SpringerComplexity SpringerComplexityisaninterdisciplinaryprogrampublishingthebestresearc- handacademic-levelteachingonbothfundamentalandappliedaspectsofcomplex systems–cuttingacrossalltraditionaldisciplinesofthenaturalandlifesciences, engineering,economics,medicine,neuroscience,socialandcomputerscience. ComplexSystemsaresystemsthatcomprisemanyinteractingpartswiththe abilitytogenerateanewqualityofmacroscopiccollectivebehaviorthemanifes- tationsofwhicharethespontaneousformationofdistinctivetemporal,spatialor functional structures. Models of such systems can be successfully mapped onto quitediverse“real-life”situationsliketheclimate,thecoherentemissionoflight fromlasers,chemicalreaction-diffusionsystems,biologicalcellularnetworks,the dynamicsofstockmarketsandoftheinternet,earthquakestatisticsandprediction, freewaytraffic,thehumanbrain,ortheformationofopinionsinsocialsystems, tonamejustsomeofthepopularapplications. Although their scope and methodologies overlap somewhat, one can distin- guish the following main concepts and tools: self-organization, nonlinear dy- namics, synergetics, turbulence, dynamical systems, catastrophes, instabilities, stochasticprocesses,chaos,graphsandnetworks,cellularautomata,adaptivesys- tems,geneticalgorithmsandcomputationalintelligence. The two major book publication platforms of the Springer Complexity pro- gram are the monograph series “Understanding Complex Systems” focusing on thevariousapplicationsofcomplexity,andthe“SpringerSeriesinSynergetics”, whichisdevotedtothequantitativetheoreticalandmethodologicalfoundations. Inadditiontothebooksinthesetwocoreseries,theprogramalsoincorporates individualtitlesrangingfromtextbookstomajorreferenceworks. SpringerSeriesinSynergetics FoundingEditor:H.Haken TheSpringerSeriesinSynergeticswasfoundedbyHermanHakenin1977.Since then,theserieshasevolvedintoasubstantialreferencelibraryforthequantitative, theoreticalandmethodologicalfoundationsofthescienceofcomplexsystems. Through many enduring classic texts, such as Haken’s Synergetics and In- formation and Self-Organization, Gardiner’s Handbook of Stochastic Methods, Risken’s The Fokker Planck-Equation or Haake’s Quantum Signatures of Chaos, theserieshasmade,andcontinuestomake,importantcontributionstoshaping thefoundationsofthefield. Theseriespublishesmonographsandgraduate-leveltextbooksofbroadand general interest, with a pronounced emphasis on the physico-mathematical ap- proach. EditorialandProgrammeAdvisoryBoard P´eterE´rdi CenterforComplexSystemsStudies,KalamazooCollege,USA, andHungarianAcademyofSciences,Budapest,Hungary KarlJ.Friston InstituteofCognitiveNeuroscience,UniversityCollegeLonden,London,UK HermannHaken CenterofSynergetics,UniversityofStuttgart,Stuttgart,Germany JanuszKacprzyk SystemResearch,PolishAcademyofSciences,Warsaw,Poland ScottKelso CenterforComplexSystemsandBrainSciences, FloridaAtlanticUniversity,BocaRaton,USA Ju¨rgenKurths NonlinearDynamicsGroup,UniversityofPotsdam, Potsdam,Germany LindaE.Reichl CenterforComplexQuantumSystems,UniversityofTexas,Austin,USA PeterSchuster TheoreticalChemistryandStructuralBiology,UniversityofVienna, Vienna,Austria FrankSchweitzer SystemsDesign,ETHZurich,Zurich,Switzerland DidierSornette EntrepreneurialRisk,ETHZurich,Zurich,Switzerland Frank Schweitzer Browning Agents and Active Particles Collective Dynamics in the Natural and Social Sciences WithaForewordbyJ.DoyneFarmer With192Figuresand3Tables 123 FrankSchweitzer ETHZürich ProfessurfürSystemgestaltung Kreuzplatz5 8032Zürich Switzerland E-mail:[email protected] 1sted.2003,2ndPrinting LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007932745 ISSN 0172-7389 ISBN 978-3-540-73844-2 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned, specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductionon microfilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationorpartsthereofispermitted onlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,initscurrentversion,andpermission forusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.ViolationsareliableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyright Law. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2003,2007 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply,evenin theabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsand thereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:suppliedbytheauthor Production:LE-TEXJelonek,Schmidt&V¨ocklerGbR,Leipzig,Germany Cover:WMXDesign,Heidelberg SPIN12081387 54/3180/YL-543210 Printedonacid-freepaper Foreword Whenwecontemplatephenomenaasdiverseaselectrochemicaldepositionor the spatial patterns of urban development, it is natural to assume that they havenothingincommon.Afterall,therearemanylevelsinthehierarchythat builds up from atoms to human society, and the rules that govern atoms are quite different from those that govern the geographical emergence of a city. The common view among many, if not most, biologists and social scientists is that the devil is entirely in the details. This school of thought asserts that socialscienceandbiologyhavelittleornothingincommon,andindeedmany biologists claim that even different fields of biology have little in common. If theyareright,thensciencecanonlyproceedbyrecordingvastlistsofdetails that no common principles will ever link together. Physics, in contrast, has achieved a parsimonious description