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Preview BSTJ 30: 4. October 1951: Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in This Journal.

Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published ‘in This Journal 4 Put dacomatic Prine Line Tolepeoriter Switching Sytem” W. M. acoso G. A, Lovins Ble, Pgs 1, 3. AUS-€13, Muy, 1981 Ansiincr8 fal astomsti tleryewriter mesiige switching system us been developed fr ein private line network invalvng one o> nore Switching concer: ane x maltipiiy of leal ot log dite ies each 23 ‘ehich may have one or mare stone, Thi system provides foe teleeype= ter communication fem ary ston to aay athe station ot sreup of ‘anton a the network, ‘Crstar Taman Syuem.? R. Be COIS! ALE, Pray, wh 1 597-100, 198. 1 Sil of Maclean aud Blernie Magne Resnance KK, Dapnow! lec ag, ¥. 1, pp. 401-104, May, 1951 Ansanacr Sine the discovery uf magoetis wesonance i slide, qui sand gases ia 15, the phenomenon las bees uta is the deletion of clas magic moments and magnetic Geld seg 26 well asf he ‘Sly of ental sevcte and leat ces The Gauss of Submarive Cate L, Herrswenn® Whliogrephy. es ‘Begg, 30 po. S80-185, Moy, 15 ‘Mtstese-it asi eonfety age Dal the Bt sitmacine cal wl between Dover and Cals To mate this cestenay ele author reviews some of the events leediy up wo this achevauent which mids poesile Fsticr advances isthe oxnusiasioue fle, such ag aying of te tans stante ble by the Crevt Fasten escorted hy four tips nf ebomn in te pete ‘orocarlon Bib Revs, RO. Grasnsiz A.C. Bette ad C.K, “Vin! Nake Rlvtonia Cavern, Proc. 6, p51 42,198, Avcnvace —The carbon Ei pe of reto>felary eal Wh Aneentin for nol only ean tbe tte to have small eelaace bu iL i eect, al kins hat eee incre in etance thigh Cequen Just ain eft. The lin eal vell nach is acne const ‘sth the core and thia makes posible the dissipation of large amounts ‘of owes per unit anes. Wa pinily developed for high frequency ap plisations in shi countey, the pymfyti cabo tess pastas eter amscnsers oF emNeAL ARMCL ams sharsteritcs which eve Jed aud ae ening to greatly expanded lds of Spplcstion, Pancipal sng tse ore the tolerease of one per et or ence ateoable in prsestto, he stabilty ir ue, che rstvely sot tel predictable temperstare confit of rrsstacr, and nel sieve ‘These propaitic neal in pe par from the late crystalline stucture ofthe etsbon ls ‘Some Methods of Selsing Haperbaic and Porc Peril Digeretat juaton. I, W, HipOn! Taternstions Business Machines Corp. Com- Detain nna, Proven, De, 1040, 22, CC. Hw Past By Dp. Meas, 18H ‘Asruact—The sais purpose of thi pape to pret brie, non ‘mathertia nteation to the general eld cf computing tke olcione Gf pact dferental autos of the hyperbole ant pambate pes a8 trl a rome related cates of equations. T hope 2 show thet thore exist, teethods for eacng sh prlens toa fore suitable fo formal exmputs- tion, witha rewonable expectation of ariving a: usable answer. 1 Bave selected four particu problems to discos. These have been orem url arnge eng aut certain point wbieaT feel ze impertans “The drt pele is alent Leva ag ther exist wol-known aralytcal methods ior sing ity while he last fa rather completed part ier= ‘entangle ae which theres practisly no knowa machete fal icon Elcteopraphy ond HlcrSpot Toning 7H. W. Hoso0aner aul HEV Wantome! Physio! Meinds te Chomieal Awalyie; BA. ly W. C. Bed NIV, deadawic Pres % 2 9p, $5228, 183, ‘Condition Rnergy at the Hr! of Sublimation of Eth, C, Mexwanes Lester to the liter Refers. Phys. Re, 9. 