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BSTJ 10: 4. October 1931: Some Developments in Common Frequency Broadcasting. (Gillett, G.D.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 4. October 1931: Some Developments in Common Frequency Broadcasting. (Gillett, G.D.)

Some Developments in Common Frequency Broadcasting * By G. D, OMLETT Erle ta fl ine ee ao i nha ean Boa fom Es Sorry aera ete wide Ged Teepe HG (an Nata te song ventana tt Wi es Ee fon inst at ge an aden cai teed eg ares yom Fenn beast TTI delet of lain caning andthe eongeton in ‘the browse frecueney range hs natselly led co a considera tion of she ssibities of cperating 4 jrnup of ations on a single Feqeney. ? The pesaible neeulrers of such system Fa result in anursher of altempta to eccure the ahional coverage offered by the simultane operate of two or mre stations broaleating the ome program sn a somaton frequeney. This problem bas been a tock in two diferent ways he Pets of Top Maclzed Nowe hich ie Satan hey aa gg ene Boney Pe yf Thome case contol Freqency has been sranemited either by wine Tine oer ec station aa a frequency mal tplier wet to develog Aipecely the cater frequency which was to be tesnsniied From the Salina, Thisthod has me wil same tines nt ee and abroad, 1 wa wel i this eoualey fur uve commercial overasion of WDZ- WHEN "gad in Germany the Bosal autaries ave operated several lations eeiseataly with equinment deere? ly the Telefunken Gina, saul ie C, Lorene AGA". Both tie WRZ WBZA and the ‘Teefunien ayeteme used 2 high eoccral fequetcy which was paren lauy suicable for transmission over opea whe lines while the Lorene system tod slower eantrolfeqiency shih we slab Fr teenie fon over cable circuits ne well "Three stations located at Uerlin, Ste. tiny ard Madzelurz, respectively, are now in comamerial operation oa commen frennency tring control equipment manulectuced by the Larers crm’ In Surcen the paral thats havm emcee a ilgr agen af Fequeney toned eapalie owen either 9 high or lor srardard fequency interchangeably. Tale syntern wan str in placing the brodense stations at Maley amd) Habinghog. iw commercial ‘operation on & commen irequeney in the latter part ef 1929. Laten- five development svorkeon similar systems ie under way in the United States. The National Brosdeasting Compary has in eperation i tts devsork, exo groups of two stators each, which are being operated yachranoxele hive a sll mferenae Iroquoneytramsmited be treen statensuvestelenhone ection The Bell Syrtem hae developed ft common froqueney brondeast system using a standard reference Frequency sla fr tetanwi ivertlenme rat Thi aye tem hos lee given practi tent in eoigeraton with the Calbia TBroaleasting System. Te mll story be commercially av "The other methed of attack: has been to derive the eazree frequency st eact station from an independen:oxcilater. : tally ven suming forks Hive beun used tu suyly av sik Frquence Dt hips salty fom which she earier requ bs len derive by teane of fequency multiplier, With this equipment it has been ible to maintsn the derived cavice within afew eves per ant of Schccsn' and this has been sit tp pormita satisfactory ser vie tT rseved tthe tersitoiesimmetiately adjacent to each sa tion, As vill be ehown inlets Later ee sa substantial diference Trtwecn the service range af tation operating in almost perfec so christ with the other sation inthe common freueacy broadcast fystem avd Hiatal a station which fe mare dean a sal fraction ofa hele per second oul of nchvoniam. Th thie cnuutry “ematehed erys- tale” and other mers of ndapendent frequency rnirl havebeen tid bt ehe frequency se iby Die best equigment availa in the past, Fs allen fat shoct of chat reared fr he alistactary operation ofthe Savion on st non frequen. Tn the epring of 1950 tHe Cina Broadeasting Company of Towa found ite inthe porwr of a concrete exampie of the nee forthe Simultaneous