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BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: On the Reflection of Electrons by Metallic Crystals. (MacColl, L.A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: On the Reflection of Electrons by Metallic Crystals. (MacColl, L.A.)

On the Reflection of Hlectrons hy Metullic Crystals Bi by A. MaccOuL priate ate eae cera daeriageee SERS actetrabtcre gt tol tele ede Berra lesietrt ads ued Keyan ce Sani 1, Fowswors I wor whi is presented in this paper was undertaken aa resle ‘of converting kad with Dr.C. J. Davison at various times during the yours 1858 and 1999, when he was investigating the reflection of oe trons impinging onthe sf of metallic crystal, The results for a simple petal vast te general peobla were published in 1539 Thereafter the ‘ork onthe general polen continued intermittent, an it was almost ‘Complten y the ean prt of 1942, when it was brought toa halt by the net of walle stvitie. Sin then nothing bas been done on the prob tem, ead the ets alrearyoblaised bave never Boe plished ie ete owes Herring snd MCE Nichols have fncnded an umipatig ts ion of some otha tote sgn of the eels in thelr rceot mam raph on thermionic emission “Althonh the intervening yeas, by binging new problems in pysis to the fore, have exe thi wor nose some of theinters which it posesed ‘the Line it being dere, stil sess to Be worth wile to pat te fol teas upon record. The preset acasion, when his nds and formes cle Teagues are cleratng Ir. Davieorsreveniet Mella, is en especially septate oe for this purpose 2, Romarmamon op sine Ponte Wie conser electrons moving with energy E and impinging on a plane sce ofa metalic crystal. (Fig, 1.) According to quentam mechani here iscertan probability A, gnerlly neither Oe 1 chat aa electron il be felleted Uy the erystly and cra fo move backwards tnvarl the sarce; find there isthe eourplementary pobsbiiy 1 tbet the eect wl epg ee: 5, 1 he a ee nh Me Wen Pont,» 2, p57 8, (On RILRCHON OF RIRETEONS we ATETALIE cHYaEALS BD penetrate the crys, and fw vay through the remind of che cert We call the vecton eect, aid ean tie it alesatvely a he ratio of the intensity of the redestad electron beam to the iatesiy of the ineiden bea. ‘We wit a calulate Ras &Suneias uf Boner tobe ale to do this ectvaly, ie necasry to danliae the setusl physical stvation quite ‘hastily. Gonever, the Weston whic we sl we preserve what er to be the most important eal of Ue physical sition.) Om Une other and, once the Wellton bas been act up, te mathematical calcula tions themirlves wil be eased though without eppresinetins!. Hence, a eto a any dscrepuacies between the theorticl cess std the reels of exper tannt are to be ateributed tothe Saudequncy ofthe model, and not tof legitimate spe inthe athertion! work ‘Oar iesiztin ofthe phyicletation cia be Gescrbed in the form of ‘be tine following assumptions: “Azsumpion I The probiem may be ave as one conemning one-ime sional mation of eletron. Ths we set up rectangular coordinate event fn spaces and ne asrame thatthe eeyetal veeupin the hallspace = <0, ul That all of the point functions with which we are caer deer solely upon the eaodinate Atvurpton I. Thete existe function ¥(#, suc that a eleetun atthe point «has potential energy ¥(s); andthe Bebavar of an elocren is gov frac by the Scudinger weve equation 200 aus weLL erste tremmcaT JOURNAL, oeTUMER 19S Mave Cog = 0 o (Cte San where ia Pinel’ conan lm the mas a an fet) Th sey deals strmary ws” with ari compl fated pransors volving, sections im crystals. Discussions of the validity ff the esumption are be fund inns works um the election theory of meta Avent IL, Sessa, te function V2) i ven by she female Vi) — = Fob Yesinaie— 8, <a ita, fas 2i Hv), wen: the abaolte vale ofthe electronic change and iy Ve and re culails aoienegative conmants. (A grap of this fuaction Vs) B ‘own in Fig. 2) Aevoring tn this stucyptiog, an eacton in the relon [> ty obit hla aeons i nen 2 Be in Sgrecment vith the fst, at leat ie nat too smal Als, acre the assrplion, Se pletil energy’ af an elector. fn the depths uf the cyst specie psi veto witha nezaive meca value. This par, tthe assumption isonet as any aaautption can he whieh ater Ce Scout fr tne complicate wal poasases fa terre of «potential energy fuaction, However, wir pelculr