in the eranoms space vehile the solar bavtary sould have the maximums poeibie ‘Mice'y respective of the eines of he raprvements, ‘The eran f Uh a ella Ue lef fin canbe Be Arseribed in five tape: a) Radiation i iueides upon the surface wl some erect with ut entering the oll Thi election ens be w ery zapetent lose, sce ‘the retestvity ofcourse dunt 0 pe ee Ue watveenga range of intrest (0.4.1), male males nus might be usc flo have higk reflectivitce Tv praesee i ie found thee the oroessing in the mauivciare of lien wll aves Tae santa wilh ive tle seflestvige! A rocen sade has sane at Dre Is retin "era roviw oth alin wl angy ee Rt steal Wl, otnERATION OS HH ALAR OBE cr trenton nam inevese the ort eeu current of sleon sar ols hy 1A) bs 25 pes mn smupansd wih elem sorrel Iti eseanable C0 "sit chal he telson Ieee fons any tor ou iil be used UUs voll rl minnie in the see war Dp) The Tih cuter Hse cell acl come is sheorbod ly the Hatin sharpton pros in oshish a hae slecton pai erste a phon fs destroyed. | The liek alors ip hi ay 19 tho sata Hh i the flan ee Light of wells hs the avinsie ahoorgtion el fesrnot press e-leseen pained i wasted Sa the aor el Thee is iuvtier wanie of erergy shen Holecorsrom pies sane pal y ‘Shan vi are the rine rsa one, a the exeere ne enn vey burt ine Uh secur Iain Jn the er ea, These late aay etal the spoon Flatron sive shey web wo est tthe eadision wre nnn Chourntie ws she wanton of 8 ebenrption edge or ie he Tosse cue tothe mse evan ae cers 8 per ecko the neney ick caters she ol” Ty sora snaiomdsetor wth soruetan Higher ‘ipa chi set be eons vsien.” The way me ie heetove very apart incerta fe he wate oles {eh Sone of the rinarity avers predate by the ght low by cif Surion :o tho a join "Pes a: he ote thie outa 0 fat current of ave Oc exter fuze ua fon: che Junot lsd recombine ak the surfage c= dro inside the el ‘hw peetag: of Taint earriers wish mntibucr to she onsen i led the ellen piso. La a ppee vines lilo soar 029 per eas over ‘oioney tne wet fig i bout BU pa er’ Minty oui Fevers at Hiner, erat lef foe ada aly Uw pve sme, om the pi tal rrepanee” "of icon slut vole can ir that tsar esusineton velesity ber Mh, pi Die anton tho 1 ero Ta tae amas to ose oe anak infer that he ely tein eat M0 sreawonis (86 it i cvath nt "en, On Righty lvoe te Hie cam be a mdse?" wl ith palain sane teatments thereto Present ‘eo ae ti uae sae tert feta hee A ee ete ease ea ae PPh tale ofits tathege gine Golge kee pron TP pieting SCs ad eect ‘eae wn 5011 for Eon eb 88 nine nite, sYRTRW TReMVTEAL. OANAL, sasuas IGS Binstion velecty ras Wear le 40 emyberan ‘he recombination, ‘therfore, id ales ensvey ote degradation of surace and body ‘okie tt cows in the macufacaring proces. Th. enmpound semi conductors tho rvumbinwtion less relikly io be ronaileraly gale {ham in avienn, In game aren, for eaarople, the ietime eee st propa to be of the anlro usm lvnvosecnl Te genera, appeoet Eifel to obtoin lifesiense wroter Uw O41 ow OL leeeeoord in the ‘ompomd senitendustons (Gh; The «fusion teainains aa excess concentration of minority tt rin sre os jet, ‘Ee waeege develoed br th role ‘nia du ta theesexcet concertos of nr cations That ge, however, in eneieably ees Hh the wieray Cha wr of enon Calle} n° helealeen pai in the seicaaduear, The inter, for out poses, ay be cele to bute energy ap, alles iw van ie 12 valle" The vltege of sic sole eli Pall Tight alee raion ower cents ie sbout Oa volts," Theofor, thee kab to rane Pere only purlon of tes mrsgy sci ma he eleeaor peat we Arial werk, The lee wy ere athe js "he junction ‘os