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BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: The Scientific Work of C. J. Davisson. (Darrow, Karl K.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: The Scientific Work of C. J. Davisson. (Darrow, Karl K.)

‘The Scientific Wark of C. J. Davisson By KARL DARROW IE very first pie of au mich i plished by e physiciet who is destined to be grat ie nat often aatstandig; but sorties i bas cary finite aockbntavather thom ex, wl aspeets ofthe work ne wus to come thereon. Ty es sae peper pulsed by C.J. Dane, Tre End him working with elzteon, entrain has ino bear hy the agency of mage Sal, dieing them aginst a moctal nga leoing to sre -shether rye pote ftom he tage. Tr, the wees Came from a soaetive subse, and therefore were rene fier than ne of his later eaperiners. Twat so, he di aoe artoaly facas the teres, True ale, the ays far which he was looking were Xray find in hese he took o frie lnetest. Yet in meaty all a his sabseqnen, runes he ae to uae some Ue principles of ele fosing ees: Tron micrseyys im mang, he was ba ok fr hinge thst ware cited by the tages on which his evieom fl Tas aiden pape was posed be fave the American Paysiel Sie ab its meeting n Wsington 50 April Tots a pistol seion may be Lavan toe Phil Raview, pgs 0) eEvotime 28 of the year 1908, He te signed Com PEnceton Urey, Sihisher Dia Fad gone 26 geo stad Mroer dheracterte of Navcore wesk im his ater yes was i foe qt study ant ule of thermonies. Azeady ix LOU ef han working in thie ekl tat it wes thermore with a diference, The ord "ther nics" mw sigue, nearly alwaya, the emision of electrons fom hat frets; bot at fst tinh also the emisior of postive fous from ht Tova and bot salts, Thongh ithe eles oe uintrcting, te ison iC portions snow raed far Beso the fat 29 wich We me one the mane of therm: cision of eect on ot metals one of tie fundnmenta pherenna of Netre, ane ie wees ae iiiable, Tey te plansiy conferred thee fy WIL the cifereace i he importace oF {helt prennscun-emzeon of ws ons and emission uf ele on=— tens for ess event than it noe, Davison, working water dhe Dis Physiett O, W Richter who nas chen professor at Princeton, eta Fate tt the positive Sons weit fom heated sls of ie alia metal see oneedouaed tons of thee metale—that B to say, atoms licking & “hg electron, He hk sowed that if gus fe preseat inthe tube, it ay fevtance the number of the fons bat des not change thst character, Tis ‘aug senesauae won ow €. 4. mavseoN ma work was presented before the Apil mecting of the American Physical Soesty in 1911. Alatract the papers whic he there gave oly my be found ia Pig Resins, ut Ce pubiatons ia fl sppaare? (és 1912) a Piilsvphica! Magasine. Davison’ cole of a Baits journal was advised dn ie rapa tach, at rus he eae it 112 Uke Phase [Revi ed by no menns sscended tothe took etic holds coday. With this wouk came to their end te contrbutions of his stadens yeas, end next, ‘Re ane im publaing ns 2a independooe invests tx ‘rom Davisco’s yours (1912 17) at tae Cranege Insitute of ‘ech ology thee isa poper embodying etempt to ezieulte che optical dis patisa of wolcel aycogen az of lium from Hobr's earest atom el 1 ehow him presse of no een mth ernie, a Tons the eate by ie wal mate ent an mlve & oe ok quantum theory. Ty Jue 19%, ce ht of Woeld Wau J, Dasisson came for what be orgs oul Ie & tempest ob at ce iatietion then kagwe as tke ‘Resareh Laboratories of the American Telephone aad Telegripn Company aul the Westen Fleeic Company, threster~fom 1925 a5 el Tele [Ps Tarato, Now Go eer at a Yall was he able to devote his ‘al! 0 ork untraseed by the exgonees 2 wae. So far as publiston is foncened, hi sesame pei Yous i 199, when he peeeeated to pa2ere Telins the Anserisat Physsal Socity: on at the New Were maxtng i= Fete one at ve Washo ting Ape Ta the fom of these (svn ens! 0 tha KH. Geta, nue aso nt as ie Uke peat dieovey uf cleteon waves in Ca ats it Finks wth that see late. A Pidgeon ‘He two pus Eee sepreseted only by af abseacts: and this is he sure sugested Uy onus te only contibatons polished cer Thviston'sunuse to the devaing eieare ofthe orien alae bv the fier, Be established east the remrkahy high electri ereon of ‘sisted meta ax contrasted with bare ails at due a2 bad tear soho sugges, “he inyect of postive fons (omy the gas of the tbe ayn the cays it Ire there emission. 