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BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: The Developmemt of Electron Tubes for a New Coaxial Tramsmission System. (Ford, G.T.; Walsh, E.J.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: The Developmemt of Electron Tubes for a New Coaxial Tramsmission System. (Ford, G.T.; Walsh, E.J.)

‘The Development of Blectron Tubes fot a Now Coaxial ‘Transmission System By G.. FORD and FJ. WALA (arene Ree Jl 2, 18) 1 Trnormeri 8 THE demand for long distance tlepione circuit has ineres, aver teasaicon systems capable of ending wore lates pr auctor have been developed, Alo the sdvene of fcevishns bas teal enuand for bi! bara channels for netior fetes, One ofthe latest Aevclopnents sow seri eorpletin i the L3 Casta! Systm. Three ner tues have been developed speccally to met the exacting regultements of Lit aystome Ho Teed, the WE. 438A end We, (268, fn a rs, Ge WR ISTA, All tee types are used in the ine ad fi fmpliiers. The new tubes make parnible « subetaataly higher lve of Droud band amples petonman mpl to thin predosesne, They repreeent the zeslt uf iuprivente me hy nppsing vel noo basic pple throug nea Libemaking techie. There teckaiguse bave inte deve lage within the feaenoak of exis ole phn take manafactring methods. ‘The delenit of xe, sll, lw power vacuum tubes fo high fre quency apeaton inthe Bell Sper: began in 108%, The tule programm ‘as ited originally a6 part of esearch pj the fe al Communications. When the Hevelgament ofthe bl Conse Sytem Degas St sas recognized that sinulartalux woul! Ie ese Dart oF the tbe Alevelapmers ele ea Hotta ected loyal Ue eosin requtement, Work on the Wok, 888 and WE, S8A tubes usd fn tie Lt ster one ete h 9 as em outgzvrth of thls pogean ‘The demand for amplcation over wider Irequcey aus rele in further evelopmerc work elong te sme Lines. During Wiel Wr IL ‘int ox applied to tae deveoesent of te GAR. ihe which became Seale erly in 194 a was cl widely ia TF senile aa ecu men, Story aller tye war che WE, 408A tube was develope! for tee ‘houe repeater uns, This in long Mle version of the @AAS tube vig thse clecteal censure exo fr he hate vl ad cure ‘The Wi. 4044 tube eppeared in elope rei ie 190. The tae, having 8 hipher agure of merit than the WR. MRA, provided improved vesforennor in the IP anspler asd ia the New Vork tn Boston mio Mo rm nner saaae rzeeaL joumeat, ocronux 1951 relay systom and in the TH2 taco slay system. The Wik. 486A, WE. {3A and Ws, TVA sah ane te Lea Iypen to come out of ts long range program, TL wil be seen in what follows that the ey to continua development slang these nes has bee itaproverent i the tenigues of gril making to meet te base jective of proving grit which can be spaced very ‘get the cave al wie, nee, acts 23 unfory ysl plaze Contelng he eneren én frm Ue cathode without ofering any pis fal obstruction, Tai ubjective fe agreached by using many ths of very Sinll diameter ie fr the grid wining. The zewsmn for the close gr Cathode spacing i thet the teamennductance or sensitivity pes on this Factor. Alay the incre fv input eapacitonee which reauls i 8 vantage bocce of its eects on the interstage crits, dis saan Se mre than eampensitel fr by the bigher tmnsmeductence obtain 2. Panierens oF Dosen 21 Reguinoments "The oveellropiements fo the 13 ys, and the masnner fn shih they ate telaced To the tube paraseters re very compex. Lloever, i ite nimplesttomos, the objelive forthe L$ sytem 5 t prove on we fouls ppe a ‘ality suitable forthe simlinws teasmisson over a {tonite ccuit of a elvis sgl ond 60 een’ telepione channel fr, altentivey. 