eves of a peiede function is based langle pon mere consieraion of eatemstis! convenience. Filly, we ne WEELECHIOW OF RERETHONS RW ARTA eRVTA'S SL Swerve thas our Pf continues, a shyla! consi. one faite ts sh be, ‘We es oi late te mathemati ples ee the felling EG} being defn hy (2), we ae bv aaa seuton 9) a 2) aati ying the Gallon eoion (a) Te tho region » > 1 the fonction ps) exp (21/4) represents an incident beam of electrons moving toward the st, abd a reflected beam of letrons moving tower the igh (@) Te the regen + < the average cleewon How, fit is ot zero, dee- tod toward the lt. (6) The function ple) and its derivative #4) ace everywhere continuous Hoving btained sich a solution Ye), we ace then to empue the rac of the itesity of the reflect elect beam tothe intensity ofthe indent boa Tn particule, we ate tn study the dependence a this ratio upon the quantice B, Vand V "Tae pape [LAM, 1930] sendy referze to dealt ith the epoca casein sabi Pi = 0, be the casein which Vs) i assamed ta to constzat io the Fegion a, Consequesty, we are now concerzed shed ita she eases lnwhich F,> 0 5. Gustwatstns Conernsase nie Crear Inthe regan = 2 the wave expat (1 aes he arm fr e[er ipo re gener oto of thi aati fo the Soren 40) Wie) + MBA, ry rans 2) als) ae ta pi Tar ations which we hoe a that he Sth fle) ee (28) ster A sal Baa ad als} exp (“20H E/H) sepresent beams of deri, of uit teri ‘moving. ta the lft ad ight expecta. Th the region 2 <a the wave equation lakes the far = RUE + Ve — Pesin ate — aol = © e ‘We are concerned with a elation ofthis equation ofthe form vial = CH sehore Cie eanesnt and Pfs i particular tion aach phat the fare 902m us sxereu cenUEAL JOUDNE, OCTOMEH 195 ion yale exp (20384) serene a staze Sa which the aseage fw of lectus in She capa ile vauies 0: ie recto tard the et "Phe actual fous of the fustins Yale), dole, Hof) wil he sous resol "Nom the coatnnity ofthe foneione ye sy") gives us the system of equations Anon) | Bout) ~ Chsked Avie + BOs = Chen), roo which we can clelate the ratio B/A in ver of the ved, Ya (ur seguied election eaficient Fi | 8/4 (nnd ea we ata the fre ‘mula sea Bo) vica ~ BS 0 © Say BE Fie) FS tea 1 xasshoxn‘n LAM, 1939] thot *h functions} by the fenmulae 8) = HG, le) = a8 vl Yale) are own wyhere eo kat, n= inva, ul the sano WiC, Wa4l—0 denote the seul fonctions excusing in the thony ofthe corfiwes Pypergoametsle Garston. The salar x tyes us el the iafermationearcening Yl) al fel “hak we eal gue Hans ie erder ta elewate me have affect, aly 22 ena suitable otion fa) epaon (8), el the Uo esata $l) 4. Tum Soren oF esT6¥ 8) 1 oader to Saltate the uee of known resale, i 8 convenient t write He 3 By we@-geu-f, Bass Byam, ‘hen equation (3) takes dae fra 0 et meme TE + ht mamta = 0 io) This we ofthe canaica forme of Mothie's<iferentalenustin, for c "Moen a” (Caper XD, Catee fs RRPECLON uF KEMUTLONS mY AerDATEEG cRYAEAI BIH which en extensive ony ete We hell call afew of Li hie fasts rough tn chit Chea ‘Vases the constants and <tsty somo ose of esta spl oe tions she genet] Solutio fel (0) bf the fora oo “+ Kereta, shete es vermont determined by and, (2) i w fonction wach is evil with the pecid wend che Ke are ewan a gestion Tu erlin range of elas of che ie aan se ae other anges ite pe iery. When rel we ea vy ake it fo be bosses an thes, vont Ye) amy Be Bode nthe range ‘ens ehuvee fo} tne Ee fanston eh). Wea a are iapinary Recon tae = to ies [joc the, Im onder hae ale hal presen State ir which the Pow w elven fe to the lef a he cyst, rat oo les lo be he Farin ef. ‘When pi purinsyary we yew non-vanishing Sooo eeetons to the left inthe etal Consegnersly, te inten oft lati Tarn Dees da de intesity ft incident am, eat = Ihe rn er emust lave © 1. Ou thecier hind when is sea there sro aveeage slzczon tow in Lie eryalal. Coroenty der thi oat the ten Sis ofthe uit ea reeclel beam mist oe gual, 20 thet & = “Phone eaneidetions pone to t36 pata fess aly online der hich pean page gy. Figure Shows. wel cron eager, sided sighs ta vil wu seme purpses Heer oul Gare taken to be metangaar cantata oi fa ple 2! the plone i eve into desi of ne ina Urabe y= mtr of ens TY the pout 2) he Ch inti Le ofthe la! raging above i el i te oi ei the atesion ff ene ofthe wl! reine pre rsgirry, Uf, @) Bis escty fn the boundary of ane of the region, we awe a mriertat