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BSTJ 10: 3. July 1931: Bridge Methods for Locating Resistance Faults on Cable Wires. (Henneberger, T.C.; Edwards, P.G.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 3. July 1931: Bridge Methods for Locating Resistance Faults on Cable Wires. (Henneberger, T.C.; Edwards, P.G.)

Bridge Methods for Locating Resistance Faults on Cable Wires ty 1. G HENNERERGER and PG. RDWARDS In sone des ee gy ong itr ene cie ther ae arte LN the cll lepone plans, insstion Cate auch a gromnde” and cose” ar asta eet ly the" Varey lop” methut wich jnvolwee essentially the measurement of the dat. resistance of the Feufly te beeween th pia of fault and one end of the cable, and ie vomparizon of this restanee with the total conductor eesisance of tie wire tu obs the" percent Fasaina” of tbe Fault ona re fistance boss. Cievectione are then applied to aceonne for such Tnvtors asthe resistance ott" als Tetween te cable vu te bre the resstonces af Luediae chy ane non-unifermicy 0” wndueror Fesitance cane by teuperaturedifeences beseeen underground and NO Uections ofthe lin Aller al eormectame ame npplice the feel nie distaace Kom one formeted peccentage cation i conve fale Io he fal Tn general the mint Woublesome inelation faule wo late is @ “see spot" due to absnrction of mistre y the insulation through & tierce ip the fea! covering of the eae, whieh seat in low insalation edstance fetwers wives anit tv ground. Stancra sqysratt. now Evailale Zor Inating gious aed errr is sufficiently senscive to Droit accurate loatinte of wer pote up ts about Cue megolims ix Feistaree, Tae Varey Kop metheds ordincriy empinyed in com Devon with che spate il ve urate resus pried = wir CT very ch higher insti reste than she fully ite is used ta the ijeed" wire for tensinetents, "Thew are the conditions ‘hie uscally ace fons! wen wet spots oerue. Cazes wrt or [Riatigy however, in which @ gun! wire having scent gh inealaton resstanew nsenmpared the foul’ wie cannot be ola, es cause all of I witem avaiable for measuremenes ne alerted Ivy the faule or becase the Soult resistance is high. ‘The mete far Tncating insulation faults discuss in thi paper ae especially aril ae 1 sich cies THesratance tnbulasces oa sable wires are of eelatvely infuayent wcurvence red are sly cult to oe. A szcthod frequently fpr for raring is Sates 4 to mraeare the inpedance un- tance ut verious frequencion of ri-vul containing the fully wie seul tr algae pesioe iperLinneequeney curves pots fom the Treotireseate? The metIuaisor leeetng series resiatanee unbalttces Giseused in this paper iavalve the ww of aedinary Wheatstone Trslyes, ave simple to apps, and ave sesults which so believes to be comperaie co those obesine by the mpedanee Feeney method. Noman, Insuiation Resterasec or Cane Wanss he alles of insulstion ssstanee ablained by measurements on valle wives mich are not fall ate dependene on the circumstances "vwhl the meceurements are made, I the cae af paper insulated Telephore eable the suave hapovtane factors alerting sasuletion ce Sslaaee are elecrifeatinn period ad temperature “the following. éiscesion of nermsl insulation seistasce refers rtvulary to messurenents between izes of pine in a typical Feveater sti of tial all sie approximately 0 miles Hog, the fives beng al geound potential ac the time of applestina of the Teving ootental Insular neetanee to gd Fea 0 nee That isdfcale to mensine arate i ong lengths of ae because Clincesering potentials, Atanmugh apgsun mation, sorta! sult ebunee betweer a wine re growad ean be conser ta be about Tm this as great ae normal insulator resistnner between wires, ‘Leueve ilustrating the variation of imlaion reitanee Between wwses of typed! cable pair ovrs a Slsinuteelectiicatinn period is Thwowu ia Tig, 1. In general, the eleetniFeation pesiods necessary or SSbuaining reasonully ronscaat yalues of solutes esistance der Spprecably fo llesent pats, a or the sre pair ab dteren times ‘The usual period ranges (oun 15 ner to an aur fora par 0 mie tng Routine mesaremens ave generally made, owever, using devarikeation perie’s wf sme nite Te parce tee for iaafating the wires wf celine cable Sas ar appreciate negative ten peaiave