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BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: Hot Electrons in Germanium and Ohm's Law. (Shockley, W.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: Hot Electrons in Germanium and Ohm's Law. (Shockley, W.)

Hot Hlectrons in Germanium and Ohm's Law by W. sHocELEY lag J eo he mai inner af wating Uy opal wos al de to crea SESE Tor cope THN" Hes Ges age hee ey hoy EAS SuSE an Mtoe aS de al psn ster 1 Bletana in ncTope German & Auutlet Pintinewrd edge Tings Ue a iltteaucg neoaea ia ee Cer ane ARTES rary ae ‘AS. Ammosinate Equivalence tn Ea Se Bt 3 Rca cena ae 1, Iemanvcroy: Fenpnervtat: Destartoxe ston Bria's Law NHI starting pola of may rsches of ysis ie Une relaton Aung the Rost punsicot ofthese ane Hooke’ law, whl teltes rom ane ara for ait ves, Newon'e axond hon af toto ttn (hme le, I al of thew case, the linea ration fs onan 3 Powimatin tha mye regen the Sis term in Tay’ expansion bf the fonction mintonip between oke Pan wriahle, lepine poy ‘principles ae ong to aitention when the ravEness rage = reseed. ‘Of the thee laws mentioned, Newton's i, of cour, the one ia whic the ‘nse of finearity ithe most signtrantrepresnting a it dots the ev trance of relative ess nto the Ins of maton ‘The ahre of Honke’s lw may be of ether a primacy or seconde fom. OF MaernOss a GLAMASGLAL As QHD LA oon 1 sold contains vids then ander a certain pressure it will crumble and Fil he voids. This is seondry elect. Ifthe sample is homogerenn however, high pressures wil produce fundamental deviations from Iooke'’s la, these devictions asking em the nonleatity ofthe ‘ores bebmeen stirs. Stes ofthese asin fete hy Hein bor amg, her {ings puta Grr ai ewer of the fora Velen in oni estas and che presooes of electzongase in metal ‘Deviations froin Ohm's law for electsnie luc in serconduciors are almest the rule ater haa the exception, but the meet emia eases fare secondary rather than primary, The primary Inear relation for the ‘uti proces sat eee the dst lacy af an electra, or hol, ‘ard the re tht drives, This relent se wT) K an hes ne bility (7) in function of de empertune of the specimen. 5By 2 fndomental destin fron Obs law we sal men a deviation is tis laces rltinship essing from the largeness of B aticr then other causes “Thomistor action ia typical of a secondary devinton from Ob’ law A thermistor is umaly a tke-torsnal Geult clement in which th current fons through an clectonis semiconductor. The semiconductor kas the plopety that ia sestance deseans apis othe sensperatuze incest; tt the pyc is for this eres sere ne nmber oc Aeting wetrons for oles or both) ith incrasing emperaine. The pusaye of current eats the themistor and ite resstanoe changes conse ‘quel the linear ation belveen careut and voltage ful and infact there ray real x decree of vllage with increasing cueane go that a Aieentat negative resistance i chnerved, The elctre feldeaze 20m, hhonever, hat equation (1-1) is valid provided the depeadanceof uy an the Temperature i cake ncn acon. Ab eaperinenta! poof that ne funda rental deviation of Oha’s law eccureieSumnished by applying « small 2 test imal on tp of dias ht produces heating the fequeney iro higher then te thermal ramaton rate, the we. resistance i fount toe srl that expert for ve verve empenstane ‘The etal nonin of erst rectier, nr vation of ae isons ane clay secondary sad are sana th changing sumer uf Th this tcl ee ball discs some experimental evidence of fu ert éeviation in Obm' ae for ceca n te rma sblaine bp J Ryder af Bll Tepe Labora! We sal eseibe bis ex ye and W, Sete, Pe 2,330 95H 992 wn wich everew Teeca, JoUNNAL, OoTORE 19ST pevimeatal ecaigus and reels bel nthe nest section an sal the ret ei spore ofthe qiantitative Coty tht explains Chm, leaving the bale of te ratheritice ipultions for che nents, ‘Bere clacurirg