82, pp. 280-285, Ape 18,1981, ‘Sime’ Thies on the Free Bnries of Crgtal Sugover? . Mes References hye Bony +.B, po. 81-95, Ape 1, 1951 ‘Avernacr—allioags the inspection of exporowate in each de tho sages nf scl patisls ane the thera etching of etree wsualy Involves lens of kines enter tan mere equilib cmeratons, Tig suggest tat @ Kologe of the alator roe ences of dLTerent Shapes or surace conkigantiows may pravie a wwe perspective. This paper presents some ‘heen thee tative eve eneaies whic follow Team the Wolf costs fe the eouibrium shape of ell pote, fd some relations Inter orsiv alls of ey stat saraces ad he sur face tre energy funtion wed in this eastern. Raia shapes of 146 rr wane. sratexs Tecunneat souasas, weranie 1951 cystas ond of non eryatlineanisotrie saedin ere cls, and it it Seinted ovt that the pasbltis for cya include smoothly, rod os Srl te starpeownered forms, Te ceaitin “ casale® for Prem Cynometra ace wis eapet to fornarinn of Bilan ‘alley stracture, 2. disssion ix presented ofthe limations on he app Tail che vest ion oy Me pendence of sri oe ene 08 inv; aid Hee conchae tat Lise Fiitations ane net likely £9 be rigs for most rel suas, Cg they sre seri cota Sea ‘hottie rel “Te Crp! Sucre of BiD-S3B90, #4) BaD, BaN'O, asd Toomatsn Phases Wik Compoition Neer BosXiDy Witte Noto N202 J. TAN Dut! Referennn Acta Cyt ¥. 4 yp THRAASS, Mar. 198 “Avsraact The east strietorer of NiO- 3840, NiO: WoO al ANID, Inve Hee deterasned from Xora liftaetion dats, and das ane given for bse ei ounposition ner Ut reorsented by BaaNit, Te cech of hear stroeuncsvickl Pehaves fe a mel Siebior. A eplange eipgelor erangemea of eygen arn srkel f found in NiO-APa0. Ta BEND, Heke! Fava valence of four ard hr structure is coe packed hexagons tasking of last nrimngeents Fund fa peorekie 11 ate. The em Frnt S0"BeO has 4 apneic moment corres to No unpaired Hetvons heres the devel coplaaae equare atangement of oye Shouse kel snggeste thas thre shoul bien ued exctors Cn pounds with comps acer DayNBO, contin amount of xen whic Fe continoony fnetion of teraperatare aud passisly contain incurs of bisa retravalene rake “The problem of NiO having octabela!coonnztion of oxygen i co side ‘Neo Fonvsiacie Faitoee Wt. Maremust acd J. K, Wrant, Letea to theeitian Pg. Ri, v2, pp 108-109, Sp 1, 181 “Netter Impedance Refer J.Lo Mivowts, JO ADELE, Pros, +0982, pp. 1461-146, 208, Iwereschange Tondem ranking im the For Angeles Meopaion Aras, Wats Preuran', ALE, Trans, vp 2, pp. 1071-107, 1950. TAgcamact Twenty four years eve pad sce the frst epeneale rnchine switching lane gare was desyned a2 stl for service in Tas Angles, A at intermctixe steagcenter, the tance ofee enables operons vw the ea eth of pecan f> establishing inter xchange tekhane souteetions over Wie asxiase cercingnetork, ‘During the intervening yore i a aeTuated the exp hang of tl lo th ae my ed oro sesekscrs oF racunonan anc na tiene cls see the vin cis aad tna the iy Sl Inala tale epierent max employe al the wham of als rm he tuk pacity was lncaued by istaling sonal switching ep ‘bea, 1M0 Ubon