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BSTJ 20: 1. January 1941: Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors. PDF

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Preview BSTJ 20: 1. January 1941: Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors.

Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors Tuo papers by Reerend Thomas Bases A (asim palicntion from the Philsephicot Transaction, Val. LIT, for the yea 1753. This acme bas haan proper ander the eioction of W. Edwan’s Dering Senior Macher nuatian of the Bazeus of tke Causes, Washirlan, fr copy of the Phileophical Trassetions in the porsaion of the Mevel Okseretony Washington. An investing foroword ta che volume has beam sopped by Edvard. Molina ofthe Tell Tesphoae Lauran. ‘The volte fx slableat the Department of Aieulture, Woshingls, D.C. pie 1.0, ‘he SsbjastioeShrprers of Sinetad Teloston Tages! MW. yane ws, Ja. Saal sized motion pictures poles at of fran in sila tien of the images rqroduced by home television secevers ae ise fn ftatstial study af the appreciation of shargnee. Sharpness, nthe jective sense found to free mor ad anu ly athe ky) esthation of the image it incense. Inuges of present television grade te shown to be wilin a teghin of diminishing return rth zespect 0 esatlen. Waquality of aoezotal sxe veel rents fe feued tot Avery une reqieemeat onthe shares ofa ie, especialy of fairly San oe. Syuctonisl Frequency Madalton? W. H. Domeery. Pry te exomoat practical problem in FMC transmitter design b that of sabia ‘on of ehensean oc erslar resem. Crt etabity required, but the ddavct use of «crystal woul novevsiriy gh ae tea cont bette the factors whieh sabiice the Sraqueaey ane those Which ae to produce the Asia weiation, To Svachronied Lrecueney Boalason, whit kes ite fas: appene nce inthe Het vat= Wester Ele 5034-4 Rai Teasing Ea text this ra em ig solved by asseciating the cra inet ita che salem in» monitoring role which igares the cil rmqeeney sation: due to madelstion and vende only to vata inthe meas frequency “hiss dane ly aking a spe of te cata ofthe eeguescysewated fletric wailior and shrinking the specttan sown Ugh & oeceston of froqueny divider to aboot 1/5040 of tae Lanse care fee quency. 1 then cans of a sirong central cater (about A eycke) with & fem deqece of phase modlation, Ibis i then easnpared with + Pics Rigs 15h cyst standod ieise wat 5,000 eye) ina device whch praucesa rotating mgatic fl? the <iference froqueney. An artetore which Fine this eld eoatrol he tuuiug onsener of the ign wir osee lktor, coming to rea when exact eynchroniva attained, ‘The sll thse erations aceompanyiag lation are ot followed becouse ofthe Inia of the stem. "Tae sei Hus obtained forthe mann eequeacy Ss identical hat of a cystalosilatar. She the eval rontrol fs eck, no staining outage is requ, ao hat tiles inthe contel system ool est in Fodder degartures in srequeney.-Mecianical csatcol, mnrcnst, com Bletels reeves the rislleting eer of aby connector wih the ti Fravon of se accu fremereyy sa that che rod atiny range i nt re ritol, This and other seirenats in cesian sera Trogeenzy exco™ ne of uli ofKlaevele wit esters low dsertion DineShort Ware Fransmssion Oher & 30-Mile“Optiat" Pathe CR, ‘eyouvap, A.B, Cuswrenn, and W. W. Mouroxp. Continns reonde Taltyeshor-wave tenamiaton on wive legs of 2 and mir over food “optical” path, ave sown variations fo the rceved signal strength ‘These varitions sum be explained as lelng due to wor nterfereac; an “uterferonce which varie ita tho eles in che compositor of the ope sphere, ‘me of the vitor ate dt changes a the dieecri wastane ga nt of she atmosphere near art Otter vst ors are expiable in {erm af rellecions Fem the sacuuaies at the boundies 0 iferen. sir asses. ‘The erval acd anne! meteorological factors whi alle the rntemiesion are densa 1 Praade of Propras the Uso Bice Pubes. Part Inthe Pst cf Comuricnion® 8.8, Wweaaat, The dependency ofthe art af conic ication on the scien of el tonice io grea ao to make review of progres i clecronts oat of cesta rene of se Hel fern Stora Whe i tru shat shear ors of selephove an san Sommurietonauvensee to degree witout the vse oe ertunle devirs seoee know them tad, Inerepatin ofthe wrcnwt aliens ex em ie= fond genestor of higfosymsesaleaasingcorent= FC years just pre Ceding the fst Worla Wer sucka « tarsirg peiat ih tas eedapen the commanzaion evi. Fro that day to this Lie progees oe fronice nal couuniations is qe band in fend. Tie need of the Communicates engineer for ner eleeuunic tole hus kept him cently Ril ite, acon tie, Decne 18, aging Ue elesinie engineer (0 Jiaprove old eviews and to ofiginate ew ans, al etch tie the