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Brushstroke Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Decorative Painting Brushstrokes PDF

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Preview Brushstroke Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Decorative Painting Brushstrokes

pi Pes ‘Brushstroke’ ieee = 0.0) D) 1010) 4 2 j ‘ HANDBOOK | PY Worth Usht Hoos | AD crit, one FIRM iscrtistsnernat coms | ‘The trushsivoke Handbock opin © 2006 by Waser Ned ieton tare Led inten. Al fis ested. “he ptr and tana” te bosk a “oh pe same othe eater By por tbs the aaharad pubtsher they may be ter Fad weed o- placate te rabeore fuk under ro "cumstances may ey be lt ep. hae: permite‘ the tarehgn tte punt ihe sions zonzined hea end sel them alas, bares znd tight shoves No athe: pa fs tosk may be eptoduced nary form et by any eleciore es mecharieet rare reludg wr eon s21a38 2 eval stems without parision nating hom pe, exest snhy map caste be passages na nae Tre cea the boot hasbeen howl redder CU Ie ut ¥°8 pull she sy any AE oy demnges ssa any previ or worratn rested tere kis the purchase esz0ns bit @ eed and el ow a stu fj ies that my est Hoe use ar mis. ets sire pcg Wk eby Nona Ligh oaks aap of 9 Retions Ie, geo E C3 bth WV. ba, cnrnat cho, are, (2) 2640863. Fist econ 10 09 8 97 6 5452 Disttes in Canada by Fraser Circe 109 rmstvong Avanue Ceorgeiour, Ch, Carats G54 Tet (903) 57740" Dietutes inthe 1K ard Europe by Daud & Chaves Brunel touse, Nexto” Atbot, Dron, TOIz 4°U, Emlane “et: (14) 1626 32}200, Fo: (ge) S26 EIN Enaik mal @amvidandehos cok Latnovtes an Austalia by Caprcor Lin RO, Bor 704 S Wincser NSW 2786 Pustrlia Tes (cz) 45773588 Library of Congress Catalogng.in-Pusication Dota SeNaughten, Maureen he brustsolehandboos. the uh nate tulle 0 ceoratve sa ming brushtoke: Maureen MeNaugh'on pcm SBN 13.678 1 sfu80 782.0 thrdeover 9}, paper) ISelso 1H8i20 8 fardecvarchepace,—UMebAeIComenton Chats cian aiaeuM RUS ee SST la Fn cbs eh gL Basen so th fatty ores ends Mek Maurezn McNaughton, COA, TOA with Master Stove eeniPeation, haa i: been tesering he strokeyorl tach ques for aves 3c yenrs She s enn = for her 2a3yto follow Instructions and reed weeny sive. Mace teaches seminars at her ome in Bewor, Cerio an al iteeational Jy san appcintze 1 the Soceiy of Cecorstve 2alte's Task Faice on ealeice in Teachirg, she helped devel the “ecw Develosment Prograr launched ir 200° to reise teach ng stad through ta nig and evastion, Maursen’s werk has bean featated in cozraless ragazines including Receratice Atists Workaook anc The Decorate Paine. or which he* May 260% cover wes ewardel "Caver of the Year” He: work's aso 3 pat ofthe pest sous Besoratve fs Cofaction Museum Vii, KS. Mautees fst hock for North Light tived Seautful rushstrexes Step by Step, upbl shed in 3003 To ive a crestne if we mee lose cur fear ef borg wang.” JosEeH CHITON Paka Dedication This boakis decleated to al pate's and att who share che rove ofthis art for with wiles. hers oF decorative Acknowledgments Ceeloping tis bock required the hard wok nf so many people, 3 Kigp,-7y editor at Nec Lg Sook, a the visicn fy this book ard yes always therefor me wih encour Polomishy, our photographe, slaves with Ls? dediraticn to shawing our =a frshew to pair step y step wih he incredile photos in ths 200k. Thark Yuu tol he folks ct Non gh em | ve no: met, but yc have whe behindthe-cenes to mace this « bock of which am mest proue. Stay Cord “ic Deco‘ has neve led wih Fs gene-ssty and su9p0r Avough the years. Thark you, Sten Rosemary Reym\d, the He's Arist Coordinator wit Deed, amzzce me ie her organiza on She aivays woes nat tia rile, making sure we har those plerious eco coors for Anis bosk ane also ‘or my serials aid or vention asses panies tory end, hon Giesel, sha exp-ty pep a oy su" 425 foe his sane, ans does so ‘orally 3eInats are classes Ann i avays hee sp me ir any vy she can, Her fendsh p meas the weld 20 me lvarg than to ry husbardy, 4, and 07, Grate, who tev‘ are of everthing 3 Hee Gans out Susiness £0 that | could wore