cueticlewe of ination sesistanes. Thins indicated by ie carve of Figs 2 which exows variations of average Ino ntion sesetase with temportcune. The 22icts fe: the "Tala ii Un curve were obtained by nueraying, for euch fve-degree sange of tem Deralure, the iailaton vesstnces obtained by measutemiea atade eH 5 Vig. 1a of inaloe nance th detttoapsod pal SO ik CIN || ruin, sarge Sulit Tareratrt at Mascring Staton -CxgreesFarenht epee epee ily over che course of 8 year on rapraaentasive pare in a repeater ‘evinsingelecsfcnson nesodacre miautelong. Tehaseen found hat the percentage changein insulation sesisane per cegteechaige a lemperatate <ere willy fer difleene cable wotines wl even forthe inividual pais in partivalay section, Toe aweraze change per Aleyor Facer seit is yeaby alas! lor percent forthe ten:peraire range eueguntensd on the part ctl] ry “TEER ih “The cxeves of Vig #llnirase onmparaive vison of Sauietion redanee between weve ni a sgpresnercie cxble pais, eominir Jecotarce nf the pair, and onteile srmpera-use, dosing 24-rar dei whith cludes 9 stnngesmeamar Cuvee evens wore plotter Tren meastsemente wads evary hal vi, cme nina elec ati Peviode se ral whan aieasuring ineelaion recatance. I: iy onl Tneomiaon td ll he inauiaton resists of aati rire (tng oy factors of thee to one Curing ve wurae of 2 day ‘Conpursnive varia one ef average ineulnion resiance between snes of puis nd of rasan outside temperature over the course Year ce illutated by the curves Figs TRE ports for the ine Winn nevetonee carve here nhbdare by metaur'g he iauation Sreistances of a sumber of pale each -werking day during tHe F8" fotibeation pers, and aoecagicg the revere vals for ee In poner average ination vier aly to vary by fa oC Te trie dung tie couree of yer Ta€heuah tes ar, of fourse,evhiect iw much wider avait arialnaa ia inslaticr 7 otance. During winter it ie rat meommon to Bed partie pais fins 36 nile repeater sesion wih lation reatances Let wer wir of several chowsaad maggehras, while duviag aumaner, especialy im fables which have been service fora suimber of yrs, the aati Fesiscanves between wires 0 some pai in a SO.mile repeater section Say bes ln as 25 angele (1250 megs. Vans Looe Memon ‘The Vavley loop citeuite which are used ceinarly for locating rounel and ersten om tee of tll cable ave ilustcated in Figs. § and Behe Whectatone brie hus eval salto arms, The" good” a ig, 5 Vari he or se ans fairy cable wins have equal conduccor resiaanoes, ¢ ard are Gonatcete togeiln at che dstentend ofthe able. isthe resistance Sf the ful and isthe conduetoeresicane ote fully wire between the falta thw Cia end of the cae rly fouty wire WHUh the attery switch in “Varley” position, & Varley nioanures sents ie by Telco the ridge to a rheostat value, P, a8 which (here is no galvanemeter current, ‘Then Aarts ne o wll fe mete thae the fan resistance, isin series with the Iattery and hae no effect om the menewreriens except to Hit the sermitvity of the rig, With the hueeery switch in "loop" pasion, a loop vesstance reaearement is mare By balancing the bridge to eheostnt wale, The TFrom there Varley and loop mcgaurements the percentage loration of the fulton wresstence sia, ean be aleulated a follows _ ¥ From ce stant ert Ean per cet). bv. Fo he sacar et: {2 per von) Corrections for russtanoes of ride eds oan els, ete ane then made, the covrected percentage location i eoavevted into fet, a! the Tesetion of che fant is detec hy refeenee cn eable vera Teae Varley eictita and tocuilsa are well sepeed to the toll cable plant where sires are rsually well balanced ia corduetor ee nce, and the resistence of the leas between the bridge sud the ‘able small compared to the conductor resisance of the ene wies, Inv exchange cable werk, mode orm of the Varley lop, which do vt require that the "good" and faulty wines be uf equal canduczor Sreitanre and ahich correct nuomatcally forthe msetacce oF bilge le 8 Sree eh “Torat, Cann Panucens Tn the cate of total cable failure, due, for instance, to a wet pat Were sce no wins i the cable which ave unatectad by che Fal, nd the fault relates ofa lerge muse af the wire are ‘on, kof the same order of magnitude as che eontducer resistances of the wires