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BSTJ 10: 3. July 1931: New Standard Specifications for Wood Poles. (Jones, R.L.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 3. July 1931: New Standard Specifications for Wood Poles. (Jones, R.L.)

[New Standard Specifications for Wood Poles By Rta JONES* Ti Ae Mee Rutt itr ble ae eee fining are owed nese pong le ec am der “fi taht lng a the ence JREERESENTATIVES of munication, poe ad ‘ransvortation utile, eb peace. cmd of plc vd general ingcrcets hive cinpecated in Ue yneparation of the ve uniform etand- se apceifictione vor ove! jwise that were relly approved By the American Stamlarde Assxenion! The new ebevitiations cover dix ‘ncasions anu waterialrequiremens fo worshern waite cedar, western ‘al eadee, ches ed smichesa pte ples, bye res for peeservaive leearment ie to: inched. Speciteasione for lige pine ard Dougies eee are in preparation. Pale specications deal with natural rather than fabsieated pr tetas Heretofore, he lige: utilities hase qrrisaed poles of the Various epeciee tnd seins that hae grown up mone re Independently= Confusing cllereners iz maccial regiment end Jnvthe dimensions! tables have reat. Esonemi¢ produetion and tiitmadon require se arrangement af she eatsral ent of pole tibers nto groups ct! either by toy liamcters ard lengths, by classes Sishichelrcun eces a¢ the toy sd ULL ere speed i adcion to Yength, Te flier designations. such ge 4, Sand C, that have bho spied co these eases have Rad no rewnsion meaniag. A pole torgiee Teng th and claw we species he not generally been equiva fen steel fating to one of hese feng and ease fore srry aint in mit ces, se Tanger poles Even clas have not Ina the sane stenitn sling as che shorter poles et the sane ease ie peliaps quite obvious shat beers rational imprvement could tae ia the sys of dimensonal classibeation, it was seuessecy tociecte a fovncaln for compariea ofthe stents of the citferent Sse, Seti) Commires an Won Pus Ameen Salle Ao tae opeclistions woss approved on Just 20, Ms, pccloa For illsrative porptese a summary of part of die test re ule uced in arvvinye ot Titer stress values is chow in Tale 1. A Aetsled study of the nets of these osrs and of other teste unde it full length pees wil ow sal clear specimens of Wood of che spies a ‘ear | Ciel | xa [ieeceme = e/g] ea pad a4 ‘under investigetion Jed tothe rcommasdaton of the following Sires fs standard witimate ber stresses: asthe white er 200 pv ai Th ler sire for a ive pie finds apotiation in pale Hine ‘engineering tavaugs tae conversion of dhe sors value "sm forms of ‘momen of ssistasee. vay ct the growad line ‘The pf art 4 feviesof supports ov the wires, With thi in ind ore a the etcien ondered in connection with the appliestin af the new ber sons, hich is cial here by way of Slantation, was dizected toward an halves of the vavation in sine and variation ia medulus of rupture that might be expected to afert the average gourd fine moment of esis nf radon 3 pole grape. Approximately 400 crested fouthern vine and S00 western rel cular, clases, thirly fooe (see {Table 2 poles were ussd sa this yuesicular study. Tt ws found dt Snore Inn 8 per cert. of the pte she average moment of resistance GF sock Sopce groups wee alzher thax che minimor ca‘eulated for the ive vlass wad Tength, ‘The result ia considered rersnnably cep eoentuivs of wat would Be fond in 6 similar study of rer sizes fe may be comcuedl that with the new standard fer stress values as ¢ bese practaly all pares of» Bre when new should be equal to Gr Bester than Ue strength seting for the spcified nan of the lass of ples utr and thae wher se recaced loade under the eon iione ueualy ebtemning in {38 higher grads of eoustuccion are onsite, the bending mint developed st he ground Sine show Farely, 3" even, aparoach the seal momen: of reitlane, ‘Since the standard ultimate ber etewos are lanes! upon tests of repmmventative poles, theyre lieved to be sitieGicnry Fr all ordic hhary nurs, ‘They aze drei applicable in the engineering of pole Tee widhoas further areatment of compensation for kaot, variation Sn melsiure soste-t, ar density f wood, In amy se, the question of ‘ati saasfcntion sway ne iat for practical purpoees co soutien toe poleesandsfucien of eueren: proctcLa show chat approxi: ly 4s per cent cl surk ies passing chron the producers! yards could bi elasacd as dene. The erosatingpeooees stem ty eluce the tiation fowne fn the modulus of ruptuce values of mireates] poles. ‘The comparatively low eoebicient of variation ef ercorted wouern Dine shown in Table 1 indieates that for generel pores an attempt ocestfy rine pole according lensty is an unreersccy rednement With the esneed ber etree Tes, dimension tables for the four species were developed in accordance wih the (olowiag prin {@) The tales should specify imenvions in teem of circumference Tn inches at che top, amd ceumferenre i inches at sx feet fram the butt for ples uf the respective lege and clases xref des clatoe with "no butt reuirentens, (0) Allies of the same lengih and elses should have, when sew Tanmrosimecely ual rsagth, or a mone pwcelse forms, ul aoente of ces ac che groend line {6 AN poles of difecnt lengths thin The same class shuld be of suitable sizes co withstand approximately the vane breaking ‘ad essing that the lad is appiied two feet fom the cop sd hat the break would ascur at the ground lie |) Tie classes Com the lowest to the highest sould be oxzenged ia “npfoximace geometric progreesion, the increriexs in bresking ‘aed berseen classes being ebout 25 per coat. em" iin aecoré with che prelerred