tive long hours nzedee: fot :s buck loving hug (2 o> © eaughter Laura, who s such an imporani cart fou ary Thirencourazinent. love ard “eke in re ~ace al shir gs possible. ee Cs? 7 TT ‘How to Loud the Brush ” SECTION ONE ROUND Brust Pressure Strokes Straight Gined # Cone Stes Sra a Pointed Pie Ske Curvec ' Pointed Comma strates Stralaht Cured ‘Sembinat'on Straight end Carvod Way #lat.on Iosice Cdge # Com raion Wavy and Flaton Insice Ldge w (0° Point, Quick Pressure be Fan Strokes Fon Mi Corntination Polntec Comma: Long Point, Quick Pressure end Fan $5 Seeight Eoirted st Bumpy fo Combination Straight Pointed Fan anc Burpy Fan 82 Cured Pointed Fan u Checaate Chip a Combination Curien Pointed tan and Chi te cho oS Teardrop Strokes Teardrop Pp Teardrop Chl i Combination Teard-op and Teard-np Chip a Common Round Brush Mistokes % Ton Rourd Brush Borders | rs SECTION TW: FLAT BRUSH Prescure Stokes Straight Cuned ‘Combination Straight ane Cu-ved Comma Strokes Curved Sinight Combination Sta ght and Curved C Strokes and Seroll Strakes © Sirche sell Combination C and Serol biyot € osad € Cembination Closed C and Pint Ruffled C Stoke Varctions S Strokes 5 Sticke Phot S Combination $ and Pivot s Pivot Strokes ‘Querterauin Pvot Halitar Piva Combination Quarter tun end Ha Feurn Pivot Ruled §, Po! Sand alfa Pivo Common Flat Brush Mistokes Ten Flat Brush Borders Floral Compositions ‘Roses anc Calla Lilies* ‘Tillum and Peach Blossoms” “Jacobean Fantasy" “Violet Posies” “Red Popes” “Farget Me Nots, Bumbledees & Buttery” Panemns “Resources and Index {bruset recuires ory a few asy-10-nd supslies, Asa cual ty brustes anc paints wil pot you started. Practice the son srreoth card stock-crcamwas, Soan you vil he printing your ards, decorating scrapbook pages anc enjoying yur nev sk sh In 13781 troduced my ins of MeNavehten brates They hive evsWee throug the years a5 my unceretadirg of br.sn capabilies has fawn, Thenicue cenctrucior ofthe synhesie Flement is decig-e3 to carry the ge arourt of ait eequired for —y techrique, with even dst ele spring and these stushes deal for stoke ution “ough the bles ‘eslene mal wetk ound The round brushes are ful ‘ome to 3 shara point. The sizes of sed i this hook arene. 0. 2,0, 3.70.44 10. §, 12.6, 19.7 anc no & Liter The lier 2 round orush wih Longer brs Ales tha taper to avery sharp pain: Its used for linewors and detail n this Bask The shor lin is, used for very ght cas an te-dils. The liner brush sizes used ir this booc se: hee the s/o, and the $0 short ine. Flo: The toz edge ofthe bristles of «Wel brush is called a “chisel cdg sel for shot. Te ch se rust re-tar closes righ when te brush sllad th pains in erde to farm the points a at brush slrows, The Mat brash sizes used in nis Bock are: no. 0. m0. 2,7. 4y "8 8, 12.8 ra. 10 and no. 1, re Row! Stree 220 These brushes are made from o flex bls natural nar, They havea dense ‘constuction to create thir ‘ll bodied shane In ths cook trey 270 se for soft end de cate stipe png eects n igo areas (see page 1) Points ond tdediums ‘Aci Ponts Fort aanting demrsnsticios in this bok used scons Ame fe rortonc, waterbacee, an cone els, Yeu tan Fis the ese lyn any arts ane cas sugply sire in handy 2-curce (59m) squseze battles Uke these coors 835 they come Fam he bot fo: hesecoatng pour painting surfaces 0° chew. ahd cop 0 two oF my extender fo mart cals fo ease sn bea fly blended sushi acne Exterder Thi the bey ing writ that ales the Decaf pairt blend into soft ection: nes in "7 png technique It also allows you to stcich the stine asleng as needed and sill ate sharp poinis whe recured To make eviede, combine thee gets water with are gant Decaf Easy Flea ina lear nine (fom) squeeze rte [Ads one at two diops 2 eter (25am) cudcl of paint As ycu roving the pain, you wll el the vicosityIsosen Some cl forse not requir exendes sre isis indicated toavinch with an aste: sé (°} i he clor chart each Siokew k ceronstration in tis Book Vis 19 Wb site Gee pone 14} flit ofa tha Deco: ‘at colors that tecuire auener for strckewore (Other Materiaks Wet Peieste