ele at Ue abut ate growth suited Ansty Deyo he atl sa i f the k-y-tcy tender eit To salve se reming poste, besme nce 10 FT trio the ean tug svstor ad set nln farce et gon It ln provided a opgntanity to cdr the sation othe ‘bore recetly devope tober tandem siting sytem. This paper ‘evs the factor aftctig the ger pable of iteteange dking wih hae lel the dela Uns peta tlm nt the ie Anges motopaitn wen. Ie desrbes the major aes of ta stich now employ a ttl of Sve tandems sitting unit thre of wea Ire crt eae oes ip lation Rion wal Pl W. J. PETERS, Ler tthe niet Pligg, Rey Rp 120125, A 15 Fares or the Dastmbton of Reread Sle in Wires by Ue Leyer Rant Molin WP Ws, fo JA iio’ Phyo 2, yp 1S, A198 “staer—the dsribation of esidal ails in beam or wie of cerular ctu sein tar! ac fantom of he reat equa to Singer eo aie ova of eusmmive je of mate, Ape ion of th fol inves wo gee! difretaons ae eg ‘ioe of experimental cares ‘Drains of Boge Doms bythe Kear Ret H. J. Watsans te aren and EA, Wi Latter fo the elitr, Pt Rey 8 pane Sit Sysposine Pabmnianing® FH, Wesel W. Marna! Hibs Tn se Eng. Chom, v1, pp HOB-12, Na 185 Raeraice Cont of in aad get! frs of dey creak hdrsnete poleness vin Bie spore powders ase ns dierie {Hein wheal stale, Sachsen Bae on pobre” fers impr. tao fon seca rein Sera sigrivant acts inenng the preparation of piers sit have heen etl scr ne lea: Pegg] aa prove fo few sigh eficent stable for polymer pert prepara Tar coment {0 hinder eel grat 0 pe Wily ye uk, al © high names wf abet wee 1208 nw myer svarme zrewocaL JoUNVar, coTomRE 1961 ssocinted sith setae of lor aun diameters These genelbtions ove: sosensionstaikanton down to aside 92% etoizes, Tae cour Eeatration lit whore suspending ation Begins 7e hmaroey of pec Srverest. Hee it ws found thatthe nue of plyvins all leules prevent became tprtant—‘hat i, fr equal weight cooenteans in the silty of 0.006%, low mleclst weight paljmer (13,41) produced sa- Shiv fathoogD Tage) apie eras che suc igh weer igh polymer 25000] was ines Clow othe russia possible yield of wel-forme spherois was nepo duchy obtained in mazow size esteution snd. with average spiro Uiireters caning from 5 rico tw seveal millimeters ix deter {hnmunia seration in dinanions "Bisic and Hlsirnchanicl Coupling Coeicieas of Sigler Ro sam Ptanate W. Tew, W. 2. Mason, sad HJ. MSs Later tothe elton Bs Ret, v.82, 482 S43, May 1, 1951 Mating Smo Spier, W. Ly Mossh, Res 8. Instramonts v2, 44 35, May, Subyarine Telephone Cate Witt Submerged Repecters, J.J. Green. lecrinir, v.21, pp 164, 168, 724, June, 1951. ‘Hterode Rune i the Glee Disshrge* Pt, Mawnan, References, He Appin’ Phe, 2, po. tine, May, 151 Anarnsco—The reactions whit sur ae aler clots a roca low discharge ia ar ave bese dleraized. These sce: (4 formation of ‘ReNOvand some Ah) the ane tthe rate of 3.4 wx/couomby (2) los fetal from the cathode hy shen action wt the rae 3.5 uacoulom> (ently the same reaction ae (1) with enbeoquent les of the retin prenuets by the seater iatigg of the «athe, at tas Bptess Fit been stabi’); and (3) nora pulling sat tbe cathode at the fle of Od pelorubng, These procewer neat ix Built a nmducsng Iayer on the ale. IF the eleerve separation iso sll the sno fatende ino the ran ofthe cere thes the igh elated pls Tenewty forme wad wot very coherent