apecstin of sro stones nun requeney in that WIID and WOC were cp’ to divide time equal on 0 ke, ha the Davenport and Der Moines arcas cach rece vedl ser vice fois loeakatation tur fol” le ime. Thee stations are 183, Thiles apr aval ether orld be depend pom 19 render a high-erade service only thin ealiasel about Efty mils of the tation, IL wes Felt thas with te sirsltaneos operation of bul ans esch of ehese areaz reed rese've full Hine service from ts lv ation ‘The Central Bovuteastag Company yreented i problem and asked for equinatexecapuble nf reaaraniog the caries of these “to “atiors within che itso helena equited Sor cei imatanents Cperition, Hel "Islephone Taucetocie therefore urdestonk the neeeeeery deve parent wan "The degree fx ionieat cequire for Ue vacinsa conetons ex isting under the erat pes of eommon Trequeney broadeast aye ‘ems ie fakes funasneste question Tea sat be answeced before {ny hia leineation ef the prem one stsempted. Unfortun Ine nmalton in ordinary het: expevienne fy Case enete 9 ont whic avai swakyy ta Be deen, ret se pid sesurny tions which have lee onl ia the prelimivsey theeceialélseussione of the envious phoses of this problem hae of necesicy bees based pri- nail jon jess pinion and she tout conclusions ave quize Datually varied twee extremely wide Tits. "The problem had been studi! invasively duting the preliminary field Yess of eonnaton Geguerey Tewuleaing wes were made in the Fal of 920 in enspecation wit the Columbia Hrosdesaing System ws so ELL SYSTS TSCHMEAL JOURKAL ing stations WAC and WCAC. Te vad tn be very dial to at accurate avd comin daa from such field observations witheut & very extennive seer of tests because the fortuitous variations in the Tranemizcion medium continually alter est cnulines Thee tnere especially trablesome swe the feelers the ‘arc i but ne ofthe two indevendens variabes of primary impor tance which fet the qualcy of the yenyrion vival at any qe Ios, the ather Being the ria of field strat receved um the tv ations the pint tn question, Tt wae therfore neccesary to set up in the hiravory apparatie Which would simulase as cose as pile the conions exbing in The tel! Buc wich all he variiler under daniteconrol Two dential mininture trasiters were modulated by the same progam. The Imovdlaced carriers we tle lfenuateslthiough isenendent tran Inicion pathe wd received by a higheyoaite ereeror. The layout of The appararus is ekerre sckematially the Wowk Wagram of Big. frencarrn ya Te wil be teen that with thi equipment the algae strength eusive the veteoar fromm vitherstition may be vatied independent ao that any desired sgnal strength ratio may be obteined. ‘The frequeney ‘iference, af, was fixed direcsly by the adjustment of the earrier Tetquent of the two tramemieen ro the coqira degree of iaocheon= jon These tranamisvers, operating ata frequency of appeosauacely 50 Ie. were quite stable and capable ef accurate adjustment. “The overall aul nauensy Irani cleacseatioot the whole syatesh wan even beter than i valle nthe lmtier xmamerl radio receivers. ‘The obsarvars were engineers well acquainted with the effects to be expected and whose judgment was extremely tial Tests were made with material coasting of hot smut aml talleing riycaina ead, wie the nll ace tore nutioebe wilt musial pre {fram dt she preserce ws inet tones, the cilerence was nok Inceked. ‘The sbeervers compere Die qualicy f program. eesived frum th sn sane with-varsng Feld strengteacos and sngres of ‘ine soecoaina with tha roid fom one of the stations trans testing alore, “The choige from the st eniL.on to the refers Condition covkd ie nuste at ill ord eg ol C36 various ernie Imencs were lige that the apices program lewd wae hese tice che tae cmtiane. Hat toot nave a consigecae pind af time abd the carver slut in Lg, 2 mire the ell arsageb eatios sk ig, 3s tion aengne ‘ Ad ane i Pome i ester shan EE ‘whch Ie ohwervee