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BSTJ 20: 2. April 1941: Engineering Problems in Dimensions and Tolerances. (Werring, W.W.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 20: 2. April 1941: Engineering Problems in Dimensions and Tolerances. (Werring, W.W.)

Engineering Problems in Dimensions and Tolerances By W. W. WERRING Dnerssrosan, Ths The baci nit in net casero of isin dhe United States Is the ine. ‘The valve ofthe inch 0 important that seany companies Incluing the Ball Sse maintsn in ther raeruzement nborteries © Standard yard bar calibrated agaist the standsrd at te Notional Bares Gf Standards, In spite of tht ic an interesting and carious fat that How all have been mach concerned over the lege value of the dolar there as ber litle intrest even among engines in Ue sae lea vl fof the inch. Actually thar sa single ansner to so simple « quetion ax "Wt isa ick?” Ta eet we have change! fon u Brit a al eat own legal eter, to eu inch and tae teratioal ete and now through Acton ofthe American Siena Assoraton weve actly aig a ih ace! at enero Ura he Tterasianal reter which is either ont cone aga inch oF che Belt ep neha te Bet ace wing 00 ‘Table showe this Wstey of the lea iva he Url! Sint Tl bese that wnler che yond stab eae exe difernce of two pens in ilen Becween the Tegal ica and she isch wed inthe di- ‘mensional wen of Indust. This dilate is uore thecal thar real fn smal ciznenia cad indus use. The Mil lon: Congress, spots oy ie Hens af Stance Sntenes to elminste this ae wel n= any sole ambiguity in the V5. inch Decauat Dareseroumie 4n subdividing the ne the mune gen a duals asend of Ue oer commun facta ul hough rations continue to be used, especially for dimensions of tela maria suc a foe pipe, umber, plead Eber a iaet evens speialderralsyaten Isl ong oly the tents and Bits of au inci being was deably deme by fener indsty, hie system would tae a seie on which the sallet Adsbion i ga" oF OUT inser of je" — OISE". It ein use by the Ford Motor Crmgany and the vale shawn in Tah Hare some of thote used jy somal the we yl erm ratios. "The desma pater of these commen ‘attnny are ako showy “ewe! to # devia places cn aceonenee th American Stancard Re for Haring of emer! Vales 225,198, Ta Tie Font spners one ann eosligt serie eazy the general toler 1 ELL SYSTEM THCHUNICAL JOUKAL once of 010", When yorater accuracy i mtd treopce decimals Stewed to exptessa mins aula ance vale "Th adopt of ceil rensiening tor all re wingsprepeced at Hel “Telephone Labotetrie fs Ing ave considers’. Honeve, adopcion re a ee aid as ped tate | Conger delat. | Lepl Meter In 2 ‘ited abi heenme | “E's Taos ‘lls uh Z| Mewes Mee ST sss | Ansan Stadands tain | Imran Meter = 49 S008 “igre dunn) bs Cees se tei | Ica eer = FR a | @ EN aa of cecil dinensioaing woul na uf self result Sa any engin our ‘elem fr catablshingscerance vues, Raw Marea: Stats In corti to this consiauedsrerd toward simpleton an aconai ion ofr apaet of dimensions vl rx water) sepply is till a= PMcated by a nulltude of cole ayer of gauze sizes i: every day use Many in industry lave probably grown used to the etoudand gauges in prt kis at thouy gauge tuners wane sont ited as {A aimpliedieaicainn the wily a puns al Doe vary es for the came gavxe now mecey increase confasion. Sheet metals are Thelin tens ofa nines of gauges such as BAS gauge, U.S standard sue and BWC gauge; ad sheet sat rubber seven cesignted in decals Sr gesuches 1". Telus boca good prctce to apeety abe hy deca fimersion values nd not Hy grvgr mame a hoes by acta decal Size rather then oy drill numbers "The actaw sire wed, however, are Aetesned ia aay cass by