grout upsn the mle eres ito {brie betwren Che electro. Storing Viies Tfornation*®. T Hopors!, Biedroncs, v.24 pp. 172 125, June, 1951 Aistmacr—Comparizn wf signe auplitudes slong adjacent television sang ins ea. ral Iy wating We wo infomation of oe ine ior (33 iesceccones Storage ia doae iz ay allenic delay ine emphasing sas sey br wi quart tances Cass Seaton for Too Calls i He, Ne aA. JA, Monson nd GH Was Later to Ci ete Maye es, #2, 488, May, 193 Herromagnetic Resancuse AC, Krave! BMingratiy St de Physiye © 12, pp 2 30, Mae, 193. Theory of Ansloradecric Cryias C. Koere0, Kelemen, Pigs No, SD. 129-32, June f 1951 Antec: A alierwdletce state i define as one in hich nes of ‘one inthe expstil are spontaneously polarised, ut with aeiziboring nee Iwhsie! ie appeal: drse‘ons To shnple cub ai the stlen= tect state i Healy to be more sigh then he dtrsltrie wate, The Siete constant abot and brow the anierosetrc cate pint wetininl for both fet and sesons-oree castes. In eke case she Airis eomstane need noe be very igh; but te tush i se uri, eoninions acoes the Curie point, The astieroeletie state wall rot be pierce “the treraal aremaly ator the Cus pat ll De of the tame nature and magnitude as in erotics, A suse aration ofthe form (C1 7} fan i siti tenet is ot indictive uf aufermeestity, wlice the rorendingsitation Fa emt ‘ieory of dwifertmogntc Resinance C, Kore! Late tn the eter sy 82, p35, May 5, 1981 "soon okel Osten With Tri and Fosalnt ick J. J. Lass ants A, Wears, dom, Chem, Sey FW 1, gp. 2452 245, Tune, 9S, ‘Aniouact-—The compound Lindi, sad intermedi wih compat vaning two HauNiOy atl HaNiD, have fem pepor, HAND, i Sil, stale in allan! otrachure elem Faye Ment ith fhe TI pines of peovekie but etka aa cle paca hexagonal fash fen. A TH" in 380 mm. of onygen, the etracture change to thee sence Sth the serie Bashy 9 Ise, in hick the exysce conte spent 1 decteae ctu itl tempts sncrsing to 1207, at hich Fiat hap mele ere ‘hese mater ane Bick and stable in sali withan nemgoral trecrate or which tae deals have uot hee dete ‘eine Revtviti el mugetie ssepibities ure repated A wie range comes, sempwratine av mation atmoesker wae sted out eal” us Mul carn a olsacred. Aempt 6 te tis compound tree aot suet “he Phase Stem Boo VIO" J, |. Lawes. Aim. Chem. Soc, by v.72, py 80-2582, mo, 15, 150 row wan AeA TeeHEAL sAURAL, UEIINE 7851 Ansraict- ‘he phasrssten loO-NiDhasheea tue targely by mes ef Keay dincton- The two compounds NiO B30 and NiO SRC vere the apatom, ‘heir jopation and pipes ate decribed, NiO Ha is ack, sible ina, onthotonbie and mele ot 1240" V0 SB ray yrceny ens len a exagensh snd sets aC 16D" ete wing 1080" cberve!Ietwces thew romuoml, but none between NiO 3Ba0 fad Bat) otorohbiity ofall solid pases in these sual, even at Tigh temperatures, bus quate das zave na he cain A Penmenlical Lorin of the Pat and Sscond-Onier Megras: stition oad Marthe fete ora Wick Crystal" W. P. Maus Referees ges Rony v2, pp TIET2S, June 1, 195 Ristnacs Tn onder io avout for experimental results which shosed Jp the saturation stsie soastane of «spe nek zyetal varie {he diecion of maps, 9 phenomenohiclinvestistion as been ime ef est sin ad mgt ations or singe nickel erst, The vatln ir ewe sonsan's is stows tobe “me” et cased by the rune i te cesta apmietey dac tobe