Ryders reulls, we may indie why is procodere succeded whens previous allem, of whieh there have sopare'y been { numsber,lngly snus, have failed, Ryser work takes adwanrae thie factors (1) the avalaity of elect pales of rirosoeond dara tian, (2) the high resvity af jenmanium, wrt (8) the igh mobi of {ceeton in germ, Racaaae of (2), See posh uo deliver energy to Elections at eatvely igh ates by elcai ks.To eect this heat” the ebvtronsabuve the tempeatre of te erystal and lowers thei mobility, The gnerand equation i then wee 0, DE a2) where the fact that depen aE epeeseats the fondamental nontinear ity. We shall show that Ryle Lechuiquee rise the “temperature” ofthe ‘dewions by a ecto of about thirteen fold to shove UDOT. Sine the re [Sst i high, sy 10 uhm ea, the power celivern to the specimen is ‘Sulsinty low thatthe healing ia one pale is nehle. The pul pet ‘Con tate i hen kept a0 lon hat serum Heat negligible al, Tere cnltans are enormoasy ore faweable than coe mel with in melas, Tx cna tae average lotro energy fs evel eset Wot ‘non t double this energy, enh eleiran would acquire 2 aie exergy ‘oughly walt the ces energy per atm ofthe erystal,Puethersote, ina mela there fab one conduction electro per atom, compar with 10" pet ator io Ryde’s srmpls, Thus Lie stored exesy dee to “hat” lec ina ical would be enoagh tn vapor, whereas in geranium, tr» sinlar enisonductor, 9 temperature of JOGOITK forthe electrons “would be enongh tn xine the eystal less chan O01°R. From tis reasoning Fe appaare that i mill be eviren'y dificult, if nt impose, co proaoe “khitcantfandsmental devitons fom Ohm's a ia ieals and ceainy imposible to penlue fla of the magnitnde dsersed below. Tt should be pointed out that the babevior of electzuna in erga in fill an hig ta eqasio (1 file have Boon set to bth experimental and theories) fvetpr ton fn coanazdon with, deste breakdown? "The work does not apply to ase in which the spevimens bey Ohm's ley at low fslis however and the experiments da rot peat accurate der nt pees ih cA Si, Phe. Ro 8 (40 x Fite aie ena ae ca gen Sete In ear Appecm, owe, we give mi™ nore mination of a8 fanetion uf B. Feom the thence ede alo the emp Sb ns bon ot lds so igh Ghat the near rae gested aU tbe trunsiton trom linet to nonlinear is a see. “he current theories of distestrie breakin are used the pre reordary gavel” of "easton aaukisealns,” Thus fan easton Sequins enough exanay fom the elected, i wll be capa "peo ‘dating secondaries hy calsian wih bound eects, ans Une raion of (his proces il xd Uo an avalanche, Our theory inate Chat in per rvnlam, even ats sighs 20,000 wll, fe elezons wll ave nough energy to Produce sccondarien AL about chase Fels, humever, brother phenomenon cus T1838 C. Zane proposed that electric breakdown was duct a pi trary elest the Bld isctced generation of aoleelectton pais. ls mathe reatcal toon is ems to that for fl emia Sram cle met’ pints tnd to tht for radioactive decey. Ie invelvee the “unaeling” af elatroae CHivugh regions in whi tir wavefunctions are atenuste, rather than ‘Zenet’s theory doesnot seem to spply to breshdown; however, it does apply tothe high electric Selds produced in roctiving pr junctions in ac friar wen thes are biased i fe svers iscton, Unda thee on lone fis oF the acer of ADOT wot are ced. Phe abies Deletes, i thee falls "ave wot bean weasuted. Te has beet own,‘ however, thee secondary production ig very etal At these Beds ‘sort af "breaksows eflec oscus and above a extcal value ofthe vat sym wety rail ince in eurent fs eimerved, Tila curent appears ta te of che nature picid hy Zener. Te iss at a given volte, has & small tsperatice eueicent and wil probably be usfl ts semiconductor taegue of vollage sepulstor ts" and procective device. "hei shows im she trentvent given fg iatoe terms in orton 3 woe in more detail n te Arpertics, te explain of te