Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources 4 Land Spooter Goud ty Tasks Thrnsand Chiles!” LG. Rosrwes A oul speaker, designed for ue a an adjuneh. tw eating type of sealers to yertaitellcient woud saistion at dhe higher aul fimenciss, iedescibed. The structucl and pecfovinante character inten are indicated. ann snane of the advantages aud limitations of scl loud epealer are discussed, Iudcating Mover for Moasorement int Analyste of Naive? YG Casisiat, B, Davin, GT, Srastox, and RS Tuckes, This paper describes a visuel indicating meter for the measuremen= of ‘ire od otaer seus. Te designs bed om the kon cara jsties cf sound ard hearing. which are suramarizd. Parsicular ‘azension haz been paid to the respence of the meter co saude of Short desation, The rt has boon t rake the meter both simp i fpertson acd porsable. An attirkmere for she Feqienrs analysix ft noise ie wader development. Several “elde of ust of the meter Sane aralyaer nee fit Siar Agpiecions of Belb Soon Intrumuntitios ad Proce to Ruilood Convocation Prolirnss! Re Ac Canes. Rallis! conte Truninaios problems nrefardarentziky similar ro those encnnteet the Ball Systers. Ae s real, she inteamentalies rd pres veloped for telepone company ub are, va large extent, applicable oil cimpeony nee. Sata Be [Suen meatal ie reve, thereore. fuer siule available tn the raion) comes, Likewise, iy meane of repmeseatation on the Asmeican Ralway ‘Assorsation committees and by participation in conventions and joint Siseusions wherever practicable, infermation regarding many ef the rove general telephone sormpan prachees has been inearporated the Iesiway Assrintion eles “There ae, of wourse, some enuifons which see peti tell eperating provesare oe plant. In these canes exiting Ball Stem Snetrumentliies ave len tlle for oe, ew ease st {0 the particular res neue fas Twn evel. Catalonia pers isting and cescibing this special equiaaeat, together with ‘ike it ae My 8 Insteuctons reasling He uee and manteranen, ave been oublished Cerin cleans ol equioment canst fe readily foeated on 9 general tusks tad epecine sess of elividual eases are require (insure fective applistion tu she rails use. Where seh esineat i Fequested by the raiirad ciemonies the tlephone company under- (kes the secesnry attics nd Foetahes the apperstes to thera snpates en a real bass Extesive use has been male of the vasious Bell Systm serves he raiload companies. Tamms of the more general applizations ste: dispatcher and. way sation telephone sets, salector signaling Spparatus, privaie brane wxrtanzes, loud spacing equipment, cable, telephone repeaters ind leading eal The Call Anwnmiers A Tileprone Application of Sound Picwre iment 0, M Gres, Eunchmensal recarel and development ‘work wacred ou with @ partienae lective in one fl eontsibutes in Yhany cos to the solution of jrulens in ether fields, A typical saa the eapueatin of fhe sound reproducing elements, deve Cpe or use eimai Fr our tare theacer reprcing stem, in the solution of am “urea pagblem ia teleshone sytem nperation, This arc extn 'ecranzunizatiag problem which we presented and devribes te appavatua whic: wns developed, exipoving adapt ome of send itt riclptes coset the ee Design ond Fesintiow of oH Cake Se sie Bel Spates Gums Tatas, This payer dieciice the prmene etetis of te toll calle nesmrs of the Bell System, ivicates glans for it extension ec Cleverley recent jnyasvements in toll eb, including tape cemomed tabie, loading sul sid teehee repeaters, Preset mainenance Ihethods for ell cable reve ate also deel weth. A Repid eth athe Signad tn Nie Ratio of @ Ligh Gi Keceeers TB. Lazwenisn. Te shown that tyre of nevis forthe sia ianisarasio faa reewiving system is obcained directiy by noring, how auch the total noise lw inreages when the inpat citeuis tum Ugh resonance ie abeance of egal ‘The efit i nismiching the angen a inp secu impedances is disease, ant tis onluded that slehught a small improvement say be olive i certain ideal eer y making the crates fichier than the smtenioe inngedance, other eonsieatinns indicate that the matched impedance condition gives the best results in practice