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BSTJ 10: 4. October 1931: Audible Frequency Ranges of Music, Speech and Noise. (Snow, W.B.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 4. October 1931: Audible Frequency Ranges of Music, Speech and Noise. (Snow, W.B.)

Audible Frequency Ranges of Music, Speech and Noise * snc niece nse slau to deseemntg by ear Hcy ater sete bo WiC pt fae ge ed ly wth cad ihc le sn he “cae Bees Se he meted eee tn He tienes che tecenew ange is [NY sound cramsnison nyse if i to give faithful reproduction, AC enouie transmit all the aude Gequencics af a sound in their Droper relative eration To pee senepicble reproduction. i em Trarit choce frequencies canned most necesary for czy particuls™ application, The sale Crequcuey range ernends upon physical Deters the Sreqneney-amplitte craracerilice cf a seund and the heating cheveterinios of ile avcage eez thersce the acceptabe frequency rage muse e dacsrmined by jlgmnent when ergineesing or eciont comsklerations Sit tanamisom. Ae engieering Tmt sions disippeae sl practical design becomes more a rsater of eo. omics knnelaige af eta audible and acceptable Hits ixenses importance "The progr of Tesi tata deste i thie one was undertaken trimerly to exablsh the audible Frspessey tamgie of che sounds moet ‘uea encountered in snl seprlution, buc some rete bearing ox evcptabie soswes ere included. Ike gonimon were teanslted Trg a elgetun acoustic system cen! with electric! Hiters by tines hiv equercies above ot below any deze eu-of could be suporessee, and osoervers determin] the high and low frequency ‘cotit causing just perceptle differences in the lacsnssion. All Ppa ie Coasen gf te Ae, Sx ety Say 4-5, EN. Pab- vated ee eS BE AuDINs FRKQUEHEY RANGES ar fudible Frequencies of the sounds were Fachaded in the rive Between the cut-ote thus delineated. Sound sources were: Musical instru rents, hie era, sare drum, 1" eyabats, fash vil, Trlle, pom, vin, awe tule, Combone, Keench own, erumper, bast sasophose, bassoon, bass darinct. elaine, choe, soprans eaxophane. flute, and pieolo: male and female speech; noises—footsteps, hand "Sapping, Key ingling. These cote are desvibed in Part ‘Measurements of the relacion of reproduced frequency range to the suaticy of nchesteal mise, as judged by a number af exgeienced listeners are reported i Parc TI. Pests this Kv sous wei establishing acceptabie frequency ranges, var 1 Apporeiue ‘The reproducing equipment wae ble hy t3¢ Tell Yelephone Tabora ores eapecay or fumlamencal estes of spec ane mos ante Fig. 1 ita Block dingeom of the circus involved in thice teeta The lectro-dynamic misoplione was mounted in e S? square baile placed near the center of 2 large ecundproot raom, 29° 320" x 13" ia sie, ‘which had a reverberation time ef abou: one second for frequencies Tetras sand ADM eyrles, The microphone amplifier, moanted at Ie ver the lll eet she merphove apn ia vel that per ated raisfactnry swirling open witout objection agen In anetker room the Alters, sheir switching circ, snd the main sompliiers were setup, The attenuator shown in the "Aileer-out™ cr uit ae ued to compensate forthe losses i the transmitted bends of aus ARLE SYSTEN TACHT¥TCAE JOURNAL the filters that the sed Fequencoe were epredueed at constant fevelatall tes. Fiore available were: high yas #0, 40, 88,75, 100 125,250, 375, 500, 78, 000, £500 cycles ent aT Fenceney’ ow pass ‘00, {0.300 4800, 7000, S800, 450, 350, 3280, 2880, 2480, 1900, 1300, 1000 sel 750 cycles cute eequeney- All weve composite struc. tes giving shorp wells ad atsenutions of £0 dy or moore in the at fenuated seeion. Represeatative aromuaticn characersti anv ehisrn ia Fig. 2 “The loud sraker was siouatsd in one corner of a third room, of dimensions 18° 27" 318, seutksound proof in eosacrucdon sn (iting revesberation chacaeteiatiessiTar ia those of the micro Theae room. "To eave the requted frequency ming, to repre acing unite were employed, nef che four sd one atf-ceeave range below S30 eye the other forthe fve-oceave rigs above this Freueuey "The