TOXICOLOGICALSCIENCES121(1),177–190(2011) doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfr030 AdvanceAccesspublicationFebruary4,2011 Bronchial Epithelium–Derived IL-8 and RANTES Increased Bronchial Smooth Muscle Cell Migration and Proliferation by Kru¨ppel-like Factor 5 in Areca Nut–Mediated Airway Remodeling Po-Lin Kuo,*,† Ya-Ling Hsu,‡ Ming-Shyan Huang,†,§ Shang-Lun Chiang,‡ and Ying-Chin Ko*,†,1 *InstituteofClinicalMedicine,†CenterofExcellenceforEnvironmentalMedicine,‡GraduateInstituteofMedicine,and§DivisionofPulmonary D o andCriticalCareMedicine,KaohsiungMedicalUniversityHospital,Kaohsiung807,Taiwan w n lo a 1TowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedatInstituteofClinicalMedicine,KaohsiungMedicalUniversityHospital,No.100,Shih-Chuan1stRoad, de d Kaohsiung807,Taiwan.Fax:þ88673162725.E-mail:[email protected]. fro m ReceivedOctober20,2010;acceptedJanuary28,2011 h ttp s onCancermonographdeclaredchewingofarecanutquidtobe ://a This study is first to analyze the inflammatory cytokines, agroup 1 carcinogen, and the areca nut tobe, correspondingly, ca d producedbythebronchialepitheliumafterexposuretoarecanut e agroup1carcinogen(IARCWorking GroupontheEvaluation m extract (ANE), which contribute to airway remodeling by ic of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, 2004). Investigation of .o increasing human bronchial smooth muscle cells (BSMC) u saliva-reacted areca nut extract (sANE) revealed that saliva p migration and proliferation. We treated human bronchial .c epithelial cell lines BEAS-2B and HBE135-E6E7 (HBE) with catalyzes the ingredients ofareca nut intoderived nitrosamines, om ANE, saliva-reacted ANE (sANE), and the areca alkaloids 3-(methylnitrosamino)propionitrile, and N-nitrosoguvacoline, /to x arecoline and then harvested the conditioned medium (CM) that which are highly cytotoxic and genotoxic in human buccal sc wsAaNsEad,daneddatoreBcoSlMineCi.nEcrxepaosseudreinotefrlBeEukAiSn-82B(ILan-8d)aHnBdERteoguAlaNteEd, Peproitkhoeplicazlyckelelst a(Cl.,hi1a9n9g8;etSuanl.d,q2v0is0t7,et2a0l0.,8;19L9o1r;dWetenakl.e, e2t00a2l.;, i/article upon Activation, Normal T-cell Expressed, and Secreted 1984). Areca nut chewing has been also reported to be -ab (RANTES) production. Cultures of BSMC with ANE-, sANE-, a pathological factor in asthma or to aggravate asthma that is stra and arecoline-BEAS-2B-CM and -HBE-CM increased BSMC c proliferation and migration. Induction of BSMC proliferation already present (Kiyingi, 1991; Taylor et al., 1992). However, t/12 the mechanisms of areca nut used, leading to increased asthma 1 and migration by sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and -HBE-CM was /1 associated with increased phosphorylation of Raf, MEK1/2, and risk, are not well-understood. Asthma is a chronic respiratory /17 tract disease characterized by airway obstruction and inflam- 7 extracellularsignalregulatedkinase(ERK)1/2andtheupregula- /1 tionofkru¨ppel-likefactor5(KLF5),cyclinD,andintegrin-linked mation as well as hyperreactivity. The structural alter action of 63 9 kinase. Blocking ERK1/2 by a specific inhibitor significantly the asthmatic airway is referred to as airway remodeling 39 6 decreasedBSMCproliferationandmigrationbyinhibitingKLF5 (Bergeron et al., 2009). The major features of airway b y enhancement.KLF5knockdownalsodecreasedsANE-BEAS-2B- remodeling include loss of epithelial integrity, subepithelial g u CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and