BSDEs with nonlinear weak terminal condition. Roxana DUMITRESCU∗ 6 February 2, 2016 1 0 2 n a J Abstract 1 3 In a recent paper, Bouchard, Elie and Reveillac [7] have studied a new class of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with weak terminal condition, for which ] R the T-terminal value Y of the solution (Y,Z) is not fixed as a random variable, but T P only satisfies a constraint of the form E[Ψ(Y )] ≥ m. The aim of this paper is to . T h introduce a more general class of BSDEs with nonlinear weak terminal condition. t a More precisely, the constraint takes the form Ef [Ψ(Y )] ≥ m, where Ef represents m 0,T T the f-conditional expectation associated to a nonlinear driver f. We carry out a [ similar analysis as in [7] of the value function corresponding to the minimal solution 1 Y of the BSDE with nonlinear weak terminal condition: we study the regularity, v 1 establishthemainproperties,inparticularcontinuityandconvexity withrespecttothe 2 parameter m, andfinallyprovideadualrepresentation andtheexistence of anoptimal 3 0 control in the case of concave constraints. From a financial point of view, our study 0 is closely related to the approximative hedging of an European option under dynamic . 2 risk measures constraints. The nonlinearity f raises subtle difficulties, highlighted 0 6 throughout the paper, which cannot be handled by the arguments used in the case of 1 classical expectations constraints studied in [7]. : v i X Key words : Backward stochastic differential equations, g-expectation, dynamic risk mea- r sures, optimal control, stochastic targets. a 1 Introduction Linear backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) were introduced by Bismut as the adjoint equations associated with Pontryagin maximum principles in stochastic control theory. The general case of non-linear BSDEs was then studied by Pardoux and Peng [18]. They provided Feynman-Kac representations of solutions of non-linear parabolic partial ∗ Institut fur Mathematik, Humboldt-Universitatzu Berlin,Unter den Linden 6, 10099Berlin, Germany, email: [email protected]. TheauthortakestheopportunitytoexpresshergratitudetoBruno Bouchard and Romuald Elie for fruitful discussions. 1 differential equations. The solution of a BSDE consists in a pair of predictable processes (Y,Z) satisfying −dY = g(t,Y ,Z )dt−Z dW ; Y = ξ. (1.1) t t t t t T These equations appear as an useful mathematical tool in various problems in finance, for example in the theory of derivatives pricing. In a complete market - when it is possible to construct a portfolio which attains as final wealth the payoff- the value of the replicating portfolio is given by Y and the hedging strategy by Z. Since in incomplete markets is not always possible to construct a portfolio which attains exactly as final wealth the amount ξ, it was suggested to replace the terminal condition into a weaker one of the form Y ≥ ξ. In T this case, the minimal initial value Y defines the smallest initial investment which allows 0 one to superhedge the contingent claim ξ. Recently, Bouchard, Elie and Reveillac [7] introduced a new class of BSDEs, the so called BSDEs with weak terminal condition, in which the T-terminal value Y only satisfies a weak T constraint. More precisely, a couple of predictable processes (Y,Z) is said to be a solution of such a BSDE if it satisfies: −dY = g(t,Y ,Z )dt−Z dW ; (1.2) t t t t t E[Ψ(Y )] ≥ m, (1.3) T where m is a given threshold and Ψ a non-decreasing map. The main question in [7] is the