for a broad range of phenomena based on only a few general principles. The phenomena thatphysicsaddressesareunquestionablymuchsimplerthanthoseofbiology or social science, and on the surface appear entirely dissimilar. A cell is far more complicated than a pendulum or an atom, and human society, being builtoutofagreatmanycells,isfarmorecomplicatedstill.Cellsandsocieties have many layers of hierarchical organization, with complex functional and computationalproperties;theyhaveidentities,idiosyncraciesstemmingfrom an accumulation of historical contingency that makes them impossible to characterize in simple mathematical terms. Their complexity is far beyond that of the simple systems usually studied in physics. So, how can methods from physics conceivably be of any use? Theanswer,asdemonstratedbyFrankSchweitzerinthisbook,liesinthe factthattheessenceofmanyphenomenadonotdependonalloftheirdetails. From the study of complex systems we have now accumulated a wealth of examples that demonstrate how simple components with simple interaction rules can give rise to complex emergent behaviors, even when, as this book illustrates,thecomponentsarethemselvesquitecomplicated.Thisisbecause, forsomepurposes,onlyafewoftheirfeaturesarerelevantandthecomplexity of the collective behavior emerges from the interactions of these few simple featuresalone.Soalthoughindividualpeopleareverycomplicated,andtheir decisionsaboutwheretolivemaybebasedoncomplex,idiosyncraticfactors, it may nonetheless be possible to understand certain statistical properties of VI Foreword the geographic layout of a city in terms of simple models based on a few simple rules. Furthermore, with only minor modifications of these rules, the same explanatory framework can be used to understand the dendritic pat- terns for zinc deposits in an electricfield. It is particularly striking that such disparate phenomena can be explained using the same theoretical tools. We havelongknowninphysicsthatmanydifferentphenomenacanbeexplained with similar mathematics. For example, the equations that describe simple electriccircuitsconsistingofresistors,inductors,andcapacitorsareprecisely thesameasthosedescribingasystemofmassesandsprings.Thisworkshows that such mathematical analogies apply even more broadly than one might have suspected. In the middle of the 20th century, John von Neumann said that “sci- ence and technology will shift from a past emphasis on motion, force, and energy to communication, organization, programming and control”. This is already happening, but as we enter the 21st century, the scientific program for understanding complex systems is still in its infancy as we continue ex- perimenting to find the right theoretical tools. One of the obvious starting pointcandidatesisstatisticalmechanics.Thisisanaturalsuggestionbecause statisticalmechanicsisthebranchofphysicsthatdealswithorganizationand disorganization.Oneexamplewherethishasalreadysucceededisinformation theory. Claude Shannon showedhowentropy, whichwasoriginally conceived for understanding the relationship between heat, work, and temperature, could be generalized to measure information in an abstract setting and used for practical purposes such as the construction of an efficient communica- tion channel. So perhaps there are other extensions of statistical mechanics that can be used to understand the remarkable range of emergent behaviors exhibited by many diverse and complex systems. But the reality is that classical statistical mechanics is mostly about disorganization. A typical model in statistical mechanics treats atoms as structureless Ping-Pong balls. A classic example is Brownian motion: When a particle is suspended in a fluid, it is randomly kicked by the atoms of the fluid and makes a random walk. This example played a pivotal role in proving that the world was made of atoms and helped make it possible to quantitatively understand the relationship between macroscopic properties such as friction and microscopic properties such as molecular collisions. It led to the development of the theory of random processes, which has proved to be extremely useful in many other settings. The framework Schweitzer develops here goes beyond that of Brownian motionbymakingtheparticlessuspendedinthefluidjustalittlemorecom- plicated. The particles become Brownian agents with internal states. They can store energy and information and they can sense their environment and respond to it. They can change their internal states contingently depending on their environment or based on their interactions with each other. These extra features endow them with simple computational capabilities. They are Foreword VII smarter than Ping-Pong balls, but no smarter than they need to be. By adjusting parameters, the behavior can vary from purely stochastic at one extreme to purely deterministic at the other. Schweitzer shows that even whentheBrownianagentsarequitesimple,throughtheirdirectandindirect interactions with each other, they can exhibit quite complex behaviors. Brownian agents can be used in many different contexts, ranging from atomic physics to macroeconomics. In this book, Schweitzer systematically develops the power of the Brownian agent model and shows how it can be applied to problems ranging from molecule to mind. At the lowest level they can be simple atoms or molecules with internal