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BSTJ 20: 4. October 1941: The History of Electrical Resonance. (Blanchard, Julian) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 20: 4. October 1941: The History of Electrical Resonance. (Blanchard, Julian)

‘The History of Electrics! Resonance Dy JULIAN BLANCHARD UR saris Rnowiedge of eletricity was of the stati kind ater came ‘the voltaic cll andthe circtcurent. Bus mat unl te dscovey of altemacing rexcilatingcumrent af elects seul the phenome of leetrcal ecanence make i's appearance. Tedsy, as we turn che diss ot ‘oar tao receivers and “tune in” onthe ststioa we waat it recognized how mdeapred fe application hae become, Nevertels, ic ect that ‘es have given thowent to how this important prineple camo to ight and how and when it got into common ase. Thee Oserecstony Naene oF ney Levan Joe Drsewarr ‘The Leen jt, diecovered in 175, ws for many years one ofthe most important instruments in the meager equipment of eectrcal experimen When the jer wns charged by nvr! amchine srt the ischueing Tint nng xe eng fog ber a sjek weal jump beteen them ‘The savant of those divs ressored ha this dou coated jr woe 9 soret of lectilty, x condense; that Lele te apark ated there vas au uct ‘nulaion of positive charge on one coeting avd uf negative om the abet tod when the spars pase! there changes musta’ cach other and the Ji oe aching Mut they efit nono or spect tha tie sear seas mtlntony that fet one sie an then the ther became positively hatged, aa the motion gral care nes. “Te view that uc wa Ue case sce Gat ta have been pt frwan nt LaQ6 by Felix Svacy, in France, Lt had lec sbsctved by t,t vty ikely by others newel thet ste! needle gnetied by the deehege of & “rej Gi noe in ll reamstanees seve the sane perky, 19 the folowing words ho suggested the idea that che zsulte were duc te the fectltary charge of the ja Fell sncatan cnered at denen ntaoe en tgh emt sina hela wit enduly tsesie Toca no he ue eats tthe ‘sta rections ofthe metic pice ti ote tee he a ‘ek atin fu wi change his eh ayes to me vende tt ie rsce meet daring th ergo the ae a st tons isl fron he i esr edi an an een tet hy scans nish Lussier hese yen tLe moving ‘tephra a tists which tee onl thet but thee de suet depend tach ccoden wih whi "ama rcs atm the a, esting ne, eh ‘Some iter years ater Josep tlenry i America was experimenting wth the Leyes ne and studying the cherens induced in edaning osetoes Sy be dacarge trough another ronluctor. To determine the Heston, he induced curzeat he observe he polarsy ofa srl si wale Irognete hy che cutent. Cs socrbing his experints a ssson of the Avorn Phiseopval Sovbly he Made teerewe a Cae otk of Savory and sae trate bad scereskem to ree Use eveetiztor's fapatimentsdeloreslesing gay nov aecnees, He aber he me (ff, he sasha reversal the ports of Lhe weedle after a ee fad arrived at the sane explanation "his arora i ane cre ng wnphinlan whi a at sigh nao at vec wits tei af the cone, eee ‘ets lu span woe stew onder study seins eared by Oe tts prseom st he dcahaoees ne Lyd ji uv Ueoe bos nto tepleying fone Cay of roi) iy the se rawr lap. trble dt inne wn ded Ce eo she she the lowimers rie Piet Ate ase mre sete te be Le acordnes ths etic, arse n'y caption aoe by HAL munkor me phvamene ‘hich net he fc ees mores Ta Leh vant te Fie mained ane! ‘The lished account of Mears alservations is not peel in his oven nord bt apparent in thas of che eporor secretary ofthe Societe Teiove hich he spose. Ve ud seem fom sie luce quctation it ree} epteerted the aor that ene Fae ove the xls An ay Savary oe fe sppeae tbe che bre his Tis we in 1382, 9 god the Physi Sey of Borin 