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BSTJ 10: 2. April 1931: Symposium on Coordination of Power and Telephone Plant. (Pack, R.F. 241-242) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 2. April 1931: Symposium on Coordination of Power and Telephone Plant. (Pack, R.F. 241-242)

The Bell System Technical Journal Apri 193 Symposium on Coordination of Power ‘and Telephone Plant* Introoetory Remarks UNDERSTAND L am export outline shorty what has fa the spend cooperation between the Assucsted Companies of the Awerican Bell Telephone System ard the Fewer Companies of the United States in the matter of coordinating ther faites to avoid intesfeveace with the service of ether Previous co 1921 disputes of a very seious nature were constantly occurring between the Heil Telephone Compas aval the Power Companies the former claiming nt the rapid msc of trae: ison fines by the latter was seriously interfering with telephone freien, The Power Companies fet Vat they also hada duty ‘ove the sie and sete the attente of Ee Hell Compares 1 interfere with tae Power Companies growt aml progress. These Tisssies were aevinurie sel Ue patios. cee bite Ais reseed toward each ether that the cri al public sevice enamise tion in the various ates wore more aed sors frequently called om tw adjdicete che ditferences, Tr the Intter pare of 1920 ie was evident chat mig series menace Co lll pee Eatevests and suggestions were Torthonnsing from certain intvialsceprenenting bath incerests that sMterple should be sue ts land asi. Uaurtunatey, the names if thooe sense for this coastinetive tought ave noe known and they enol, Hherelare, yer given Uieir due mced oF prize, iqnell vir proper places history. However, asa result cacy jn 1521 aproup of powe: men mee witha grou of Bell Teleahone men, Under tke reut! cheitmanship ot Me. Oyen D. Young avi there win then formed ¢ pesmenentcommitize whieh has nv ees knowa ae the Iuint General Commies the Natal Fleweie Light Assocation inl the Pell Telephune Spates fom eo toe Nato yet” ate ts Racy 0530 1a ae “Thi General Commitee asked Mu. Bancroft Gherardi, Vice Prese shen ofthe American Telephone ad Telegraph Company. and myself fe elect a Subcommittee of Engineers epnesenting both inerests, “howe dy ie should be to classify the Iypes of pyscal tuations ia which engineering or tecrical conics were arising Hetween the to interests and tri eate amr on te basso che exating aa of the art the electi ight and powes eagincensromidlrel auch situations ckowld Teme fv apliylealetandpoine ad iw the celephone engineces on- silero rush siuationseboxtd Be met withose regacd Lo the question of division of cote {We requested thie Subcommiter of Rnyineer to approach the vari- fous problems outlicee in the broadest possible spirit of eoopeation Dearing in mind that che abjert lo be ntained was the emoval of Friction andthe early development of motwally sacbfsctory standards "Nearly yese Inte, in Maceh 1922, Me, Gherari sad [made out ‘rat report the Jot (ieneral Coaunitee based oa the conclusions of the Subcommitcee of Friesen, ‘Certain keneral stalemate wese agised to efor instance that the [National Plertsival Solty Coe provided an aceeptable gi ta peace tive and thae there were suitsatial advantages to Hoth tiie in the employment of juingly eevniel jules where conditions and character ff the eres permite Th wat also cecognized that the public's ine fereet wes panmon atl ke: Hots tke power and comnrscstion biiies must be ale Uo euder Uheir eepeetive serlees ta the public "a eccuoid al eficieze manner. fex general principle for the sosion of inductive icerieence etutines were suggested such 35 cooperative planning of ail rw eovsteuetion and te further recom ‘nedation that erancerde ct cumetrc'ion aad operation in accord with the genesal principles outlined should he prepared and greed to by Luther eaperaive wo. of tre Sobeommitte of Enginers, ad finaly that a coogerative study ofthe wr shuld be mage inorder to determine ‘what practicable meosires ify, might be developed and edopted to Jessen the cont ting sharaclerisia of both ayetems in thie nal of nderive interference ‘le. Gerard val Ti cegneting to the Joint General Committee stated we believed grea progees bad ben mile and we urged thet the General Crmmitice advige the power oom aid the associated compres of the Bll Syetm to use every effort to arive at a acttle~ Inent of heir dierences tavough