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BSTJ 30: 2. April 1951: Pyrolytic Film Resistors: Carbon and Borocarbon. (Grisdale, R.O.; Pfister, A.C.; Van Roosbroeck, W.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 2. April 1951: Pyrolytic Film Resistors: Carbon and Borocarbon. (Grisdale, R.O.; Pfister, A.C.; Van Roosbroeck, W.)

Pyrolytic Film Resistors: Carbon and Borocarbon By R, 0, GRISDALE, A C. PFISTER, and W. ras ROOSBROECK. 1, Aseaonucrras N-IDEAL resistor wonkl pores a naistane prey als to ‘value and constan’ wilh ine, tsoperature, volage sad Irequensy rsd coitons of ue ia the sppeton for bic es intends. Wite- ‘er venir, wi ean yelzenes to “sesisanceaeies" suggest were the fit toe rpfoyed, approach to idee a a musber of respects. The aavet, Fowever, of applictfns cequring resto ita bin vals of Tessie of se ie ado genta etait over augmestes ranges i ‘puting contin son mae he rain of the eal sone eal Morcover cept gest progres in the Developsent of itn alo sa in the dawn of evo som Get, ee get ef 2 comenaicions te lecroniesunties uooalaed the doveiomaent of weston aaler tial cheaper ska canbe proc from wre wl ssa es hae seuvinies, Nonctale txbl've terials weve acumlly nine, ‘on though ome these poste eesti me mec propesie Wik fhe tomporativey fess sible, The ndastdee aor requse restore bang She adeantages of the ven-veae types ant which st eke sae tine are ghly sue ar etable. The pooblet, thes, i iat of parting precision ial ability to nonmetallic naive wataile or of exploying metalic ‘nih ele, sires, carbides unt norometaic wrens sae ax can getmaainn, av slicon ane amg ey lea whi hace We eupeyed in making redatore? Whi nae of thew cu be fabs eiely ae mera, it hes base incessingl eppareat that, to meet {he complex requires of wera ciety, these metals mus further, hie cnpayed in specie geomet fous, hus, the tend towaude ws of inceesingly higher Irmpncies tequies that the resistive materia be em plied sn ln form inner to avoid vesistance italy sulting fom, He “skin eect” or from excesive values uf senclance: The Glan type of Testor posses ucla advantage for igh feegvensy aplintons* find ya fort las therfore oe expend the deveooment of lms of aris ive matric metal and ley ‘Matalin, pono chenialy or by bigh-eaciut evaporation, have wen studied extensively, Pore Serna mle Ter lene eet 232 Rn Eastin SINICA JOUHKAL, APRN, 19ST dest of sesitance lrg shan ans sma and considerable attention hat ncequently been gen ln tee in ally ls of ree teres tore ‘icfickent ut eves though cela sich lie hive speci seistanes con fiery gicnter than pore metil, their resitien sll exe 30 low that ‘sceptiany hin Sime mn orp! inorder to ebtai high vales of teistanee ‘The spelie resistance tis leprae coeiient forthe Thi alloy fas nay depart ry frm thove ehstactartie of the bulk neal The apparent spec rear my be legr Un tat of the balk Sheal by ots of mgt, he leprae eect of resistance “Eoin negeive ard ge mapitade. Associated with thos diferenes, ich am he sacred te depuruzes i stzuclate Seem that of the olk Theta, there irs dese stabity of the electrical characters of the Sins Hesnnse of thi veny hin metal ms cam Ho emlye, ad s {esitances® ofS io 1,00 has cen to epeezene the presen bale wee Umit However, wits these Bite motl aly Elms can, wth cae, be made foyredtstalersisir, Other “mctle” such ne german sal ave leo ren investi od we i of ver high fim rettances ave en prev frm hy, tae tnerntur ookioents of resistance eee and Fata potentials tthe fim terminus moe tno Sindy of metal in rect ss thie In! fv the yoeset day, a eli, to le mecsenity of employing nor nesalie waters of High spice rei ghee ithe feito esos 0 Ue ny satel ti ae he Years ctbon as jovol fy ie act gency setizinctory, both be ‘hun i posecesa realrey gh specie rtance ar bewe3 i are ee posted in fm foe. ‘Due ely emplapel mera ef plug cauboa na rosso inves tie napeaton of aris laden Tiuie“peint” 20 tao since on sla fngoleting ltr and subsequent cuvieg ofthe "ein: fn tn imps se requisite cond lviy ead amechanial