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BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: Published Writings of C. J. Davisson. PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: Published Writings of C. J. Davisson.

ablished writings of C.J Dasisson [Note on Radiation due to Eapoct af Reta Patil spon Solid Mater bata, ‘Pays fe, 28. po. 489 430, June 190, Positive Thesnions from Sete of Alka: Eat, ist Mog 25, pp. 121 159, Jun. 1912, Rois Played by Gnes ‘nthe Fimiston of Posi Therion from Selo. “PIE Bog, 80 8, pp. IHL, Ja. 1917 Dispersion of lyrogen snd Llliam on lio’ Tao Pigeon, v8, se 2, pp 20-2, Joly 6, Corvittion an Electr Action, ‘Scio v.48 . 92, Jure 3, 1916 “tye Heal of Kleene Pom Osis Plants alee Positive Tombininent (wth Germes, T. Php, ess 1, se 2, pps SUH8¥2, Apel 1920. 1 Hlertns magpie Mice of he Paras Sfayoeton, Abst Piss, Rey v.9, ser 2, pp. S70-$71, June 194, ‘The Ension of Cletrons fom Osde-Cested Fliments (th VMepon, LAY Digs, Hoo, © 15,202, yp $58.55, Jone 1929, ‘The Relation between the Faisive Power nf a Metal and its Plctscal sitivity, ich Werks, JK) Ps. Recy . 17, pp 264-26, Pebeuay 192 Soaterng of Elects be Nike. th Kunaunn, C.F) ‘Stic, v.51, pp. 522524, Nov. 25, 1921 ‘Te Seating of Electrons by Alumna. (wth Kanara, 1) Abstect ys Ke © 19, 80F 2, yp SSIE8AS, May 1922 Secondacy Llecros bnision fora Nickel (ita Karsman, ©. HL) Abstsct ign Be, 1, ser. rege MO, Jy 192 "herminie Work Fonction ot Pingten ith Germes, LF.) Ties Mesa. 3 ser. po AUD, Nel, 1 Saterng of Eestnns by Psatve Nucleus of Linitel Fil, Phys, Rg ©. 2, et 2, yp. 87-689, June $925, 096m ms svete szeronent JOURN, Octane 1954 Scattering of Yow Speed Ehstzons by Matias and Blagnesiam, (vith ‘Kens, C. #0) ys, Hrs 2, et 2, pp. 22-258, Sept 192. “The Theron Work Funstina of Oxide coated Patino. (vith Geames, Lk) Abstract Dhys, Rony v2, sr 2, page 208, Febreany 1923 [Note on the Leeinolyramies of Therminnie Emision ‘Pil Bag, 7, Set 6, pp. SBI, Mit 1924 ‘The Relafon beivest, Tasooionic Emision end Conteet Digotence of Potent, Atract. Phys, Res ¥ 25, page 298, Janoary 1924 ‘elation between the Total ‘Tesi Ensive Mower af a fetal and ies hetieal Resistivity, (xis Weeks, J) pt Sa die end Reo, Si nara, 8 9p 81-608, May 1923 “Thermlenie Work Function Osiceconee: Pui. (ith Geer, Ta 1 Ty Re, v, De ser 2, ps (56-58, Dec. 1924 [Note on Schothy's Method of Detervining the Distbaion of Velctes ‘among Iermaaie Eero. Phys. Ren x25, pp. 808811, Jone 1925 Ave Elcom Waves? Dal dah Rcd, 4, m0, 2 yp. 280-260, Apr 18 DiGretion of Fletrons. (xa Germer, lH) Tye, Rey 3, pp. HS 74, Dee. 1927 Note on sn Heston Work Funrson of Tungsten with Gras Py: Resa v.30, et 2, 7-61-58, Now. 1921 Seatlering of Bectrons bra Sgle Cyn of Niel (sith ervey, La HL) Nore Yo 19, p>. 588-560, Ane 16, 193 ze Llscerons Wise? Pres fst, I, ¥. 205, yp, 597-628, May 1928, Attempe to Poirve Elerion Waves by Ralston. ( atures. 122, p OR, Nos 24, 2928 Dilfction of levine bya Coys of Niel Bll Sp, Tech Jv. 3. 90-403, Ya. 1028 efleion sp Refario of Esctrons by Caystal of Nika. eit Genes, pany Bat. ess, Sey Prony x 1, pp. 19-627, Aus 1978 Rofl of Bleeteone By & Crystal 2! Nite. (vith Germs, LE) Nath Avot Sey Pray 14 9p 317-822, Ape, {928 ‘Anomalous Dispenion™ ut Eletzen Waves by Nickel (sith Geren, 1B) ce Phys. Ren, v.83, py: 292-293, Feb, 1979. Gace, 1 HL) ous Wwasrnsat OF ©, 7, navEaCH 037 ectron Waves Bran ly fh 208, S95 Gl, New, 1909, letrons aa Quanta Ops Soe. mer, Hy v8, pp. 1-204, Ma. 1920, Sovtorng of Flossers by Crystal 2, ont, v.28, ep. ASL, Jan. 1928 ‘est for Keizo a: leetoon Waves ay Retacion. ith Garter, Ls) ye ass vs 48 yi 340-972, May 192, Wave Pops of Petar “Seienn wT, yp. 631-451, Jone 27, 1940 Sie Charest Ventata Raman, Nobel Earle all Lab Reco, ¥ 9, pp 385-857, Ape 1931 ‘Conception snd Demnnetestion of Electron Waves ‘al Sys. Teck J, 1 pp S46 802, Oct, 1982 Ditaction of Elections by Mts) Surtees. (with Germer, LI) ‘Astact Piya Ren ¥ 0, Ds 198, Ape 1D lacton Lenses. (with Calc, C.J.) Letts to the elias Fins, fe, 82, p80, Nov 18, 182, ‘lecton Particle os Waves. with Goemes, Ta TL) ‘staat, Sie 95, sp. po. 10, 12, Mae 92 lecron Micrspe: (ith Cais C7.) Abaraot Pye, Boy ¥ 5, p. 76%, May 15, 1934 Fheleon Optic ‘Sei, Monty, v.39, po. 255 268, Sept 954, ‘ast Electrons con Tell se About Metals YE AgBIed Phy 8 829. LWT, Jane WT. Discovery of Hleetron Waves Nobel Ltr al Spe Tih #17 ph TSABZ, Jay 1985 Lsursition in Stolen. at Lab eran, v1, pp. VIET, Fb. 1938 nary a the Trsverse Dope Be Pha Bae ¥. 5h pp ty Jy 1 19, ‘Docbie egg Rodectisnsof Xr ye au Single Cry Gita Haworth, B) Letter tothe Date Phys. Rea, v.68, np. SSL 352, Deo. 2 & 15,1948. DDocble Bragg Refections of Xomga ina Single Crystal Letter to the Dior Piyt, Rey, 67, page 12 Kebreary tnd 15,1938,

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