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BSTJ 20: 4. October 1941: The Reliability of Holding Time Measurements. (Wilkinson, Roger I.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 20: 4. October 1941: The Reliability of Holding Time Measurements. (Wilkinson, Roger I.)

‘The Bell System Technical Journal Vol, XX tober, 704" Nog ‘The Reliability of Holding Time Measurements ‘By ROGER 1 WILKINSON Te Ponts ro we SoLve ONE te fn quai i rte engonerig he rae lwation of aubaevibrs" cal. This figure ia scone titied by the sverige number of cll exporced over a aSvon rate in am haat, abd Ade by S00, zee the te Ton submited fn avecaze simulans talle—or “the average” as it's commons calle. Tables and curves ste ‘widely avaiable whieh may then e cone fod fond the numberof pate to be provided so that ao anre thea edested snl percentage of he alt cated wil Sod all pate busy The roe messurerent of cll lngths with stop watch occurs ce abe oe bring the simplest mea fer obaing a sample o!holing times Te is Edam used, however, due to the 2eauive simeess wih which ange ‘urmber of observation are accurmlaced coupled with the no inconsierable expense of the small army of observers reed, each looking at one cal A secon ect metal of taining hing tine enenrerens ft by coving mecsnialy or electrically the length ofeach eal passing over frowp of svitcken or Urns vlrig a era inteealof ime Warooe Fran ine ere ale" ling thi ici Ben ued ‘oreo lees extensively ia he Bel System Tete dialvartage his Tein fn requiring coneiderable time ana labor for summarising the reels. roblems tthe perfect metennnee ofthe messing eqhipment have al) ovrake pli ny api accanultion af ig ime a a onder meer of valle relively igi exprse, the meted fortch or plag counts has heen intraday, This cones fn scanning Imerenialy, ela, hatageapialy ve Ly eye Ue gro tn a oul terval aa revving each Cine te number foal Ty Sach ‘ats pve estimates immestely ofthe average la beng exis by Snead ot thor We dmg ck has sph tg ee 7 noid SYSTENE FREHNICAL JOURNAL reluvelystspleanalyis x caste of che reliability of sich an exile fan's oblatwel. Elin editor tor ihe seme peed a record ie kao oa fall ox parent eter ofthe mer of calls pacing over the group, St te pomible asa to abten estimate othe sverage rll holding ie and the relniy a auch an average Direct mwinnesceat of Holling in a enitch counts sould nacurlly tue mule ov groupe ving pois which are presi typi of those overt which te sogineeing > ltimately crete. wally, although Tot always, ih’ il oe che Insp ut buest owe nf che day duriog chr Fo seas f te years Fx tdes to did iteligenty bow lag a pera teed tobe stad fs say gin re some hnuwleegs ofthe persistence of the same hing. sae universe is aecessey. This mht be obtained Utena relay eal Hodge samples made n she Irs of interest tery day for evesl weeks inthe any season, If spetines or “ack of once} y ret aaezeat, txe problem wl be eomyaraively spied Teme are peetent, hoveven wil be severe to Tnvestgste thir natinefauch ae weber som one Hay oF the Week shows high holding fine) ant apportion the main sanpling peoswlare ib s fashion to give ‘hese pecliartis wie proper weaning Te wil be of iter rennin i this esptcovtain fied data at tan taken by the peu teeter mele some sees ago om an ine tbuak group 0 Newstk, New Jerwy. The kind af examivation mak Tete wl sot to fate the proatne ich mr he fend wuiable fe come degree for applistion ler groups whose raracterities are relstivey lle knoe. 11 -Pwmunencany Sruow or Niwas: Dasa 1s lng Peon Kurt shat el subse el Bodog tines fllon remarkably cesly she vtple exponent requence estiba ian Hoa ws 1 where} Ue average holding ine? This wos found tobe subtansally nae of he data colacted oi Eke toni: crane yeoup in Newack a6 own in ig. I for 7485 calle oberon] i 19 nts bsg soads fn the Taige 150 Io) average siustenenes eal, The Gt of che ex>entia fave having a aveenge equal to Use oseved average of 2.380 einates it Seen to be site good. It miy be futher nosed that jp the exponential Alsurbaton the standart deviation, o, equa the mean 8, In practice © 3, Be urn an ta, ite hg oe ais riick ei i hese is usally fit be lightly Tage than #altbough nt marly ss We tray use this inorttion to Yo! te Iomagencty ofthe Folin Lime ani eve shuld al oars of theca le inuped indiscriminately zs, .