recombinant human interleukin 8/ fibrosis, goblet cell and submucosal gland enlargement, in- es recombinanthumanRANTES–mediatedBSMCproliferationand creased bronchial smooth muscle mass, and increased angio- t o n migration,suggestingthatKLF5wasinvolvedintheregulationof genesis (Benayoun et al., 2003). Human bronchial smooth 10 BimnSihtMiobgCietino-pnarcotoliifvfearItaeLdt-i8opnraontaednindRkmAinNiagsTreaE/tKiSoLnF.or5OsIuiLgrn-8as/ltRiunAdgyNisTsEuangSg-ametstetrsdaicatthtievadet mairuwscalyetocnelel.sB(SBMSMCCno)tpolnalyyianckreeyaserosleecrientorthyeanmdopdruollaifteiorantivoef April 2 0 therapeutic target for arecanut–induced asthma. abilitybutalsomigratetothesubepithelialareaintheasthmatic 19 Key Words:areca nut;asthma;KLF5; proliferation;migration. airway (Benayoun et al., 2003; Dekkers et al., 2009). In addition, BSMC also release proinflammatory cytokines, which areresponsibleforthe progression ofasthmapathogenesis.The degree of change in bronchial smooth muscle mass has been Thechewingofbetelorarecanutisawidespreadtraditionin correlated to asthma severity (Benayoun et al., 2003). East Asia, India, and the South Pacific, and it is known to be Human kru¨ppel-like factor 5 (KLF5) belongs to the the fourth most widely used addictive substance in the world Specificity Protein/KLF zinc finger transcription factor family, (GuptaandRay,2004).Theuseofarecanuthasbeenstrongly which has been reported to be involved in many cellular associated with the pathology of many diseases, in particular biologic functions, including cell cycle regulation, cell pro- oncological disorders. The International Agency for Research liferation, migration, survival, and differentiation (Bialkowska (cid:1)TheAuthor2011.PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPressonbehalfoftheSocietyofToxicology.Allrightsreserved. Forpermissions,pleaseemail:[email protected] 178 KUOETAL. D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /to x s c i/a rtic le -a b s tra c t/1 2 1 /1 /1 7 7 /1 6 3 9 3 9 6 b y g u e s t o n 1 0 A p ril 2 0 1 9 FIG.1.Continued THEMECHANISMOFARECANUT–INDUCEDASTHMA 179 D o w n lo a d FIG.1. Extractsofarecanutcausedaninflammatoryresponseinhumanbronchialepithelialcells.ThelevelsofIL-8(A)andRANTES(B)inANE-,sANE-, e d andarecoline-treatedBEAS-2BandHBEcelllines.ANE,sANE,andarecolinedidnotaffectthelevelsofIL-6(C),CXCL5(D),andeotaxin(E)inbronchial fro epithelialcells.BEAS-2BandHBEcellsweretreatedwithvariousconcentrationsofANE,sANE,andarecolinefor6h.Thesupernatantswerecollected,andthe m variouscytokineslevelwasassessedbycytokinearrayandELISAkit.Allexperimentswereperformedindependentlyatleastthreetimes.Theasteriskindicates h asignificantdifferencebetweencontrolandtestgroups,*p<0.05. ttp s ://a c a d e m etal.,2009;DongandChen,2009;Heetal.,2009;Oishietal., maintained in keratinocyte serum-free medium with 5 ng/ml human ic.o 2005;Yangetal.,2008).TheexpressionandactivityofKLF5 recombinantepidermalgrowthfactorand0.05mg/mlbovinepituitaryextract up (Invitrogen) supplemented with 0.005 mg/ml insulin and 500 ng/ml .c are controlled by multiple signaling pathways, including o hydrocortisone.PrimaryhumanBSMCwereobtainedfromLonzaandcultured m mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and protein kinase inSmGM-2smoothmusclemedium(Lonza). /to x C (Dong and Chen, 2009). Upregulation of KLF5 by ectopic Toobtainthevariousconditionmedia,BEAS-2BandHBEcells(23106/ sc expression or Ras activation significantly increased the rate 