Contributors to This Issue A.M. Cauasn, Massiceels File of Terhaslgy, BS. ia Pees, 1038, Pith, 541; rom IDL 1-26 Fe wockel on ragunsroe ia the Radon Laboratory at M.L.T- bell Telephone Laboratories 1936 . Dr. Clogston is ow cing seearch principally or elect aes 1, N, Grenear, 1S, in Physic, Queene College, 1955; Marschnstts Inettte of Tchnsingy Redition Laboratory, 184446; Ph.D. ia Mathe- matics, MILT, 1968. Bell Tlgihone Labatois, W8~ Dre Gibert bs bcm oonoersed ih athena problema of sviveting are commie: Wh th F.K, Hhavy, BEE, Now York Uiivenity, 19.1 Teapame Lab salv, 1920-, Ta the Phyrical Reweneh ne Tease Rese Dearie Me Harvey ba bea ciel concerned with Use inven an mensuenent of acoustical devi, AX. A. Kearr, BS. in Bests Eogicering, Unive of Lui, 19 all Teicphone lalnnstrisa, 18)— fe. Keng sein the Ovteide Plant Development Dejetnent sn hes buen nthe Tol Cable grog lated 1: Font lees, Halse, Macylad she eosing wth the Lahore, fap ie Une peti com [DEL when he wns on ately in Ue US Wavy. Wosezus E, Koes, Ba, Gniveriy of Clerinmt, 1952; M.S, 1985; PhD, Univtsiey of slr, 15, Insti for Asoc Shs, Prins, New Jersey, 1989 35. Ditertr of Electmnie Rewearcs, Daldwis Pana ‘Conan, Cncinnat, Oki, 1980-1. Hel Tl pone Talat, Research Departnses, 192, i, Rock ws ene i radar anna wack i the Rio Kesvach Hrpsrtnet during the wat, He is now engaged fo mio €.0. Musemesnovs, Washington Unsesity, RS in , 1, Ball “Telephon: Laeateies,:950-AprT 1951. Mr, Mle empl the kvslpaneat of eater telephone repeaters and tranmsson regulator. Desig che as He ord on pee moti ao saa ho ‘a che ceclousentof she theey of stantanenns emp ow WHC: SERME AECANTSAL pve Ta OS J.T. Mauer, BS in BP, Uaivosty of Rent, 109, U.S. Air Fores, 1913-16, Bel Tolestore Lahorstrise, 1047» Kreme for ae year te Selool for Commaveation Deve apwien: Taisg, We. Mang is bes ranged i research and devenywnet weak on tlhe cable. JK. Posies, BS i Ekceicl Praia, Caiovals Lata of Teck clog, WY PD, 19%. He. Teephone Labors2r0s, IM. Dr. Pe fos be engaged io he study af wens cus Wire J. Petsson Univesty of Cota, HS. fe Heel Eng ering, 2043; Redin Conjer-tiw af Antsy, Larensler, Pesyleaai, THE He, Ohio Store Univenity, 1G 49, PhD 19H, Bel Telepioue Talhraacice 8 Dr, Petje engage in Prnsitor development IL U.Scwstowsor, BS, in erties gnu, Univesity af inne ata, 1s, Westra Pisiie Company, 17-18 Northwest Hell Tele hime: Conany, 148-29; Aran Telepone and elgeap Caran, Teper Desslonent abe Resear, 1820-34; Hol Telephore Labo rats, 1951+, Mr Sehnekiat snk a in themanafactorig, rit Innce, amd qyuipent engineering pes telepione switching prior to Tg, Sion his Bish erg in slcng ystens orgsering al planing woe “Toss Sys Sle Masset Intitate of Tecaolgy, £908, Amer corded onan Teagaph Compony, Snpineine Depacacent, [9-18 Deparirwnted Develpirest ans Res, 1919 5. Bel Teepaove Labor tones, 1s3-18, Mi, Shaw's sei tpg earece was ny coneroe {th lstng pole a eelepne cei acing the ransmison ane Cronom eaiervaf te loudingaparstes The arte aos beng mcbliske sus tase suey Lefoce his utieent in LO Rowene Lik Wautart, Jie, Usieenity of Teme, WAL in Physee ond Mationtice We. MLA, 1989, Hasvund Univesity, 1980 18; Speci EReseaes Aria a the Sold of mitry wrmnieations, 9415, Dell ‘elephow Taboraaries, IMB.» Mz. Wallace has been covered with prob eres > angie secntingy aa wil Teast