following: Find the minimal Y such that (1.2) and (1.3) hold for some Z. (1.4) 0 From a financial point of view, this study is related to the hedging in quantile or more generally to the hedging with expected loss constraints. This problem was addressed in the literature for the first time by F¨ollmer and Leukert [15] and then further studied in a Markovian framework in [8] and [17], using stochastic target techniques . In [7], the key point of the analysis is the reformulation of the problem written in terms of BSDE with weak terminal condition into an optimization problem on a family of BSDEs with strong terminal condition, by using the martingale representation theorem. The main observation is that if Y and Z are such that (1.3) holds, then the martingale representation 0 Theorem implies that it exists an element α ∈ A , the set of predictable square integrable 0 processes, such that: T Ψ(Y ) ≥ Mm,α = m+ α dW , (1.5) T T s s Z0 It is then shown that the initial problem (1.4) is equivalent to: inf{Yα, α ∈ A }, (1.6) 0 0 2 where Yα corresponds tothe solutionat timetof theBSDEwith(strong) terminal condition t Φ(Mα), Φ being the left-continuous inverse of Ψ. T The aim of this paper is to introduce a new class of BSDEs with weak nonlinear terminal condition . We extend the results of [7] to a more general class of constraints that take the form: Ef [Ψ(Y )] ≥ m, (1.7) 0,T T where f is a nonlinear driver and Ef [ξ] the solution of the BSDE with generator f and ·,T terminal condition ξ. We can easily remark that the constraint (1.3) is a particular case of (1.7) for f = 0. The problem under study in this paper is the following: inf{Y such that ∃Z : (1.2) and (1.7) hold}. (1.8) 0 Following the key idea of [7], we rewrite our problem (1.8) into an equivalent one ex- pressed in terms of BSDEs with strong terminal condition. The main difference with respect to [7] is given by the fact that in our case we have to introduce a new controlled diffusion process, which is an f−martingale, contrary to [7] where it is a classical martingale. In- deed, for a given Y and Z such that (1.2) and (1.7) are satisfied, appealing to the BSDE 0 representation of Ψ(Y ), we can find α ∈ A such that: T 0 T T Ψ(Y ) ≥ Mm,α = m− f(s,Mm,α,α )ds+ α dW . (1.9) T T s s s s Z0 Z0 Thanks to this observation, we show that Problem (1.8) is equivalent to (1.6), where, in our more general framework, Yα corresponds to the solution at time t of the BSDE with t (strong) terminal condition Φ(Mα). We study the dynamical counterpart of (1.6): T Yα(τ) := essinf{Yα′,α′ ∈ A s.t.α′ = α on [[0,τ]]}. (1.10) τ 0 We carry out a similar analysis as in [7] of the family {Yα, α ∈ A }. We start by studying 0 the regularity of the family Yα and show that it can be aggregated into a RCLL process, proof which becomes considerably more technical in our context with respect to [7], because we have to deal with the nonlinearity f. We then provide a BSDE representation of Yα and show that, under a concavity assumption on the driver f, there exists an optimal control. We also study the main properties of the value function, as continuity and convexity with respect to the threshold m, and propose proofs specific to the nonlinear case.We finally get, in the case of concave constraints, a dual representation of the value function, related to a stochastic control problem in Meyer’s form. We point out that the techniques used in [7] cannot be adapted to our framework. Besides the mathematical interest of our study, this work is also motivated by some financial applications, as it provides the approximative hedging under dynamic risk 3 measures contraints of an European option, when the shortfall risk is quantified in terms of dynamic risk measures induced by BSDEs (see e.g. [3], [19]). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce notation, assumptions and theBSDEswithnonlinearweakterminalcondition. InSection3, westudytheregularityand the BSDE representation of the value function Yα. In Section 4, we provide the existence of an optimal control under some additional assumptions on the coefficients. In Section 5, we establish the main properties of the value function and we finally provide a dual representation in Section 6. 2 Problem formulation 2.1 Notation Let (Ω,F,P) be a probability space supporting a d-dimensional Brownian motion W and F := (F ) the completed associated filtration. Fix T > 0. t t≤T In the sequel, we adopt the following notation: − P denotes the predictable σ-algebra on [0,T]×Ω; − For any σ-algebra G ⊂ F , L (G) is the set of random variables ξ which are G- T 2 measurable and square-integrable; − H denotes the set of Rd-valued predictable processes φ such that 2 kφk2 := E[( T φ2dt)] < ∞; H2 0 t − S is the set oRf real-valued RCLL adapted processes φ such that 2 kφk2 := E[sup |φ |2] < ∞; S2 0≤t≤T t − I is the set of non-decreasing adapted processes φ such that kφk2 < ∞; 2 S2 − For any σ-algebra G ⊂ F , L (G) denotes the set of random variables measurable with T 0 respect to G; − T denotes the set of stopping times τ such that τ ∈ [0,T] a.s. 2.2 BSDEs with nonlinear weak terminal condition. 2.2.1 Definition and Assumptions. In this section, we introduce the main object of this paper, the BSDEs with nonlinear weak terminal condition. It is well known that, in the case of nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations ( in short BSDEs) introduced by Pardoux-Peng, the data of the BSDE is represented by a driver g and a terminal condition ξ. 4 Intherecentpaper[7],theauthorsdefineanewclassofBSDEscalledBSDEs with weak terminal condition. The particularity consists in the fact that the terminal condition is not fixed as a F -measurable random variable, but only satisfies a weak constraint expressed in T terms of classical expectations. The data of this class of BSDEs is given by four elements: a driver g and a triplet (Ψ,µ,τ) describing the constraint on the terminal condition. TheaimofthisworkistointroduceamoregeneralclassofBSDEs,namedBSDEs with nonlinear weak terminal condition, whose terminal value verifies a weak constraint defined via a BSDE with a nonlinear driver f, satisfying the following hypothesis: Assumption 2.1. Let f : (ω,t,y,z) ∈ Ω× [0,T]×R ×Rd 7→ f (ω,y,z) ∈ R be a driver t such that (f (·,y,z)) is P-measurable for every (y,z) ∈ R×Rd and t t≤T |f (ω,y,z)−f (ω,y′,z′)| ≤ C (|y −y′|+kz −z′k ), t t f Rd ∀(y,z),(y′,z′) ∈ R × Rd, for dt ⊗ dP-a.e. (t,ω) ∈ [0,T] × Ω, for some constant number C > 0. f We also assume that f satisfies the following condition T E |f (0,0)|2dt < ∞. t (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) Note that the data of this new BSDE are (f,Ψ,µ,τ,g) and the particular case when f = 0 corresponds to the class of BSDEs studied in [7]. In the sequel, we shall denote the BSDE with nonlinear weak terminal condition by BSDE(f,Ψ,µ,τ,g). Before defining this new mathematical object, we introduce the nonlinear conditional expec- tation Ef associated with f, defined for each stopping time τ ∈ T and for each