|t oo [Brea Ber Bf obal shal bal nds hs nie Tandon big. Zane shown thebleling time averge Jor: $8 hours tigeroal at varnye tinee Pe fay aver 4 peroe af Satis. At es rater citinet groups those bofre noon 1S rs bace wn be onsen face deve apes i fai fod thse ate wou, If Heinng « hoaogencous group, cou these ling Lime avers aed in te nfernon be seasonal cousidered 1 cong ron the samme waive? We fst nd the average bolding eime of the 18 forennon lunes to he SS seconds. Since these hours aver! sin = 380 ral each, the standard deviatia of the esas or shoal by theory, be eee : a i : "he stator devas csorve i926 some 2% high, whi, ever, sgrass wih the observation male be provioae paras On the Tiypothass hae ivese of 1S ea hours hoe the perameses of 485 and » — 1.20, este thatthe ubssrvatis foreach of hese thnce lock hocss could wey have womres The devitns of ter wwomnges from 1188 axe 19,17 and 25 wero, respetively, and acorn thee onthe conepanegstendel sn thee averages ane (= 22) tan (= 22), ana tare (= 222) aut devia a ihn ins the ancl eeu the asm ren ofthe Meg tc ‘The remsning2stecrstina tom non on ower age IL Seconds afte il sony vec fn he tee oa eee isu sin oe eg 1855 by me oe sey hee assis snes she ston’ ein, stone indicating icant ifr: nee hrimees te forenoon sl setzen hong tines. We conte hat fetes ® aan. and nook. the holling net ate sat'sfactriy romeo Nat that shnlem-atept ¢2 orale servations an afe-noon ho wilh thea. Since he Feav est load her occured gener! inte moe Mee sual conine ov dst migayremes oe switch coat 1 Hes hrs Ine eerining the engicerizg told time “TLiny ceeasonally bw wil to jvestgate the possity that restain ddaysol th nees have, othe avenge anger holding sires than oer days ifthe Newer +72 aan. data are ote by days of tae week a in Fig. 3 We see eh the averages for soca day Aceon coserably ux aon by the Rey dot, cet Tse pnts che slit average ui thee For ac day's hour taken asus eatimate of the standatd deviation of the Fmoseecous universe fay nbc al fe houea se esac to hed Then wit che weigher aithmet's eae uf the dliy useapes the bs resinassavolable nr he aca of the iver caca day's average ened hate eer it ool eeagosebly have ato from The 2x Hinge rhies shook ichate ste 95% of the sy-averages are shen Fi 2 Thisscen that fo uf the six points alls ly alse thee its ndeat- jag mvlerely sigoicent ieneace inthe Noting time conditions for eign Saturday” Th sampling procedare te fli in such eases of, mottled populations swt rigorously deizable. However, it or thatthe amples shoal be dra fem the vsiousgecups of corti tlewents hth polly go to eke op the unibsse ae oughly in se prt to tac importa lobe agsigned to eaca each gro. Ti out nimple bere ne sovlepesably at to aw samples 2 seat eoval x rom the cali of eat week ey Go the wee, inal there amy he ne quent tt a oy soy Ht eagle tnd stabs Pliting of the some da foe she S-42 am, hours as in 1g 4A aed 48 yl el toile heels ‘The moran boul sine averages for ech dof the week re plot el for several nek daring he eurpecto: bury sezsor, Wide changes ir the led tough the passage a ig. t-Seapna end ie ing iver, 089 12 at ry, Neve vcr ee mat by eye. Ta th case stated there appears no onshterey of maven. cApplying the dentcl te: used in te pesious rages far the dey-of Bowed eae, e Lad in Fig. AC that a the Frat five werk peta uo movemen:s af saieanse took pace. Taweves, Ve sith works nit allay! th Bits Beale an fatetval