1817 Hiilosir ted is celia upot On she Conseevation ef Farce” (Wier ie Potting or Kr. Arnon the rary tuations of the onee-vaton nf enesgy pipe in vars bradley af physics he discos he cos af the Lal ju eechange, abd ieidenaly ots: ake bit of teilene in favor of ie sillabrykatut, an exptrinent by Wobaston in Sectrolysis Commenting ow Hr enctg eatons found Lo ok in this ‘seh sil: icy cain this la me anu th he hang bay i oe atypia dct, be aa trae nth te eset the samo the scans Toe ao by the sltmately ppnset magnetic sctine of tar same, and seenndly by the henner Wasa he ering emp ate yo nay be intresting to ote fe pasing tat this now femous memoir by Hoimlgr an the ranseation energy wos cote sn aceon a8 specalitive a tobe related publication fs the lading German sense thal of the Line, Knit shee ws et forth er me thoroaaess sel generality thn a de ely Mayer's fran, the these tht any tind syste Hh oun te eer sce Stan a principle that at once dente the penile of perpetual motion Tega ely plished in sph fos 1842. sth, ater tn be recognin ae the zracest Cerin phic of he eentuns, ws then Shere young army surge, teeny se yea of Hy thie Uinwy fe can te num iors the fnmaingy iL an eucay soci by the end let alse thal the sk on Lege at achange nae at callaory ilion of eectrly ‘Thi cul a8 svtived at sea logical aa testonablededtion fom sk rssults af vvioss Cxperimests,elthougl Le mae of action vas sth ebscuie, It nee time tee far eure uoalytie. extra of Ue bel, ml this wae 008 to seen Ty TS84 the Hevish pigs Sir Willan, Pha, alterna Loa Kelvin, othe pape vith fhe tte "0h Teunseat Elsie Caren, chic Whe hata He tld, beeae eG le Te this ape he poser prublen of uke d'ehatge of eonudensor Uhtauge a conductor ‘nae teeated riatkemacialy, In aston te veatance abd eapecisy he eeagzed the efect of octane felled by him she “eleeeodsmamic eapacsy" upon she elacharge, end estashsted a7 gation expresing the Tet that sheerensyoftechapecoleoer any tnt seg car fury being spate ae heat pty tases cere ene ithe ei; Bs eatin being, in resend eros at) ae) 18 aR ad no, ate santa ha ay els He alas th lati hich Shyer ost theeeotxe vals ef the cmsonis ee rte ad ‘showed thae under cet conditions the dischurw i woiectional an a BELL SISTRM TRCRRICAL sOvKNAL under otherstieovltory ltsamiped. This bevel bitot mathemat- Cal avalyss exact and thorough as it wae and clarifying the eatie phe orenow, pan almost unnoticed at the time; but it came inte ite sn trith the arial of mics lr "re followed afer yenrs nee a doce experimental verication of the theory of the osllatory nature of the Leslen ja discharge. Ts 1858 Feddersentevamive ie opatk by net of evesing miner, andextendet his reseerhes ring the following esr by te ue of photography. ‘There ‘was thus obtined aust evidence of Ue cevesal of diretin of the di Cheeg, an it sis eve posse € deter the fegueney; photographs Of these eilltny oyu wee sent 0h, wlio Mad sgpested nis paper thie vey posrbity of proof. Other experimenters followed with Seritions of thie meted irveaigatin, ane 1890 Boys! inprve hy phowwsraphing the sparkly seca fx res of rapidly revolving ‘Shorty bfone thi very importers eesvery bu bees made Cennecton with she spark discharge, Lert eivswery af lectrc waves, tnd as a romecrnce sce hice were teaing to & ty of ts chae teers, sly with te 9 fpr ee Rareer on Caraairs ay as ACracarie Conant Crxcutr elle med thas the forening ann casomce with the very rail aml inci, motion of eletiity in apan eet. White krow fipe of ths sore of ele arnt as being edvence, Farag" (art Heny'st discoveries in elesiewmgnctiefdueioa hal made pole she Tiverton of the sjnam ard she prosution of said alte-vating