stability, The cabo parties ea Dloed may Ie of expt, potolm coke, ee chanel ot Zuraace earboo blk, of wuabizaion ofthese, Matrce of geal varia types have ‘beenemilayel, ging fom orgate areas soap, ure fonal dehy, snd scone resing ta sow mecking ingen sue. The Si rss. ‘ce of sch li is naz depeadan on the nse ofthe punt vehi On the tye af cabot pitzaent, end a ebe curing cons tis charset of erher-pgmented fins Ia tae resistances epee sen Ue itepeted contentions of «Lae miler of single eontzts be ‘Ss ean particles embeesd in an eset insulting matet. Such ontct, wile no "la" the true of sila contact it the telephone gee ‘Gina onthe wane ofthese th ne Ue ‘evwouvne nam assisoms cuales aoe powocaaeont 21S ‘wsnsmitter re stil dial c conto and reproduce. ‘The ils restate dlepeeds peace othe catact anes aad on Vu elastic papers othe ontet assuage These ates tut depend ot ie aaiaage of the ‘patie during cing on dilerencesin he shermal expansin coeticn's at ‘hematite partic, snl the hase; one Nw of the rari ater Jig ili Cong Liga almorpions and on other fats all of whic alt the salty terpeatare ies of sistance Th vir af The ample vatie oi nih compete corgi fe rote wort aeievement ve atsned Ga oped Dey ad ees] 2 Jit characterizing oreeatdey carbon campsite. esses of he Slo, Inve, Nevertheless, these sestors sues serous shortcoming, inereat ia their sritnres,emiong which are namereally Inge and variable expen ture cotcents of essence, lack of avalablty to ele and constant toler nce, atively lo power andngeapacily, ae poor stably wth Ui Temperature an hamiiy. Talon, uc’ nafslure exh ee, many tines uate tha iernal eu, whieh iy eraceratie af om at soe Pages a Uae an Urq exit ape valle ict Tn omer to poovie& carbon fl free om ms: of these undesirable prertes, the ravnn of omsogenens carbon fle be the Sve eitocarbor spore as nor wide et! nc tft thos tat he oneest wank cancer The owls ann fs hy the thermal {erjunitvy of hyde materia, ver thn ioteron, as Pry flected in sntiuity and before the present century, thease af och yay tke easbon is a eins was uggs Tis ul i gly to pas vo dorades, ever, that pysuyte varboa resins have. Tue emmy nel, rns Fat te pacts 298 bee Treel nglyov i inept nef ee ing the is hence The pepore a! thispagerietopmeest more spec iafrmation fn shestnactores al pryert Pea thew ios al fod the fearing Sf ts intention on the prcion ned properties of protic eacbon restore of proved stbiity and enlcged es of explication. A partial: Ajo ts presen cone tho mrt evelgrwnt of the oro cess nec her -aieten of yeti ene Uy che cor poration uf boron peraits the psocuetion uf nn tlie rsa which ae ‘uslent of superior to Ge nie wound tp Trait carbon resitors'-> comprise homogeneous esvbon fms, of speriistositance appmahly greater than for metab neetnce aye, slichae prc reno sia rrctry hate in contin ‘ins of thickrameecontrodab.e oer wide rage. especie reitane sf ean even inte thinness Sirs extn the eae ein bly 30 ‘ht ely geometrical or ueshanical factors determine the miu ste 27k ux om mvarme necmvteat OURKA, Anza 1954 ‘hieknes. The reson eae pode in ules angi rom a action of fvohin co tes of megln, el certain versions, ey exhibit escepton- Ay high order a stably? Harauae of te reuivlyhih speci eicance hear, tbe “ein dep igh fcgueacieexeeds that of a hikes Flin eiphned so thot there ero ners in sesistance due to ane. "Tho ample with the fart that ds eoniuratons a nherenly low zent= nueva be exilayed, perils advatageoae wee of thee mies 2 Ye Tigh requencies urbe yn eiably prtected from onidain, pyeOyc CGrbon flas ean diaspate very lege. amine a amor pet uri eet without permarestchatge, sliea of pone aévantage De eertan igh Srequeney emit tei otherwise favors characteristics and growing scseptanes, pprobic ovlun resistors hoe Te feerar Wy wear variate be {Enuse of ch lative dang mages of thir temperntare ints of estanc, This zltively Ig wisulate magaituce ef che tea erate co cider resistance, nkch ss negative, hae served ae deleseeut to the tne a ipeohtc carton ratte wate fi