feared tions ora O's lai ved on the Cer of weteon weve. The invest tits desert inthis ay ths be eared a arn evidence for the wave mate of emletion elena germane wl are sre Inte tothe rsscches of C.J. Davisaon, to wham tis volume ig dedicated, ot hiecolldnolor LH. Cerner. he Davin Germer xprize ere fomcernel chiefly with ett weaves fT space a wh high energy dectrons i cyetal, Both f thes exe ane npr than that deat within this paper, Estoue i Cre colution bad in gennaniun appt to Bele hgh they wete na ll pyafracting motara a which they my ave SE PRAISED fae Wy ant MS, Pe Je 0 85 DM Fe WELL settoy MRONUEAT JDRNAL, OcTOMER 1951 several velocities of propagation for any specie ination of propagation Ad frequency 1. to be hoped tat more detailed analy of the data ob- tine by Ryder, together wits guantiestive interpretations af eresin ob- feevations of ruyesovesstance, ay lead to a qe ealution of the eitactve constant lan fr tne electron aves hie peg ‘nvlenaned billy in Seclian 8. Te ietutnn in the Zener careat age Sond anetnor new npjartuily to ety eesron wewee fey. The weaves involve iv bs st au thowe with energies in Ue enemy BS 3S Theor the eomfuctios baad sa! the valence han wae inthis range Bove ‘ceived ile llantion from eter the experimental or Ueotetial ie. 2. By J, Rowe's Reseuts (Oe of gemcanium’s must. soil atrbutes i ite ebiity to pioe ans leasing Gf elestial sigras wes wade aco a tnsistr, ‘The bese phe Inomesen fos many ype of tranetor ia thet of Mere nection.” As is 1g hey i Be wl oJ. ie eae or ring cy 9 BR sell kaowny gemaniuas may ratry current eer by ee elec mecha tibm ir whr coe it is called oelybe germaniam, ve by the rechanim of bole center in which cave ix cael peype. HF eit prepared ‘ettode is pleecd ona agp specimen at usent is eae to Hw in he sense hat removes lovin tom fhe specimen, then tye proces may ate "lee jection.” In hie ese addon to removing conduction (eet oom the yormuniu, elrioas are removed fon the valence Sums £0 hat foes are lajeted, Ths lads to noninesr effects hoo, ca he cutentpasies sual Ye specngn, che nliee of caer in the {Speci charge onl Goes it en Thanet to void tye seondary dowations om Obes law due to exer infec, Ryder bas dese species of se frm shown iv Fig. These {pecs have large ess co eh the meal eletroses are alice. The eshte ares chiefly from x thin zetion ofthe mace connecting the abr exyertons bs cemeasTew ako ome taw os lorgn ens, Snr the elds a he large ends aye small, eamice injection leegely suppresed; furiterwr, the elie feds are applied for sch a shox tine during the pulee tit, ever i bles were injected atone ai the ‘ns, they would na hve time vo rea the iow eetin of the bridge land medulste its conductivity during the ptiod ofthe pale ‘Purther caus of porlinearity can eis from inhomngeniies in the gerianiam materi ite, For emp grin Lounéns in golyeeystlne ferinnrium are knon ta have nce etre resistance, Dien ee ce 7 , t 1 Trae eL_| | Ra Z| Z a Ef i HHT . 1 5 SI Torun [th i i j El = rhe i l \ see ste Rhee fe Soma 1 ebm user ibe Fie ecm Tena dure = (29 210 cat tacts We mes ewe te inkomagenccy save largely been clininated in these espeimenss by the owe of bigs somigeis sigle eystal gemmaniam mae fur ithe by 0, Kel and hixeisoratam ‘her expetnentl precanions ere necessary, ach wx marin eat plished sutiace on te filament; if tix nt done, apres lee te Ingsecad fou the suriace :regulrites of the tv section beer the lenge erst who nes I rake carts fo welt ice some of the resistance aes thin he linge eck thers Some ofthe etn obtained by Ryder are shows in Fig 2. ‘The dil ve lacey, soto au ordinate, ot mens Vet Ina dsr fra the meaeured curentethrocgh tke sperimen by the fcr reno 906 rms men svt aemsTeAL.yovinAt, OorORRR 195 Ina specimen nt rm temperate the eft velcty of wets is given by the equation t= 300 emer ea ivhen £ is expend in wlts per