1: the later, he suuisd the rise abd eventual fll ofthe shemonie emission ws more snd move aside is kid dow upon she meta! suace, end conte tht the csi secure wlan 2 dette numberof ose moles i serembled into a pach af dete size om the surface th muster of patches of jet, the sght abe Sieve, ther declines as he deposition continues. According tevlexgue of his, tes two papers fal shart by for of indicating te ex tent of hie couteoutons to this fel aré one of them "atm tha Das on Was excetvely serupnions abot patting hit woe i pl, bela 388 wr nr sesmew aueNNtee. yormsas, ooronce 19St uviling to publish his oserstions uate fet sre shat he underteod ‘Nihal was caking pce, Thi au aii by another—she Ite Tl. D. ‘Aen nat to Fol! te bax. of Dirgctor of Kean in Bel Telephone xboracres an its antecelen oginiccion—thal we Gnd a description of evinin's Spnmerenininy hast” aow stanard ia the et, Ip Arvo worl Le, Davison bas dened fon of sootcinate- pape in which The Coordinates are power supplied to the lament absczee) aad thermionic mission forincter, The coeadinate lines ace ao disper a rural thot if rhe emision frm flnmen ses Richardson's relation, ant the “ermal uation sata the Stefan Tllzmann ication, then points en the char vlinting poner an ena or such © Wmer wlll an = striptt Iine” Thr paper presented st weting tard the ea £920 Gt was a joint apes a: himel arc J. Weske) Doviewon gives Ue sheoey 9 t= emi tion of ght fname, dees = deviate fran Lambert’ lw avd Series ‘his hy rsuesiuent, A connection betwoon tis ard the sty of thermionic maybe infer fom Une wards wich T coated earlier Arnos cstription of Davisin's wowrsenision chat. kis work was Dublin ful, sore tee yours ner in heel f the Opal Seity 2 seis {We tora wow to Dain’ investgeions of thermionic emion fom “These whos: menor go back 4 enogh wl eal hee so laws hve ‘ben sropmel for he dependence of theminsie sean on temperature ‘Both were pnpounded by 0, W. Kickanlan, aod ene somewhat on ingly, host vines be eae “Rican le" The ene preva thet the thermic emeen # 0ald vary ae Peap(_ 8/1), 7 standing for the absolute tsrpecature; the Inter esis Cast ¢ shoe vary as ‘Pegpt iT). The former iederioe rh the assumption tbe the veloites tnd enengs of he eletrors rsd The metal ate dit bed according 20 the class! Mexwelbntemann kw. The itor fll fos the a55- tion thet thes welts al cuties ave dition] aosoling to the thuatumetenry or Fen -Dirae ay a, lomeve, deed fom therm Ulynanie armaments eae ehizton yous hrfore the Femi Tine theory was Gdoveopee, snl theexperimests aboot be mato were petosmed daring this tirteen ver period Th the interest a hee hy, is coreatd wth the wor of eres whi an elect nant do fa te epenee of Untie enxgy is ere to to frm te nie bo cote of te mecl Tee alte ge he Dhiastng ofthc eorelason, and sy for ‘he momeat chat 8 mpi hy Tolremean’s naatent &rpsnsents hot wee nh eabed end is stil core vu sauna wou o@ ©. wastes 10 tines ceed the “tesmine worksunetion of the mete. Ia give se a das i ittod Est ly Lie Play ad an ly Cae T= a ier lacs of ‘ine therefore diferent vlses of the themsonie wotkfunetion are ob tained Which right Thi question an be anavered if the thenaonie work-unetion ca be snes with diye acura yy some ther method, Sek = mes ea eral the aliretee™ miko. Spare sn esc ie surmmndes by a einésical eectode If she Inte is negative with eect {othe formes, the em tes letras will ar tothe wie, ed een il be no net thermal effect de Yo the ein, If owever the cylinder 3 postive with respect tothe wit, the eetron willbe dry tt ane the rei al in