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BSTJ 10: 1. January 1931: The Detection of Two Modulated Waves Which Differ Slightly in Carrier Frequency. (Aiken, Charles B.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 1. January 1931: The Detection of Two Modulated Waves Which Differ Slightly in Carrier Frequency. (Aiken, Charles B.)

The Bell System Technical Journal Famarg, 1984 ‘The Detection of Two Modulated Waves Which Differ Slightly in Carrier Frequency * Teese eh inal een ot che Sipser ant VV HEXEVER se of mo stato opuatig on te sane sae ‘cogil essisomec: wandsis from Ite proper fecqueacy. waves sve Hgsly co 30 vovcived which diter in cernieeLoqeaey By <ove-a Srecsur mares, Uowkesprt civil tsetse Ie gh Sf as cule mp oe ely intact eaqatesses sol plow elas between analogs componente of the ewe Wavén sed nee co siderele Tr the inportant ti which ie ranrire are lentil Inequerey tHe ie rm lenger trie on phooe and ite dependence on preter and tzeasmissiom phenomena must be taken inca eowuunt {This enee wil be ncorse fur Fat shay, the present work being Finiced to a wonsideration of tle phenuens mere ni she Adesection of distinct frecuencier The sist inontant.nlesied faeyueacy whic is guseent in the ougpus of Lae detectors ihe eas woke letween The love esi Iie sometimes earelessiy asumsed that ifthe Fecuency of this beat note is duced below the-aulinlerange the only reusing iterfvenre wil be de uch sec Grom the wes stan, Sach st he five and it sll be shown Inter on thot when the best frequency Felacel Llane the lie rage tr lo era, thee remains a eon tf spuriony Frege which wl it odice a interfering legend, ‘When the undesired carcer ie of relatively smal ntancty this back round ie a great des! suonger than the interfering speech. Tt is Shereore desirable to obten quantitative data om the iatetering spec Pee, LE, Jan, 93 2 SRLL SYSTEM ToeustcaL sovRNAt ‘rum which accu in the regciver tai, trams of the intensities ni degrees of modulation ofthe a signal Tis to be eapected that the reults obtained wll depend to some stent ae leat, on the typeof leertoe whichis used. The square law ‘Character sfc appeosimation that of say detecting device {Which i worked vero sc mall sange and hence an als of thi Characteristic may he expected to serve as an exelent guide to general Seector yertormaree. Wea Large signals are impresed onthe Aletector the functioning of the device may aporaximate more closes Corhet ofthe eel stvght Te eeeeeor, It hs fen el thats stad of chee twn tyes woul Gurtish data from which the pesformance af any incermediae yet descetor could be infeed without greac error Ae fhe poles ofthe guar la lle fs very much the simpler it sel he cited fast Marrrnaricst, Axaasts “These will be assumed te brosdeasting aacions transmitting nt foeslenciee whieh differ ly a relaive'y small amount, the brat fee ssueney Being restrict ce the audible range or less Tach of the CGoricte wil be aetrmer 4 he stodulaced Uy a single aio Feeney, the medulading frequencies ai the 90 statione Teng, in gener, Alife. The tote, signal imprensol on the ceceving detector wll ‘he Le of the form ABLE eon ihe ane Fal fom coe oot, a whic ‘i che total alternating valage impress on the deacta: is the ample of the dsied corer. ‘is the comin of Tne uadesived carrier. ‘isthe cngree nf enedulation of the desired sigoal sp io the degre of slat of the weird clgpal s.fby isthe Sresucney ol the desired carve. “o/2 the Ceeueney of the ymeesved carver {its i the ficnteacy of the desired mexiulation ile the Fequaney othe undesired modulation Savane Law Drescro ‘We shall rt euppoe thie signal toe impressed on a detector whic will be assumed t have g ehiriclernic in the neighborhood of the pesating eine, of the form bode Aes c) An exresion ofthis type wil accurately vemosen:« soll