188) cae-vay telephone channels eho no elev ‘lane repr, The tratamscion hud ing provided fom aqpra mately 0.3 MC tw eppuonimetely K MC. The aapiier need lo cumpen- Sate forthe exile atesantion must meet very ext ny rmqearnts ith Fespect to gndroquomry characteristics, stablity, nose and nest, The deni futures nocss-y Ur puovde stable eect Lubes for we in the Tampere ace coeey raced to the rqsiemets mentioned above for the amplifiers Ia genem! tes, che tube design objectives ace: (1) nigh tramennductancecapaciance rato (Ggure of ems}, (2 minim rene phase chit or phase delay, (3 lw nen, (2) wel esatraled ma uon, (long Fe, i) interchangable, are) lea cost consistent withthe Sires sjetives, Ha the material whic follows, ench ofthese Ghjetives ‘il Be dened in detall and its relaonsip to ue syst objec brat ut 22 igure of Merit: igure of merit eof partial importance. It sa diect mesure af the bundeidth over which the vegured amplicatio can be obtained. Tn gen- euernox runes 20m 4 Colom svermat 1105 ral a given factor af improvement inthe fice of merit cin be tansiased directly into a wider unsmisson band providing more communicaLion ‘hannels For two-termine! type af interstage auch that used in the LS ample Ser, the gue af merit ie Ka op - Kee BGs a wher Fi he igre of mei (Fhe vollage mpieaton, A eth bade Sridth between the Tries chee the arin ey below that at th Center Kroqueny, K ie a constant whose value depends on the particular interstage deren, Ge the tremscandactance ofthe tube, Ce the Sapa srecitanee, and Ce ithe ootpae capacitance, This figee of meric recy applicable to setode opeaced as ¢ eal-signal voltage anpiier ed io well nr elas.” It wil he ted to show Row te tube ‘lesign fetore inten che figite of ret of the WE. 5A and WE, 136A bes Talng equate (1) and applying erin simplityng nsmptions which can be mede without mately oti Une rel expressions ane de- rived inthe opyendlx sowing the selaGinship Dtven the Gare of mer and the tube parameters. Equations 2) and (1) inthe apple show bs the figure of merit is aBectod by the grt spciny a" Ue el secon =pacing°B", the seoencplae sseiig “at fhe sad wine caus "See Fig, Equation 3 aves the roqived cceen vekage forthe as 6 PIERS AYR, ON Fup 110 rm maak susina vormeX, joumxaL, osronEK 19 sumed cuncat density and geomy. Singe these expressions a nather involved, the seaanee in which te warn Caco inBueace the figure of eri a rug Rest by eres of wn Figure 2, 3 aad how ow Fe allecied by changes n "a "8", and "e".Figues 6 oo 7 show how the seen voltage reel tn gel tne assumed curren density witha iva bigs By pres ih a al 8" (uation) The scree welage is CSauntaly incependen of 2" ‘These retiostijs ane alw apbeable to the W.R, ASTA tule with nar wadisetons. 221 Design Comsierations iow th vain factors in equations (2), (8), and (8) ect the figure of mere wil be disarm eu. They a ein Table The fastor AF ie the ratio of the [Sate eurrnt Co Cio cade current. “The Lgue of ert iseinel' projet ote cor or be ine + ae : Hee uaeecntes hy ong ane wine Sa he eteen gud, che minim pretense Teng tesmise by the mechanical rigiisy and heat sation one Taisen ale be intend =p cedacing he nme of tart on he dere, bo chi a inte the vest or slices hin elect ome the zeeuzement cet tae pve gr cata eon a pein Toa vue, ‘Since te lgan: nf rei tty propane tothe exe roo af te cathode cures! versity fy, Ue inpneansat wit inteasing fy fe aot Seay mpi The orblems af obtaining saiforr initia: performance ar Tong iene aggre Iip ine te