temyerine Lsf he “emtg-et™ ea Ihe mi Shon The ceitance of the wie wll deen, al the nee intr the Wer le Hol constsnt, the voltage between is cenninle wl be Jessrad “Te espeseat any eound eney, end so unig le ial of dhe cutent sowed within tne wits om end to end bat the Heeding of Cectons thug the entire surface es the czres vy frm pone to point along the ie, ‘and complicates the tat enormously. Otbeis elevle Iad tasked ie ‘licult problem of experimensstions bat Davin and Germer fad a ‘beter way to handle, ad thee raul fr tangsten were presented ota ‘aecting at the end of 1921 snd published fll che flowing year. From "hei dts hey enlrlted the ehetmionc worksfinetion o che real, wich rhe thus datarina we way deaate by ag. It ayread with cheval of {vols from the nene form of “Richart lw lice wh the oles. Thus Davisson was ia the postion of Lavin conned the Fea Dane distribution law before it sd been stated! ‘Ie veriins tobe sid hat, yeas Inter, Lieviaoa and Gasser reposted thiseapeient pons oside-coaed petro wire Mee Pry eae po 2 romplcaon from werk ran ret wifi ae formal eee "Thecsnmicter the ide cote win chara with th terpenes ad, sinoe the measureman® of the Yenaiant” Breguet the tem favre, is value lwo peovide a raise ure ofthe work at any Sng temperature, wera he “eaorimeci” mesure ‘Now at ast we are needy to atend ta the early stags ofthe stutie whieh were destined ole ta che discovery of ekeeton-naves, These were stalice of what T shall ell the “polgaystaine stieviag pater” of retaa the seme i descriptive esther thay short, A beom of eleerons i Srotrtedagninsen metal teget whith i in the condition, norm fr 2 Titi, of Eeing 9 complex of tiny crystals oriented in ll dretnne Some 1 thew elt sing cnn ol come ir tthe otal wil vine nes Ieee The lean ice etic oe ee 90 re an semen seRTEAT JOUR, ocTORTE 1951 ‘Davies: rcords shal eas storing had preioualy bo level iy ‘rth cevieos havi iitially an onergy of 12 eeeerrols ur iess). Collector fate ae place wher iss uch electrons as ae eettenst St dvectga waking sme chosen augle 9 wit the rection exety opp sie a hae of he orgial or “pinary” bean. hens may De inelastically Seattee or stcancany elias lic travel tovazd the colt: its poten eu acjorted ax preven: he wens of che he wale i movel Irom plans to pee eo 2 In osupy coco portions weesponding to many vals ofthe ale @ Te aly i the ue plese posing thong foe pinay brim, sas he curve of nes tsattecedlectrons (er ni solid goal) pottal egaaet 0 is 2 cosa Section of thee-dimesaioaleeattringpattra: But, for obvious e858 fof grrovery, the ineedimensiosal pattern ie just the tmeainensogal Daler rtaisd around exe axis whic is provided the peixary bear This tn ineional pattern [2 whet T have call the plycrystline seastering pacer, Ze ies inept}, pal eonlaes in Cartes, Signin # vee a mange of this angle which eatends Ero 90" co HNP; ihe the part of che cure which runs from 9 = A" to 6= 0" The miter image ofthe other er, nd ether by se sues. ‘The curve ~ Fi plotted inthe mmisie cnr af @ = 0, becuse the source of the elactuoungets nthe ay “Tae Ret publhal sept of sich sv experiment isto be fo, er the nines of Dao 242 C, 11, Raza a Scaweraf Novambt 172 in thot sine November Devine presented te work hone che American Physica Sooty. The metal wos ick, end the len had two mest enable features, There were sharp abd prominent pss; one ineerel To he Srend ofthe curve i Se eighborkood of # = O and presomaly pointing i exactly that dino, consisting thereof clectrons shh Fd bre Zvned clear acum Carwug 180 lees; the ater pining a 8 dlection wtieh depo on che epect ofthe Cectors, ard for 20D-clt ‘ketone woe a “hay pbyellt who Bsas of experimencs on exces Ukely to think cf the tottering eapecneate perormed by Rutherfonl now more thas foxty years wish extasbed the nuclear etom model, These were Inoaparements ofthe seatering-atter of alphas, nd this does mt Took in th lat ke the eure niserved by Tayksnn and Kunemans it ‘lowe ro peaks a all