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BSTJ 30: 3. July 1951: Some Basic Concepts of Translators and Identifiers Used in Telephone Switching Systems. (Schneckloth, H.H.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 3. July 1951: Some Basic Concepts of Translators and Identifiers Used in Telephone Switching Systems. (Schneckloth, H.H.)

‘Some Basic Concepts of Translators and Identifiers Used in Telephone Switching Systems Hy He H, SCHNBERLOTEL Mone Raed Ai 8, 150) Soren gee esata af ‘Susectiie mn temqn ewe wecneca i ‘hose concerned with he tec desl somo een sl ing crits usally regard switching svete us mae up of a numberof type if beaks or eermite ware fn socom wi ther an wea ‘shat i the in of eves ia Reading ele cal ach of thse elmen's fpr ne con rking ester seo Sm tn Iman a a’ at dn i tsar Beet thee inteslueGon tn Use sisi wend mace pcble usa emia charges hr ising teique or fv he strlen whic ol be fered to cheer ‘po euch elements ae testator ard iets, They wl no be de Few aera el ae, la fen sean conven hie eran ray hiner “Tews Cazes west ao wd lal ay yp of aati sing systems, The invention ofthe trarcalor in HN, hy New. C. Ming, ‘i. the pblosophy tal ares oe now gmerly mie’ ving lt the prone ae Ue Bell Syste apt af aytame of the ‘tonne conta ype th, he ls seas vest ced wm fre mol seleted ye ali al at ye whic are te Shang evtching eomerss Fhe al mee snmniches the esos es ta tae common equipment stil, Miah the Iranaton prey can {pee more sities wun Fig yoeible wishin the Hmitions of ‘Sect dia cok iaseLatons as mENTANAS He SWHTCHTNE syst ARP ‘The adveal of the pros which made Lhe ol an onderpusing device rather that deel renal device of court eaeaaed the entire conception (Fw eo lew inthe way of automatic eit, how they were ‘ntl aac the mraber and arrangement of sitehing paths, Dut snore ‘mpnrsant than che efct on tote method io the equipment Nae che Het Wat the pnp of translation cwiced the Fnitatons which sabe Sseelor auubeting stangemteatslormeely al on the eam a eng fulsrtors scl ase, by diting, us fange amber of cena er ‘complied networks, Fat the bene ofthis was in faclitating ds service n arge metropolitan ees, late i miahiag aaa ula ells for ing af ell elly by mater. alles word che tra” wa fructiel means of pushing Bick the erin for anfomatic telephone Sym Tse! oe he eof the Uranston prince are now fund ia swaty countries, andthe Bel Syste’ ot good croear arangements Alpen oni move then eve, Is ict te coueive of @ utiowide aut ‘matic tel switching pan for «country as longe asthe United States without thew of tarda "Wate ie ml ok as ranstons ar have, so fr, naenced the oneal design of swiching sytem in only a mainer wey Tei mporeance Fin tne fe tha the sree ky clemat m itraing to meribe, loath hese an ia En nen lo al rv Wi ths ere, when vor a subseriber diss tol eal, couipment ia the central aie auto ‘oaticaly deterines bis own ruber aud pints or otherwie aihes tocotd of it alongwith other deuils of tae call so that eventually be ean Metall charge fo ch Heute ose cnet in the Gat offen which Uh service wasp viged in ceder to deere Vive nuber ofthe cali sty, al are ne sy fa plant te envi fo giving this servie fe he ar: numer of ibtyse as el a service in she Bell Syste ‘Ou: newer fy9e offers arranged for this service do not employ devices nari "idenines” ne the ienncetion sanction is spend over users tlements. Nevertheless, the ientiathn proces is there and, named. hot 1 i Foe many’ other stations rato ae Hens, hil we for fonctions which seem ofhand to be quite diferent, ne often sila insofar asthe general speration and robles of design are concerned a, ifr, ave onuch fs eboney with Isso inl ames alley ier mes: Beene hee Fun mmentl iyparance fey save beh the suber: nf ch inert, need Tosand use in specific conditions, che ase of diene Iya of pra, $80 rwe wren svusua auvisionL jommuut, sexy 1951 ipeoverents in ela, icrense fn speed, 4 mos input of a reduation eos, Operable arongernts to mee al srt of contions of the can generally be acted foo the preset fund of knowledge but tie thie i rato issues sore ites than iz tery. Hinseve, alone ind ieniiers, pateuoly toe vast an e large sk, ean Be vase any wigs to chtain manimom talus abd fo misinize the costs, not nly of Cas devices themele, but also of ether jas ef che associate Tn tle falling dicwsion sumer of devies of these types wll he itatste to provide a