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BSTJ 10: 3. July 1931: Negative Impedances and the Twin 21-Type Repeater. (Crisson, George) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 3. July 1931: Negative Impedances and the Twin 21-Type Repeater. (Crisson, George)

‘Negative Impedances and the Twin 21-Type Repeater BES nee gaia ee ene AVES ent atid othe trina af aetna pte VV ccsctasre © curse fo ip at the terminal snnested to the positive pele uf she sour ar tat the other ternal. ‘This iw tian ef ete Ty ie eansidered positive and the value of the resistance Rin ahs piven hy Dhan as R/T where Bis the appice Yeluige sna Tox the covcert in anaperes. Silly alent eurreve L say be peed throngh the vealstance aid a een ial lence a kop E— RI wil appear ares ie rerminlas Wil portiveresieancee fe takes diverenee whe'her we "epply an em." oF "ssa cur The rsince may bea very simple deve ucla ii wie which slheorbs energy from the cenit at arate IP El — PR watts TU possible, towever, tc construc scan lay of aya which have the property nt keeping tlw ratin wf the vltage acess a pir tevminalsto the cure at he ermal constant, ut with the relative tedstance wuld gives Ta sich devioes the ceistae is acgative and ‘the apparatt conteibutes per tothe eirnit with whieh its cm eted Pach such devine neces inaes x source cf energy sur fa battery aud some seas url at seein tbe for cootallig he Metvery of es energy tothe circuit. There ave two varieties of wach Hevices, In one cae, the Zaremal arrangement of the scan ic uch that, if» dente yolege fe applied © tie terials, a corrert fleys in a diretion onporite t she applied eam tn Ue ther, definite curvent is panied thragh Ue system, he dcop seca the terminals wil be opposite ia dirt tn Uaat exused by a poscive sistance. "Thiow ‘su arrangements ae eesanitily dierent ad cannot be uel terchsrge fa given circuit, thn ther one can tive any dedized value of negative resistance, ce wvomg arrange ese is used invalil'y ur siaging wil occu, To how whether fiven negative resistance will Werk sacinfarily in a given cree ite Hot sufiien: to know ite value it lis. Something must be known shouts intanal arrangement sad abont the impedance of the cteuit in which ita to wark Rusesunarren Nraunve Ressrasens (One of the simplest wae to produce @ negative resiatanve i to inter- rpnmmes: the ipa aud ouput fermiaals of a one-way ample. This ves # ecenevative argent because part of the euiput exegy Dt the amples in fed back nro Ce putczeuit. The eymeo uegtive Frestance cbi‘ned depends upon the way which the imereanmtion unde Fig. 1 shows schemaceally ws ial aaeoway’ armplifer for this pos poser It han a pref inp terval, 2, aad a pair uf ovis fninels 3,4. The ipeeances between Uh ingut and ont terminals fe pure ierstances #, and, respmdively. Some mechanistic fate sywillcy fy he eet, i persild, whick pred inthe enti circu which t propericas! to Fe pur enment. The fuetug of fis sechariam i iopostance ro thie vessinn exoept thas ie a ne-way device, The autual impede fis the cao of the emf, gromrated in she outa: Gee: co the curren: in txe put Greuil, This sao may bw sjusted by sultalie sneans euch potentiome'er hue ie others cnastant and includes no phase shit ‘The incercl connescions are aseurse to be auch that when he input terminal Lis poskive wo? thee in tke ouepot ret tends to make fevminal 3 positive with respect to 4 Seates Neste Resistance In Fig. 2 the input and sitpit eireits of the ideal amplifier are ‘commscte in seieg wih eal her 6 source of ean. B ani a re stance Ry fn eh fashion thet the ean, ia the uit circuit of he Amplifier tends :o inreige she cuiens. sume now tbat tye eam {is applied and a eureut Zp ows in ive series sic, BS GIR R~ Re=O. o ‘The drop exces the amplifier i: = RAIN, ® snd the net resistance oF the whole smite i -PO ROR & 11 my aid in undersanding the behavior of Ue system 9 sesume, frat Time is 22:0 50 tha: the clteull cnasale sim of the tice vWsitive rsstances Me, and in aries nd then Consider wast opens as Fis gradually incense, The eat. sppenring he put eet of dhe acpliler aces to ceduee she drop # acruss che terminate 1, and to ingesse the cusreut Jy The ems must be revue ifthe currents eo be kept constant. The eerver of Hig. 3 ew he the sesstances ane curren: vay ax AP whomgee, When = Rs} Ry the crap ¢ ard resistance ¢ bec zero, he arnpier then cease co take power sot the evel. nl pies is own laste. 11 his condition could be exasly obtained the tere sivas 1,4 might be sharecieuited gad the en remove without isang che cirent scien wedlel continue 0 tow hn the ani ee , however, the em. were removed o¢ the eiveuit oped without Sovtceuiting the terminals ol the ampies the cuscest fa te iat fieeut, and, movarqueatly, che eam. 