The World's Afost Powerful Micescoge ¥. F Lucas. In th last ten years chere ts been developed at Hel) Telephone Laboratories new technic of high-power micrography, which bas greatly extede the limite of eel magrifienion presble with a rlemarope. Since aay entenscn of the Tints of seagieaiiam of the mieromope wich FS secumprnied by deere in eleiton fs ules, it moe fel necessary ta snore the reli, puner ne deiniton of the mic Scope One sey whic thin eat ie deme be seers the ee length of the ight ted A micrnnpe sing neraviolt light was developed ah: thi-ty ese ag by Koehler of the Zeiss works. Dye to varowsetieties invuoersting i, this miewoseope econ became a sienibe eurcscy al tees alent fongtton. have Rew yeare ag a rsiemerrpe af ths ‘se ws vlttnel (rm the Zeiss wures by Us: Laboratories, andthe ‘lifextsies inal in she use of this instrumeas were largely solved by she development sf s mevhenieal svernod ef feeus:tg. With this, avienecupe, ite prsssle to obtais crs, orlisne images of Tet Tings spmciment magsifee SM to ODN eiamenees In studying te advarteges el Pts of his microg, Ht wes nun tbe pa-teesly epy mae the sy of blag and metic ee mens. Suc speimene cay Ine vam at high maifenion eer the usa vilet mirwoseope athens the rosesity of retin, staining, A Dinct Resting Aniio-broqoncy Hiase Astr* W. K. MacLuas and LJ. Sivi8s. Tn enraecrien woh eertin acoustic stes #2 Aesiel to misma sand presires as vestry, he, to determine beck the anmlitedes sad the pluve angles. An exarle, more fully de ‘eribed st the end of the paper, fs the messmement af he amit and phase variations ia the ywessane al sirius pins i reo terete by a tone from a loudspester. Ue mitra Irvaren pith in the room the amiglitire and pia changes in its output {oleae are equal to the cowespading changes in the cml essa ‘Thus, the measurement is relied ormn eerie erp for the lsulute elibration ofthe microphone aad assented eletcea seul, ‘Atanyone frequeney, relive ebnages of aanpitse and phase wich posision usually are all tha i of interest a which esse ne alivation Formesion af Pholoumphic imexes om Chudss of Adbali teat foie Cella AW. OkMN and G. R. Seuwiit, A meched ive shotograahic images on she fathedes of aan awl sodium photoelectric cells im vacuum tdeccribed. These images are ensrp nd elur in every detail und ean hie premanenily "fined" by proper treatment. Amon the materials which have lire surcrsfully uci ueating the exposed surfaces to bring out these images ae supiur vapor, ar, exygen and hydrogen in the rain of Y 40 t. Dydvofuodic acid nd bromine During the time the frag is Fring, the plotoleceisseascivicy of the lui pate portins decresses approximately 80 per cent. Aer the image ie aud ae a permanent record there is litle difeene betsreea the swoitvity ft the eathode arse bearing the image and neighboring reas, Photographs of photeleerric mills are shen i whic such photographie images are plainly wile, ri ‘of mm Ith uegadive a pos Anspschsstrome fet parle Rinetstungen, so don die eine i der Lice lig? and woenick long it Jous Ramos. "This paper five the firm fr The wie foe i a homogeneous semi-inéite fla er crt hse easel eer fo time ese than 2e"0, sity for time yesater that aeto) in am innive wire above the weet. The sonrsponning focauce for the eleerie forme iv he ale. due to FDL ‘Murray, has been published in the Beil Syste Technical Journal foe Ostaes, 1940, equacon (2 of 1. C. Pelenon pe; te wo Form agive at che stiface of the earth The arent farmuta fa given in Tite orn: iv cecave ot the exponential furctior an the etre function complement A Moteen laioriney foc tke Shaky of Sound Picture Probleme" ‘TB, Sia. Reewntly there las heen provided among the research focilies of Rell Telaphone Laboratories. Ine, onjarate balling ‘which fe fev solely for soa picrare restarch and slevelopmnent Spork. The prin objec ot the laboratory are fr wat the best Iethods and tecnie fer employing vend picture recording and Feprinlucing apgacatas aow in ues, aid of icing improvements ia irlingstal rnaselucion, ‘The building contains recording studio, film pronesing past, aad review room, eter wit cating labora