yn mets by which ach Flt eat he Located are discussed belo A" Cunrevted Varley” method which may be wei provide wn wires ing Flt ressanrs to ground dieing by at least 25 per ent are avalible for mecsuremests; aad a "'Staight Resistance” method hich dovs not require that the two aires have fate of unequal Correct Vorey Method Consider a cable in which ali wis luave Low insulation resistance co roe Hera ofa wet eb, and awn thac from among te faulty bites two wites are selected for Vasley mosanrement. Aawuming © edge heving equal rate asa. the Vactey wet Seated as chow fn Fig. 7, ule and Fore the elective resistanone the feulte on the two wis rx the conductor resistance of either trve, aad ig te restouce of that portion neither wize which fx Tetween the distant end of the ele and te faults nk cam be repre ‘The Varley cirewt af Fig. 7 ie equivalent to the Varley circuit of Tig. whee the "type network formed by the thee resistances, WF unl 2s, haw been ceplaced by 7" type network having reise ance values ts infiaced, When the bridge is balanced by adustment fhe sheoatet eo a resistance, V, at whieh there = no alvanometer ee eR ns tn a esa oe eet ad ee unin puto hse ef te ae 2M roto Solving or @ Compurio of this formula with Tormals (1) indicates thet the Facer 7/2, a8 determined hy Varley measurement, represents the 2 TF soycent rater shan the true cesses Tesi he ligcant en of ans Fi wer=%) ie a consction factor and expresses the vlation becween ¥/2 and the tru resistance, x. Ifthe fan, My very seh higher i rit farce than either the fault of che bslencing resistance, Vy the correction factor becomes practically equal to one and 1/2 becomes practically equal to In these circumstances the wire having the Tht, a, car property oe elle! "soot" wine ane Formal (1) ll tive aoaiate raul Since the apparent reitance, 1/2, can be detremined by Varley sncesurenent the fault be ied tle va of he ener factor can be sleterminal, The eermetion factor car be evalnatd by addons! seasuremests sada vm the ‘on Feulty wires From the fend of the cable peste 19 at anal Gor the Wark meinem ae deaeibed below Refecing 20 Fig. 7, the vastence of either wire between the faults and the exd of the cabis epposite to that used in suaking the Varley Imeacuremens int. Il-¢ Voyp rnnane nmrenent senile From ther wite aad the location of che saute, ‘Phe festor is oppeeite er, usins a bridge heving cnuel rss anus with iiton! ends a the tires ape, and the ess ance inthe bide rhe ve lance i desgasted Le MAPoty 2 a Vasley messiremet ie made Irom the same cad, using a bridge svg esa tio crm, thule ddan! eds afte vies ape and te resisane in he Unlye shila a! Tevance i decgaated Fy WaPo % Substituting those vas of (AFF) and (AE =F) in vhs ear . 8 A pplication: To aumly Ure Cecverted Varley seth? a etiny ‘Varley meaetserscrt i mde from one and ofthe cable, cd ational Tho seistance and Visley memurenente, ax describe sue, are role Irma che oppsite end, Phe ales af ven resis tus UDiained are svostinnted in Formula (4). The location of the trouble fom resistor ss xr, can then he ealeulated, sad se lato eae bbe convert te tin the usual mance Taually ir wll be sacessery 20 determine she loop ceaduetor re sisvamey 2, of ce Saale ese fom eable records rather han Iy reeurement at he lime che vation is being ae. A. neaeurement ff inop ronductor vesistance would be in error because of the low ‘este shunt (AF | en the portion of the loop beeween the faulte fit tie slurtciveuited ends ofthe wires, The accuracy of loeatinn ie depetvdens therefore, on the yccurtcy 20 which coneictr resistance cen be estimated In coate where it i desirable to we the osreted Varley metho rei esis wil he lee, wo hk waa Ue amg ree ancy Fa wi un exceed 1000 cs WE et high meee Using a bridge with ecual raio arms, unequal rato arms, and 3, z (8). Measurement of Vy Bowever, should be made wing a bridge with equal ratio ems. ‘The Covtected Varley meted wi give accurate veeultsezly under the following conditions may be wed and the quantity 4 Zy aubsttuted for Zo ia Forms LU) Borh Faults mast be ae the sime point along che eae (2) The fale sesetances must rem conetame throuetae the test,

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