should vanish andthe volte shou pect the energy en he Ine why raster density approaches the majorky egrer deny, init vorioolirg tn iia Fgh ixensiey, Ln he ether Tinie of oro ight ions, tha juaeien oes esse cw eesney of th sol lL puenach seen. Assadi 2 ta squiralent ereuit poi yew of Plas tins Vin Ronsitorek, she shor-ireait current uf the wall ose pay uch the oad aud partly shvagh Ue joe in the forwantdiee ion. The voltage acid the Sure loge thereto perl po the for ried eurent-vltage eharwerernin of le Juuelion. ‘Phe Ubsry of pa Jian prot Fl Ie Farad emcees sould deere expo “aly kh neous ergy a. "Mhetofne, ienfar us aetual junctions bey the ial jure dhe, Ke janotion Ja on be reduced hy in= rons the meng gap. niuber of authors" hare eunsiderl she fevicun hse neti ls a4 &Snedon of ener ep. Tal cher foes ane ulead, le asiauia ePeierey fe bane for an ennge fe nf exoue Li vos” Idea posible with mio seven ae fn obain neaniy cay desied energy sp eur D7 wols (ermine Lo 24 vlle (Cad), whien compete eens he mange af inne Tesh be kop ia ind thie sion p-n junctions suo large rowtibation 1 the esrent fons thermal geacrtion aad reosusnat in Hough Le ‘in tae junction region.” The short fetes in the nompameleasieon dsetoneeuggest that top effects nay’ be even nore nortan in howe Piet, p88 useisanstEnse os TE Soran conn ss spoterins, ‘Wherefore. it sn uot he pose ulin large ets J the joetion loa by vers the enna Hanoy tare ete Is dou estsienee of ue vey hi eo th joneton nest ts the rarfave ud of se eoustet Uo chou ace, Tis raptor pla owe Lo tho dept of tho jmetn. rine! haa ‘conse He ciara dept to sideon ela elle ting int see The craw sand theolleenn les a pte, the iter {Catane oils cello ie eters ane sal shins and he jin Adopt i oer 2310 wn 2 30. The lining tte fate lose would suerense us liseny 9 eels nn TY oe [per cers Le th tir Tos oder ere, the resieteme lee for cbsrueteritie ut wernt oa! Unease cl, and rhe etheds Tor teduring i wil ke salar for uay raver Tas bron mensiono the the solar spor hee aad sae jain logs have ters considered tame rth, Tivol well erates! hid {Ode ahont ert nv sane. Bi the rita lots mot been Uhovoughly Und fv ibe Hteature, Severe! ealulaiena’ aave been nude using the npgrimss nt Pfaw avd Yan Reaeorooek! ha yb ‘alld the rammodiernetia meted. Light of a eet wavelet, nd teeter ling a eric absoptinn soocent im te materia, encore Ue sslor rll Hhluiens ave abained iz teem of elemcntecy funetone for the winovicy ration dansity, ekiag into keoumt difue on, euros swt dy reeambineson, the gexertion of wares hy fhe ight wed the tesmdary coasitions wt she jowetion cd a ifnite dept, The salen ffs tvs on ten. at The janet thie ithe shot roll eave of uve ell Ths camont mit then ve avereged aves the ‘tvelenglhs inthe solar apertura t ein the soleil iene he Irseging rites teins tari. tegration, eer He mono "cuomntis cuvent feu ated fstion ofthe abeneption refnn, ‘rhich in turn a rapily varying (menaured} foneion ef wavelonge, The nodanl soni loan aout fa esafuctory ay for tbo coke ler olcins rn verve insole ell Lhe method i ok sel sted, bose, for mtr isenser alle ea aed ool Atavus Tne lyn pen, Several athe have eve ste ah the sian elicency soa bo cence aay in ndamental cone erations che take Datters, sine eins ean wxpoete Yo Ine sete teriahys isowes. Arvin the hawary a the plotevoltsse ‘Mfeb ud is ulti has veel basa ven by Repco.” Ti this pupor we onside The cel ston ficiency mene systematically boy ay more pserfa a wd thay Ue nannochonnatie eed. "hie 80 nus unre gramme mretecats AAR, JAS KO need ie bape wpe: big far, valli