ein ee ter have heen remade with Sucees the fulls af his work lave leo ives appied ta produce ew unl iio sartling sracles of lngedlanoe comanatio, ‘Because of the else =eatienship of ele-oni nel commanintions i it vecesaury i roving the proges f Fuels derade te keep in mind that [i pogeee in electrons ane in eommumicciane wea ie our eee, sil ke neeesary to survey the oexde in torevicentons dng the sein aces rene the wile mivseary to ek to what exe the snug whic Is een eae sue so avaees inthe etree Bld ane Wha aeaines inthe elimi ievines themes have Ind he foun liom af this progress, There In tats no atempt mae to make ths e iow conprchensive i Uke sense Usa iil al tems of progress which feof indvicualincerest. ‘To do so stuuld make i erly a ratalog of ‘hese samy advances aman Sle vo the yt Hata of the we jist. Res the objet ine been o Uses Ue me signicane trend of ‘developmen: inthe vasious fede at Uo etapa tae ne of nce sbich ppt :o be mst closely vce tthe gence dietior of pros ve aver Sele lei! comune Yee Lovaton af Hystiess Showamene ds Rost Sul Cryst WP. Matos. Monautemerte she ease proptrtie of an urted yall, he slcoletec contans ty, ant she cltped ier comatant of Rowell ac crys show tha ynctiely oT ysis ae eiiation tfc ate assole withthe elzrped dilate popes othe crystal A theoretical formulation of the equations please crystal has boca mae which takes account of the dissipation ffs, Te foto in given for the polsisnton theory. The fequcney variation of the clampot dighcris eastant mea iterpuetol yy Debye’ tiny wf li trike add to rake account of hystctss les, iadiate that thee are ow camponerss ane of which fez neste with fea igh viscous shtaner ihevews the other one oes not. "The non-vecone component has a vie constant of about 1D) as OFC ave ie probably ue to the Aplvenieat of He ons the lire souctne, “Te sn corroent Taga artic estan f about 149 a O°C al sont dee Te aiple: of che Rocnlle sal: Bath compenauts Neve higaer dilectic orstan:s a hysteresie becscen the Cae pile ily + ep "ve ation ofthe molecu oe lr cont ome se er tre ei A New Beondeas-Transmiter Cit Desig fr Frequency Modulation J.T, Monuisos,” The problem of generating widen! fesuenes-mild- ns nut SesraM TECEHICAL rOvRNAL lated waves at seviemed in onde to nsectain pecially the desired performance capbiiie for «commercial ranoaster cut. The fectore ‘hich ofuence ox Bini tree perforce capabilities inthe two methods Tvalile forse geneetion of Fequoney-moduleted yaves, compensated ‘hase meislsing, and diver fequeney medaltion, are then explore Tis foul that each rethoe poses deabe fundametel characte ties not present ia the other, bal with che ckeuis now gerezally em Ployed il ilher spethog the maton care-eetice and cirier Freer stilt areinterrtstot Una one isa iting eect upor the ater. "Anew cicit ie deecriba! in which thee two import churasertes ace ledepandert of ears orker Owing 22 this independents an tn oer rcit cednemen‘s he esatuletioa capabilie are unrestricted wih lowe Ulstrtion aver an exceadingy wide re ‘A balinco cles welleteroperaling al onecighth the radiated fre quency is modulated Uy balanced reactanes contol tubes and ogatve Tedbock is wend to mitiae emplitae meaiation and harmon distor tion. A satin of frauoney anise employe ager with crystal Controlled suitor ad eyaedroness eto? in sucha ntener ns to control ‘eshanieally tho mean fraeency of The modulated wave with the sare Sahiiy as Gat of the erytubrontrodedoecilator. The care, or esa, Frencrcy abit is that ofa ingle ery ntl secon and is incependent of any nlier cout aniatons. cael Teequaney stats (1 O02 per cent b woil’e without the ate of temseriereconeaLeld ais oF eppamtus, Newtro Stas of Oie Best Alyn? F.C. Nes, H. G. Bowes and J. Dewsee, Neutron tryanision meseureeats are used to ecody ide in Fe-Miallya, ‘The diflernce: in neutron teausmission between Fully annealed quenced alloys we potted aginst the nil content displays broad poukarouel Nie and fle co vasishingly small valnex Sear 4 stale percent Nao! pute Ni The higher the degeer of order the greater the nestten trinsmieion. The eubtitution of 2. atomic pet cant Mo op 4.1 aromie per vant Cx for Fein tbe annealed 18 atomic fer oon FeNi lay ested a leone in the neuter tanstisson, relative fo the anicled 8 etomc er ea FEN alloy of 18.6 and 21.2 per ret, espestvels. Uh el oth of an amoral! Birary 79 alse per seat Niall tretmes saa to poodce disorder, ve ie to a ecreate at 206 pet cent in twuleas tnterison. ese reaula domonsece Cat euitonteciiguas serve ae 2 agen teal stil cee in Fe? alloy, aod Suggest tha they ean le extended to story other soli lace phoramena

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