legice of ten'vlence to be placed in the eest resis depends upon the oviormisy with which this range was reyrmluced. Tae werage overall reprdetion ratio lacectesistc of the system, shown in Fig, 3 depart vn uniformity ony about +25 lh between 20 sd 1500 eyelon It repreente the average fr hal pare of the rou “which ney be called the "Tseng aes," the ection! characteristics eke lal epeaker not permitting ifort: sound pressure throughout fhe som a2 very high frequencies, ALto poist sv ths area di the reamed pessure al sy frequency depart tne than +38 db from he nverage curve. One sasumpline ie involved, Became the mess. Iementa were sue by eupplvng “wacbling” frequents to the volt- AUDIDEE FREQUENCY RANORS a9 nige amplifier and measuring eke souad pressure inthe Hstening room, inch the regular syatea micvophine aul ample, i ie neceeery 10 assume that the aicrophowe Level identically im the micropione oom, The two roome ae sinilar and the assumption was thought Justifed. The power output capacity nf the system we entmated at tme-half wate peal sourd power with 1D per eet distort prs "ait to te eh eit, Wig. | shows an fnating lap SStcuitPlavl before the land spear was a small box bearing the letter 4 and Bon its translucent fice, As the filters were trai or ft he annatinn wa ehaged fora one eter to the othe, the eter trresponding to "flteri' being determined by the reversing witch ‘The signa lights beside the mierophoae wee Tighed whenever the Srewil eax loa throngh. An exdersviteeicuit (aot shawn) wa eed Gor signalling ani intereormmuricadon. | —— | , u Matiots he “AD Test" mechod was used in determining the Bltercusof prectcing Gist perocvihie changes in she mms. ‘The observers listened to twe conditions, sn B. ome ieee al one wafers ned judged which condition was Steed. che observer obtained a eoore TOD per ean cereal Large nen of taal he iter tres sbaulely detectable, A sexe of SM per rent covet judas Tdisted an undetectable flte, Because the ebeerver, i guess, iuessed right and wrong an equal mumber of times, ‘Nine members of an rticulation testing crew and two young ene- neers made up the rating shserving perma, Hath fe aeervers seere secured iohen pees. The se‘ semeber pirtspating inthe fests vied from nine @ fourteen. All were lew to have normal bearing, but the peedaminantly youthful makeup of the eww pohly sade the crew’savecsge snalivity fr vey high fesquencies some cater than the geaccal average. The cbservere were Wequeally Shifted about co ineure average revues, sinew the sun Held was not absolutely uaiferm. ea ena, SYSTHAE TSCUAACAL JOURAL Professional suusiians were emplayed in all ests with musica in- siruiments, Usually they were wee a close to the microphone as praelieabl, sd che ampifers were elon thet the counds were eepro- ural inndnees. The power capacity ef the eystem di not ioulress rte drums, eymbale, sian, trumpet) aul {tombene. For these mie the pevtormers were seated about 10 feet from the microphone ant the amples gen mae rede the necessiry Smount. Speaker were sealod with their Lge 1 inches from the fhisrophone. The hess weve siaken about four fect away. Hand ping and footsteps were produced ata stan of 18 Tet ‘The mmusiciane were wasucted to play thee instruments loud," 26 listening tests showed anche widest feequency ranges were thereby produced. ‘Tests were made with the istroments played in ther everal weave sanges of with thelr dierent techaiques to insure Tumlary” venulta,In general che performers played repented three cr fons ane cals, or thee eveaces produced by the boundary flere tes teo emall zo he detected seguaidy escape or repeated musi rot ipplied by melodies. However age » rorlore would not be epee: entatve for the pio. and rerclar player rll vere wei i cestng i ‘One repeated over ant over 215 won passage emshaxzing the notes cf fundamentals 32 ¢o 800 eyeler.fheseucnd alley emphasized nozee ‘ef frdsentals 200 t9 3800 eyes, wile the third wes a march coves fg the range 40 to 15UU eye's. ‘Before he regular ex stiri] work ox cach sound the engieersin sharye