marr comp ed stustion whic me a aot ed ta cen ben) “Pai gram er ables a> exile cetsrmins, fo ey Exel valucsof Fyoad Vy th ena alee of Bis wth wubave Wm 1, We atal eel these exes aloe OEE the Sifraton bends ‘Now our rfl 3s boon reduced to thas of cating fa veles of wek a net Ha litearton nds. Tn sting tie pase ofthe subject feel fou the coun of the ret enltleins, witha: any exaafiae on f ways in which the work might have bos dove nn ished 11 isan, 2, Siete en GX Warn one‘ 4, Chale XT S04 tue gua svar mmeusies. jovTat, acroREs 1951 (Of the mary’ metliw's which heve been devil for Gnding ston of Mails’ dfecntisl equa, the ore which i concepruly simplest is hat cue to Kou. hs usthod ean be des a ellos Unde ste tert. oreo [aoe sh Mathewson 4 ges vein ira ets gah theo ts — oy We sck 2 goltion of this equstion im the barat a pose occ in the pareese ay re arc oe ale “nd thatthe Fer tismse 2 ox, mnt ally he ern uations ba go 4 dont Bewets = Slee bey 2 | Dans — s+ Baap bt = 0, De WNERCHION OF ROREMRONS HF WEA KavTARE 885 ‘vical in rer chat we Sl es the solution whick me rnin oust reduce to iy when Ty = 02 Al fa} rush be pes wil the onuiins, gether with he tions (0), i deer ede)» socesaively and wiiquely. We tually aban the <a “en” a tava=a] a o0--Elg ana aay ta alee, Tale =ar@— VG — 09) 7 4 are T ame @ beam ral WH Ora ane ta) 7 1 REPAID ‘ema vo S eee ara = wT 4is— 144 e"————_ 6—396 410) a WER wea Sama (15 + 18% + S66) BOT wre | Fos ag ane ] THae FOG + + a9 te functions nf) and) ave ben compet lo; but, bus ecosinty tine tectiegies T snc tnt Been gf) pac egetion Aheste seg is omeel renee a Te principe wee havea he inormaion a ned eae tae fect cain A. Burlserrre, ear eeperence showed that fee cxite ‘acy U rompine By ths metho, proved taat the vale of oss wot He too near su edge ofa eration bane However, ean tho proved 10 be unstable Gr calling values of Vor values of Ebr the mehr hood afadifsction band edge, aid we were fro Loser ance mete ‘e-ohtsin Hose values, Aer sme tentative work with other metho, we fice star rhage the ees a te Heer smn fe mith rae in se Hane = WC NMG oe mete Sveti HHL FOCMRAL, OCTOBEE 1951 settled ypon a metho dus ta Whitaker, aod ths wasted tw complete the ‘lesions Whitaker's metkoé is dees Une ia Whittaker end Watson's Afsisen Avalysn” 44 Kaiton, p42. The mevied > dewelope mare fully ia papers by Ine. We sal conne ourselves hee to ome sammary indications ofthe notre of he wal. “Tie method las to eprserations of the soon of Matha’ equa tion by formolse eich der instactare depending en le yatt of che {26} plne in which we ae working. We eho give the ferme eitabie Jor ose in the eigorhaed ofthe peat @ = T, f=; the formulae ar ase in otver pars of she plane ace given 5 Tne, Giver He wales! and ye st determi a number o by menos of ‘oimple qin f yco0 20 + % (2 + cos 4e) — B cos 22 Bim 1 oose 20 + 8 (m2 + cos de) ~ F cos 2 + EL (2— weante) + +h nos)e ‘Then we sek soto ol eation (8) i che form, 4 = °F, tenes salle | De a= tay sin (eb De ~ ey here the 3's andthe #5 ace corstents, Wes aubatitate the expreston for {Pte the diflorntal equim, ard determine veluce ofthe rrwtarts by Tncposing the coratiom thatthe sesulting relation sll be > etiy in After sone rfher inset algbuaie masipletons we faalyezeve atthe 4 st ait ao ein 26 — ai to — ME inte 20 hed or gigas ante + ow mevivcnow or RexemROS a were cxvseats $97 = OW) ostet a oa 4 ‘The ealesaled tenue whic ave exited kere cule us to ealulate the selation ple toa certtin eccurey, and this accurscy proved to besuficient for our purposes “Although this method is very corplccednnaltcally, it was found to 1s ute eavenient for purposes 0 mere ovtn, 5. Tue Reroecriow Conmaeor vie Laue Watts ov 2 is work is concern ally ith Ce welseson coefficient fr tall values of BGetly up 920 lect volte). Monever it interesting that tre can obisin a ple approximate formule for or indsaiely lage ‘hs of i ce ietervalebeoween the erection bands "Fur this purpase ns go back c run's method de write the dependent vera im equntion (5) inthe form g = — fe} a. We find thal ee Aependent variable a ste the equation Bo aitya = oF + 200825 ~ 0, ond we seek colstion ofthis equation i he fom aman tO "he funetons() are corel nel we Gly ative, la entely stright forward way al the renal eereres o

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