'n the eutput cieait cf the fmpliee Would disappear a the system world heeomne inactive 1M, om, is Cather sacs so Var aponouches = R= Re he cunient “erence inline, ne Ce ean F reid so aust che current cta given value approacher zero. Cnelr thee conditions the drop ¢ an the cexistanee 7 hncime negat've and the empltier supslice uo: ony ‘tec “aans but alea sare of tae energy disipated by the resistance 2 It doce 0 under the control of he cx key however. and if this ems is removed tbe syateut Incomes active as before. At tae Bimit when 2 = Re-bulh Pe amplifier supptes al the loses in le system ey cre Z, once started, eaatnes Indsiitly This eal conciton ie not realized in practice, Either A is lightly ‘oo small a which cane tie curt decreases Wass I is restoved or it is tou lige that any value F however small starts curren! whieh therearer increases Eecane the ampliber supplies tore thar. enough cregy surtain the enment, This inerense nontiaues util decked By le inabilny ofthe ampli to dea wit larger currents. In lft Af rele tthe point whene aga equa: to — Re after which che frrens continues sta constant value “The arranenwt sown in 13g. 2 cm therefore be made to provide any negative reste beaneen 7 = aad? Ri without causing instability or w teudeney to sng. Such a system ds sie sion the lige sun of ell the resistances dn teres oe Ohe civast is patie This beavine cs typical of large number of serangenencs that are able to finsisk negative resistaneee, All te arrangements will be Feferrsl nas series neg esstanrse to dstngi then rom another ‘ype whieh wil be dese=bed nin Te sould Le noted that if the sgn uf b reversed, for example, by inmerebanging the fw wires commested with the outpue terminals 3, fovamaive tesistanor reals Ae AF iaerases, che viel fe de freaies os the em E must be inesied to inintain the rurent fut neater how lange side, thevlreting ofthe drop ead sign ff the restance yo wl change though the lees arcs ‘Tux Usgrants Coxpinos So far nothing as en etd av the acute ofthe eam Rn che ‘deal ete, when the sytem eee, se currane wave isa cy of che Yoleuge wave a5 in any eiveie having a pure resistence, What hap- diene wien theciceit i antable depends upon the nature othe ample Fer or other device used to proluve tbe aegaive resistance snd not fpen de ecul F. This may be of any Kind end of rsnate si, such 1 that resulting from teem agieaos in che cesses forsting port uf the apparatus, Ifthe amplifier sable wo amply det ur ets, the reeulting scurbance may Tea divectcurzent ied waly 1 the aiity of the spyecatus to eupply eneess to she sircsit. Where tramfurmeie, condensers, ete, are iveclved the distebance sees low to at altering euiien? which my contain many Iamonite Girma be alts pce gine yave. Tees e*ecte ane called “singe Jing.” The fal frequeney, amitude sad wave shape lepeul pon the Irkeup of the apnicatas int way which ie beyond Une cope of this Suust NeeaTnR Russstanes [By connecting the: ermine of te kal one-way empl in parallel te alown in Pig. 4, negetive sesstance Wl be obsined which typical of the eel ee oF she! nee resistance, Referring tn Fig. 4, the currestn ts inputciatof Ube mpi is “ Fis Caner arating popes of os npc ‘he eset he aye cet © 0 BELL SYSTEMS TECHNICAL sOW'RNAL, and the curren’ fuss sain erie RARo, nbn BARE oT foo wi ti @ RRS RaW n ani he apie voto 2 RRR, a= nomen ft . |W de emagemsae, the emul generated in the ouepue clseuit of the amplifer opposes the cimrent Jy cue so Ube ean. £, and as 3 Inevees, the current fein the an cree deveined the vesetanee ff tie smpierincreaces, Te eure of Fig. 5 show how the es. incor and cusent vary se M changes, # beng eonstast. To lxep Jo Constant fe woul nov be rennry to Increase F ‘When AF — & the current fs hevvmce 2225. Whes 2° — Ry ty the current dy calls» am, the potential ea Fy the eusent fy has reversed indirection, Ne veistance + = © fw Hie ample: just exoptien ste own Joces." If eke cient onside the soupitir snow opened Ue condor o: the aepliiar isthe same fo wna the shore cient wa applied to Pig. and ce cures ecu ing in the smpiter wil eowinae, 40 is moved without opening the dee will drow energy fom the arapier, taue reducing Tal tousiig all coveents and wtages to disappesr. "The amplier is sel lier the onatol of the ere For the asaigerven of Fp 4 to ecome wnt ts necessary for tne samplifer fo maintain or eease te voltage «alae the controling fei disnemevee For the auplier tomaintain the wolnge eit sevseay chat _ Ra, ey Rt BYR EniR® o fora whieh Fiky ‘ + BS, 0) and foo () Hone it the impsonce the yen cane. 4 nopove resttoce greater Si mogndnde hee Ry Lt because the ampilercniol maine o increase the vwlige © after E is removed, even thong the current esinet ane esau fe rmecving eneegy fom te api TH if meinen seater than the upper zit given oy equstion (0) thesysitn paonce out of conirl by the emt. Rand Becomes unctable Grsines. By shur-cinitng the terminal 