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BSTJ 10: 1. January 1931: Condenser and Carbon Microphones - Their Construction and Use. (Jones, W.C.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 10: 1. January 1931: Condenser and Carbon Microphones - Their Construction and Use. (Jones, W.C.)

Condenser and Carbon Microphones Their Construction and Tse’ By Wc JONES ‘elbang or nin pcre Casas aoe J seytove wal toe Tia mie ‘odes eee Sopescahie ‘fens tnt er ange thea Peoria oe aL ie Ub thee etion nf a aie espe, ape amea h pal eee Se eee OR samo sortase wid Nave Le deco sie ‘Bos orignal work on the talepione, aly xo ate us ester sively in sound recording tor motion pictures, namely, the condenser mnicrephone and the carton microphone. It has therefore been suggested that ie would be fiting to review ac this cme the coa- Srution of thew jnirumenes ad conser nome ol their trans ssion chagneceriacice al the precuations which should be exercised in their we Coxnensee Micsamnoxe In 188i, AE. Dolbear' proposed ¢ telephone instrument which could be usd cicher as an electrostatic mierepione or receiver, This ese at Sea Maan Tet Foge” Comsowr, O9, 180 SERS Sone a Toate a ‘nstument consis of two plates iesulaeed (tom one anocher and Camp together sit the perivhery. The back plate was held in a fixed pesition whoceas the frost was Free to vibrate and served as a fliaphragn._ Leis bin th! ithe diapheayn were set in vibration Sy wma pressure, the elcerical raped ance hecwee the to pla ‘would Ie changed ia responce to the sound waves, and fa source of Tlertical potential were emesis series with fhe instrument ‘hanging euurens wow Howe mhic would Ta fay fathtul copy of the ines due to the sare wave. pparesdy Detbesr realized thatthe enrvent developed i his way won! be ifoute, for im the fete system which he proposed a subsite for the ane sing Tells mace imasunsnts Fe emploved the electrostatic instrument ly are receiver snd adopted che lone vontact type of microphone. Ai anpenianately the same time as arele aqpeared in the Preach vest elling acteaion tothe use ofa condenate a= a micrepune sit Fmemeating on the fact tos! This tye af snicrapuone hae sen Fare To ess stasiive dan the [ne contac: type (ining. tthe lew sensitivity of the condenser microphone, the fei usloess ofthis nscruen was exiremely Hated fer & member UF yr ant ft diel aot aseume a position 2: imparcance among the Fhstrumests used in acoustic measurements and sound repreition util stable sappliers mac bees developed. The develoament of the viet tube amplifier, huwever. tel vhis need. Ip 1917 B,C. ‘Weste plished am acount of the work: aie he Fall done on an innproved condenser microphone having 2 stretched diaphragm and Ihack sre so ncaa relative to hic <Bapieagen that i addition to Serving i one place of the comers i aldo suicient a damping oviiee ce eect of Gisphragm resonance to a miaimum’ The Fesponae of ns oaicument was suiciently uniform over a wide rang Uf frequencies go make et ey war im Ih quali cound repro= uct het 2 alae sol scout meaeureasacs in general "The szajor portion of the condenser microphones ted tnday ound erring esviy the essetia features of the Weate micro hone.” Markell peogces bas, however, been mae athe design ape Cmtruction of uhew inetcrmente xara the ints! ecloure an it Tell no doubt be of incest tr many ln eonsides briefly che macure of thi alvance SR ide at tits tsa Urns Seti Lt neo fe the At SETI nb hin Ec. Wt, Man, Ma 92, S BBL. SYSTRM TROHNFEAL JOURNAL In the early microiees employing ai damping che diaphragm wae comporel fa thin slit sesl which war steed to give fet frlatively high atiiuess, When seeembled in the microphone the ifoess was futher ineceased by thet of che air lm between diaphragia fant che sasning plate with the result char tae raeonaat frequency ‘was well above the frequencies whieh it waa desired to transmit and The daptnagan vibvated in its nocial mode over a wide fomqueny ringe. Tn ich a sisucture the mechasiral impedance for equencies ‘low resonance ie du almost eniely to stiffness reactance. Hence & fustant snd presse previuces substantially the same displasement 1 the diiragn ab all Seequcaies within this range en uniform esponae results excepcac che very low fequarcics where a xppreciable Fesuctinn inthe stillness ofthe aie fm occurs. ‘The effective mass of fatal diaphragm: fey however, relatively large and neceesitates a comparatively hig eines to tosure the desired reeonane Frequency Tom the standpoint of eecting maximum rensitvisy ofthe