states, such as excitation, and simple rules of interaction corresponding to chemical reactions. They can be used to describe the properties of molecular motors and ratchets. Or they can be cells or single-celled organisms responding to stimuli, such as electric fields, light, or chemical gradients. They can be used to study the group feeding properties of bark beetle larvae, or the trail formation of ants creating and responding to pheromone signals. With just a few changes in the model, they can be pedestrians forming trails based on visual queues, or automobile drivers stuck in traffic. Or they can be voters forming opinions bytalkingtotheirneighbors,orworkersdecidingwheretoworkinafactory. Agent-basedmodelingisoneofthebasictoolsthathasemergedinrecent years for the study of complex systems. The basic idea is to encapsulate the behavior of the interacting units of a complex system in simple programs that constitute self-contained interacting modules. Unfortunately, however, agent-based modelers often lack self-restraint, and create agents that are excessively complicated. This results in models whose behavior can be as difficulttounderstandasthesystemstheyareintendedtostudy.Oneendsup not knowing what properties are generic and which properties are unwanted side-effects. This work takes just the opposite approach by including only features that are absolutely necessary. It demonstrates that agent-based modeling is not just for computer simulation. By keeping the agents sufficiently simple, it is also possible to develop a theoretical framework that sometimes gives rise to analytic results and provides a mental framework for modeling and interpretingtheresultsofsimulationswhenanalyticmethodsfail.Byinsisting on parsimony, it adheres to the modeling style that has been the key to the success of physics (and that originally motivated the rational expectations equilibrium model in economics). This book lays out a vision for a coherent framework for understanding complexsystems.However,itshouldbeviewedasabeginningratherthanan end.Thereisstillagreatdealtobedoneinmakingmoredetailedconnections to real problems and in making quantitative, falsifiable predictions. Despite the wide range of problems discussed here, I suspect that this is only a small subset of the possibilities where the Brownian agent method can be applied. WhileIdon’tthinkthatBrownianagentswillgainamonopolyontheoretical VIII Foreword modeling in complex systems, this book does a major service by introducing this new tool and demonstrating its generality and power in a wide range of diverse applications. This work will likely have an important influence on complex systems modeling in the future. And perhaps most importantly, it addstotheunityofknowledgebyshowinghowphenomenainwidelydifferent areas can be addressed within a common mathematical framework and, for some purposes, most of the details can be ignored. Santa Fe, NM, USA February 2003 J. Doyne Farmer Preface The emergence of complex behavior in a system consisting of interacting elements is among the most fascinating phenomena of our world. Examples can be found in almost every field of today’s scientific interest, ranging from coherentpatternformationinphysicalandchemicalsystemstothemotionof swarmsofanimalsinbiologyandthebehaviorofsocialgroups.Thequestion of how system properties on the macroscopic level depend on microscopic interactions is one of the major challenges in complex systems and, despite a number of different attempts, is still far from being solved. To gain insight into the interplay between microscopic interactions and macroscopic features, it is important to find a level of description that, on the one hand, considers specific features of the system and is suitable for reflecting the origination of new qualities, but, on the other hand, is not flooded with microscopic details. In this respect, agent models have become a very promising tool mainly for simulating complex systems. A commonly accepted theory of agent systems that also allows analytical investigation is, however,stillpendingbecauseofthediversityofthevariousmodelsinvented forparticularapplications.Itwillbeamultidisciplinarychallengetoimprove this situation, in which statistical physics also needs to play its part by contributing concepts and formal methods. This book wants to contribute to this development. First, we introduce a particular class of agent models denoted as Brownian agents and show its applicability to a variety of problems ranging from physicochemistry to biol- ogy, economy, and the social sciences. As we will demonstrate, the Brownian agent approach provides a stable and efficient method for computer simula- tions of large ensembles of agents. Second, we do not want just to present simulation results but also want to use the methods of statistical physics to analyze the dynamics and the properties of systems with large numbers of Brownian agents, in this way contributing pieces for a formal approach to multiagent systems. SimilartoBrownianparticles,Brownianagents aresubjecttobothdeter- ministic andstochasticinfluences, whichwill allowustoderivea generalized Langevindynamicsfortheiractivities.Differentfromphysicalparticles,how- ever, Brownian agents have individual degrees of freedom that allow them to respond differently to external signals, to interact with other agents, to