gecedlreier of ome ul the methoor eval, le the factors ereoneo in postin in trying to obtain w proper lance Fives costs el wala wi, Be examine Wanye oe Teanstausst ‘he uaslators with whith we axe conceroed in thi dleusion deal only “wth nforntion i the fom of steal edd relies The “langage” Trying this information ares wig yet mae wp of te nemberng bse ardsignaling rst, Uareentely,thesnalgy beeen thet ingeystem transit and an interpreter oraz, inplied by aur use of Ae oust rato,” fam very conser "The tom “leeneatn 98 to! re pope, meee holy a entching sytem ferent wish in rempore oar nguny 2 theforn of an input cae, apples an suawer inthe form of a oup code to he element presenting se rye cde otto some nr eent, sch cae ay egret ene oF one bes "Tee Vaslotor may be a device which serves a number of other crt ceeat in common, way Be aatcited ih «eugesach element or ‘bul into it ond ons, ‘Sewn pmusce we vil iad that fr me appliatons ral te use so thre te iat codes and orre’ ing cutpat codes resale etme toons insist aes or wh ferent sis lng eds, that he Same iain in dileentteguages Here we have the reas opproac> fo-cur led soalogy. However spite commonly, the swing tenslator 'S requ! tla things eh wold be decd nn of ode in the case of nnpuage tanlation, work ax aging the information Snstad of the language changing both at the ware Le ‘Some of Use variations in silching teastorapplcstions which sonld be neta at this pint ws Ia pectic, tennis ane azanged with 3 sali of input and output poste, Te inputs cay be pexnanenty uscoiaed wil HAANSLanns AND WRNTMERS 1 SME syamEME SOL caneponding outputs o the astocition may be chengeable throu movable jnens or ole mean. Thaw fe hav 0 major pee oF tremors an changeable. Tr most appkton te inp ond output codes havea atl re sje ise anivary treaation derrmined by the Hogue uf thesis or tee oho oper Transat i ofthe bytonatic type where there i & definite relaonahip between the {nat and ouput cues. The elaionsp may ne sel masher aed for my folly Team some of he peta of Une sing system (8) The input snd ouroat codes may bef se sme nomberingbsse with ce ear of diferent ter of pres ten the bu ales ace ok Aileen numbering systems andl peor ath may onset of rice Ina reser Asieuned later, my eves wea ml unssonscon at se stealing feta, lat they Dav Bess deignal ite x erent ot ff view mt fae recocingly heen given ferent but suitable functional tree Hinsever, the sure of telephone enitching nomeaclatarebave rome cases resulted in giving other names to elements clearly having the tne fonctions i ckmentsexrie or eenbere aed tamer, Tae ore Iimporant variants wil be pointed cut e5 we go along. One of Uns, the ‘om "code converse” seome mare eppropsete than the oil ern. ei Ercuuours or Use 1 may naw inorder to give x few emmples of the kinds of wae nade of tanslatrs kn atoms spicing apse Let us aseune we have & onion enc aysen ina lice city. When a subsarber dis the digits of leat number which we ea Ske “office code", indizaticg the ceatal offce uit in whie the allel fbstbcr isco, this aber be rxeve ly Une siching equlyment af the orgmaing ice asa decal aaraber with Cae lg Im. The Sitching equipment, ia estendiag the cll tthe central lie ate, Dioy bave to ae up conscious at nunesous stages aie’, some fy tlstare oft, wih ae not cs hy thee ace. "he Rvtching ‘poration whi se sercra! hy Ute mtr eniprent trench the ‘ested ote ae indzed represented By & uumeeia cde, but it my be @ Dumber quit diferent from the dialed number and hve ovata! relation to it or this parpos a translator sued to covert Lhe diel rahe the required ne code comprising the izstrucios for the switching opee flocs shich matt be peslonted. Is Bri pavtce a tradalor adn {his way is fometines called “route table.” ‘Since the outing of css coresponding to any partial ofice code 502 sum wray, syszese sevaniony jommxat, JULY 1951 through the switching equipment may: have to be changed frm tite to Time, provision must be mado in he (ruslatar co thet the correspondence beeen tn cones aa switching cen can be changed economically tren seat Ly the operating passed by taking change ie he witing UF the ansatos or hy er mea At present tins youeealy Save by re arrangig jumpers re then we have an example of trator ofthe casgootie tye ‘nth abnor cortspnlene between he Ing a! tt codes “This type of Canton suse wth ales nme ot systems In the world. With some af ve syst req because