rereterstis Woald be there etal ha no Leen found, however, that che inozpeation fa few percent of lor fn yyslyte carbon ns reduc the tenperatare eins a rslance to values mer than are avalable, on the ae se in wisesreun (ye. Furth, this improve i seasncenied by an Sneteases tenes of este valve, Ava real ul hes eprovemeris Fitna appears thatthe Batoestbon mice lich xl abdul fd ‘nieaprnd we, sees the stability of renee valu of the wre oud (ppe for moc appeaions and supaces it foe spa 2. Tex Proper ar Pyseuen Cennow Fras 2A The Teste of Paetsis Pyrolyic carton fins are prose over The surfaces of stably rear~ tory and chemically stale objects inert nto = ested enlosre in it Ietcnce of «hyiwarboa gar or vapor. ‘Tese Gn, which rest fom the Tveljsle or “cracking” or thera decoepostian of the hjlezsoms, dee Der in ss watuce end properties both othe pyrolying conn cal 2 the charter of the pert surlae. The pyro my be car ‘ed vt ly suaintining sable vapor pressure ofthe Fysrratban in ar dnerae evacuated forme ory copying a suitable serie asco date the hydeossbon and to transport it through the furnace at atmospheric pressue. Bott tchniqces have been state, and wa bsevable éiferences Tr flepropetce were four be, because of thes gee simply, cast fas yates igerating et aemespberi peau were empayed in che wotk 20 be described, Tae principal ravi ae Lis ceice are that ontinumus cea lng yarns con be employed ad hal xen and rely auetable con Ll the conten of the force atmosphere con be mainte "The foreaceomplyed in peeing pyrite carbon fins over the suface of elairsal vrai es ray, feet, he either ofthe bac type” tr the continuous type?" th whi ae eal ae ped sence, Tr each etn, sitae presntons ae necssay in cider that ih ad Ineent, cian ns be pers on the vod surface, Fige 1 shows a furnace of the bat type suitable for small sale po edn, Im the batch proses x tanger oscilting eight refactor ore isemployed us the pyrolyzing chamber. Esto this coe is onde a quan- ‘iy af eyimerial cern roc, ok ceramics of other shapes, together with quay of ales sand or other geanular material whic serves to support ‘he rds and to prevent damage to the ot ce eas a8 Ley are ome, "his Moutng” material ase hese inlonee ox Uae quit uf Ue El ad fn the flee carbon eet, In sale proces here she rade main "i il eit in te fare cig eg, t woul be virally im posile ca achieve the requte uniforms in esting corto, Thi, art, dae ote eet thal Fe campsten uf che alps capendnt forthe lenath of time i seman fe Svrsee, o,f other words, on its ‘elsity and the actual peth it tmsverecs threueh the cating camber. Rotation o oatlation ofthe core with she rmutaneraadotscubling of ‘ie ele ene shat ech a Lee na statin! has, exe to he tune decoaition conditions a8 any her, ‘With she furnace cone Ieee with ceramic rods and sad, cought to the descedtemperatare—usualy from about 97S deg Cte 1340 dex C Tile being Hae iba inert gut such a eng fore ienson of The hyreethon. Whe erie equiier fe alain’, the costing (gir smiled andl permitted tn flow fie Ue reqte ime, The hyn shor supply then shutoff ae he furan ore cal while § ow af teyensire itrogen fe inane, Te hs ee fdas, hi procedure Sfolioned, clan, nicer a strongly adherent earhon ais ea be po- flue suceaully ah conan as, a Fig. 2 is hstated typical ootinuous furan? which onsit af ‘ive zse nous which the cere rade fo be euod ate passed uur ‘vatcaly in sequence, The Bist ofthese as been termsé& “pees tg”™ dhe as purpore eto eis te rods to ¢ tommpernture at lest as high, 5 Ut of Lae net allowing “cncting” zon before they come into eoutact ith the coatig gases. Though ths preheating zone thee mina 3 fa ofa nec ys, suchas wtuogen, moving in te sume dct a the sss ad ezptying into the conting gone, At the uretion ofthe predeting St coating tre the costing gif ulmi thigh velocity through ‘ral jes a Cpe a to itn thong mixing in the race tao nding Fe ceting ale of te poteating pie, Ta eas vey of ae pasng ve ma Smaller thar Ht thea 8 patenting sone one dele. This iagetber nih Fe Higher er 28 rae