η ∈ L (F ) 2 τ as: Ef [η] := Y , 0 ≤ t ≤ τ, (2.1) t,τ r where (Y ) is the unique solution in S of the BSDE associated with driver f, terminal t t≤τ 2 time τ and terminal condition η, that is satisfying: −dY = f(t,Y ,Z )dt−Z dW ; t t t t t (2.2) (Yτ = η, with Z the associated process belonging to H . Moreover, set Ef [η] := −∞, for any 2 σ,τ η ∈ L (F ) such that E[η−] = +∞, where σ ∈ T with σ ≤ τ a.s. 0 τ We are now in position to define the so-called BSDEs with nonlinear weak terminal condition. Definition 2.2 (BSDEs with nonlinear weak terminal condition). Given a measurable map Ψ : R×Ω → U, with U ⊂ A∪{−∞}, A a bounded subset of R, τ ∈ T , µ ∈ L (R,F ), a 0 τ 5 driver f satisfying Assumption 2.1andameasurable functiong, we saythat(Y,Z) ∈ S ×H 2 2 is a solution of the BSDE (f,Ψ,µ,τ,g) if T T Y = Y + g(s,Y ,Z )ds− Z dW , 0 ≤ t ≤ T; (2.3) t T s s s s Zt Zt Ef [Ψ(Y )] ≥ µ. (2.4) τ,T T Throughout the paper, we shall assume that the driver g satisfies Assumption 2.1, with C instead of C . To the coefficient g, we associate the nonlinear operator Eg defined as Ef, g f with f replaced by g. Let us now precise the hypothesis on the map Ψ and the threshold µ. We then discuss the wellposedness of the BSDE(f,Ψ,µ,τ,g) under these assumptions. Assumption 2.3. For a.e. ω ∈ Ω, the map y ∈ R → Ψ(ω,y) is non-decreasing and valued in [0;1] ∪ {−∞} and its right-inverse Φ(ω,·) is such that Φ : Ω × [0,1] → [0,1] and it is measurable. This means that Ψ(ω,·) ∈ [0,1] on [0,∞) and Ψ(ω,·) = −∞ on (−∞,0). In view of the definition of the operator Ef, this implies that Y ≥ 0 a.s. Note that for notational T simplicity we have considered the compact [0,1], as in [7], which can be obviously replaced by an arbitrary compact set belonging to R. Moreover, our analysis is the same if for a.e. ω the map Ψ(ω,·) is valued in [G (ω),G (ω)], with G ,G ∈ L (F ). 1 2 1 2 2 T The threshold µ is assumed to belong to D , where D corresponds to the set of random τ τ variables {η ∈ L (F ) such that η ∈ [Ef [0],Ef [1]] a.s.}.We now introduce the following 2 τ τ,T τ,T definition: Definition 2.4. Let f be a driver satisfying Assumption 2.1. For i = 1,2, the solution of the BSDE associated to f and ξi, with ξ1 = 0 and ξ2 = 1 is denoted by (Yi,Zi). Concerning the existence of a solution, remark that any random variable Φ(ξ), with ξ ∈ [0,1] a.s. and Ef [ξ] ≥ µ could serve as terminal condition. However, the constraint is τ,T too weak to expect uniqueness. We now introduce the value function V : D → L ; (τ,µ) → V(τ,µ), where D := 2 {(τ,µ); τ ∈ T and µ ∈ D } as follows: τ V(τ,µ) := essinf{Y : (Y,Z) ∈ S ×H is a solution of BSDE(f,Ψ,µ,τ,g)}. (2.5) τ 2 2 The rest of the paper is dedicated to the study of the above map. In order to do it, we shall first establish the link with a control problem for BSDEs with strong terminal condition. 6 2.2.2 Link with a control problem for BSDEs with strong terminal condition. In the spirit of [7] or [8], we introduce an additional process M which allows to transform the weak constraint Ef [Ψ(Y )] ≥ µ into a strong one of the form Y ≥ Φ(Mµ). Since 0,T T T T our constraint is expressed in terms of nonlinear BSDEs, the process M is an f-martingale, contrary to [7] and [8] where M is a classical martingale. For each α ∈ H , stopping time τ ∈ T and µ ∈ D , let Mτ,µ,α be the R-valued solution of 2 τ the SDE: t∨τ t∨τ Mτ,µ,α = µ− f(s,Mτ,µ,α,α )ds+ α⊤dW , 0 ≤ t ≤ T. t∨τ s s s s Zτ Zτ We introduce the set of admissible controls A , which is defined as follows: τ,µ A := {α ∈ H such