cameat only of wach slower mocion "Ths generton, at frst the form of the free magn, wea tot ang tit mn each mace tau fog, ane sapeierce nntir.ed tobe lms rly tL tot “yalvanic™ fatent Wher reennalysiemati currents sn oe employed oan Eppreccbleesten, fv espa and in instr, sere vere sme nes Penoment encoursed, and thow hs ‘hewtialy grounded. were sion fn alia the peculiar eet of = conleser In the cicut,elehota the ‘hoking ecto a ieractance alone was ely apparent "The name of thr ens mas Maxwell now comes Inte buy AS we have ter, Lon! Kelyn wos Lie ist to give e masher trating Cf the sclations of a Leylen [se discharge. So Cleve Maxwell was the frst to publish vara te eee of epacy in sri conta ing inluctatee and reshisner aul 24 impress. lterating eectomative Few, ad to show the coniline foe ssonance, The way im which he me to solve this prvers mules ab intereeting sory, ed Hee Ul i ‘haraterhtallyHalevesting suanner by the lite Proeeor Papi iy the aston oF guperaicas RESoRNeR wy ture of a bseoon a 9 moesng of the ALLE. Some preliminaries Ui oy aya he late Far ng the Tek nbn cl sd tae miguel ect ackine lac hes familiar ebjectein physical laboratories, la Ise there pea Casein of Here Wits serkng exporiments in whieh he vty reinvest heyy eee ema, passing te ma {commuted} cure: fom a mails electric gerenvor thous the ls Taghet wiscings of unether machieg, ier Lue saeme al sehch a very auch Migr eunent wae dave. ie Will Grove, sadng of these ‘openent, ad the eth a mo igh nso be weed advartegsouay to opersce a Ruban coil wile av altering caren toes i cas fad vars bec exited cans of ble wie noel” ting ree raiser to iterupt the primary cuent itardet to preveat sparking nt he contacts co stop the cunene more abrupily a cane? ws toured across the contact terminal. Grove seowee up 2 kept eed Ihe sna ember. hus se sinnitng the condenser, aod applic inary rea eoyrtoletre eahine to the prac eran of is Jnaueine ern ix spre he found thet fe could got ao aecoadary shure tall i hy oldie ocen te contact breaker, end ap pang the uuleraee prertnenilye seren with she primary col sn ke crmature lke eagners eectie reaching, he obtnine spanks erly thd a a. inal enters then she sso Me me that te ee woe lesen por the presence ofthe condenser: te shea; “Hut ly here shod he ro mec. arn angen ne, when the primer iva isp te rural rea! yan of the co he uglier rh, Travonleldey ean? he sil” “Ad ow Profesor Dupe’ story Maa. hi ste Gt La he lec finding condense ile aeealig eae eal and pre inves taerse the ery Stone. Mls was spcodioe cynic sills Wns Croce wap wae thon epton in epeineere'n orem sive dete wed lac al toe paren, wd far ht hs pe ute in ple ie sin See ith be Sinan et of ie ect eo ecu ty mak ast Sat, winch erst me hata awry mach eter eure Cae is it en llamas tues t se ning tot hfe “he pom Te ceule ots y= Aula ale se uumsr= Therese Tass, net err mts 1 Gace Ley that Manvel spon intone ed ha ee hd smal aes ey ee feeonon hei Ca hota oct fy ata i Cag hoe ‘isganrg min Fe rears ai sich yon eaueta 2 epee rest hyaline condersreBinewely Et vey mack specs Sapo secs at tat tocot ales Ba he oe tsa eee tang ewer hi rfl, ae xe a he wl ec In Wien ‘oor eaphcng Sh aie rane the rarer shale fel sont sckan oPemerdrfl alan ee tase: doivenc ight Me point the Msg ete, heh bon with he wate, “Si or eters seviey o your gaperimer® on moquelo eeu ileting, Tae cr il-ed mathe, wal sew nd yo Ure tesul as dated Maret inity "sanseat by Grose jv he Pliny Mayaaiv, shee fe 038 bclbhet iy Rlay, Psciavbary te fe netemele teabent Masel tere iv tiie Gee a2 ungally or meetin of the analy etDg Tvtsvew enti elceiel ane mera ers, ad “ws the stan paiat Mpg ar nl pi tl