ienad to the sepraction apd picked aut ce playing teck hiques thet promised the idea. Keqieney renges. Test always Sharted with atte ying 90-100 per cent rorrertjn'gments and cs Tinued through sustocive cuted anil the SO = peut ena? Wa Feached, ‘Throwgluaut Boch the preliminary and regular tas3 the ob- server mae notes restive to quality ceages produced by she fers, fed nies prtuced by the ins iments. With the performers and tioverers in readiness fr an seal tat the procedure ws fi The Ales ogarazor threw (he ws vite from neutal to the postion ightng the" Alam, whieh night be" blterin” or "lter-out” ashe ose The performer sting his signa lamp light, then played his Insteument for a pied of 13 10 20 seco an Use Operator aitched "TAB entra” Switching to neutral stopped the mascian by cstinguiching hia signs igh, sl pave the observers an opportunity heck on heir secording blank the condition they believed to be “ese. The peocees wos repeated Be times with «random ore of correspondence betwee Ac Band "flterin.” When necowary fer was tested una! proces elleets were eliminated. Since there Bs ‘were never lees than nine obrervere and each al a lesa sx tale on ack ee, te minimum wane of elves vations used ia computing the freceencaze of eorrece judgments wt wy Filer va wae $4. Several ties check teats wese made in which the igh were changed, but 30 filter was inserted, ‘The average seinen os these eats avays were within the limit SU 4 per eet “The fice entoffs producing just notioeabe let pon he sounds sere an sharply dened, Fer every sowed there way betwers Ineent fff recog every Line and ehe urea never romanized 2 certain Tecion af apweriahe width where the percentage of correct judgments decreased from 100 per cent to SU pee cont. If this peeentage is plotted axainet cutoff equescy a curve euch a8 ie shown in Fig. ig #_Nanhe of nage eapia agcacey pected neti results. Curves af chit Kad proved seful for interpolation purposes, Shut ter wontoars were Fel in he tas depeadent upan the individual pculsitien of olnervers aud pers to Beat general siznieanee. No ‘lee corelation existed between the impartance any freien range fad che contours of the curves for the ier uel ly the Blas {hae wee renngniahle in ew than 8D per cent of the tees were very finally Ta adition, sense observers canider chat elimination of gk Trequeaciee improves the reproduction of certain musical sounds by removing socompaaying nolees, Therefore it vas dsl tha che seul iafocoation fromthe date could best be preset hy straight Tacs. ‘The andiie frequency ranges of all lie als tested have beer plotted in this vay i Tig. 3. "The end pins fn thew ines ave bees, o Pind Sustie ISCURCAL JOURNAL Lakeu where the correct judgments amnnted to 60 per cent. Thad ‘don, the fequencite were BU per cent core acgments were obtained Ihave bsen masked, The region betwen {eB per oe rare ie he most sigifcant—frequendies alive an below wourd probably not he Frard at auaitoriuon diane or with othes Tastrumeats paying ‘There were ceroin rowide Liat appavently extended to the higher nine Fequees a3 judged by dhe ease wich which che highest ltr 13000 cycles cutoft—ws detected. Th these cist the Fines have been arbitrarily stopped at 15,000 exces ‘With at stewie ras noted that dhe actual ausieal sounds were anmnmpanied by miler wounds euch as key clicks, ip seis, “uae” ef reds, and hissing of air. "The cbservers tied to distinguish between the frequency ranges carrying the wo clases of sounds, ard cir judgments are summarized by the treatment of the ines of Fi. 5. indies the frequency ranges thouglat Lo eoavey of the instruments, amd the short vertical lies the rain RNQURNCY was a define the ranges of noise, Th some cases noise and tone seomed in eyarally bende "The saltative observations ae by the ubspsvtes sre se mmaried fn dhe gots bw, in whic "LF. sea "lowes: fudarental Tina Voit” Basle npgane Sealy wees parked la ow Law we PCa ie . “frre ns SL. c. very impurtane. Tone goes to very big fon co Rime cles, Oat es ete ee ae "dc Metta ce wore ste Mi cena han Cue cg