magnetron ele, Tn the every ation shi eet i ceposented py aional tenms which favo cewatee aod prof «of lt she mugpetic ites end sss: "These leona aneas Inge he agnetostsctive erm whic Le sess are Df tude a 0 dynes‘cn?, The enzay eqoation Fas bees sed to dei the Asta score ole rgnetontrve ee ad Ue sulting em {gre il Becker nt Dirngsempiiea constants or alan conditions For ameler magnet inleiie he terms evi yp into atl scr Drader terms shih any dieseatiy with magetic eld Stony. Ii hon that th morphs flee involve sx measrable canstants, ane some of these fo evletel experimentally ‘Didi, Prarie of Satin eet Possum Nate BT. Maas and J.P. Rennes’ Pgs. Hon © 82, yp. 127-729, June 1, 195, Ssciace Tae olen popes dea ith evi of fereelecricity fa KNbth and NaNBO,, Tempero at whieh both material unesgo rye Tally «laze and cording changes in dielectric consents Tons tanger: are reed. Phage of eile hysteresis loops al ‘lus of ature tin potato eke at srs pits over 9 temperature rage ace gives for KN, evry. BT, Marta et. Mngt. Seve, v.11, pp. $8 506, May 25,195 Anstescr Une the stan of Ferrcictrcs ene chs hea ten stich eshihit diets anomalies phemuenscgeally shia br the meg gop a ei oe 21 rote Behavior of the foromsgnetics. Perhaps it wold have beet ote Dogg ta use rhe tre Rall eres, ns emphasizing the say i Ilene Iain hat of Rockelle elf whic this basis ws Set isovecnd By J. Valle 1 Ui lscawin the knoe errr wil be Hite, andthe win Unscented her wl be examin, Ticary of Ferlvrie Bohasior of Brin Titanate PW. ANHPRSOS! ferences. Ceramie v.51, BE. 29-30 88 1, Aly 295, Ceri fr Sapercouducny. J. Bsaoeé. Lelie to he Flite, Ps, oe 88,9. 978-979, June 15, 195, “Magraic Dowaiw Petco. Re ML Bogoanat. Bigspy. Jt de Pye gue, 1, pp. 3 321, Mash, 2954, ‘ecion enportures Noire Feperaae in Low Presare Mercury Aepe Discharges. MEA. Ensue! and W. W. Moxon). Lett wo the Eien Me Applied Phi . 2,99. B46 $47, Jue, 15 Tap Ovigin of lomborsmen Rhona} Phormionic Eoesion* J.B, Jou sos eferenes Pyr Mew 5, pp 49-38, Jal 195, Aagraser Messitereats on Dsimbtilnen-ested Urns es {on rm een rate show hat fo} the eer soe tla to nara fading snd recovery of theron emia (the euler have ners in the Herm rine ther thin in he secondary range. Cale tas inicste dae the cectson onsbaecin edaees one Ca erage interaleevondaris eo escoune forthe eect a zeae hermione wie Ss. ane oben they nad forexpnining why the obser ‘fst ie 0 even ere Ditelar Domeias in Persmageaic Cry of Law Vempertaes © Karsan Lotter tothe Hilton Py, Res 82, pp 968-966 Fase 5, 19S, Mobeds of Mearaciug Adjcont Sant Kiang rom Radia Pease NTs RE, Prey, 39, pp 659-856, Jus, 3954 ‘Ausrkicr Aseview uf thee jpsbleritioleaf meswarng ort adjacent ban vacation sharacoraties fs min semis see, Paes roe metho Fer ite ty oF goa plied othe trsnmiter ne may be cermed the tooae, notnal sig, aid herald ose metas Measerunts 9a Tear sine sill bmn te ng ech heemeshode ace prarntt fo show tt thst aval ction bebe the noma gal and acral ise moto Any eal esto forealculsing the slope of te ajaceat ben ain Sigur rom theme we one distortion wales ‘ion asa fh 252 me an sysrme TacuMEAL yume, ceroM 19ST is given, aid the mensime ant eaoulted pes te shown to Ely pond agen, icenone Sper Dh, Ky By Me ADEE, Je! Later te tr, Dy, Res,» 82, p91, June 1, 18) 1 Sipe Mateus Lifer Avetecer as a Demoasration and Sabor ty Ait to lores nv Bagnsring, MO, Niconts! and D. W Use anon ng Bbuation, wl pp 621-68, Je, 195 “Puteonmpmations 8, OuvanserOndnence, We 36, xo. 87-9, Tal August, 195), agin Memton Neos. J Raowow. Refaonees. oe. Math Sat, Pray v.29. 