be interesting to ane Le Hage ie toed He ype nll he Thay yonacesin Oe pny wim oe altasng Hs monte Sha Ts san of a pri ree may nce tes ee: ¢ sans fi wah te Lacy Sse fo etal fps Hestestanaaci il rot offal dan ee the tog sys sopg oth cient “tm chs ee huge fa es oS Firsts ams cet the sear ect wy ute rainy ats toes oton heme ags wou Cael sash Using such concep a hve fe guve tiple v8 sid expianainn a the presen ths went Uw aaiersatiey and her fm n poster appends, he zis ther alctatcalcbeoy of ee exper mens, empliine Rhenacie ditgnim of tie soparicun. ing eifrrent, hot eubelal, Symbol were! el seve a0 ei exe ee cuore = neath yeni, meh fo This wage a snl Fat oto by Lond Kea Zor the as mcrae st a ig al 8) “Te olution of tien : pero 3) vtec — Ge seng orton oe Fegucney ao and € ang te inductance and capnity all in thei proper ants). Electing this Comition wnt ef cme ase of “ert ene, bnuught abot Ieee “sing, Ugh Mall Lsselé id aot epuislly snake ef these tern. TW fxayparent, thetiore, x all she kannladge uecssey forthe eli tion of etic toning ms avaiable in TRGB whe ths tle commode f Masvells was pois. Vera soe ears before eect eso Se as enemy say eaten practi ay racial ase de es Btey mace of, Te washing Kwa aol ly acwanted pyaic Teva, nt ous the kan of at of those experimenting with lect ZI tat pes, snust be zememered that there waa no profession of ferric ugisering ae cal a6 thie Not uns ISH do se had apy fer published sascsion othe eft af 4 camlerser fac aerating usta cicut, This wis in tociniesl per hy Jokn Hopkin, Cam Trg: rained physic ai Later to become one of the toremmoet eects snginacrs of hie day. The paps he tn with aor rma they fea the soetetion of alerting erent erchines dit ects che Iolising uncle could be inteased hy eatnecting 20 condenser” Th isnot it (ewan ies arse commer a oc tg ce wb as amor ah tho af scien in neste thes phe aliemating-curoot machine wih ie terminals rrnceted 0 condone egal el lone tat Ptr ee Ed Hesham by sting up 0 equation satin ts thats hy Mase the eae cexqresson ws nly atl ye siuning reat revue alae f the freeney, reslnne inate und cacy, he caked hat the slot of Cae motel digerene acess tae condsose ngs be many tine the village of the gensates tis appacest tora the guage he oe Wt ie al pci clear wadessaaing of lertvca resonance Ions Fhise Euresmieat Resoswsce Cove Fulbosise Masel thats was srothe bili young physi destined tw become fangs who st ¢ shorsign accent with eke resonance an wha me srl sea tf seit earls Thin ‘vas Heinrich ete Getta, who applied in she detection of electric wv pedavnl yt atc dings, the secilascuy aire of Dich ed realy een oat invegai am we lve seen. “The spe device be ten for exploring the Ul ne vsniy af the dachaege wae rectangle fr circle sie containing tnate sik gap, the lop belay uf such Vimensions us te be i rsoranee wih hit igs Feqaeney oxlltor trot by thie caneel expovation that Herts slewnssrated oe the Sra ime, the existence of stonmgaetic waves in space. Ta he Gat of bis forks of papers describing Cese experiments. “On Very Rapid Bleue Cscilations” bls In 187, ne devotes ne etion bv a discs ‘Resonance Phenwanrs.” Aa erst from this wil show ow he was ‘hinking ic ese we a heise of a ato it Sane Be Showing tice songs mass leavers tie male seg et Stefi tr the hele ot seomance rere nierting unt ‘MhersRfags lng int ae wth stung uti Set yoon a rea [ving sie pce ollaion i pane ely ply ret pea. iene, eee ons cl chm Penarth apteinatly The stm rl station ae se erection an ma sany conan the Seiya cet !wluesen af ome al hey the esa sould Show ths or ersuin values of then quansts the uci = peptly trngor a fa og vee ie Aerie of especies long se ins