of the no dlovimat nature of the witching serawernent Wi other ty ving decimal swt, it not rogue It ie aevertbless used in order to ake Uie vag arrangement more Mesble and een Trelis of thi type are et aig i some coves bcm ofthe sl rmunbar of tealaionsreeded. A complete tarsialor i sometines perma realy astcited with euch cleuit element having seed for nansation Tevie andthe teasalor amy. Be sepiacely rot we Dull Sato the seated cet. Trove coats ane ot more sarlaors may be aang for coon ue hy vero cet rein he {Qi In some wwtshing systems, for inearee the paacl type, adsitional us is me of translation i i enitesing operations involving he uti Crtenson of el ater thn ratte! the desired cena! oi Te terial ce, usally the thas, hundveds, ens a units digits dsl Ti the caling subscriber ot, th sce types of ews, disc eerve to cana the itching neti for the final lesions; ban poucktype tien he texans ‘ne the suber numbers wide aezaiged tidrlymaner, re not groped on eit Is ada Sitesi conto) tide corning tn Ue actual Lexan ni! Ce elle umber must be Mleterained. eve sais teaautor fee bat She ist evils this tac hove deine relation tothe ouput codes whichis vara; w the Trasliorsot f the fo! tye wth stents comespnence Vive eee “This poricular apication allowed foo the fest Arverican nvention relating to tanshtors aul mache ipartant step ithe develapment Hr anitding atmpgements ol suing tre cmemponlence between tlaled umber so srkhing operations This apeation fs now found ix rang system. "Wea ne srimine the biok digrais ofthe switching errengements far the panel? sn eller systears mit this ype wf warsladian we eo mt find nb for hs pata aster, 28 the rysemnatccomrespondense [RASHLATOHR AH MANTIS IN SWINCMESE svaRENS SIS Detscen the input and output ccs prt the transiting aerange tnont so bemae apart of her enipment (3) Tn our latest erothar system the ian of not ning the numeric! ins of Ce called nomber as te switching en. se sheen rind Sul finkes, There are no teats auubeted an sacle” Ieephone amir The actos ain arene to the called aubscibere EY” com cing Lerma for "ive wscpment qumbers™. The Ene equines Soeretond tn sure lines and are ssociated wih suber Tes on entirely rlirary Hes "he equspment numer ate not four igh sambers ut eoch i 8 serie f five T- nt tight mass (one, base nutter) which indicate the actin of Te siento the frome. Here again wss fs rade of erarsiton to eanver the dle! derimal ‘number to the mox-dcinal ruber farming dhe sitchin he fomenon equnmert mast ve in oder to reach a cll subsrir. Ty ase, Inmeve the sitole,fa!,ayaeatic iyo oF crnsater ed lth the panel astern ean heerlen theseaatons ofthe inp And-outpit codes ere encvlyseitean and mye chine Soma tne 10 ine make ea ges in uaher sivas a he ye of tangltor renplyell ie wf the changeable ype with abiteary correspondence. This ‘ype a Irate, eepecily shen used for large ates ing 10000 ot ote unre (lt ele) filly ge sale aa and tom rey for persanert ssacation with each circuit unit umthing se of The Investing epijmen’ in, reeune, me common and i soetionaied in one cle mune gop ah hanling weveral handed aumbere and peti indepen 1H Ta autatie equipments anangel far Iie tl cls elt bye ‘perstos ot silerihery tataatin fs an estesely iportant feature fesyeily he he nets ane a age ad cal as thoee othe ‘Hall System. Our atest crossbar tl switehing syste fas any portant atures aul economic advantages made posse by the lyesone mie 0 Tr alms hl lishing peacice & mymeicl cate ofthese to vin igi ine Io the lei vemen in he iting tall ‘fice to indicate the particular Reraptical are i hich the ral ru Ter slated Phe sen iny been Gar ray, traning ray inva conly few jas Freres or = mani of ivermedine oes ar many intensteh pas. The svtcing squgmant mat determine the nests eure uf sli fram the $a alg cone whieh Fae Hen reves aed This owe thea the use f «ala. Tn the eae af ur newest cll creer ofc, che output cade of the (hmm ween svermae wecaoest yma, yen 1954 teanlator ectslly rss of sony alferens numbers in varons bases, ach indicating sce dieters ite of Snianation requ in ome co Complete the cal. The information inludee switching istructons for interviedh ths ane orertll roales of the prefers! coubaasion xd to indctes where alkene rrsations may be foun if the preferred "hoees ar busy or out of oer "Bene of te lege mumber of possbie cles, Iatsators suitable for hie apcation pesene sca sig