the values corcesponcing to olé gage nim Dats lag used couscarciy, Chugh in lxge suing tras mls il end Up mantactu tr any spelt cial sas. some tine fs hes been Ue prntie of sales seaelactucis aud vibes loge indice tha to Aiscontinue te ie of gouge numbers thougy sl ng the decimal wales af guuge ss. Thor eae ond Avverzan Searsanis Aswan limite le a wea le lal stuge gates entirely and ses yp mfg sere of Ameri tarda Uesreses fell rcs sects nnd peered famoters ferme, one fare fyetlity iz there ster The bisie exception o° x retinal ares of os 's that a vaiform degice af eaciee shows be preseated Setween. sae esse sins. Thereve each sre shal ire trom tae nest By Sed rceentage, "The verte soul! Urecfore se geoeric A viily of sue etic cule be usec bu: in onder ta pert extenng the sere i Eerie hy stiting He decal pant, aprile seve edo the foot of 10 ss boon ess sed ‘errata Un: Prefer Noes Series for sandand ies. The § teres i ne having nariers betece. 1 fn 19 (or beter Maal Ys sls pros: asin he sii {he eh ret of 10: he see eke hy mip ye ‘of 10) the 2 secesby muitpsngty she as vot of Wete.” The ample Prefer Neehers Serie wala Tne a asia Crane Ane tay Starla 247-1996 "The ascommitice working en the sen iets: as rely fw eopaeed American Stns of refers! hrkaewr for al toned Bal facts thinner shan 250". These sickest ae all deca eed oa te serie peered roles sme te led nara hd éecal pisces, The Prefered Numbers tlhe preps then ares iy able Ul, It happens tit ths series cla appreximats the brow sed Shacp gvage ase pce monFerrns tate whit spies tha pth thechangeover If this popmeed Areca Stamfor penelly ame renew sppears moet promising we wil beable bo cave Uses a any Inet ltecaugenbly without de restrictions of smcent gnoge sire om sn flor npn uercammities BA a the a [BELL SVSTIA TACANICAL JOUKNAt jane oe ee ce eed et | ts | as | o | ie iis for seasons whieh wece youl suud eae wlcons Dat which etanly tave Ing nin Ingen Mleueble,anotaer seorrmter x vesting the poof of pling 2 soe seis tothe diameter of wos Pesos dislere bo deal places wl Pe rie Dneseraat.Tontsaners Pert Taoancet eegunos of Ue Unason decide? upon in a design obvious that it coon be repulisly saanuizlated to the emacs sive. Certain maoafhe facing vais ou tlesnces rast be expect and these inst lege sha of ou dztensinal problem "The ueuel staterca: on folerancee is Sha the larger the ner alge he dpe the par et manfred, Herlore, te tlerne peciied should se the widest thal wil ern foneionng. Huwever, thief geetaliy true only of overall toleunen eich ne he mace futing metiods that my he-ect. ee trae nthe seme thas apts inenpensive to mambfcrure team bi designed that ie Seti is lengly independent of rusitioas in dienwons. Mowevee ch dei ix ok stalyAcheen and in minh appar ary god overall sccury of Cimon ans i neensay fr win Suuctag The probe of PRONLAMS 1 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES as setting cleuauees Una Insomss one af Ababeciye cern terarces over warms ivansions sd difeten. parte Tho iw vere dial problem find Ia the ane of any indian tolerence» lange value does at nec ari mean loner oqerits eet ay ever ens the reverse. ee ee acs Hig 1 tot cen ima of cues ound ck Tesi oxy domoaeteate it the eve of part tle on inne whit nerd tothe dimensions of say materi Figuted stows Cie Toles al commensal gras of round sack. Ii esti, enginet= ing equiemeuts dette che wee oe pattie mtr! nef pa speciying gor clernce ts whe nih te eau fariaed nd Aoing so aay scause gate sesiray in Hremating att. Thee ay even he ocoromy’ ia the use of higher prices material piu ln cer toler a neu snces as or example rd seal a eld dear sel thang