ue phatosonaty Soe ‘vob iti al the effete of the wr sytem ae: Ue Reve length depechataieaption sore‘ent, Laie Futon lain by relatives cory amerina team wer (ee uote Th LEN ff the yeti toting tho soli ea Te ube lest in Proliaiely to any sla ell sollte rable i he aeration whieh tngle diduy eretl deoriiv ilewitoity tse, Uke tive eoledations are presunied for sili» war i showing hove the collation eBsiexey depo om otefuve stexbination veloczy, juno ‘oa dept rl dies leg. The mecton' eacly genes Cy i= {Ce ees ler tliuson lenges ast be ua fr cers fed bee, Arion geaoeabatin ie pececrzed which take into asronat Sete" etvin “ald ip the region cere he fons am ann the Seefor Tashi that by the use ef asia senivontariurs unl be ssl ts wlan sutierthp gr ts» dete immeare che ool Tinnetienee cite yIworliary wien ell Reeve, one wend Tins expest far Red vo ss Ioge eon lo etn ms effet, Ub its ponant quesior of whic senanu'2nyshce be bee ora a feay application abeny rs sieves" pic remot op ‘raz and june ous, shaken up again trem the pint ef vey othe flloeson eFiswur. e intd on Ht e wo2" inn reek a Felon of selengl. ty tnportant a determi’ geo lei ‘Mfciensy. con ha at abwereotion curve uf favorable skape whied Do cesourls i present superurity ucer wher malenal af tore Fswabe energy aap. Jt oad le or rne lewrperat ae ue licen ‘wll retin the bom miter! clang higher gap avert wr thinly oe meade ur mye al Une nvet above 200°C. Finale, Uo ie prererced discussion of ells evils on sections to imgrove the filssom effsinasy, Iti shown Uh in valle ok comparatively lor Teeter tion {-<60 p> si, ennwrab.e impeovencet ube thine oy she use ol + swe justien. Ui cnatraeion ney pce porters iv high pop sola whieh might there Taye nar lr ellen ew cn, the consti finaly caries aml eum toe an cextration of ality cate, fe rqucion dewribing Ure presley, Aigusiom, and resummation of ari cei pits [soem aaa o ‘eostunanarion® OX HR 30K oREE a In (1), w{2) fs the exces tninorityvuvier conowalation over the ec libriam eoneentzaton, In w typeal vw le manizuna value of a} i (Ft rer IP on hal the vali’ of (1) seer ‘Tho te on common aval iene + vil be assumed ta ay toll minority “sntce wlater oles on the neide or elevtrn 1m the ede of he Itsstinn, This sanaption shoal loa te ao er i eon, but tat havo tn be mie for sore of the TTT rst ber nan oF ihe ceatvely low ability of the oles} Th iteeal tom io 11) Fopresets the pudaeion of mixnityeaceiees Uy Tight with « platen istcbution A(Q} in e ate sill absmmpion eoeBicent (A) ad Intrinsic «boorption eye hy The (atl lus of photers capable of pro- cing beeen pale ie = Pra 2 We shall eget refletin camel anal identify N08} ith the salar proton apeeiran wth wept In rarelengchf he tots, eEsotive poten Hag sty Ia 108 eat ser orale § The hexncary ennetions ree zpos or n(x} ane noe) —U WO) = fofinim, i weve ie the wesnmbinetion selosity ofthe wufare, A wun a (1) fan (2) over the ule darwin 0 = a raprrate The minotty arte dit na heniopenenne Hunbsaied amieerdnetoe Thre nos oeate junetion at dep ~ a, sation Youre tons yet ose Ue json, A general, tebe wil rete the ‘niner-y eure densities eal ide oh steton tothe oper voltage of the oe The simples caze 2 tho Ahorecreit voit, in ‘hia Ths voag Gs oto Fa tis euae the extuns reorders ‘nis on ger sd of tho juzetion "he boundary onions or the sortcneit condition ae there via) = 0, i) nikon go a corre ee nae ‘Tite vetlel vali’ dea de to internal rvitami, ‘Ei causes oo haw of $wideNiiend of etn, [ittonsestnde tos swt tpard ia ees GE asic dion ‘rt cnet srent, with te caren 92 rue au, e¥eRRae