portion of ny continuous charatesstie, The pre-ent analysis requizes thet the Impressed es {shall eof small amps nv order that the its af the portion of the characteristic thas represen! rn wo be econ ‘This weston i necteary in treating square law detectors "The inaie feequeney ota of the eetectoe will be due entirely to Ie secon der term in (2). Heer it will be sufeent, for our pean, to audeae the expression for =. We are interested primarily in the ration of the amplitudes uf Ue warious undesiced audio fre- fnecocee proce the amplicude ofthe esi! sign’ of Fequoney fi2e. buch ¢ ratio wil be fesignate a a telative amplitude, Neg Tesdg Greuit constants, eres vaieh wil apply equaly in ‘all the shimendons faethe variose frequencies. the amplitae of the desire fomponent of the aia frequmney ula is ready show to be F ‘The expression low is ace to Sept power sins wl tse aap tude of ea frequency nanverted toa Felative ampli by: diving by EY? The cove in hal yields twelve undesired audio frequencies, Le selative armplitides of whic ane Hsted table [Before en tieating on theve results we wall sider che staiabt line detector |e | % a | paean LJ in whieh 2 = “Tur Sraanssr Lise Dusucron In moking aneiyacs of rectiestion by a straight line deteesor i is ‘custom to tedue te st 1 the vious impeessed ado frequencies tov single radi frequency, the sepitade and phase atleof wich are ow functions of tise. The most common eximple af ths type of Srestment iss combinasion of the earse al two aide bands of ingle eauenry atulation into the fuss expression for a modulated 4 BEL SYSERM 2RCHSICAL JERS wave in which the amplitude of she radio frequency is an adn Frequency fonction, Tn thie ose Une alin Fequeney pleaw nne samstants Th Ube cae of single Crequeiy seul tot wits ome ‘band eliminaced there are impressed on the detector input only two frequencies. These may be combined in a well known manner. ‘Thus it the impressed voltages are of the form acaas and boos, thea the amplitude is given by ETB 208 208 (3h @ ‘The expression forthe phase angle will not be given here aa it can be iowa Unt if and 5 ace unequal apd che diference between the fejuencies 4:25 and ye is amall compared with either frequency, then the vasiation af the phase ansle with time may be neg ected i” comping the aio Frequeney oomponents. Ts the pretnt cae we fave two radio fequeney waves the amples of which ase wol fumstats but are slow fates ine aon hese may be ebecated fora and bin (3), Thus the effective amplitude of the total input Signal may be taken tobe SNA + B+ AB cos, a in whieh A= FAW Meee 8, Balt moat, and “The problem then coves itaelf into an analyie ofthe detection, bya stright line detacto, of & single radio frequency component. The resuls of auch a analysi are well known and it ean be readily shove that the audio fequency output may be obtained, excep fora factor of proportionality, by eselving the amplitude int ies audio frequeney compocenss, In the present ease the amplitude eo be resolved is iver by (4) which may be writen Sa VOSS ame, ‘The itesering signal will lee tee away eee Ha the ie fre signal rd hence A? Bt > 24, Trem whic it ftw thal [A= BY > 2ABU1 — orm at) Heave the sical may be expanded Thy the binomial heowean, giving, ABUL = cos wf) Snapp able ANB — oo wl? A8B NL ~ 8 HE eg 2b vaaBy 8 Ic isto be observed thar each of the tems of this ceies, exept the Fst eantaiss time in tre denominator and henre fst expen sve naressars. The eenominatoce of the vatiou® tm pane bythe Tinonvad there iv sues way as rs pall the fig Ui in eters, Ue expansions being i Tre powers at EE cos pF Lae cos Fy the proper erigonametri rev sfrmaion i scm co reduce the inl express fur Sn Freqormes Fy 4. ae the sts and ele ness of the vativus multiples of these guentities An agditioaal Miser of this analysis