cutvent deni, for sever ee ons There fe moet evento sun Ut igh eurent ensigy por a2 urceactelerated Ine of valle seein. In fst thee i rome ine tea? Hore he Wage th prone enw RE LE Wee § Wage 19686 TIMES FOR 4 ANTAT ETE 07 ally seine with high cue ensity edt shorten she ie, High esto temperate, hier pei, al he pret ore iat fare the major tts in this extegory, [tis prem thatthe shorter ile Ton er sherri xe I the preter rae enantio of the cathe by miter Fon the ater jurts nf the he. Crest forts have lies mtd od al Ly ate proceesig Lebesgue wih wl inc ‘nia his Kind fini atl ty oder taneiuent te the cathode (thik wil counter t sch testi, The into atte tne the LS or i _ re tubes wore being develop wok Ha SO MNJem was a high » eeomt Ahersiy ss sosned co be consistent withthe lange mia Tic apy om the cuwes i Pig 2 tha te igre meri nes apily az te ed-eathde spring Yo" i reo. The ination eres rrshaniel and tanifeets ies inf ware Ones the practi ial ‘tsar the parts 3 closely ith sient acrarey. The oer i the robles seit i fbiestng gre wom with creo sal eno ‘Sener Uo make effective nse of the cue grilesthoe spacing. Th tur uf the subject il be esc! imei le I oe of the ra Enportent septs of the cesgn of the LS bes. 108 tm wxza. sxsEHMC MRoMINCAL yormAL, O=TOREE 1951 1 wold apts fora Fig, 3 that the gr aernn pcing °" shou be ss lng a» posible, Ewever the equine seven Vatage iceeszs ss increases, end i jx aie key Ure seen. voltage low. Therefore, ‘is uae es low as pcethlewil causing too nue penalty or. igure ‘of merit A god compromise value for °8" dopends on the range of got fathode spacing "0" Being orcerl, lo it wil usualy be fom 6.005 cm ‘ea an for clase spaced tubes Figure 4 shows that tho Sgure of merit increases aa “e™ increases, but there Is very Title advantage in miking i more than 0.000050 cm, ‘Making imu Inger also inrenes the ose dimensions ofthe strace ture vonecessils, and eventually leas to spacing whic wil cause i= regulates in the pte cuenc pte voltage caracterstic due to space ‘harge eects iv Uns scant apace Although i x ot sppaeat fous the cueves a fom what has Ben sid hove its sirable to have "ns sll a posible, eis obs thst sot be ee thin 2, others the grid is comply ow, ee te seeumption tha! wr = 1 this mis hal“ mas hel th Sa it tace to be open space between the grid wires Actually, itis deiable to have not more than 30% oft projected aren of the grid closed which Luvcrton ks woR A emis EE 1108 means that “should be fess Hn 11S, tlio to this consideration, itis desirable to have r”romsideraly es an 0.154 chat the regu scoan voltage wil be as low a8 possble This comes about becaose the Smpiteaton Lalor inceeaes “PS inceseed, other quantities bd forstint, al pation (3) shows that Boy incense a6 increase The tingram shows ie Fig. 8 ilstestes the trl in grit spacys ae) tril wine sas. The WE, 416A tube Gormerly BVT. 1888) repesets the meg ep ia ne ~ Qa Tig. $e in pase retest tension of this tend eeported far 9x grl-cthoe ang fencer? "The dae of mest nceases ae the sata vale ol Ube bist Ey. sauce since Ie inereazes mere, » minimum ia vale nf alaaat “13 Sle fs ually nocesury inorder to evel uadesizable eects due to the Rt 110 ans wee 2 FRERNECAL YOUENAL, ScTOMEY 195 collection of eletone of high iia! wily ty the canted gid, Sued id cartonts contributes the as, ‘uee excuse signs distortion Sine increas asthe sre wllge o's ncensd, te gure of merit liken incenss, Xia desible ory Fa la a sible fr atleast tucereaons, The ios importants nat high sree votage wl generally Ihave an adverse oct on be ie. Tie seca