wi, ava reuse guUna, APRIL LL sane, event entry of he rang ges to the pszheatng one ether ly haw or by diesion "From the onl ame, dt ceed res enter “paling” o “alter iat ing coe, caring essage thang kick (ey ane Brg ey ney = oom lemyertire. Thrvagh thie zre, i dinette councereurers to that Of the by Bete fe mats! m fw ol anypeoealtcage, oF of zis site smell alftensc iydrogen, inet hos hoe ew vetly pes Ilequetel to deasidize comment ritmgen eset by the sion of {Sam amount of hydigen dressage er x calle such as plleinized ‘Amina pt gouga dng ond omission tn the evel zoae. To Drevent ents ol vtingsione nsec the cola aone, he cousterow of os tug this mone main aver aL @ higher Tinea veloiy. All gus finite tothe forte an stasted at ths junction beeween the costing find caning sone To pds uteri norm rs the 10s they ave stn! aout ee axes thay acrance thigh the Frac "At recoils Iyivaton eongeatatons in te etmoepaete, pg ng i fora ove mae of tho rating ze ems ection ia oth che Iie ral saaisuousfeszace,Inmesetelysirmaling be rd sustaces tr other sta ish epostion tales pac, howe, there isa Fog Feet oes te camden sor, eb i aone i whieh “he eran fer bet fam the setae to the gasoncirs hy eudtion ace tom Oy fonts, Th walled ane edge 2f chi endocen zor ie “ern Fiderd tobe te hownlry ol tla zion of genes lyse Noe the Ty of the farmer imager, will the conduction one eon:igaoas Le Tt aufecs, being mre iene, =taonary region in whi lif pose ence ace opora i The geospatial ary fubstanece which #0 vol pratee the cauducton zone aypmeihly sl ‘which, icrere do wot dest apprecialy onthe mal cs. The cause [CF this tae tthe sutace texperane ofthe em eveeds al of fhe hows wf the yaaa, ce she infra a Us lexperatare wat aad the smseiacedsigosty grin the heavier pasties of soot and tar felt difoe vay from te wines TF ths tenberatare gracient is re sete as ky te intodaction of tel ral aka hater gi, thon there x Droiued pn its surface # si asl resi etoved sooty coating. Tt oe Ths ss st, the contnms pra ctaai reds are preheat e Inf city ft the coating gore aod thas Use eauton-entod rods 7 pm tect in the eoling son omy tlt with Furnace eluents of higher 22 Freee Variaber Coming the Rate of Carbon Deposition “The thins of pyle eas nis depen wl aly om Ce aa fare 9! the ydewacboa eplayed, nt alk li eoscenteation in the Dinonyite raye aesstors: ckapow en aonocamton 219 80 alte othe rnaing chamber, on he empertine of his chamber, [onthe duriitof prays, Thereof deyestionafeschon's inp ent of tis duration excepe during the dust nemeats! dition whe the ina deposits fort serve to catalyze subsequet reaction, whave slay ate i onnarly quik acho In ig. 3 te Elma resistance of earbon fs produced in a batch Garage is shown es funtion ofthe srt of pasion, Tnlaedi the ign in- scaegving D l hikrs hich 5 sessed na ser etn ig inversely proportional to then reistance ‘over the vg sr, Tv ney he ean ts eapes con nt dein at ice i ig i Pe re H 2 ye Ht | “The plying tamper, me han say other sng coneton, de teria the actual rate of depnition of prove eabon. gute 4 gives {he insofar given sarlion plpi,inerely proportional lhe leet rte, i tints esa Fanti of enpene in dyuarieequiliary eed ilostrtes the nest for pracee tempentare contol when fins of costant atl repartee to rede Thane ia the hylmeurbon concmiton ithe feneaee atmosphere ieerene he rate uf extn depen, ae ako Hig. forthe cee of ‘methane, which gies che dependence om restance an concession for 2) rare ay seacme mecca Joweval, APR 1951 ‘sed duction of pyvlyis, Ie wil hero thatthe sate of deposition is ‘ot propestionsl tr the concentration, a chaaye in concentration by @ rope [ soit ences Sain previ ome “ Let i SU. Lf i Pitt rye al TO ee gf ean i xn eon comets 8 ven percentage jocag geeler change in rate of depmstion at Le foncerations ta thigh “The rate af elu clon nth tempestare,conceteation, an dr tion ofpuolsisall eld estan va uti the geometry of Beste, Dein dependent, or exe on te stance beteen the furace wall ae

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