demonseated che effect eon chil. In the secondary civ the length of spars that could he Slade the ajctable gap increased tof mas aren The ten SGresweve in tane Their kcal ezanance curve ever lise is [Pven i ile above mantione paper relation between the lent of wire Jp ihe detetng lov nnd the geiest Tenge of spare obaiabe fr wae Tenet uf vce, cllather cmnliios semeining encksraw The rare ‘Shon te familia sharp lea the pont of eeonance. Ina his ucceed- Jag resca'chos or els ves Karty scl hic simple taned cect as & ‘wevouneset tbe Getecon. Ubon te fteruer of the reac pe ‘sed tern the yet unborn ato rio ‘Among te pominent British lysis Oliver Loge at this imewasaly cexperntting wit erties! rewoance and waiting an lecturing about it Te eum he est taken a Kees tees ine work Herts and i face ene cae to anticipating Herts the dzeavery of eerie wave rouge his nnable work on lightning snsstor, Un a rif acti pubs 1990 Tasleeribed a roetbod, whi ead used ayo ore ce, igplaging tie spars pricing power of electri raison by tuaing Ue Cireut of ore Leyes jr to tat of anol er staining » spack yap end Crctel in the waual ayy Wen Uae seundary etait wae in resance ‘th these ite Leyden sar woul! “over.” But Lodge objec to The Seva Pe tests aesenance” and jelere the erm "sytnny” ‘esoraro® ie ton suggestive ef ute acoustic revesberinn phesomenom tobevny expresive” nemainaine" AlUhougl beara some of thevaer THnalth writers cmtinued to syy"systony” al syntonie", tht term ology id not permaenly stick Dring the next decade, as electrical engineriag developed sumenhat, ‘specially in alternating coon, we fn ne llention being pil to this ‘abject, both by physicists and engineers. Among thse intersting them — rere a, ae : | [| | selves in the mates may be mcatine auch men aT. HL Makes, (Gishert Kapp, JA. Hleming, . Glushron, James Sninbutne, Mure ‘tin and Maurice Leblanc, Fredrick Bedell and A. (. Corre, Nikon ‘eal M. I. Papin amd Jobs Stow Sion; some of these beng eonemed with high fequsnces, some with I, Ae indiating the gear tai of Lovee a this time concerning ltenating curren chery, «statement intext by Blakesley, wih ovlveated Alay, 188, 5 Musing This lr ony 4 nai hn or rt ht the age un of Oh La oa EM = tial fostanes al samantha seca Tit Ge TEL EEF cree ec focus ater te he su ofthe ret MMF eaters, Tha tat re oes eke ely te sale he creat a {oduct ets sap nian sacha wel lio ese Womens © eh asad ty tras te sce es of weiner See haem pur nies ange org mse Somehict similar ober tions wen: eatesed by’ Key a srl in he Blepician stot orn Wt, Referring bv she pura by Hopson ‘rent ovel shave, he samentee 9 ol the sinns th wih cea capa pd ths Pn sa fy ties cae ALFoo® Wrahengues St Pe 2scieh a seat rect aes oie bbe ms igs. tach ales fm etal Pte arc asthpmoreint iy the tice rate eee ‘tet nl wcrseemtet ake suet oa bea a appre aes Sepia ret mt och emp ae futbol he lcd tha. Eile son ans an infec pers pri, abeh We desta reer crcltancfoengtinarss wrstede mech owe eemnaeatcnin ithe peice cqtel i hs pee ‘his quasi gees sat iene of hs ith Sepect to ltl frase ound “Tair ih spat wn ss elec pets, was beginning ox pre nib he eelegsrent of yesh Rrsnsasce a Eusexnae Cowersteustas Wile esuaance, orem agprori tos there, i easonalyencountere! tn vetiany wer engineering tl ele Biting, hte Ht 3 genecally ase nf smthing tie aves, eevence of zamething sone veo. AY nite seman condition iv per cule could esa i eon ‘slrbedamage due toexcessive irre few. Tn lect corsmuniation, So Uh ihe Ins, bee rgeiew are ie, ad where fray it Sone fae fundarencl remand vets camparatvely smal resin i prime rerio ea practical al,

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