shat low power coneum= tion i desirable for economic rant stl the hed ig tht it helps som. the standpoint ot maining lw tensperatures of the components in an pinning a ny alo ample. Figur @ ad 7 show how Bis depends on “a! and 8", The enucemant that Eye be kept low means that the range na al 3" (ish eas be wee i etre, ‘The eects of electron trai law wal lead ielutance in the tubes nus be takes into geeouet im ome Uo meet Ute smpliier equlenents tvith eepet to ph min. [4 omer to maintain stable operation over svernins Tuas som 4 COMME sxsitak rn tn desir transnssion the yin and pe craic ou at Controlled yp tv abet 200 MC. Tsuru ase ita he Cece ‘here che gin became ssi roa over psa" is pases itera. Inve Lk cmpliter this Ire mney eae 40 MC. Phate i ated by electron tint tie arly el flan ror ys ese rags” ial of exe. the exces phe non bee The ie oq orm hee ro toi scl le ate is of the order of 10 "recone, Tak onnregone nat uf wasn At 0 MC, Close spacings aa high eles pter ae tea! tp vale Uae Ironsl ti, Homevér, the oaiertions dacs iv Sesthin 2.2 hove sera te je aces iy the spans en ple ae ene the earl tie Hoge Gar ee las eign mei Ty ing fltively heavy lead wie abd mounting the tae tractor io such a way as to nie te led wites as shore es posse the sk ho fxcess phased to the led ite fins been mini that i ama ste mang against 8 singing codon, the ampliir basen cesigne to ve sbows AV lee pase sit at 40 MC 1112 rae nua sree emioes joumAt, OeTORER 1951 vith tse tubes than that which wil casse singing, With this situation, {ean be aon that any substan foc of incense in the excess phase Jinnuce by the tubes, amy otber components, al gin to veduce the phice margin seriou 26 Hoi luctention noe i as important factor in tho WG. ABSA ns inthe fet sage heptane ai Sy Ee WA, 436A ged nthe fs sage ofthe oni! arpir, Thr i adoguate margin gine she elec of ove frequency noise components such a2 micrephonic, omer Iraguency har, dhol "surier sniee” HE regonable proceilions in tbe sal cla dei dre token. Fron sgh eeaaepoit, the Facto mie ni ened by ‘Aloping a subitadon of tht perature ad current Cran felt dat, with a normally actve cath, te apace current Sula ally space slauge imitod, with ample manga for some les of cae sce inservice hone be Werperaane Lint ezaditin is approsched ‘When the tempeatne Unita ren 's reached, te naise is substantaly ghee than for he spose chang Lusied cenciton. "The tperatare and the unthte cares easily racage fr these tes have ten et #1 alee tthich take thee vnniceratioe ate accuat. 28 Maaation Since 4 maine purpose of sing soothe to uve the mulation products aisng inthe nplib, the more neues at ideal Unease fheracterstc can he aprmiche in the tube design tbe Betts, ecnoae less feedback ie roqire lo wstain a yvea grade of system performance Usfrtanasly, omroe, rnnvestonal tide 2 tetoe fyp0 9 venom tube operating ner ween! sje charge Hints: crdtiors neteeely Ins e inner chase tevsic whi ie abner, Severs! seeible special sfroches which av ve les teodlater. were explo bl ie were Thad shiv woul pri the eguied gure of meri: a be eel lal an rel ‘Cousdesele emphasis we puss: Ue problans of conteaing the ‘aration fn nett ation fron Ife b's, Te ue naoreant factors ne (eleceatiode spacing, wife of eid pice and cre activty, A thigh theee fans de well cone for other reasons, the special requirments on odaton reveitated a tncousa investigation, "The eft uf tic graethoze acing caa be expressed in terms 0° the Ee pnte cuenta te sgral vel For ae Raving an idealized

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