exon tcheminulichusaserodiced pars. Sipesly searwaeterenf ete Spots ors shes soca prtcel Lo loser tolerances may eedace the exet oibsequentaclurtmerts."Therlove, wher inca par olkrances are invorel aredicaten mae: aa be givea tthe st tlernoes of ew ste "The tone situation exists i the cage of tolernees om dimeions tugs hy mnulectuses+ owe cals, While lose overall iia wll n= (give ester eral occerey 9 Lie tole prove ani grace frequency et ape the most ecoven al luibution of toerancos wf e dat based Siw nas neeaves thal sa be expert rs varn® manufaccur- ie pectisne: Cena cages = aresraey ano “erent Ir ora types of machine saline aa Alosorg varkins not iz proportion to (ret Sales eves Title Iv any purpose. Abe thete ere types of eambination Uiuls ond ne-orasie ahinss ilar fms proecetion prac wi (thigh wide leranese are nora evonmny besuse asetcacy f requrel for Toeating or sting the past for leequent apertios. Since the de teintioe of tletces involves such complex factors of avulacturiag droll ail cost a thst lable for the csi engines tu dee Termine and to indicate womistahably tho eect of taleranees upan fenc- CGoning and, where irvarcangecilisy of feividal parts inservice fe not, Fvslee, sa lew manvsctoring ensderatio to detesine te dcibu in of taletences na sae Lis eppatrt shat eneidersble study of the requiceanents for funconing of tie design, faveiase eateries an! the Haltaons of memefactaring [hocss ace rept! beth th most econazf balan bowen pe Eumanee nf the apperstue sil the maid trance, ConsideraLin thors by ysun fo there toler factors in covperation with manulae- ting emgaces in an eur ezge of design peer 59 Cat Shey may Jiuence the end oF cesga. This step may ai the necessity fr slow ul nil soanisactusine develpnents and delays in stati production Tlnwewcr, uneecely did achereace tothe vtec af alecames fs not ferent ia Long ge pling, afr Csry pes. Ta such cass the ead of progres fo mere and ipimofacture should be detrmined find anticipated. For emle, come ovnilever speiag design recurng arzow cons hos beta base set aerial waded 3 coleramces ot corel avale atthe fime but made so by the tne it heeded for praduction, ‘The exon! of pogues is this dreton i shunt pss in meanfoctring Uechaigue can 0 be expected. or cxampla, the ceveopstent of brovching ions camspaacvely ero opera {ion fo the jv sho ne edi tony eer aul outstanding. Camuatioe veeBly Toieronces Another problem neice of tolerances is i tase eases bere 0 siderable amber of ports are acivly assed ino ua as in the case Dapeng ple” toed nels Soneclngapatats Such as rely nd sicher. Hse vn uf cnsiderae mer of she! metal springs fd inelstnw allesnathyeené clap by sezens. IE the overall ale fine on scl an easly ros sn a he tae of the erances of C2 inlviual yoke vious cones of ann ane presen’ the extremes of sohies ar 1. ery sm tolerances rst le msintaing on theelieidl parts 2. Adgute apace must Ie povided ip the appnates for eles large vention in the avery. Sail teres hs nl ial pas my’ be exretnely expensive wn leageepace sllowaners ad provi in rece pals fs Yair a theassembly may bes vera design antic. However iis rcognized thot then is obviously small roll that all minis of all axiom parts wil appear is ay one assembly. Tt fae bon fa soisfnctory in eva types of ec ples co assume tit tie ata ensions) aati 1h will cteally Te encountered nen sserbiy wll tbe gener than 5 of chesura ofthe pact tolerances, A ‘Str sitio ets io nang inde of aszerie oe eenatogs of tolee- "The satiacl ebtionships inven this prem aro iene by Fig. The curves show the pecentage of the cumulative por: teens Within wich 59.7% 0 the assemble may be expected