2, t would be possibie wo rence 10 unl st ie reater than the value given by equation (10) fpoice niki male ¢ anmericlly ssuller thar & On removing the Thore cheuit, nowever, w disturbance wow begin aad grow unt Checked ly he limitations of the amples so tha, inet, wold be reduced onl agata made equal ly — Ti is revered i ign for esinapie, by Inteschanging the wo wices eonneecr tre cigut tenia 3 4, no nogetive resistance ren [Se Af ancceases, the euvent fe ineesees. "The wesiarance decreases, ‘pprowcing new ae becom iceinitly great From laa spent a aegative restr of muy died vale may’ be fasetes in a Grail having any positive resistance 8, provided that the inact! paistanne has the Chiraeteistics of the ors tye wl the iaerted negative ceistarce is rmeresly smaller than the panitive resstance or the elaractsstce of the shunt type Tehen the negative restive fe numedcaly lager than te postive Goon Tomas ur Newanive: Resterance AIL owes devices for pring negetive resistance fal into ove cor the ther of the tw canes deastbed above Arringeneats are Krone wich eabibie one type ef negative re sistance a one par of terminals and the other tye ata differen pair Dur nos ht yes atthe sme ee of terminals 2 the same ie, ‘Ceres apinnatus involving giemnas encduetien of eectroi di ‘igegeevhiit negative tesisance elec, Fig. 6, for example, shows tee fing between ton electsedes whit are conmertod 2s {Mien reseiane ad inductance serving a5 ballast toa snusee of er Dower, ‘The Tallat serves to stabilize the are nl il the current Arne fom the seucee coraiant ad alco ce prevert the wavege af Sltermeting eurene throws the sure fens the arc, The are hs positive rvsinnce with respect to the da. circuit ent gonsumes (Ee, power, us thie resistgnie varies with the current fn swe 2 «ay that on increase of euivene fs sermmsiie! By a reduction of the po tential drop ssi the are. Tres allerating curent is superimposed upon the direct eurvent ‘ieough the vrs y gana ef the tie waned i enseuntins a aeyative Fesitance. Ifa crv ooneaing of a eeietanze X, idorvanre Fan sonlenser Cie bridged acros the areas lion ancl tl resistance is made lage, nothing occurs, bu if che wsstanr rece 0 2 certain cal valus & state of owilation ie establisd, This oilaion Fuses an alternating armen inven through che resonate cecuit and Uheare. TF the oscllaton is of audible freuen the are wt emit a singing o: whistling sound. "This openly of Ue ate es found useful Applieation as a gene:atey of higheCeqursey ovilatinas isthe Polke fre mse in raocelegeaphy. ‘The negative revstance of the aze has ‘cis choracevstice ae sections wll ant ewcur if chee fs an exc of postive cesisae ia the m'llating, ret The dysatean,'on the other hand, has shunt characteristics a it ie vastable when le excrrval pasate Se made ge, Nuavrave Resisrances oF tio: Iowa 20 yew Ciecurr Fig, shows the ideal onesray-amsoliger of Fiz, 1 connected with aw ideal iybeid wal w fort 2luspe repester cirenit. The ie hybrid cole esumed to have Tigibie racing, enerent ines of ero resistance, no leakage react: 6 between she windings, no core los end nex “This 2.-¢ype Greuit fe comnested berven be ecual resetanoes, Re Ro= HAR sd Re Be, sosning thatthe hybrid coil is designe for feaual imeauses at the tee alts af ine terminals and the drop eeivinaly an ems, & acl serioa with the reitame Re at the Tet side of the repeat: and the mutual inipedance A of the amples as) foye a the lfc hand ternale 5, of che bei coil and in the input Cont of the arptier, One-lf of the power estriag che repeuter js uote ia the input resslince Ky of the amplifier and the other hal i abserled ia the omepnt impedence R.. Tn acodance with a ‘roll own prapercy uf te hyd ei no eure wll How in the Tinlichand resistance Ry. Abu gives inceant ths inpnt eure may te auaursed co have the diretion indlivated by the chort straws J By incvecsing 27 “he amie: ean be ride active, ecusizg an arphied nt fat fow in series through the line witdiogs of tha hylrl ei lind the connected resitances Ry By rowing the reversing switch to te side [a ray mal to do fa the sare ecedion aa Iya tre tee thinals 8, # a8 indicived hy the Toa arrows matked fy. For con ‘enieace, thie will he "wleril ta the "inert onaectien.” Changing the veversing mecteh changes che divetien of fy with resect i Fy fiving the "reverse continu.” Ae the bybeid eol i balers, the utput power of the amplier does not react upon the Snput eeu Putting for the emlifying rato of she 21-ype eves ap “The total euvert Donna the terminal 8, 8 is <Abh ~A4) tl he active resstanee of fie 2-tyre cee is 14x, co) As the amplifietion is irwasee, the curent Zs inceeaces while + falls te zero and beconms negative, thus exiting weron charactvstics. TA is incsosed without init," apmragekes — Bi magni but

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