problems, Terrean Tasaroas Tsons deteking an ara of the general conapts asl fa tone Iatony ity be we bo tee aor of the typical translation metho ‘which have been alin the ald, Inthe follwing desziptions, deals nok Treossy i lustrating the general method are omitted, itd Tras: Figure {shins the pracipee of « aud, eystomatic tundaianssherse ceuployed in awly patel wind het system for dering tum decimal fume Ue sting Intrtins for carling sme the non-eim, selections This none ofthe sation fr cage (2) ofthe examples of use jst me toma. The section a aled subsebees rarer by te terminating Coquinment in the cll cealal ofee omit govezed by the Last four ‘cial digs of the number ius the process requ withthe panel a Srngement sin pert movaeval ‘The mombes are grouped iz banks 0 Mf, nih means that, ane aiteng es proceeded this far, the wants prmber san be eis the bank on #scknalbesis es india thy dy ie tne wl wily digit of the rarer Oar groupings offal and Drscediag equipment iyolved are not decimal, so the previ selections oust iw ee en the bavi of medi switching sonuol soces ob hed ie the rontaon coriol rua through the taslation proces. "tne etching code wanted io tis ease consis af ace numbers for contin stone cll incoming bcs (LB), nce group (LU) and fl brs (FB), and must he erve rom the combination of the thousands od weds digit ofthe ells aubeesiser's nuaber as rearded an the tepiter stiches by Une calling subecriber’ ial: This can be dane becxsse the nondecims] arangemeat of tae awitehing equipment is uerly and thexe i therefore, syste relarsisp ata the input ara tpt codes? Tt willbe note ist the input code consis of v grout wn ome lend in we, oar Mya Cota and Tain ALE Tanti, ‘se.atons a TORQUES 9 SHITEMTNG SERTENS 535 sack our gr of lead fn the “hms and “uae ilies. ‘Ths resin am outpaced ef one roche lead in rach of Ce thee rouye of noe decal Gulp cde mari eas ‘The operation ig siaple. The TH cole is devemined dieely fom che pring of consecutive tersaels om the thousnnds pets, ‘The 1G code is “lr from combination of the settings the tonsa ad ire ‘witches, which with the combining relay aves one of four possible code rosie depending on whether the thowrsnts number is even or odd anc ‘Phe the holes rub sn tint foeve fs Fs Te FB Torey noe mf ry i desir Ten Ue Dantes el Vy ating, che tusibers inthe dit dive series with those isthe Inst ve, 506g DDH stunna nuKESOAL JoCRRA, Jory 1951 “The silty uf his type of tenalator makes i ecooonte! to furnish one for eat entching clement (sruler)regusng its ase rather than peor ing fo ue in comnen. En pete te aula ent eve a diet an element as aos here otf soetained ia acl wired ms pet of ack Sender. TE ll be obvi that thie for of wansator may aso br contrat it athe eyes of appara, "Figure 2thows anoth for of fd, systematic tana wl 29 a8 clement in changing the cre fora ruin in a ewo-ant-oF ve see Uo Sone-outaten system. Uh opera ie spy tat 2 rane on ta of the five inp ve eae lease the operation of he two ascoiated relays LLRs ne nkich wil pice ask on one on of she cen cpa leas, Thi lesen repent Jar wil ps othe ermal rarer involved the sr ele tert ty be used, By the actin of suitable contol, for tcarsiaring Tuner digs om & sequential bres Nate thatthe twe numbers repre eating sachin cele adn tothe nase beng rant except Usk eve nl Kou ae aes 2 bo xero lgwe Sahowea systemic trlata: fr changing Ue oe for ruse frum the doin te clei ayatem, Hone the it code consists of ound on one eal ise of the tro inp growed the cutput cose fonists ofa ror on rw of te hundred outpace marking lead. The Upetation of one of the "na wea Ey the gma! ters Ted coanccts ‘DUNSLAIOES AND WOESTIONRES a6 swITERIME sWSTENS 507 ‘huts kas totem ourpet code leads one of whish wil en be groaned, Dy adding suitable relays his taalstor ran be expe to m system in ishich rhe tpt cove fsa tek on oe ua Choa an thousand led, The arargerent of ig. } omits froqueatly sa a slecnn device and ‘nes se inthe Bel System i ow eed “sea tzee"2 Te often (Semen af other type af eal copby tgp switch eas, of cone, he wae 8 the eyivaent {PE of tral, ad i fcguety so wa In tis case the insu: code is to se of decimal pues vw the slcto tothe rine pine, amd tae ouput ead Haein a mak on ano oul of ace Fronred outpe cede tng eas conn Fe ban ternal Sua ‘switch also uel i es ofa olay noe as sling ele n ther ie of senate,

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