recaBIEAE UAT, YeNTARY 196 “This correspvu to Ube mains warren whi en he drs fromthe fall: euler tea errespond to romvanihing Values of a) ox bot fides of the jansion, Ilowever, we way ergaed any slution of (1) cor Feeponing in exbitray epalingvonditions as the superpottion of the hor-circitsohstion and en appropriate elution of the horiogennis ‘onion a Accor en etiam thry* the ations re jas tho ae ated with ‘orwacd eaten af aniunated pon junction. The sape position of elution for she nienity carder density is Uherefore equlvae Tent superposing (hn anw-eieeat curren with wn wppeopriae Tor~ ‘ani rorent inthe notion, Jf, sth sori eurent aad Z the orwerd cuconiy Hho sirens Sn te exten ie Jy — Fey i ao thnsanee mit thu ivan eens of nan nd Yau Rocsbreeck™ "Th eoLection proba, cherstre, 0 vnluiaie th sart-ereut ue tion fron (1) awl 1) and toay hi she isinn cures: density atthe jimesiom, cing ine aeemeat the ential rom eae sie, Tho cl Ici eienos “hau ie utven by = PATE whe + lee w wich che wilsvipt 1” indlwing Ut the expression applies to ells Tpih w sire juneton, wendy jumetion call would be stm af ferme of the farm (i. "The euvalont sre for sta ell with lod shereface cate of cuerent generator fy enced ta juetion sl a i paral, with She enesents 1) Twn i He jametion {orwned) ated Zp — in te ‘awl. Plann wad Van Raaebesek obtsived ta foting condition for smvinnita power desired 0 the Yul o Grains ten asters « is the voltage, aml @ 5 dimensionless reducud current proportional to J, Tein aimed that, olan ideal junetion characteristic Ip este” — 1), o Posmay HF eS OH aw vor Ais the jumetion are way i earacavstie parts corrent Ulenity. The renee euro Ven eines hy the retin WehiQ. iy a hele ‘Phe over all fie ean be writ!” 18 gna a ap @ ‘ sheriff 7), fa (2) CCecely Tis the radial energy asborbod on the avernge tn produce one Ihleecton pai To innge¢, (7) becomes G@make GL, 8} vond (11) scum es eran as “ln Vi Fie work done on Avast Fis to energy nhs per eating. the Ine, The appr age ally tite hue ffl -wlght (wl bo of she cer 167. The liioney fo lage @ enn aso ho wetten a8 (620. bn & as, vic eats the Tagoritinisdpendenes of the eiienew on the Ht intend, Ie wll be nnd toe the overall elie ey Aepends pan hoculleninnofEeecey Qy sreagh the Case al ale chyoagh ‘he eokectcz pruble sens in eo-ving 11) eek to (8) and (1) ver boga by sor hs fms [ve ,2! a ‘where & — (De)? iy the lif Ig, i» paroular station of (1) Tsutisis she binary condition mt nue bus maw of the other Tmanlary soning AE ambi wis de tn thy oie als — 1 05° curring fu Ube range of ntegoeinn, the inlageal cx. be taken a5 « eine finn wna, SHSITAE TRESICAT JoMTUNN, sATAT I ‘ie! valve, The pols e removed fe exnbine (16) 3h a sppropriace Selif he henongrssoas eation (3). and wae nial, = f hia fume i ans of (1) an staf weed = nO) = 0, si vwhish a the tov ralen by (@) when the recombination velocity 22 any Taige. Therotoze, nis zepeszite the density of esses: misoity barrier i ¢ semiconductor rathoat juwet we Mains on a wees Shit sconivnan Me drgtve na) ssa wea, ~ mas 2. 0 eae a9) We rll), te pln Tea be rly esate kr msn Ieper (i Ain), sh he gpd a ot sit ple Ite convnioa sor nce sho ie Powh fo ab 7a, om; war MON, = Dit, sal dite he neti, we = Die om ‘hon th pte an sa nese — Neflok Gt here Fh ithe phn foton ries are Poon, T yeti can “This fumes inn gs 1a nn ae a oe Sas o 07, 10 10-en based she salar pecan a the sat sure bon Th akan of FCS) ed inthe Append, Far gall & th photedensisy tation a he m pansion a Tre ae Ponsa bo ea nowy 1 [0

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