pfoen ta aypendis, Im order thatthe vtioue series involved may coawverge with a manageatle degree. of pity i fsneceseory lnil the ehative annitencl Taetetertering fatriees aad the degrees of soodulation ae wll. Consequently the Solutions are sesticted vo intensiis of the teeing cari 0. so the dese carves and to depres of medulatin of cher nigasl ging form C195. Tho leis mae aly ease we are terete che fntesteree i a reaFvey weak gral, the inter ferme eauved by a signal, tae carier amplitude of which is eceater Than. of thst ofthe desire carrer welt Ling near the ealerale Time inthe majviey of eaees. Tae upper value for che mndution of 3 is anpioxinvtely eyjal to Uke avecage dag ob duit lation employing ce deep modulation as i practical, only the peaks runsing up 1 neasy usiey. ‘The value of 0.1 Zor the Tew Limit is of ours tranaqested by soft pastaze in spect or music. Llomeve:, the ‘age here speciied be aullicienty lage gove ma esclleut idea ut ‘whet may be espacsed vom various degree 0: riodelation of esi rd incorfering signals andthe eesulcs ot more estiere eats anay be inferred trom the data he-e developed. Under these its i feane hat the anly audio Iesqueases of any inpowcanoe wilt pear ie the outpus ae Cowranrsons Betas: Diemrorons 11% wow possible la ake w oompavicnn between the performance of the wirnight line and the rqiare sw sleieesor a Pas. cod are Stow. the wate aamplicides oF de ulefering Lenses in the 0 tases for vans degiees of maton. ae data fo the rjuare kt fase ane vlna By dashed es avd for che staighs Hine case by fold lives an wlexe che ewe evince de woted nt the hgwees. Le |e to be otel dal Lie csqesson foe the amplitude of che sil rogue Q2x is a complieaer! ction. However, computation thom that oer lsc rage in-wFich we see interest, the value of tis fxpression sees aol iter From 25% by more thon por cent aly Uerfiny, 11s vale has bern sswumed ia competiog the relative ampBnces of the other Scequerei Peli Jie ne. selng ealaee se nete in eam the te. roses in sing ofthe rest.” This's partiulary eviceread by Tie carr lea te of fegueney wee apaliede of which die: iw Ie bow casts hy av miapymecable ameure, The sturines fe tints fe a2e abe sae qeacticallyideoteal for both elector lwo ine, however, sew ivipetant isrences a fli ‘The gloup af sprsins frequencies ot gular vekcity @ +g bs, which is of apprevailefnpaviesse in esque Tw aa, i emily faut trom the romp wiagkicace considered whch a straight Hoe Aetector employe. The frequencies (p La})2e se gieace inthe Equare Law tate ener the range wach ae have coilere, bet the Cave which reprrsents thea hae aezaller slope ham in the straight ine rane al for Tasge values che ilenering sign “he intensities of hee eequcnies woud be clatrely les withthe aye hw deter. ‘The ntety of the undeszed spech qi deistly Tes fa she straight ing case than fa the aque lam re ha Ube cope of the g curves about the same fo bora exert for AF = us — 0.8, Te vol inevest co nese thas the ine fering speech eve on che era ine dececoe every match less in fuensity than would be tae case if the sting (Cearesiual wece aba, ant teas the wiriaoa of the ample of Tlie feneace with Intensity’ 98 the undesnsl cuice is greater when tine derived trsqueney is preset. We have here an analytical desesip= ion th aniline gen ler which occurs whew arin wamodu Teel varies issoverved siillancousy with + weale modulate sig: or exmirle, when (B= 01 ic ean moron from Hig 1 thas he relative alte of toe sneponent of Freyrrsiry y2y is QOO6S fu the ease of the stig line deletes. Uf thie component were a Affi Ly the present af the trong! St would have an sampled proportions! eo cm aoa elatve avoptivade 0 oa AF which for the Vries ise considered & 4. Llenee the “aarkina" effet i here Frstueeile fora lucia of dh Tent muy Le meptionel as sie ate