Alpbnpetstes, however, ace seven. thousand ‘eres te neire ws lectcnns they ave defected in the rune els, and so yest isthe memencats of appari that it does nl sulle any pereobie lef tom unless end anti iota wo close fo nucleus that there ae no lectus at ll botyeen fhe noceoe worl But with ight partie ‘em severe oR 6, 2, mass ia ‘tas Geceon, and copay wth ay elect svg ax soy ay Davis Sen's the denectioy commences when the Ang electron is stl nthe outer feginns of the stou whic te penetrating. Le deletion of che lida electcon ad che sealer pattor of the totality of the atoms are, Uhre onc, condition not only by che nuclear field but by the Sel of =the flecans suvoundiag the cleus. How aa. exe calculate Ue eft ll the? ‘Tis is» very considerable memati problem, and Dass sop ici tothe umest by converting the amie cectcas into spherical shells ‘of continous neantve enange centered a the rele, The simplest cae Trivsblecge—not tn he stil th thao wckel—s that oft meas rnd by a sng sheriealshl having ota! negative cara equal “nrg ta the postive charge af the cles tae. Within the el the el ic ie pure tcear el the stne as Laugh the sel wee not ‘here at sll ote ofthe shel. thee sro Feld all. Thief what Davie ew cll! a lite il.” Calealaton shel tat the saterlng patter febeichtagstem wont ve 2 pe inthe ietion @= O°, long the peed ofthe eletrns id nt exceed cerain eigen there was tore: "the main feature of the sattring paterae (Davison sid it Teutio-cares") for ache inluding he ateral meu of variable pe Ang area be expect te lel adn a ite eons aetange two abel ‘iceland he represented, even tbe rest dsrng allowable approstation, ae wacess surrey a eagle “ets els is or escent bal Uv at tae bebe ony Tl in the right dinstion ea sintcant one, Magresirm might reon- ‘ie sptonimated by singe hel del; Davison experimented this etal, and published fin 1928) sattering-pates whi lent tenses ‘ell thie interpretatoa, Le measured enterng-ptterscf patina alo, fel ese se expe mich rte wrk ith peaks wey he ad of making rlelatins forthe piniry tom wth ty 7 elecrone ‘Wicket continued tobe Tavisson's favorite meal, and four years ler (198) hs sty te pyerytallinescatteringatinn was il prog rect To April of hal sear oouerd am acide, of whick I quote hit ow isch en Physical Resi of Dacenber 103%."Dring the cova of is srk a lidar bale exeded at te when ce lyst wae net iu eupesatrg; the espesiuentl tobe wns lees ae angel avy oxidized by the insuring a. The ovize was cveatusllyredueed abd a Inver af thetargerrecoved by vaporization, but oni after prolonged hea ing nt varios high temperatures in hydrogen nid inwacum, Whe ie Fo2 mmm nian Sveti vecmpncaL JOURNAL, CETOBER 195K experiments wee consiauedi¢ we Fouad thatthe diserbution in ae of the sealed sects bad Bem oompletey charger. This marked ‘lteation i the seaterngp tem vas taced to ¢recrysaliation ofthe “org thal cued during the ony heating, Before the uesdent sd fn prevonsenparinenta we bod Seen bomberding army smal rytas, but fn he tes aubaeguent the silent we were borabng only a fe Taoge ns. he atual reser ef the odes = Tilo it kim whether Dawson ever excd oc fai aig in xe Ln pears a the rary; bt vel he might ave, “The explaing goidar Tote Liew open the ate othe dteovery of electron waves, Fat onan quences were not waning: the werent kill Uke urishing stil of Doljeryallineseaitvng-patern, and enunlessSnteresting rare Jor [any metalsar sll veiting ee coveres. This my state a der nce between Ce instil sie scale carer. id Daw'ann Mec. Stoeesor wit osce of gradi stents bessging sim for Vis sb jects. the les of Physical Kaew might exh Lit deve of papers en the eatterngpattcrss of many ile tetas, abtainot hy the scudents se the master was forging aval i us: elds, ‘Nin that we ate on the verge a the achieweven whieh invested Dai on with univenal ‘ane sad se corelate the Nobel Paze, Yan eit Fistor in wore bie T note dom while al ry vequost he related the story Uh sappeaet a the smerty ath of Janae, 1037 | ave these Gf paper wh signed afer eng it ver a6 alse did pur cule EA MecCall who was pest to hear the le This'sauthentl scary Sch os al too oflea we lack for her eeoveras of comrsrale moment, Listen ron or Davison itz resting, even though fv the thin! pein, the won of the achievers. The wtcrion of (| Daviaon wae ren un W. Elassers noe of 1925, which edit Unis wack of bec fe li ot believe tha loa’ theory of hi Devin’) prion rnlte a valid, This wea no inlucnce or the coun of ke experiments. What ezally tare he lise overy nas the welldnwn acident withthe polsrytalie mas, wih Sypeted tat single cnlals woud exit intersting ets. When the Alcon wae mace to experiment with the supe crystal, was anciipated that tranepuren’dietions’ of the Iitoe would be discovered, a 1976 Davison sad he gol Gorluse 29 vit Engl and eter the meeting o the Brith Ausocition Zr the Adeaneenert of Siete Oxfon. He took {sth hi some curves relating In the ingle cyatal and ey wete step Jnaly Teese (surprising hor rarely desm ad been rere). Te seed them tn Bor, ta Haccace ort pray to Blackett; Torn alain another CContnealpbysiit (posi Franc) to ew them and Here was rch At AOUSINNE WOES OF €. J. navision ws Aiscusson of ther. On the whole of the westward transatlantic voyaye Davison spent his time trying to understand Sehroedinges papers, che then hed tn inkling (probly derived frum the Oxford dictions) thst the explanation might reside ix them. In the actus of 1926, Davis: fsleulated whee caso: the beans aught to 2, ake far the at il tot Gud them. He thea nid aut» progean ef thorouph seach, aad Javeary 1927 got teag beams de othe aegraags af te sla ates, {ic showed By cleanin the sae moot." ‘Ne {ll sppement this icine i to expats, The dest same tbe mention inthe expats mast be one which does net pee inthe quota hat of Lone de roi Toni te Hof Paris get tha roo ie men fume demi ify $n ei la wave o weet ave op, stain fe Pans’ comatan. Tas geo be eden inp tote nmi oa he ih erent tuition antares eerton ie Schetinger vo the diner of “vases” hat T tin teas Sevodigs ane peat nthe qutatin. Highly eet Fsthenfes ta hie Brg aves a they non can bee, tig be dicta by tet of yt nd hatte estoy Shes tes Sect ages esta gh all the ave na la Sri dictoneaun can Kany ty mire, then ser 1 Ging Tao nf the pea en of ‘none mong tats caper in Ele ar Tiuhet latyuided Daron fo vetaton, vero wat wenn Sy the ce txt sty lng to Esa or fr Bese “he it {hee Dr Hananr ns tried nee pai hfe sai Meteo Eni ht Hnten "Von ma, ye are ito 2 oldie” The eres Le mented opened in 85 che iitutperidie’ Dv Tetursacnanton treet rien ey tte aed hep weerngsatien nator tse tec patium, the hat tore psedy Tieton Rosen at Dike st we hae see id ntact ti explanation fhe pis Sot necr s,s far ab Ela fate eve as anyone eel Shin tal deine the pajenetlce saterngatere fen te nae tho ecm Phic wa bested ne “ongtem Foe ne Sete dogoten, Suber ef eet pve nent. to the ap.eatn of Hae ion the fc hace wane teagan ined th econ ef Convent Soe {ine omer ef agua to exprence obese dtc fin 8 TM my nay somone mromseess yooRss, oeroaeK 1951 cuystal tee. 1 ety to stem dhl 150-valt electrons have wave Tenth of ome Angstrom way ile the spacings Detreenavoms in sali areal the oer of several lagatroms, This et of course did not ease heses, ani figure in etter. ran the ota i inca Lat the ent patterns obtains! fron the oupaeo! Lage erate wate abect and the dafnicie roof 3 Fkts's theory ve blaine only wien Daseon tiated is progen f thee gh arch” and sultarcousy in Englad C. P. Thomson instituted Iisown. Tre ater ites inthe quotation rege to br expla. Te hypothesis w tanapacent dies ioe” I wil consider to be exlaued by itsmame, Wee it ores, the rections of che ms woul be dependent ff the speed ofthe eretron nace they are ety Hepes falls, Tae ler tothe “ne grating ho surace ctor” inluces me fo peed Wt oor Ue ene of the sna contmateheten dHDlaction of elects td dgmetion o? Xm. ‘a opie gratia nojuence of parallel equiiten: grooves