ct eta Mn ey" en a ae Toe ee hin iat bea oe, ata san _ shy Ng imgor a legen Bin ce bt rt nin wae range on ee ge reve on aw nnd, SYSTEM TRCHNTEAL JouRDAL Ie is Felt Ut he eae of the playing was suchas co render the com ments and imeasured frequency ranges generally applicable. These artes vlnly cepcesene extreme elton er the ober vers wer in (fet situated unuscally close ta the instrument, they were listening Ander ineetfaveraive endiions, aad they sd nly to pick out trliular distortion “The piano wns the only inrament which li sot require the repro duction of ite owen! fundanencalsfor erfet file. Thovefoe ens Inision of 0 cycles the lowes note of the base ick was require, fd th es fonnd to Be ample forthe percussion ietruments. Tow. ver, ae the i yer raat marks inde, Hille wan lost when frequencies beso 6 cycles wee not repreduced ‘Many of the iatrumerts prelneal noises chat extended to ich fre- ‘avences, hat only the oboe, vin, sl nave denn were thought to ex (hil des toue ranges to she upper andi iit. The setion uf Lowe fu the ering el tie clatter of ress the reo] instruments produced ecy prominent salen of his fequesey. Won the is weve wed as eal te noises were much lee enmizent. Tze rotses indicate for the ace anal pole ovre produc! hy the impact af eke ci form the Tips agaist de ersbouchure opering, As a group che lipped instrux tants produced only maleate gh frequencies: heuer rou all find mre instramente wraduciag frequencies tering to the upper he lit, Am upper cuted of TOMO eylee di gov alec: tke tore Sf most of the inleuibents vo a rrkel exten, BUC cvery instrument xcept the bass dun and semen ae alfessed by the SDDU cycle eul- iA drequemey nange of 10) 10 10,000 evees wes shown toe ee Uialyaatslacecy far speech ‘Becwern tlh AD por cent marke cho bass vil required the grestst angen? usuives and thw pieola required she smalesL ange ‘Wolves in particular wie chavactorzed by high eequeacies, Harel apuiag aad ey jingling tere both fol oe vecy denice charge thy he 13,000 rye fier. ard infra laeung ects ox several ler ies inate ia high Zrquencies were very prvnives:. Probably lisa rrizes al contain inant EsequeneiesTelowe 100 cycles and ‘Cansmnim ul de ence anilie ange woud seem etl wore unpor- fant for oie vepraduetion hae far reprdirsins uf udesl sounds, ear HL “The measurements of the qalily changes produced by che fibers were made uring the came apr bt a diievent testing technique. "The 18 picce uvetse furnishing te music was made up as follows! Anpiene rasgyency xAvoas os 4 fest ving, 1 second vilin, 1 ola, 1 allo, trig Tow ute Tole 2 elariagt, 1 base, 2 French horns, 2 trumpets, crombone, 1 Orumaace The nlayens vere geared in ert avrangement with the Saline about 8 Trim the eceephone. Tr eigines experienced i wality judgments wie av observers, Tx (hes tests the iter li ions nee alas prevented a6 "15" aod he observers ware asked fae die quality ofthe °F" e>vlton aumesially,conwering che "A tonite to pesese a qualiy of L0. The ratings coud be eiher Lees than 10, inliceing degradation, or greater than 1.0, ica ing an iaa- Triveneat, Condione wee siiebod AB ALR, enbiauiag until HI observers sad usin a judgenen, bat the ars ware present | iH wou suas rirens | F oe evfectly ulin ier, “Uhersfore de ulacevera ere never informed pte whar ‘Ther wan ung toate they only ew trac" A” epesenced auelity of PO aad "Bx eek ta judge ‘The orusira played the Sore wal’, "The Beautiful Blue Dan be; for Ul fu tees Inwaeeechenrated so that ms of the instru trons plage ost cf the Hime. All zers excepe 80 on AN high pass neve eened co taeubververs. Fram the results Hit of lees which ebscrwers hoe ata beter thom 0.3 seas npited for present ion Gturing «swine! lest. This time the wore wae “In Tae Vile" = commits of Gedasd, Fear a session in whch sty iatruments Fad anfo paste and iv sich thecefore the ehararier of the music lapel api “The aveaage ratings for bot rune are plotted ia Fig. 6. ‘The rw sors nf Aata agree seasonally we except at che exireme ens where

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