number princpla, ard the increments chosen provide the lowest number of classes thst are se "Tables of ten clasee for each speci, as shaven in ‘Table 2, have ‘been made a pact of che standard specications. Classes 8, 9, and 10, Alene simply hy aisimum top elreumererces, have been provided to cover poles purchased on a top size basi or tor rural or other Ugly oaled tines, Clases £ t0\7, defined primacily by tele cir ‘unferenoes at six feet ton the ust have bech designed to meet the following breaking loads in pounds, assuming the cndltins of item Cass 14800 Class 51900 (Case 2—3700 Clase 62500 (Clas $2000 Class F 1200 (Ces 42400 ‘The requited cirumlerences at the grou line for che respective paces were calculate Ly means of she formula My — o002O4E C% which isthe wellkzows desire fo:nmit applied to cartilevsr beam bf eeu eevee aeetion, rd resin t ft pour wri. Te gro Sine circursferences thus obese! were cumvered int cirramference ‘lie fel Tren the butt by means ol appa average taper vale for che cespecsive species ‘The breskng leas are ratings for the minimum size pole for the tivea length and class based on the stancred imate fer stres for the species. ‘The average pole of given else wl nally be come ‘vably stronger than the class rating. The choice of sizes provided in the tables is auficienty extensive te enahle the engineer to make dan ccomumical election of oles tweet spel eueiente afer the ead eonditins af the line have ler eles (Grapes! ehart have been prepared which show the relation be tovcen the dimeasion tables ef some current specications and the ew ilule. These ebarte shoule be of mterial assist te suppers land constimers whe wth to comps He al wt Ie ne fr encore Grrecotd pupae. Represenative bel “rom the vhosts appear Tig. Coneparicons forall ngths and estes say be foun in te famplete ehorts that are cb malble oa tle Atveriean Stanlaed ‘Aaeslacon su NUL SUSE PROMEECAE SOERNAL E 3 Employment of tie new standard lima er stesses of stood poles 1 provits for uuver cule 261-40 of the National Salety Code. With the revises mecesieagee by their aypion, Tele 20 of the Coc will appeat as indicated fy Tele niin os oer 2 Ge a. 1 Seymour Ue thet ert fr hy yo ‘The material recuiremats of the several specifications eover shape, end straights of erin sad lit or probibit auch delecrs ab knots hecks,iaece demage unl Secey, Withsatcetaedceferenee to what Sige called the appeavarce rayu'reriests, ic may’ be said that the sgcifcations defice poles of # quality chat the mjor ules have found tobe waisaetoey, Departures ors straightenes ee wid within practical Hits hae nlinary wee Decay ard the presence oF woudso:ting fang are generally pro hibited” Minor exeeptions are ride with fespeet eo the Iniln of the fears, which swe snually ented with execeote, The question of including poles cut fom sound eel Lees received careful mons fiom, lighted chests ie aecepvalile wich ee-ten resections, but inthe care of ue other three species ples from vs ster ave peci- fied. While fe migne appsir momento salvage ave use al sound (dead tr: tending in t2e won, recal opinion a yrewut story favors eliinasing deed timbers a sousce of pls material bees ff the extra costs involved in anling aad inspection [fue proved impractcsble ts lie checks in prevve: manner (cheeks of lemechwise separations of the seed fibers vary ne Ith che ze, mesiing, ad reine cent of Cae pole hat fought Mlefnite limitation sweaved desirable the cumpromise finally adopced Tene which stoly prchibite injuring check. Practically the matter 2 ft the fudge of he euppe> am comstme™ cer (FT | ‘Phe Hinitaton of knwte was a master of soeral wdy. Previous specliatinna Wwele-at variance end. dara were Lacing (9 establish EEceptable Limite, Mensuraments af knots fager than ne haf ich ‘wore therefore made on repwesentative poles ofthe for meen. "The Her and Toeaton of out Gventy-thrwe Liousard nets in gore S67 LEW STASDAND SPNCIEICATIONS FOR W500 POLES poles were tabulated, and ac stight have been easefpared, the occur Fenn af large kn large groupe ef knots were found inven Seth he eth af pe THis le bo a dvs he sa it froup for short poles and ose for lang poles cf ecch speciae. Figure 2, Farstushern pine, ia typieal illustration ofthe curves drawn fora the dla. It ahows, fst the per sexe ot poles chat have single kot ol he gives diameters, (4) for pels up 0 48 fet long, snd (for pol 3 fete longer: and sean, the par cent of pales having groups of uote widh the iitirated suns of disteane it any 12 nh section, sepetetely plotted for the same two cases, The limite eet Oy this unc es shige knots ane for groups of knots iz a uelve inch section fre shown ie Tali panto Jom] a a | at REESE ST eran ‘The standard vefesed to shove which have len prepari ant npwavell under the procedive of the American Standards esata Sie rine in mimes. Cine presetber the ulsimece iter etree ar poles or northern white cedar, wescern red cedar, chestrur and towth- fen pine, and four presrie che cimensimal ciesifeations far exch of The here spies coring to lenthe ane! eirsomfeens a3 x08 jn Table 2. These five are Avera Signals. Tie itestorn we respect te check aa del var led ta recommending the eran fur spesfcations civering lara requirements an American Tenta tive Stanardse ‘They ace the fat America stan fer wea pokes ara their alot on the stud asi outlsed inchs tx Eanoraut ftep coward simplified. proccce in an eerentish public utliey come rtity ‘The appiction of the result ofthe work, a: issue of othe: well. emotes sievdalitary presse, slum yied! mre enginecring

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