or rulings ona suse of metal orglae, Treatnnmena cystlfnesifaceare arranged {pw equidistant ins al ow might expet X-ray lezons tobe Gifted fr Chen e8visleTighs i ilfested from an aptial gesting “iss expectation i reteset nthe ease of emp, hus er power of neat & an grea at single layer of ators, bei he urfacelayer fe ary miler, dicts ber <1 faecinb © part nf the incident Xor Seam: enly che cammlnive slat af temy ayer leletable. Elector si ahim ae dose thit Davin usd are ot reary 0 penctating, With Theat indeed it peble, ase wes the fst trans prviurnl by Ge sutaceayer only Such beams, however, aredccte ble oly wien the iciden forthe eerie) beer of eectons almost ence the tstaes ab) wency aye, wher 8 beam ie observed, it's dae fo the cumvlaive elect of mary atomlayes as the rie with Neuve. Suche ceri oot votes mone spel conditios an does dit>« tinny the sniae leer tthe incident beats let » given age epon the snue, he wonentum uf the elctons and the wavelengt of chest troves mint Te just nti jan it, aod revere ifthe momen Thm ti letrons hae give value the ange ineience must bra [sed une jot right. hs so Daveson veri “As soon 5 Davison als kor bis demonatracion of wetron waves, nena hemhane’ iy exces for sees Ais work sd fe desaipe ons to be ywhivicl ix pools hey acvaneed snd specabzed Ga Phricel Neves Tas saber af tex he eldad, and rscrmead espee ely the tale whch i the autumn of 1929 he gave before che Mie elo ‘Meeting of the Optio Seiely af Americ; fda it a print in wolerse "ay SOUNTIE WORK OF C.J. DAMON ws 18 ofthe Jouzal o ct Society Tis witra wih such eet, gree ae Trror ae tu make me reget that Davison yas aot ofenertezped to ceaploy hic talents for Uve beset wot of lynn precise, bat of sceatists ‘pho were laymen i respect to the Held of is rears grote che fist rs atteace: “Wea Telacoveed on long ov the sanrecneat of he mosting ae Araue Corapeoa isto speck om X rus ae a Bras of COptice Trelined thet | lft rmule the mast opportuni. T sould bave made a enila apgee to the ateton of he Soiety by chaos Inga my abject ‘Lsetoas a a Branch of Ones "Though in this peti hie duties espitor sok aga dal af is ine, Davis found epparteniy to procete his wor ata egin wi certain spplcaiaas.Oue ebvious development many be dsmised euler ear, = Detng lee iteportnt than sight sonal sen Out mit have ex pected Daven tm sre to cory de Bross aw — 8p 0 ve ar is eilcan figures, "This would Lave been dleul if not inpossibe ince ‘hese tn ein of eectears ae uc ee tarp thin howe of X-mas thin raseqenee ofthe fact tha th neion i ertormed by ony fer Ivers of stom, te prinuey am being absoried befor ie can pene Conte tpl int the crystal stiuture. Bue even fit nd been ey the cnterocise woul probaly have bes couse fut, for de Boogie’ Ie tick ehieved the sats being vegan a el-evidoney tn, Sch the iis nvalves inte theories ao many nna, Hat if wore fn erer hy only seal! fraction a «por ces, the discepancy mon hve been tte Inyo fn mae ways than ene. Davison eatalished the aor whit ore perce wil Htc ave fw wi wel aoe gerd shee amply tishactry ine grist of Ce uses of egeton-iffactin Tes the aed of the arranger of na in exystes ana in nen-ersetalire bode Here tenes the sir nee of Xora ea or, eserves where Xray ‘ifgetion does noe nd rie sree. Ono mre T wate Tra a loot af Daviston's "lectrons are n0 more suitable for examining shects of mca by tension ‘han rots aneoutabe fr tplecing seein window, ‘To be eine for ee nioaion “yy eectcns by tana, o socimen must be mo more Li a few hundesé angstroms in tiveness, Tt must be jst the sort of speainen which cannot be examined by Xcays, Massive Specimens rai enaccned By eetons by selection, ‘Tae boom erected tte te siace at ucasmzing “tSencs ond she hahye-tery wt Preiel reveals the eretaline state of sirber-layer nf come Une fist, Tanisible lus of material diferent chemi from the bulk. of the specinen, ame Srngeelly disweved by his method.” Many exper

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