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OTHE FiGH COURT OF JUSTICE (lat Aor Ne teat 154 CHANCERY Division BEry coins ORYANT latinas sande (1) ReWSGROUP NEWSPAPERS LidlrED (2) cveneé ALGAE: Dofendants ‘STATEMENT IN OPN COURT. euuanlsotlor forthe Claimant 1 tn irs actfon for muse of ‘private Information, brasch of eénvidefes and harnismont, | appéat fe" the Claimant, dy leemnd fled, Michael Silverleaf OC, appeais forthe First Defendant. ‘The Claimant the Bomnber of Bulfament for the Rhonda, The Fist Defandant vias the publisher of The Newer of the World novafabier wich, until sts nolarious elasure nly 2641, was the UN's bidzost selling Sunday nestwpaper with a very considerable rongorelp st Jurisdiction. IL was alse published ia ant online version, vicytgtierortécom, As fy wow cums Inatedge Co by the Frage publicity Ual this matior has attracts, the Seqoud Befewdant, Ar Gloire sivietré, piss A Bivove Investigator ongaRed by the Fist U Defendant to carry cat vavlous Investigative nctlites. His methods Inchided the unlawful interception of riebile teleptione voleenall raessages and obtaiclag snformetion from mebite phone compares and others by deceptlaa, an actitey common'y known as “Dagelng’. Fy 2003 ke Claimant foun himself the subject of highty intrusive artctes published in The News of te Waris which contained private Iwforiaion, AL the Une, fe Claimant had na ea who or yak the source of ttf information could be and could woe understenl hw ths private fnformation wos cnding 4p fn the tends of Journalists, ver the same péciod, the Claimant hel consierabta concoms about the sectuity of his mobile telephone, having experienced eptsods when “eicenal pending” eon disappeared before he bad listened to the voicemail in question, i July 2008, afte’ The Gunvitio pulilshed an erticte Sndicating that voicemail ice: ception fa been widespread at The Nels of the World, tho Claimant asked the Aeirapolitan Polieg Sees waetier they had any eyidence that he ad been tergeted by Une Fst and Second Wofengaite {n 7005-2006, After spe detay, the Polige informed the Clsimant stk they did indeed hava geldence tp suggest chat he had Deen a target Ant showed it bo hime Ik was a mattor of the utmost tltress to tke Cleknaine co disgover thal Me plory had bon Luntawiuly tendo fn ts wy. In Apel 2011 tha Ctolmans. duly fsued logst oroceedings aginst the Five ord Second Defendants Yor miso of private tnfosratton, broach of corfidence and harassment. the est Oefendare inccated sts ingemon t0 defered Fs cat te Jely 20¢1 it served a Dofence tn hit ft peed 29 voteemel fateroeniton at cenied that ary Invérinatin obtalned hy the Sovond Defeaant about the Claimant was a private, However, mach to the Clnimant’s dlsinay, the Fist Defendant changed tts position a few months later and amended its Defence stating that st denled voleeraallntereaptten, tn alton 26 his stra aL the actual vrangs committed, this change af stance caozed further slots ta the Cloimant. However, on 13 December 2017 the Fist Defendant admitted a ist of vnsLters eluding chat WC had entered fnto. an agreement ith the Secor! Dsjencant and paie im huneeeds of teausands af pounds wo btn tformatien sbovt sped individuals for ass by The Now 9f the Wert Journaits and publication tn the newspaper. WL adftced thee ertain af is employees were aware of, sanctioned and requested (he methes used by the Second Defendant which inciided the unkstut Intercepttoi nf mobile pene voleerall messages and obtaining cel and text dota, whlch methods are naw known as “plone hacking”; btelitig infomation ay “blegging"; and, In one case, unlawfully accessing cimils, It also achiflted that the Second Befendant pad provided Journelsts at The Hevis of the World with information ta enalte the suf Joumralsts themselves to imercept voicemail messiaes ‘The Fit Defendant accepted that soxke information unlawfully obtained >y Yoo Second Oefedant was used to enable private Investigators exiplojed hy The Movie of the Wovtd, including Derek Webb, to montor, tocate and Track inlividuils ard place then under sursellarice | am here Lay Lo publlety anngcince that the First Defendart hes ceepted Uabilty for breach of confidence and tnvasn of piivsey it this mattor snc has agreed fo pay damages, Including aggisvated damages, 10 te Claimant inthe sun of £20,650 together st Is legal cogts, The Fitst Gefendant ans also agraett ta exiliqua Lo epuey out the results 0 searches of docirwnis in ts possesion aud lo dela ‘the Clwimant so Unt he can ageelajer she extent uf Le wrong, Fy 9. Both Dofendants have als undertaken not to further secess the Claimant's yoizemit messages orto pails unlaitullyobtatned erate {information soot the Clatmnt ‘Counso! for the Hest Defen ame ‘Ab.Hiy Lord, on behalf 6F the First Defendant | coffin everyting that [iy teatned Flan, ti Toostngon Ces Alen, his sald. ‘iv The First Defeedant 15 fere tciay, through ae, to offer ts sincere apologies to Une Cakiant forthe dacnaie, os well as the dlstivss, eased to him by unlawfully accessing Me voicemail messages ahd abteining confidential fnformation, The Fist Defendant aeiowledges thst this Informal shoud rever avo been cbtalned ty the maier that it was, ‘hat it el gk Ue tru int ils privacy Us wy and thae ae frst Pefendart ts Wable for misuse of private information and broach of contgence, Counsod/Slictor for the Claimant 12. ty Lord | ass Yor leave to vétidraw the-record r Tirdaain Pte fn Allon For the C{aimant Hugh Tomnson LAehee( Chu teal, ara oc. fo tie tnt potondaie

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