to be foun wit Uiferent numbers of sila unite i the assambly. ‘Vhs soli ine do- ‘hued ftom thoretialrlaonahips. Te assumes that the yest are allo tue kind, thatthe parts ging to erly ave camtoled, of nora die Itibtion ce he Tins ane ettpaly et to represert she acct contin, "The doted res have beer ded! fron seatceshice whit heve been proposed ae representing tectagir snd ranguler distinctions of Aividuol pit oeranos, “The curves may not be tly recesentative of pet ates Beene of incorsuent selection of limits urea dstribn tions. Huweve, they inca hat ube T0% rae an yleup is probe om the ssfe ves most cases and st closer esi of assem or les stvetelernors and cheque naztiactre of plr-perts mighe beret poole ear 1) by better aol, 2) by ahaa musing of ls of pier ports o 3) even aera ay knoladge of the nena statisti striven pact dimensions Ti Ure pats indented in Fy. 3 sow th rls of linited expe ment in whieh peape were sttubied from 2085 individu insults of {Be phew ber tale from Tacory stock. ‘The eslallishmeat of curves by this wpe of axpeviment using a sufficiently lage and sepesenetive sample would be actishle ant weld permit considerable endesadon “CVT saan Se A TF tin Sete waaay Git. dae Sil?“ —o i am cf csign ona sounds, Ta this pstcuse case the parts wed apparently fame tee ly io lent sheet of bat indieste by Ce ation of fhcenes of the icividol parts skown by Ig 4. orthor nti analysis of thi tye of sition fs neal Unger with expesnenial detention ofthe datoution of dimension scully ncountered in pect cus, Telit of cimeninnn a product wives om vary of causes, (Ome type af cause be varias sch ws Hooe inthe dimensions an Slssal proper of uy steel phish way produce deren: prod Timessionsevea from parr i tol, A eMlren and wore syeemati typ af cause i oe chief be cinonsons of ioaa a5 rst of eae. “The practise fells in easing tool west allowances will therefore ‘ute she limit and static dstibuton of por iensions dung the life athe tool, Some desigaee sud tome tool malert consider tht the pectestinn af seminal yaa with pes and mines wera fons requ Seen owing find tol dirs aul wen aowances chs docs the epoca only minions and mrsineen imi oe a part él ions Fipally goed anshoriy ainzine thet © racafacaror tecgniees poems o‘ablshmen! «sland practiom in Such mater f= ene sey i decermining tr dselbucion oie tobe expected ia fractal pert, In the presen abyeace of stanfards or of any consist Cie on the subject ste neesaey for designing and manufacturing Chinese to conch an agreement i aperie ren whee Chis actor is ime frat. ‘Sehave the fscors which Acarsine she tolerance wh can evita coonoweily ar which petbeos will ke waaco%ably eroniteral, This Sever fra iesigact fo keep infer othe interaction of ase foo AShis design syslaliaes and ho srs ao determine eft of suck toler= tees per finetening fp oor to empete 2 design hie wl unetion Propet wher sealed in arsiy practi, Foncrinsat bwessuosast jst of Termes 1 epparsus parts are inte o have completed zltive motions ii reongnsed tha! wnvtacusng dingy to the ueul sale hase sri ‘ila ionsto thei wefulags ath analyse Che eects of embinathosa tolerances In sich cases desimen fequeatly make layouts to her seals o: loge ele ajuntable maces to vestigate the eect of eariations we Couctionng., Mstestiens ofthis prasow are merous in the eee Tenge of rit leiguets ef spall asa ‘Bron in arg arte wien are tionary ia use the e>liaton af oe aces in eft estaba sven pub potions tar each ele and Insp presto pele ie to thine ievelving motion, ‘These are not asl recosioed because of # eaious Lnittion ‘heres in small sale

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