ectld 0, dike Hetscon te tee and sefer= cue conditions. The a shown ave therefore believed 20 be cs Tiny coczesvative sed sn meen a eitevion much snore severe thas any wich wll he encauriered 8 eommerris!operscion. Thest Festa ce ale in agicemer vit sl eapesiactal data Uhet ere ‘vai load our Feed fos ome] abo chock clogs abe dete ebtained, by abe eogincers nf she Brteh Broadeaetng Lempuny in em ariel vets i: Mpglane. Teil be noted thet elie ve tiequenay ditorence is very small betty agp-caching iocrona, uaimpabed reeepeion is tzu pe YVided the ek sirtl ato 3 atleast 10 eb but chat as wen a he frecucrey dllewne i at all appcesable the required Feld slzength tate for sclinary programs rb spy es 20h sa appeaR- innately soastant within the ~oge fea 1 Teen pr sso. svt that. rel sucugth distribution surveys and sates ave for Slow ‘savin sgucalial ly tino chce humic wily Behl strength ratio af 20-db (a eb:ained only a pina well within be nes thal sevice aa of the sition, On che other rae limits of the Ite rats Li for the meet yal culshle Lie aorta serice range of he tations Thay if side a sarki iy ye operated an a eoinaion fre (quency en, the warren na Im edt pnosima ely i ie Chioaiam if ange postion of the lieleners within the normal service ange ef che etation ure nat ta renive sexier year TE snorosimeceisechronism femaintaed, the serve arnt of acho! chest Satins null nos dffor materially From thot mics asective fine nd incecerenet ov sais fv ths sta Leasing alo Tn order to mintin using acceptin ia ube region wbsce Ue field cteenglh casio de Between 10 and 7% do, i Spavions be operated so Vat tle crv atest. de rll fa fiequeney By more thi ome eye in 20 een std Cis deme Jeqnency staliity ie bw sao eaagaitude fs saan Gal availabe intryrmies eins. Iver, the Hine ‘het {ie dovelopmet wa urdertaan for ike Ceuleal Brawley Cou pany, pesons els ba ding Uist a newly developed cyst con trl wsrla sit leignaled a the No. 2.2464 osclatse-ampl- fe ponaennd ea exceplonal Ieeqency arab ing for eartmersil ine snede ard thet suinr steno oll gion thew lly vee fee the sazltaneous oyerarion ofall gro lala ni son frequener Tt mas Tievlure lane 12 plane the existing exystal comer equipment by ove hea vee mils ested al fash aaliee and ap Demonte: hy a monrng receiver coated miday between te ern ‘The So. 1) Ut wa Tstr-anpliber ie a clay zeke mounced assem ysis ef ahlleed wai antag usmot reyes ssl ery cacilacr, an ample Having rsienoan paneer ala ‘1 thiy watts, end the necessiey powee nats! equipmnest. ‘The Empliersuloy instruments, al ents ate ncaa oa the eet of the pentis ws anew fn Fi. 3a al er apparacus ie mounted ia the backend ercleved Ly 2 meal locker. "The asorably ote various forporents tice Tyco badsiwi in Fig 1. The power equipsiene fs laced (ve lner ie, Hae vata Leayperatue oven ane ersetl ‘uta uns fe mounted aidee in she middle crmp-tmcnt ile Une uy ahead ection sola the Per andl une sagen Ee Uesearot the eransatter, ‘The coowef the leer i tel wil wel sitehea waiea autora seunnnes al high olleges Com che fewipmeat before the door eve oped. Leva a sil matter to Install one of these compet sl'-amained uriteatznent In ch trae pnitter to sedace the exiting crystal rtrd enn ae the eource Gf the carer enueaey, A corner of dhe operating room at station WOC is shown in Fig. 5, witha port ofthe ria amenitter at dhe ex treme right ad the cecllr-atepier mounted aljarest twit. The [uthor holding the exystal elacor and constane eupesstare oven, fd over his hed to the leftist loud epeaker through which tke pro fram fom the monitoring, poine is recived Tig. }Prt ow a rata ent eso “The extraonlinary feaquerey stbility of these units has not been tail throug ny radical change i design but has come rather aa oot of the refiacmen: of all the eaaiphaeat eleweuts to form a Coneinated iA clampil exystal has Been used in x improved fps! balla ceskved Ga uaatainm eon presen Ue esta ss