af bow 4 we, Sted = egioant crop suggesting the «proach of a ower level of cic, "The tric engine would probably Gee to dehecule Tong time obscretions tri he mae barbers ore to ive inlunve ‘ving determined sething at he chasacter oF the being ise Lue if enys nity nour of the day, ih ays of the weak, sd seo Shake year thetic sine ia bette pw ta ou a program for sampling, He sll eexally want 2p eppertion Cae Uta eample be teen the tours of ss nlc show sgniount difeseaces amang trem Sie roi pooprtcn co the relive ras ng wt chose levels "The les epee infra aa the tafe Tow curators the more importans it wil he to sped she abeerations over © verity of hous, fy or wecks TEA Syrnsracroay Sante oF Dusgeriy Migsteyn Horne Tawes The etandord deviation # of ivi ell eng oer, we can ‘estimate the sandler ofthe sverngr of measurements a © Since wll lly be several hurdnl we ex abt a good gue for « by caleletng the standard deviation, Sof the 1 observations. 8S ples] bre for exert ene hos Tl het fat Brom the average Wing tine f wie may be subsite for w Hf great accuracy isnot eeuee Thetis sapling ie repeeataively ce froma wn ese noe sly Ihomogeneous, te eter hy fet ¢ tony be theater hat ofthe Mandasd éovation found in the aap singe in wo sed Puesor Sampling It stele but norhomogetacks univer ve suadayd eto of the eerie ay bo somenat reduced fom SV ‘We may now mike: the sstemen that i ge the probity tat thetrucaveragholdingtine dst die ms thas obsered by more than zc 1 second, where Pao ee yo inthe table below. or example if we hove mesnated she indvidoal lege 0 0 calls which show an average of 130. seconds, wane ten 9% sue tha: the tree Ftng time necro: Ue sap univer Fs lovely wich the sage 16033 yon 1503 2816 tot fs Intaaen 1574 end 1642 seconds, (The bees singe estima, of owrse, i the observe! aversor of 1803 esconds;) Oe eouversy, if one ‘Hou desice to determine He tue average Ping te within 8 seconds wvtha suregy of = he nay taco agprosimate value af the standard evita for the evermgr holding time) based ox pase experienre sate = (ef, to sbtais the number uf cll o be musi Tht — 180 seconds here, noma The sare information is satan fa Tig. $ whit yes tbe po cot ron #102, in seiner vedaverege not exer wil probabil? TA thsi based on Ue asonplion shat ach of Ue cal lengths 5 aceurae enough messared sta te appre eros ateduced for thossouee,Obsiosl then: in point n expen meh cEOr in ear {ally “weveationing” a sample we ae t be representative of she vagatee ofthe universe if enh he calla 9 chown ero py accurately meas trol, This monte nuit as fate as mewsring very accurately the Ihling timer a cubes of eal’ chosen during seme tort tie pein Unhien right Lax out be ely we pia! oferta ef hn meta Dedode niceties les Fo ese ivot meceuresent ces tll probably he ele sasicacory H eae als menses ith a anion ror of woven onectent nf JPV/e. Tn our exe 900 calls tis ‘youl be ATT seconds, thet ie reanement of each cal to the nearest second WoMosowe Tins mY Somes: Causes Micros Wewh ei’s holding ine east sneak mde acuracy it ie tmumatiete'y ear that addons calls must ne alnerved “h onder fonupersat three, This tae sition sn ce seed of site events fe isin eet a sean for noting eeguarntervas whether particue Ter eal docs oro not exit. Thue nome f tbe eal ere at all ely Ineasureé forthe ladidual lente. tbe eos wil ko hve bn Be Tinidesed sino at the ginning of the period some switch exmts are evitably inluced ox a aazier of wall fom the seceding hour al st She enn! Fe peri some of oh eas ry stacd op che peg runt meter ‘ellen leyond the por with else pet of ses proper cuss. Sewrreu cheve ave inthis etl tae dstinet rem of Balding te (ror wine tags we sal proceed to investigate in tara: bh Erma tthe wm of he servation pero 1h Mire athe end of the siervation period: Rens the bognning snd eed af sc cl

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