The success ofmy techni © deperds.o7 Keep the aciyic pai athe cot feet consistency ana ozen on the paste for 38 long as possible: MeNauehton Wet Pulee Fe pectsnts the water Tom seering ito the aye get kezps te vsceni othe pant consistent far ery hours ‘Dioosabe Wa Palate This 3 boot ofesiraieoited 3361 sheets. Make sre the pa ee yeu coos ‘Siny coating $0 wil nt asso the ross ee the sore pain atten swots These sre se for poureng 0° clot. 20k fo andirot tc fuzz For smaller ares, use colted coon Cosmetic nab, Theseswaas di ha cosmetics you bal ug Boh Sonn ree a ec argu ar arush bas mbecause (has a Tor tush deena Thare ae ridges onthe foor cf ‘onesie ofthe basin, To dean paint ou of the beush, dap the fevale cross t-e-idges Ir ore recon 0 viele ou ary stbtoe color Pelee Keil) pelea cwial bende bile casei scrapes up every les! cho of wh ‘Shyu Too! Ths toc is used “or pairting dets Ligh: ard Dork rong Paper this papor hae & atk or | gh cossing. Place it ranted sets coun, fn he surfer ueer the atten teense the Faller your sucace Far link allen in Femove excess co4 1 ko theppapen wi = dy pace: towel Brush Clearer tre 2nd ofthe pining ‘se Decoart Maple Brush Cleare* or big sicorol fo ciesche any stubbcin acc pain stil fn che brs, Bondo Sprsoder 17 flonble plastic seatule-ype toch s aa leble were automot y= supplios are ol, | use 1 when ate20"Ing my wet palette to express ary exes wale: Itcan also ze uses to ese are some ofthe brishes, pants ond other supoles youl nee forthe bruchsiroke demos in this book a ound anus; bles flat bras sd, Pro Rourd baushs: we: pele: olntad nd regia ction swabs ys; h. Desa sane pans: ordi, Cesaivt Eas Foc. isthe sdges 0 tae wen rrasting of Frosted “Iansble” Tope ard 1/4: Ich (6r-m) Paicters Tape There ate soseal oravds te ‘ate: bul enor one that removes easily, Both finds of ape can heed for mashing ostrpes. Sik Seorge (cose) sik sponge isa neh textured atta se <corge that ust for 5 pling nd stain he poten the dema o~ age 4 was nicl wth a sik sponge! Papar Towa Ise sch, aber ate blot water and acess pin: sore pou" bush $0u use €case, rough twrds you could qu cc’ run your bushes is full-bodied and destanad to 70:4 2 cuantity oF prait, whic* allows the Hepaedl rat Ths ping lulgiets «icing retool devopec uber pu nal ane colt Haare 8s enh pers he clr on he i das ne oh force sft reat hat rangs rom hgh to dak a PT ee ee ee Geesenderes inch (asgm), water ond wnt clon paiah Wcesoa Gaede og fwd efmost cls of 23co tol pea eb et paint oth ealors tre loading eclorand the upeing chorus ne che same cor 3 to bene together F hey ve no), the tipping eslor sil ot pull ough ioke ‘A. Vinee a loading 20n2 ithe 5, Tutntw brush overard ond 6 Withnopressiir, sake all Jong colorthat sty cote theca sie, again using rs sides nthe leading Zone to leagihoFthebistles, Lead the press.re rest ape she brales toa ron Brush wit the ft coor asin shape Do otro etna the Hee er tase ule his wre aouncs wen the ists frm open. ing dite ive, The Was sos ge sag up to the Wb Ws aaa a 7 bi Jost LAURE BHA 7. Take port offal sides ofthe tip oftre brush agairs:a stars edge such a he exe ofibe palee. so the brush has hare Lists forthe tipping co orto grabents With the incr. taking the paint of the ip gives you sn) fine line 6 as 10. Te reload for a “cw stoke, spe the tipping color off on a pape: towel thon reed ihe leading eslor Repeat te entre lading prozess for cach oie 43, Toit, push the paint ‘a ofthe lotd ng zonew th a pate aie, &.Strthenpofthebrishin 9, Gently touch the tp tothe the tipping coor, shallow fora palete—this beaks the surtace shortstiow and mere deesly tension Ueiweer the tho fora lore stoke ‘AMu fou get tox mach colorin 12. This sarireunest oad the Isacing zore,you wind up br-sh with izes ofcint on yew brushs:voke fthere are res In yourlozding zone, ete ae fidges n your brushstrck= Here the ex nls ol evenly istnibuted though the bis. 45. f.conmly ond nd rsh pod aeeord scr Wows he 18, Werk (excess pant ints the brush in the der leasing ‘zones

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