i the eww of ube suse ling deter sertsin troquencies a msl azaplitude which are emticely LIbeent frort ie sqeace law rove, -Honever, rn Frequency is show the relative amp site of whic sf than 0.01 forall Fons pals of iluesaf i cnn gesurhtsoqueniesaneaninpartacs. An exteption Fe aide with regard eo 9 she alway Less thar 01 ves the range considereé but sft fog ehe sake of womgarisan with the saqnire ba reat yenn Coxsinesos oF Disuceae Outer Tre eecrxl armntie tthe ceive signal Ine eguare law tive, Ik of thr nature of d'stortion which ie inde Dena of the inisfeeace and ray be amited rom she eansideation De nadesired ain feyuencis whies re ees of the interference, Frou Figg, {tod fe fg evidert that the mose ieporkr itevfering frequencies are thew of aagular veily. ge p se wand Dg 2. the few Dein of mpersiroe way ia che ease of the equate law ieceton, Tl ix nth these Srequencic together wich that of Tie iiersngspeesig/2> ha. we shal be chiefly eoerned, When the relative margins of t3¢ interfering trequenses, whieh are taulased or page fare snaliped hy BAM, che xe tne qwauiies fa proportional fe fe alwoluce magus of ese Eres. LL fet le noted shat the frecuonciee of greatest interest have absolute ‘agate: ie” are liar Canetions of 2 or 3 except {° Soh peoportnal nana v4 whic’ ie independensof bol 3E Si ana vl, Testoce, be nvaleced by che sy of modulation inploped st either stacks Incase there are seca Frequencies of impastance only tse. i the avdulatinn ese statins fhe eatin eequenty waves Tel be of the form BVT 41%, cos pt + Sie eas Bet ~~") com wt a BU oor gt meen gl fo} com Meeevery Frequency of the farmer ene which vane ge afar fie amp me shall sow have several frequeies respectively proportonal co, ‘ile an avalogome new fron wll orrsnone: tthe ores troguencles Se Eamermacvemne anil : WZ — val iE i be = eaine : | Le cuntaining n. Hestse we shall have Gxo siequeney apeetee, derived Fann he sei speueh sevirii eonsaining the p's Eu oe of the spectra wil be shifted yparard in frequeney by az amoun® 42s and the ether downward br the some amount. ‘Tao additonal specera ‘vibe derived in similar rarer from te sesived speech epeecrart Containing theg’s, The feequencine nf he type (P +g =} wll be DEFECTION OF TRO sropuLarED waves ° rmamerous a8 chete willbe a progct of the As wil eel of che as Himeves, these sce of even tmderate feurtance aly when the rriuation af bot stations ars high anc a square law dereczor is ‘eaployed atthe receiver. ence we my pictire the interferenes ax mae wp wiley of &e. pived fesqueney spect of the twpe mensioned abuve, of a co E E = ti zi 1 nVAAy Ae PULL ns eet atin bat and ofthe interfering speech, which ix wrk bt impor Lant because ts inteligitley. The results inthe cae f a strigl oe detector Mrould soe be very greatly dtorent. The ferquencies of the type [pba = wide woud Se neglisile, the two apeetea derive Fem 2 ob sewoule be mete less importa anderen new Tal rar sal race poedctfrqenei wule aqme 0 (BELL SYSPRA™ TRORNTCAL 16) In estimating the interference the caver heat can be considered by feel ad tom the deta st sar ere cathe derived the arees around teach of cn stetione having approrinntely the sane curier aquest, Inside cf woieh the arplitinte ef -he beat note Wil be dows 2 given thusaber of db from that of she esr specc. he same is ue of che limosering speecs wher i i dllesent “vom the dested speech, ‘The _ "Kosai oF cannen aun sices frequencies (4 whites @ + ahi2e. p 4 = o)2e, ete. will combine to forma cisturing huckgsouad which we shall desigmteas "displaced Se band interfere,” This zaay be takes 10 inchade all f che interfering feequeneice escept thew u! uke undesired speech and fs tnttely nnimpaveant harmonics. (The requeney 26/2 ie net here layed fates trequeney.)

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