em. AL ICD volts per em, for expe (eich is edo the nonnear rong) the selciy of electrons shoul he 306 10, Tos establsee the drift velocLy sal for room temperature om olter meawuremer's of the germans spacizn of Fig 2, ti com ced that the uber of electrons wee or conductin is eas tilly independent of teperature don to Heid air tancoratutee, Cre [Geely for this tempeatnes range the edt walt enamide wey Troperteal tthe cient i the specien. The other ten sts of dala Ene ncotdigly snp cele ia propor on fe thir crete ‘nthe figure me alsa entapolated res tS gree conesponding to Olas Iw, Brom these we sce that decrees in roiity of tenfold ot Inore have beea procuce Lies experiments fr high Lela conto "Tac data for cer lenjeracue de pprovimaley thre Les: Te lw fei or Ohm's lw reins tcanedate region ove> whieh ie pOpOE tional to 22 and wf proposal to 2 rnd saturation sepa. The telat lefevre a dit velocity of about 3 % 10% cm/sec for all thee cavee ‘This nek, asouling to theory, emo cere when the eit Yeleiy i several Lies the spon of sewed i germanita, the eps! af ov! bing ssut $1 3108 emer ‘The limiting fe wleity at Hier Felis i vu with the energy reine bn exit a particular type of toric vibration, called an "epic mae.” Te comes nt approximately the ve of crit velocity prec! hy then. The ekzore-x] uve, ‘compoia’ fx the appendices do a0! rk fi che sharp Line eesion supe [Rated on Fg. 2 However, thoy show the distinct inuenos of arate ‘Shove ithe dat reasons ell a ne sell show below in ennection with Fg 5, 8, maw oF Devuatione anon Om’s Law a, Biro a 8 Te Germain "The specimens we sll consider ore of sezype germanium ai tave sitvites of seve ae, The combsetivity ares from she prewree 7,8, Basrotané Wen Hh 8 885 SD, gph ETE SOE TE UT AB Do? ELACIHONG BF GRIMES asm cms a oon of donors: chemical impties such ag arsenic or antinony. These donors fubstiuts iomzcle for genmeniom atone in the cxyta structure, Zora, ceetton-pairbonés with thir four negara and release their Gh valance cecttan to the conduction end, The deasty ef donors 'sebout 10%em rene pet cube 10~ ca ~ JGUD A or ea edge, Tu canorsare x pasitve epee not grove in elect ds, Tete charges reateliae tote Uf the elton ‘Te eloctroetate energy of interaction betrern eects tel donors lade ton de ton of the eacronszaaoo. For the tempers irs of Fig. 2, however, his lot is rimetaat compared tothe eet of thermal vraions of te ators. ‘Tae elstons in the conduction band tave fn anvonlance with a wave equation. They may, hovever, be thought of 23 parle. The justineation |S dat, under many expeinental condor, the nave factions wil actu- ally be wave packets. These wave packet, it canbe showa, behave much 5 particles and can be dealt wil 45 parts, at last provided tha phe- omens considered do not involve distaes emaler than the sie of the save pocket, ‘ner con tions af (her! eqvirinm sxe may think of the 108 ele trons in eae) cable cewtncer af an clcion gae with the ectons (3 ‘wave packs} moving al aodooe vil: an aveage hineli energy of ttn at G72). Af the ets ofthe crystal wor ld vgly at seat © pect regu cayetal stroctee an eleetson wave, and a wave pact too, would be ane smite throug it with no srcterng, Ac SOO°K the vibrations ar such tat the wave poset moves for ony 2500 A before eng seated. At low tea pereture, the mean free path is longer and at cud aydrogen temper tno it es long that therm eit wre les iapertant tn the felis ofthe ont donors, As site ba, ever, we may neler this scattering by ions over the temperatre range of Hig. 2 elon proteding lh the tase the interactions of leet sd ier vation ve shall pitt at te problems ust ese ‘efor the dependence of mabilty upon elacrc Geld canbe explained Tist, the mechanisms of the indivdusl proseses must be atalyd “This the base physi preblen. In onder solve = we ust spply une tum mestenie tothe model repreanting