micro= plioae, ie. csplacement of the diaphragm pec unit force, it is ofcourse mporcint to make the stifiess low nepal employ ema 44 value of mechanical resncince ax x osietent with the degree of damping required. An improvement in uth seqcts can be effected hy decreasing the was of the daphrogus for with a reduced mass a ven resonant lequeney ean be obcained with lower values of stiiaese the desire damping eoustont accused with Ieee mcchosica! “The alnndaum alloys have Uherefoce placed stel ia che diaphragms vf mogtuf the couleuser ieruplonoria Use taday. typical example he such a ankropkoze is the Western Elec:re Company's instrament {G9t-tyee) shown in the photogeaph, Fig. 1, and the cross-sectional ‘ew, Fig. 2," "The daphragin of this inatument ix mace from ale taint slay sheet 0011 inch in thickress "The eyes are elenped securely between chreadeal ring, gaskets of ufter aluminum being provided fo prevent darsage at the clamping surface. The requisite fifiness is obtained by advancing the seething Fg ils rexinant frequency of S000 cycles ie obtine’. The methal of determining the ecorane Frequency ofthe diaphragen eas ‘follows. Thedlianhragin Dovenly tbe ene x conplel to a coelenser microphone which ix provided with oullable crew fre meaning ie output, A special lalepone zeseiver in laced in contact with che diaphragm on the side opposite co the coupler. Current from a vaczum tube osillacer ia then passed through the winding of the resiver, setting up eddy cucrenttin the disphragen unde fst. The forees which are developed 45 result of the reaction of che magnetic ell produced by the eddy currents end that of the permanent magnet of the receiver set the test diaphragm in motion. The resonant frequency is determined yy ning the requener at which te oxtput from the colenser miro phone sa maimum. Th the cary Wente microphone dh damping plage was continuous sucfase, Suheequent work by 1 B, Crandall” ehowed tar che re tired amount of desnping athe resonant frequency eon be ale ‘thout adding vray to the impedance at other Crequencies by eu fing groovesin the plate, ‘This ree he sts iatredced By the tie nl aa seceaoed she ireglarty in reas ac Tow Eequencies previously mentioned, The grooves in the damping plase of the Western Eloise Compaay's SMeevnm rieraphone ate eat at sight snes. Holes, tapeced as th nner eal bn reduce reonant eects, ce red through te plate #1 the intermetion of the grooves co form fonaccting passages betwen the air lan at te front and the cavity tte back, Invondes to prevent che msunanee whic wld reall (ihe groves ented Into the portion nf the ehanuber suerounding ‘ecasing plate, the outer er are loved by an snoular ring which 1 feened over ashouléer on the late, The ssface of te damping: plate fs plane within € x 10 *inch, The depaeture from a plane in ny iiliviual ease is determined commercially by the inteference pattern developed when ea rpally flat plate is placed over the Uapine place under tet eer % HELE SYSTRM TREWMICAS JOUSWAL A duralumin spaving rig 001 inch in thickness separates the Shaping plate form the diaphragm, Tei essential that all dust and tbe exetaalFrna sin seen Th preven reign aera From fenecingtheengh the holes ine ple plere of sie be fastened over Uke outer surface. ‘The demablyof Une digphrugm aml the damming plates made ia a dust pac glass cabinet ihe hack wel f ve randenser rviropiowe wee righ changes in tie separatica between the damping plate and ebe diaphragm of suiciens magnitude affect not only the sensitivity of the stent Do also its srequeney eaposse characteristic woul? resale Irom vais tions ia Decometris pressure. Complete coupensution for these & Ss sd Wi a : 3} Fig. 2 Cerwatal wo the JBL alee mish chcgns in prestre can only be obsnined ly pevaittiag free ineee= Sange of air beowrer doth sides of the mictophore dixparigm ‘This is, however, objectionable owing to tae faet that soficient ruintre i likely to be introduced to tact comcsion and afer the insulation beeween te damping place and the diaphcagm. 