that Mτ,µ,α ∈ [Y0,Y1] on[[τ,T]]}. τ,µ 2 Notice that for all α ∈ A , Φ(Mτ,µ,α) could serve as terminal condition, since satisfies τ,µ T (2.4). We thus introduce for all α ∈ A the BSDE with strong condtion Φ(Mτ,µ,α) and τ,µ T driver g and define the value function Y(τ,µ) as follows: Y(τ,µ) := essinf Eg [Φ(Mτ,µ,α)]. (2.6) α∈Aτ,µ τ,T T Our aim now is to link Y(τ,µ) to V(τ,µ), i.e. to prove that for all τ ∈ T and µ ∈ D : τ V(τ,µ) = Y(τ,µ) a.s. (2.7) In order to explain the above equality between V and Y, we state the following proposition: Proposition2.5. Fixτ ∈ T , µ ∈ D . Then(Y,Z) ∈ S ×H is a solutionof BSDE(f,Ψ,µ,τ,g) τ 2 2 if and only if (Y,Z) satisfies (2.3) and there exists α ∈ A such that Y ≥ Eg [Φ(Mτ,µ,α)] τ,µ t t,T T for t ∈ [0,T], P-a.s. A sketch of proof is given in Appendix. We come back to the explanation of equality (2.7). (i) Let (Y,Z) ∈ S ×H be a solution of the BSDE(f,Ψ,µ,τ,g). Then the above Propo- 2 2 sition implies that it exists α ∈ A such that Y ≥ E [Φ(Mτ,µ,α)] ≥ Y(τ,µ), where τ,µ τ τ,T T the last inequality follows from definition (2.6). By arbitrariness of (Y,Z), we get V(τ,µ) ≥ Y(τ,µ) a.s. (ii) Fix α ∈ A . Let Zα be the associated process to the BSDE representation of τ,µ Φ(Mτ,µ,α).Since Φ(Mτ,µ,α) is admissible asa terminal condition, we obtain, by Propo- T T sition 2.5 that (E [Φ(Mτ,µ,α)],Zα) is a solution, and thus E [Φ(Mτ,µ,α)] ≥ V(τ,µ). ·,T τ,T By arbitrariness of α, we deduce V(τ,µ) ≤ Y(τ,µ) a.s. 7 From now on, we fix an initial condition µ ∈ D at time 0. For each α ∈ A (denoted 0 0 0,µ0 for simplicity A ), we introduce the process (Mα) , representing a dynamic threshold 0 t t≤T controlled by the action of α, which is defined as follows: Mα := M0,µ0,α. t t We introduce for each τ ∈ T the set of admissible controls coinciding with α up to the stopping time τ: Aα := {α′ ∈ A : α′ = αdt⊗dP on [[0,τ]]}. τ τ,Mατ The associated value is defined by: Yα(τ):=essinf Eg [Φ(Mα′)](= Y(τ,Mα)). α′∈Aα τ,T T τ τ In the following section, we shall investigate the time regularity of the above function and provide a BSDE representation. Before doing this, note that |Yα(τ)| ≤ η a.s. for all τ ∈ T , (2.8) τ where η belongs to S and it is given by η := |Eg [Φ(1)]|+|Eg [Φ(0)]|, t ≤ T. 2 t t,T t,T 3 Time regularity of the value function Yα and BSDE representation In this section, we study the regularity of the family {Yα(τ),τ ∈ T}. More precisely, we show that it can be aggregated into a right continuous left limited process. The proof of this result becomes considerably more technical in our nonlinear case. Some comments regarding the main difficulties with respect to the case of linear constraints are provided in Remark 3.4. We first state the following dynamic programming principle. Lemma 3.1. For any α ∈ A , Yα satisfies the following dynamic programming principle: 0 for all τ ∈ T, τ ∈ T with τ ≤ τ a.s. it holds: 1 2 1 2 Yα(τ ) = essinf Eg [Yα(τ )]. 1 α∈Aα τ1,τ2 2 τ1 Since the proof of the dynamic programming principle is based on classical arguments, we refer the reader to [7]. We now make the following hypothesis on the map Φ, under which we provide the time- regularity of our value function Yα. Assumption 3.2. The map m ∈ [0,1] → Φ(ω,m) is continuous for a.e. ω ∈ Ω. Theorem 3.3. Under the Assumption 3.2, for each α ∈ A , there exists a right-continuous 0 left limited process (Yα) which aggregates the family {Yα(τ), τ ∈ T }. t t≤T 8 Proof. By Lemma 3.1, we easily obtain that the family {−Yα(τ), τ ∈ T} is a −g(−) supermartingale system. Since moreover (2.8) holds, we can apply Lemma A.2 in [9] and obtain the existence of an optional ladlag process, denoted by (Yα) which aggregates the t t≤T family, that is Yα(τ) = Yα, for all τ ∈ T . Hence, the following limits: τ lim Yα and lim Yα. s s s∈(t,T]↓t s∈(t,T]↑t are well-defined and finite. Now, we define: Yα := lim Yα, t ∈ [0,T[, Yα := Yα. (3.1) t s T T s∈(t,T]↓t which is by definition a real-valued RCLL process. In order to prove the desired regularity property, we have to show that for every stopping time τ ∈ T , it holds that: Yα = Yα a.s. τ τ α The above relation implies that the processes Y and Yα are indistinguishable. The proof is divided in two steps. Step 1. Fix τ ∈ T . We first prove that Yα ≤ Yα a.s. τ τ a. Let α′ ∈ Aα. Fix k ∈ N∗. τ DefineM˜k,α′ := 1+Mα′(1−1). NotethatM˜k,α′ ≥ Mα′ andM˜k,α′ → Mα′ whenk → ∞.In T k T k T T T T the sequel, we denote by (Ef [M˜k,α′],Z˜k) the solution of the BSDE associated to (M˜k,α′,f). ·,T T T Recall that Mα′(ω) belongs for a.e. ω to [0,1]. Hence, by construction, we have: T 0 ≤ Mα′ ≤ M˜k,α′ ≤ 1 a.s. T T By applying the comparison theorem for BSDEs and since α′ ∈ Aα, we obtain: τ Ef [0] ≤ Mα ≤ Ef [M˜k,α′] a.s. (3.2) τ,T τ τ,T T We claim that it exists a sequence of stopping times (τ ) valued a.s. in [0,T] and n,k n an admissible control α˜ ∈ Aα for all n ∈ N such that: τ → τ when n tends to +∞, k τ n,k n,k τ > τ a.s. on {τ < T} for all n ∈ N and Mα˜k ≤ M˜k,α′. The proof is postponed to Step n,k T T 1.b. Thanks to the above assertion, we can appeal to (3.1) and obtain: Yα = lim Yα a.s. (3.3) τ τ n→∞ n,k Using the definition of Yα, we get: Yα ≤ Eg [Φ(Mα˜k)] a.s. (3.4) τn,k τn,k,T T 9 As Mα˜k ≤ M˜k,α′ a.s. and Φ is nondecreasing, by applying the comparison theorem for T T BSDEs, we get for all n: Eg [Φ(Mα˜k)] ≤ Eg [Φ(M˜k,α′)] a.s. τ ,T T τ ,T T n,k n,k Theaboveinequalitytogetherwith(3.3),(3.4)andthecontinuityoftheprocessEf [Φ(M˜k,α′)] ·,T T lead to: Yα ≤ Eg [Φ(M˜k,α′)] a.s. τ τ,T T Since M˜k,α′ → Mα′ a.s. and Φ is a.s. continuous, by letting k tend to ∞, we obtain: T T Yα ≤ Eg [Φ(Mα′)] a.s. τ τ,T T By arbitrariness of α′ ∈ Aα, we conclude: τ Yα ≤ Yα a.s. τ τ b. i) We first construct, for each k ∈ N∗, the sequence of stopping times (τ ) valued a.s. n,k n in [0,T] such that τ → τ when n → ∞ and τ > τ a.s. on {τ > T} for all n ∈ N. n,k n,k To do this, we start by defining the following stopping time: σ := inf{τ ≤ t ≤ T;Mα = Ef [M˜k,α′]}. (3.5) k t t,T T We use the convention inf∅ = +∞. We introduce (τ ) a sequence of stopping times with values in [0,T] such that τ > τ n n n on {τ < T} for all n and τ → τ a.s. when n tends to +∞. n For each n, we define τ as follows: n,k τ := τ 1 +(τ ∧σ )1 , (3.6) n,k n A n k Ac k k with A := {Ef [M˜k,α′]−Mα = 0} ∈ F ; Ac := {Ef [M˜k,α′]−Mα > 0} ∈ F . k τ,T T τ τ k τ,T T τ τ Remark that by (3.2), P(A ∪Ac) = 1 and thus τ ↓ τ a.s. when n → ∞. We precise that k k n,k we have to introduce the sets A and Ac because σ = τ on A . In order to have τ > τ k k k k n,k a.s. on {τ > T}, it remains to prove that τ < σ on Ac. k k The definition of σ together with the continuity of the processes Mα and Ef [M˜k,α′], k ·,T imply that almost surely, σ = +∞ or Ef [M˜k,α′] ≤ Mα . Moreover, since on Ac we have k σk,T T σk k Ef [M˜k,α′] > Mα and τ ≤ σ a.s., one can thus conclude that τ,T T τ k τ < σ a.s. on Ac. k k ii) We provide the existence of an admissible control α˜ ∈ Aα for all n ∈ N such that k τ n,k Mα˜k ≤ M˜k,α′.The control α˜ is defined as follows: T T k α˜ := α 1 +Z˜k1 , k s {s≤σ˜k} s {s>σ˜k} 10