the elctesa anosng inthe eat ame dotermine Ce pookabiitis of vasous type af trusilons and sae appropriate averages Sceond, the eaistical consequences must be worked out. On che basis of tae individual process, the entice of the acenblage of exctons rust be analyzed and sted state oltisn found. Thea ery pte mare jin! problems adi gen the most 966 rue au seerme reeusteaL owns, ocTosER 1951 tention, Te acon robles more ell mathematica. I sven nly an apprwrate traest which ie adequate, however, to idiate that the tliion tothe fas problem contains che necesery fetes to ‘explain the experiiets Ah, The Pronons Wie must rext conser how to descbe the derma ibeations and tn Covaluste icin interttis wil ty electors, We aha preseat one the Principal teuteof tae matkematenlana= nem leaving the details for the appends, ‘The cles treatment of therma! ivan in a ert foe tht of Bistern, who rnd each atom to be axparate barman Uelletor. This mode! wae improvel on by Debye who tested the crystal ten clsticcontinuuss Chat eould export remalng waves. Debye's eta ie regarded as evventhlly covet and wey therefore, revolve the storie ‘motions into set of rung waves, or mortal modes. There are thre: times ee mony ilyendent ermal modes ox there are atoms in the eral Crone per degre of Iason, al any posse atric motion of he erytal Shay be nade up as «tort of Fontier sre in these bomal modes, Track normal sne aust treted ne x Planch collar al Is syste af erey level ith values et 19 fo) svheve wis ke Eequency of whaling, aes qoansum of exergy seer thas plan ia nonmel me rakes a cagition wit fe = 1, Westy tpl as beea ented and Hx = 1, we say oe hs been absstbed, TT ripen of se crysal i Unie of phonons i in ose anslogy sth the deetrpon ot kcLinmagaetic waves Tv ext ia texas off Tams Tor the case of Tigh the clgtomagne'e stat ofthe cavity ie deer Inined by finding he nora wae whieh ace cated ab quanti! ei Jator, sal trains wid ~ 1 ermespons fo photon emvian aan beonption. "The normal modes for the etal are unlike those for light. Far ow Frequerses ie waves ace czentilly Ue croscope rasyerse al hg tucinal woves ol sll Ae the save legs becomes sorter, however, the sound velky vars and there ie a Kiting minicom ve lg Gehich aout ince ae spacing eter aoa. Te ander to wlersane Ue eneray sce of electons in ‘igh Skis, we taut conider Ue role of {is minuuy weve length Foe Cie puapoee wo tl deecibe the depen fice of feceney pon sone Teg fora longitednal ree ‘ecology we consider the “ejcacy af the nrwal medescomespont ing to's bugiudial wave propagating along a cube axis, Rather than ur EAEeONS I OARS AN OHS La 00 sng the wave length as a variable, we se the wave member oF (1, or omg mers the speenry i ily += a= altp fo) “This comeeponds to the straghe lite porion for low frequencies in Fi 3 “Tai portion extends ca « wave lensth equal to trie the lattice constant 2 ofthe erst Figuie 3 tons auether euve leh bas a ied foequency ever for (A) ~ Gor inte wae Ingth. The presence ofthis branch ofthe “ie ‘racoal spectrum” ir dae to the Tat thee the diamond structure he 18 Fe, Sti 5 ein I sn a Saale ath es a etter torn per wit. (Vhe Hema seucuce is wale a te fae entered fubie ery a? stm, jsp thal cack ata a ane sia Is een taal stated is respact oa tewabedron of four ats of the other nay Frith which fans four action jit bonds. The anit cel comtairs one tore 9 ees wry.) Nn consequctos of thie its peste to have « b:o- ‘on in nich oni atom bates in the plus ection while the othe ator ‘Shnvosayiy and to have tis stave motions eects in ae in every ‘ont ell telat i onsiesed to have ino wave lng, ince ‘very rit all hes the ame thing atthe sate time. Te his tae hint Dosa frequency since the pattern of motion invalves diretly oppose ‘laa of nearest neighbors. I tae motion is moe so 25 to have it

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