BELL SYST TReMICAT. TOUNNAL snd at the came time to prevent any Taleral muveseat which would fuse a change in the crystal froqueney. The erystal and its holder fe micubted ia an oven Rrted within improve! chermoatateapable ef tuaintaining the remperatare of the cryetal constant within extremely furrow is, Thin coustane tepersture oven ix ult a inege part of the oxlstec, wie fas been desizned » work the exyatel tinder the conditions of optiauar etability "The ovelltor and crystal are careflly shield) an isolated fom ‘the it stage by several bute sapesin order to prevent any change in the loud conditions frou Keing cetected hark ro the oscillator and thers changing is frequency. Careful teste i the laboratory have hows tat the ouput power eoeld be varied fram vero to fll Load trithoutallecting the rcquency within the Kimite af observation, which Fi. 4 -Ren view sing nero clair wit emiqioy FREQUKVEY BROADCASTING st were about one part in hundsed mili. Uti relatively insxsitive to changes in Hament crest, though this is maintained conscant (sthin narrow Fite by «Talla lamp. Sivoea change of nm pr cent in the plate votege raines an immediate change in the frequency of ‘abot ee part in fftern willin ard sm wllimate change of about one part in tae milion, She caystal rill is now Ining operates! From batteries. Since even with these oscilaoes absolute isvchsunism cannot he rintained indefinite with ealjuemen, WLIO was chesen as the Feference feqnmey stsvon aad WOC waa provided with means by bihich its corres Frequency could he brought into exzce isoebronism with thas of WHO, In weve thet che eperator of WOC could easly roniat, a monitoring sesiver wo et > revel Geteomie the degree a ata poine sway between the stators sd te pr "ere etait back to scasion WOC by wire Hine. AV departice ‘ofthe cu station fom ievchrowin besowar Ly alow vaviaion ia the Jevel uf the program received and the operacor ca Ten nuke the al justmene nerewsry este the saciens t isockeonist, The nicer cf this adjustment eaa here he appresiated by ehe fas that a cumple fevelaton of Ce om ini wares the saztcefrequerey at WOC by faut one art fri Tends found des it ins by cetera she beat freqcency re ulti froma lack ef ex natu account of the masking eFect of Iie aythm o- beal of aaneaieel pragram. The rsfver wn ert quipped ‘its a siall auco-fequency veilitur whieh wae sere fo madelace completely 11. incoming carrer received frum the to Stations, ‘Toeve eomibined modulates ewrriers sve lari i Ihe becal wry snd Ti otput fou te rcebver fy the spe ie aie, he level of which is divosly proportional co the ersten of she wmbined tiers, This tone eversides the prensa rawaniet Lark ta thestition shere even very slow changes it eve ccaaly eset by she operator, ‘This alo Hts Uae avantage that tbe degree of io hrosiom ean be determived aefore any program is uraadcast and ha any. necessary readjmtmen. lo cestre isechronism can be made Aluringlene pereds in the reyraca. This tne ie requzed ely at che time ef edastmens, rel revs che noaitesiag peine have been ar Faget for remote contra rs slain WOC hy whieh the audio Prvllaorean becarveton wlinever desised, hes elaye sso permit Ueoperason ofl hor nf i ceselversand permit te ettingot the gain of eltnerrecriver at he proper level for day- or nkhetime reception ‘The contrl panel a: the s2stion, shown in Tig. 2 equipped with upervisary goal lamp which inchoate the ption of these relay ‘The euiiament at the monitoring pint soma ia Fige 7 and 8 ie oun‘ on a single eeby races inches the oop antenna Which hee [rn ade euiciechy sires inal pest ie obtaining af an 2x aut Dubie petween the Sigal siren le vective Rom Ube 80 ota tions.” The sve rio receivers with their associated sui oscletore dnl Lae flay contol panel complet che equipaaes et the monitoring int. The cc rant gel fw eonipletseasiosureof all te equi

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