8 cor: ensiting ciphragm of organic matte has theceore bea introduced ‘which prevents ehicwnderirahle effect of humidiey but i auficienty Tow in stisnes to equstize the changes in premre evenara! im Ube ovina ace of the miceophone In order ty prevent tinamisson lees ae voice frequensies de to the presence of the compensating diaphragm, an acoustic valve is CORDENER AND CLNNON AticROPNONES a inserted berweea the damping plate and this diaphragm, ‘This valve Couniste of a dge of silk lampal besween two aluminum plates of taarqual digmeiers. Gas in passing trom the camping plate 4 the ompensttg dlaphragm roves laterally from the wage of the saller plate through the sill to Pole in The center of the larger plate, ‘The EEnpedance af his path ie high at voie tequenclee but low enol for steadily applied pressuredillerences er in baroetrie preseur, Alter the slamping plate and diapragrn ice sew le the sane hereon the clamping wings ill with Sesno tn wee the Se govlight anil estiade meistine. tale i, however, provided for filling the wiophone wich aitregea. ‘The purpose ofthe nteugen i prevent eoemaion of the comping plate ard lzphragm sures find climate any eeduction in orare ue we esicatin of the sealing compu TH has been customary far some time 10 determine the reqwne characteristics cf i enmlener atksaphone by the thermophone tuettiod* In meking this measurement the glean af the ie Phone ie coupled oust vally co the shermopie in whe mganee Sliowa in Fig, 3. The theraaphone consists of te ettipe of gold Feil came for change sesitin, |t[peite which sce mounted on a plute and Gi isto the recess in the frat af The miesophone, “Cepiuary tubs ae provided for Alling the spaze fnelosed beeween the plats and the snieruphowe Wapheagan wth The There a Hosen Seng uf Sou” HD al a 1h Iydrogea, This is done in evder to make the wave-length of ue soul developed in the recess as Iasge ae posible cumipared wil duvensons fof che chamber, It thie were not tke case the sound presiore at dt Serene postion in the chembee would nat be in phase and the condi- tions on which the compucarione of the mognitade af the sonnd pressure are haved would nol he set. A dtect current of known Yalieiepaseedthuough theft. Superaypered upon te lrect erent isan alernatingeuorent of the dexsed frequency whith causes fact ations in The txapexature of she foil art io che yaw dmmedalely furrowading it. “Uhese duciuations in tepesalure Se carn cance changes in the prose on the micreptone diaphragm. The mag tude of the presare developed on te diaphragn can be compte from the sonetanin of the thermnghine and the emsphng tsity, al the volzage developed by the mierophene to a given pressure deter mmived with sulablemeasu-ing circuits" Obyiovsly. sucka elibration ‘fords a measure of the response of the microphone in terms ofthe Actual pressure developed on the diaphragan and ix iadepndent of the ester dimension of the frame, Hen, Stes nt tale it faccoun: zay effect which the microphone may have on the sound fed ‘hen used a3 a pice up instrument for recccding brileasting pte poses, The thermoplione calibration is often refewel to ana "pee= fore" calibration andthe respon obtained By placing the fnatrament inscsennd eld af enmstant presse, a eld" calienion, A thermo= phone calibration of eprerenlative Weslers Flecsie 10 Ltype con lenses inierophone i shun on ig Far sn’ of the uaes co which the eadenseravcrophone is put, for cesmiple he eallnation of lal Iype telephone secuivers the cl tons under which i= eperaes agree Wa Uhese under wr Uther plows valibration is made. There ase, however, casey winse tie fisoement docs uot exit, tor when a microphone is inserted iu une eld oF unilorm intensity che rewire on the diaphragm mar Hieart rather widely from a eonat vale i veniam requenes anges. Severs] aneles "have seeent'y eppaated calling sttention to thin dixctepancyTetween the prcssice al Geld celdnatioas aa inting cut thal a preure cation of @averaphone way not be fatirely representative of its peefoemance under the cnditions which Hs Belen Spe {ee Tlotane Troan! I, Main ad ote pe Ae Pregnies i “The dilflesence between the yresure el fel elibraons is due several factoce, In the Aree plnce the sound ie fected aroued the twicrapione diferenely st eittrene feqoenies. AL Frequeneice where the wavelength is large ce compared wath ite exer dimensios the presse ie ie same se shat of the andaturhed wave. Ae the higher [mquencies where the microphre lange in emacaon wil the wave length of the sound, che restr is tier at develop at the lower Frequencies In the D¢-type mierephone the elfet of direction isd These elnino oc recone kane frst become noticeale in the sesion of 1200 eyees and reaches a ‘iimurs of 6 ab at spprosimaely 2200 eyelos. The senond factor ic causes a difereace beeween the pressure ane Sed eatwain i eonelie esumaice in Lhe shallow caviey ia tront of the microphone "This eanses the pressure actuating the diaphragm to be higher ¢has tiva ul the forklent sound wave in t3e fequency regia of 1500 ta S500 vyelen "The misma increase in pressure