megufatiors rather thas ves0r¢ ‘ur comunission proceedings, 11 wl be wot here that after one Sear we had made epparenty but tle pogress in the atual soltion Ch the probleme inate Ati setter of face, we ewe tha the oundatow ston Toul shen bows well are Urely lad. Te was not 99 much what had actually ven semunqlhed that aetered but that the wlule agit che relations between the telephone ard power inter- fests hd Teen completeiy changed from ue of ition, distrust, su pition and even of eamiy ta une af emfeener, good will and a desire Dn the ust of hot to coopera, From tha time the wock progressed much more sepidly and ia December 1922 1 reasonably complete st of prinriples ned peseises {or the inductive xorlnation of power and telephone eystersshad hee agieed to and rent tn she manor companies of the No T. L.A. smd the asociaved companice of the Hell System ever thesignatuce of the Joint General Conunittes ef which, ay T fave staal. Me. Owen LD Young is Chain. Since that time farther rer cout pa Epler and practice for the joins nae! worn! poles and Ge allocation bl corte uf moninaive messures have lint jroo ud proanulgsted by the Jun General Commitecs, ‘Tocay indclive coorination a lwwew the Be] Telephone System and the poser enaipenies fz ro lover prublem Ti waly a rout ae dday toy Jol conpecativesy continuing researc: wus and develop ing the art of beth eyetem tv elnfuate se far as poceble causes for inductive teovence, Tremenier Mr, ibecacdi ence mae she statmeat Uhat the tern prabler is gezetaly applied 10h thing where you do not know the answer job” whave you de kaow the answer tu Hse iki just a fuetion of working 2 iL and it iz exactly ot that point we hve Serve Lodey, de: not me ko say ve at sauna quieren ae us ‘hi wo: cecanee itll a Tig oh ane wil reuize che attention ef He Caccutives of the wompauiee coacemned ane fhe rancart snd concen faved slit of he eegineers of bath fuer who ave engaged in feecarch ax] oiler necessary wack connertel wih iiluctive cordine shaved sane part in binging sew thee rule hoon ozc of the most saafactony tings [Have dane in ry rntne We al Lieve ir. herurds ill Lully ennete sich this viewpoint a8 Tar e8 he fe frmceed. From tie Faw T fast set in, we have aever depicted From cus Bei that {he nenbte could be solved on the base of entire fontderce, owl fais ad eomplesecouperatin In (ie lest instance we bad many disinterest wexedibicule ituatins to cominet bus 1 ean truly say tha we never had e seross Fisageemnient aad alvaye were cove chal he gal we desved would feveninily be veathed, I somerber making # stleniert ig chee tly days chal I de not aelieve that each utility a obeained every as DELL SYSTEW PRCHNICAL JOURNAL ‘thing tht cach utility wanted but chat 1 was confident that both uti ines had got what hoth utlties waated, and thet a problem of this kind coutd ot be sted by one party toa dist geting all ts own ‘way because then nothing as ected. "he treuble would simply be aggravated, makins iemore possible fr controversies to arise again and fain, (adeed that a no time had there Seen any question of com remising om principles, nor nating ares mabey we Raw Ml hays before 1 a cleat recognition of the problem: f the other sie fand-a rantsalsuision of the fact thar the ether evstem must ive fea ha she prey iene be ples a tat te pe ma lice tly sd weeny Ie sere Ty a ae It may be of inzres: tow Uo kaw tha the joer companies th these perce ons Gener Connie, bs Bec yl Gwen D. Vigne nou erg or sila ener ve worl wih the \Wertern Linton Telogragh Company and ath the Reilroads with spect tthe sgral ssnteme, ‘The result of our eaapersthve work with {he Western Ur Telegranis Company wil el ou ayaa fect fur relations with the ote Lleyapit compasiey of Lae county, a ‘work wih the Bell $ysten: fr serted in highly sascaetors way fur celatons with Ueindeyenden: aleve companies of the crusty. ‘May J in conclusion theile you tor the privlage of mcking this statentect, thas been a pariculr pleasuve to me heeause | am mise Fd me conviord tar this the sous ay to sete seh probe nel sonilroveries any between re eerene fn trie cone Cuts and rg ilating tsbiorles sypweave sli neha bessine promotes harmony and 3erite them to devote thir tne sad talents nother ase! puspores al because stves the taxpayers the material exponce ot cst techuical a: ings it which the tates at the public sre in ne way jeopardize,

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