420-132, Je, EL raraemints of Bycomse Tnennsi Pasigaton and Hesicly of Soft ance "LC, Roses ain 8. Gucci Apped Pas, v.22, pps 842 MS, June, 1951, ‘Avtinacr. Lr onder to meseur the macanical ppt of soft piste vor wide Fequency nl emgertare re oe tehuiqushave beer Gevise The ast one wh petotes im he Fegueney range of fe rele ec Focal oneilating pelt. The sexe fnecance ofthe sine ‘east by mig es pa she mater ews Lae vibrating Jpoclolum and fl platfrm and dternning ae cage in equeney Wt te etage inthe decent caused by the sare From these meseute= nts the dat mectarica stance ent tetanic ofthe epecimen cin ie deerme Te other serhaigus seh apphcnble ive hequency ange fr 100 cycles TOD eles make we if boing tng ok, ‘Tu emis scnylce are mowsts® between = watlanzzy weight m7 che Towing tines an! se shear mesial pace is determine by deter- ‘dag the range in Irequemry and chong in dceremen! rane by the “povinen. hese two technienes hee Been applied measuring the skewr Properties 8 number of aul les orang Pytin, Kotsea, Kes, Polrny! Batya Thi, and gum elit. Al of thes show resxstin hin The pyving| hull epponr Ine approaching x erystaline elastic See athe tow Feqavacy of IO eyes, whi que utes renin tusk eongarat ional sige from 2 yest 1000 eye “Fos Mobifty of Becoons in Siber Cioride® J. R. Mayr asl W. Sunesrae, Relerenves Phys, Hew 8, pp. JAE, oe 15, 151 "Sosuancr Tings ave deers bie tie the pent out eect tu ain both the di:eeion and welnsty of photoelectrons ser cine atte am elected Ha mity of she secon is cae fom ‘ir ehange in diection profuee! by craved Hectsc and megnetic Hees 1 mpc of eae Be ane on reget hmsteacrs of Teousncat ARTICETE Be ‘fe nity ofthe electron is stained by measurement oftheir velocity in kaw electric Gels. Tae vale obesio fer ie Hall ubity {Re} ralfled Uy €3e i $1 ust recat 29°C, The values ataized for the lrfe mobiey sre stow to be funeion of tersperatare. wae of 205 tami vole sec wa obeained at 25°C. which ie within experimental exor of (/s0Re,spdicatng tat acoueal eater isthe przcps!rzchaniom ‘nd ar tomporery ip ie wviporant A sammy othe Boivin ‘coco electron in silver chloride, leleed fom the results af these ‘experiments included, ‘pm Fancinn Prayers W, Suoonsast, ML Sean! nd G. K Twat! References. Pie. Ren, \- 83, pp. 181-10, aly 1, 1954 “Ansrnact ‘The eects of difurion ot electrons through « thin p-type Inger germaninm have ben shied in perimens consisting of tro lye regions wit the p-type rg inept Te fon that pte sapped cone r-type region ave nse by difising electrons erage ype Ieyeralthingh the ler is grinded thraagh an oie contr. Whee ff the pen functions He bist to saturation, seer un can be aban ‘uoogh the device Ueed as “ng-n nsistrs" these writs will operate on currents af lo a5 10 mirccmperes and voltages az low ae. volt, bave Dower gains of SO db, and ange Sigues of about 10 db et 1000 eps. Tait Cuncatvacege chemetoisties ore in goed ag-eemeat wet the eusion Ages eon may oad co ant

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