oocurs at aoprox ‘nately 8500 geles, tthe sunt sone et Inet mative the Wi I annie Sp ap io ae | TNs in ST AEN. # tuiesophome chat the waves supeoacs Icom a destin normal to the Aiaphsagon ancl cellection irom surrounding walls and wise is Depligible, she sombiasd elect of lteaccion and reeonsnce ht predice @ attiinum departure trom Hates of apyrovimacely Lah Tsshonn by the fil calibstion Pig, 3° Ihe sod ave wave thse cen are tne rom segblhes wrk uf P. 8. Br of Cie Rel slong he diaphragea the ellentive presure ie reed a the higher Frequencies due i diference ia plane. Hence, if the direction of ‘pyro af the sound wave i parallel tothe pave ofthe diaphragm, ‘he departure from dacacsa is mater‘e'y reduced. This ia brought tu quite elecly by the held ealityation for sound approaching fromm { dizeetion parallel to the diaphragm, Vg, 6 ‘Te discrepancy beewven the pressure and Geld calibrations of the condenser microphone involves two important assumptions, namely {plane sound wave ano relection [ram wall er surending object, {When the microphone is wed in a seucio muck of the eoune veanaes Ue displragan byway of reeton ean the walle of the vi Tae fequivement of no fetecton i cherefore noe mice snd the inflee of Ie aoountie properties of the reflecting sufeces is added tothe char seteiaticn of the mienpane. The efleet of che diluion che “ oe tad RH 1 : — H Siesta —t - x TE aasisll sono Geld ad the tenency for mont uacerials toe ere absorbent for sounds of high feequercy appeare co cause the response under studio conditis to be more acl ike det abzained when the sured fnptoackes in a direction pole to the diaphragm si make the Stpertires from the peseuneraliation Wess waked chan the 5 talibmation for a etn sur to te digheagen yield etic, "The pethape accounts in part at lest fr the instances fm which a corrective network designed W canenwate for the beld calibration dural to te dlaphneye Fichal vo er atealinpeaventea i ‘iy "The acoustic conditions wader which a aicsophone i used cover a wide cage, 1 oud theveove be difalt not impceble to adopt ‘ect of conditions for wee in connection witha Red ealibention ofthe Ccndenser micron which wo! be own tt ie representalive of those encuuntered in practice, Phe prseure method w elbration tn the orher band is definite. simple, and capable of being arcuately ‘halicsted in dierent laboratories, Ln view of thie stuaion fe woul sco viene to retin, at vat for cae pros, cae thernalyne pressure method of ealibration for yeneral se. Tu cases where previ fwanditadive measurements are required @ fed calibration of the thieeophone should of ecurse be were sles he condos of actual tse. Varicus methods of making sch 2 calibration have been ge toed, “The Rayleigh dise bas been wed extensively in thie work thus fer ut there sve ertain very definite Titations to he extent in whieh it can be applied, Si intresting claconson of he se af tie Kayleigt diss may be found in yspers by E. J. Basues and W, Wert" and L. J Sivan! Te would ecortreazonable to expect chat fatare design work would hncaeectlthwardvesicing cransition, resonant aul phase dierence fects toa minimum, ‘The mss of wore along this ne have been Fepocted hy S. Ballantine ® and D. A. ORven To both ieatanees Ive mechar eal desig fs euck that the reoneat eavity ia rent ol He ‘diaphragm is eliminate vt the busing © spherical ce serearline tor aluce the dfraction effet. Teer has as get een Teele oppor ftv ity to determine che extent w the pratial iospravernentelfeeted by these ehacges ia design sd the whole discussion continues to be savewhat aden i character, Cxmsa Mecaanas Let's orisnal micraphone wis exetially generator and hence ‘was Tice in is output to Lae stair so5009 power aealable nt Ite digphragat, The denne for Inleshosie crennupication over Touger distances led tothe erly intrdurtion ofa varben microphone, In this instrument {ne cesntance of the carbon eleme® is cre te yin eeeprnse tu Pe wn yoesauce on the diaphragen ane pruduces Changes in the curent suppdin] (rom aa extecal source of electrical potential whieh are fae fief copies ofthe pressure anges which Ceritute the enurel weve. The eaten microphone fs tereure iowral amplifier wil Teal source of power is controll by fhe acoustic power of he sound wre The earhen elemet of "tutton” of the frat recophoncs (Edizon, 1877) wa made from plumbago compzessed Inco cysndrieal form ‘te ap pear te Rey DB. Mar an SE er lalla teil Wee”. an Pcie te tase rca RE Reals ye HS Meeewmena” PA oe

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