100-mm dish) were treated with various concentrations of ANE, sANE, and i/a of cell proliferation in epithelial, fibroblast, and smooth arecoline for 6 h. After treatment, the medium was replaced and the rticle muscle cells (Dong and Chen, 2009; Nandan et al., 2008). supernatants harvested after 24 h of incubation. Interleukin 8 (IL-8) and -a RegulateduponActivation,NormalT-cellExpressed,andSecreted(RANTES) bs Overexpression of KLF5 increased keratinocyte migration depletionfromvariousCMswasperformedusinganti-IL-8oranti-RANTES tra via activation of integrin-linked kinase (ILK) (Yang et al., antibodies(2lg/ml,R&DSystem)andSepharoseA/Gbeadsfollowingregular ct/1 2008). Although KLF5 is well-known to be related to immunoprecipitation techniques. Cytokine depletion was confirmed by IL-8 2 1 abnormalities in cardiovascular disease–associated vascular andRANTESELISAassaykits. /1/1 smoothmusclecells, theroleofKLF5inBSMChasbeenless The preparation of ANE. Areca nuts were purchased from a local 77/1 well-studied. commercial store and homogenized with or without a 20% human saliva– 6 3 We hypothesize that areca nut may cause epithelial cells to containingsolution.The20%humansANEwasthenincubatedat37(cid:2)Cfor8h 93 9 produce inflammatory cytokines, which in turn increase the before harvesting. The aqueous ANE and sANE were immediately passed 6 psAroNliEfe,raatniodntahnedamreicgaraltiaolknaolofiBdSaMreCco.lWinee fiwristthasresegsasreddtAoNthEe, tuhsreoduginha6-flremez(eA-ddrvieadntefocr)manadt0(cid:1).2220-(cid:2)lCm(C(Mhiialnligpoerte)alfi.,lt2e0rs08an).dthenstoreduntil by gue s inflammatory response in human bronchial epithelial cell lines The ELISA. The levels of IL-8, RANTES, CXCL5, and IL-1b were t o n BEAS-2B and HBE135-E6E7 (HBE). In addition, we treated determined by ELISA-based kits (R&D Systems Europe, Abingdon, UK). 1 BSMC with sANE-treated BEAS-2B and HBE conditioned ELISAswereperformedaccordingtothemanufacturer’sinstructions. 0 A p medium (CM) and assessed the mechanism of BSMC Cell proliferation. BSMC (4 3 103 per well) were plated in 96-well ril 2 proliferation and migration. This model provides evidence of cultureplates.After24-hincubation,thecellsweretreatedwithvehiclecontrol- 0 1 the interaction between bronchial epithelial cells and BSMC CM or various condition media for 72 h. The proliferation of BSMC was 9 determined by Premixed WST-1 Cell Proliferation Reagent (Clontech and the mechanism of BSMC proliferation and migration after Laboratories Inc., Mountain View, CA) in accord with the manufacturer’s exposure to areca nut. instructions. For the blocking experiment, BSMC were pretreated with PD98059(20lM)for1hand thenexposedtosANE-BEAS-2B-CM,sANE- HBE-CM,andrecombinanthumaninterleukin8(rhIL-8)/recombinanthuman RANTES(rhRANTES)foranadditional72h. METHODS Cell migration assay. Cell migration was carried out using the QCM Cellcultureandconditionmedium. Twohumanbronchialepithelialcell Chemotaxis8-lmcellmigrationassaysystem(MilliporeCorp.,Bedford,MA) lines BEAS-2B (CRL-9609) and HBE (CRL-2741) obtained from American according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Cells were seeded into the Type Culture Collection were used in our study. BEAS-2B was cultured in migrationchamber.Controlmedium,variousconditionmedia,IL-8depletion bronchialepithelialgrowthmedium(Lonza,Walkersville,MD),andHBEwas conditionmedia,RANTESdepletionconditionsmedia,ormediumcontaining 180 KUOETAL. rhIL-8 (20 ng/ml), rhRANTES (20 ng/ml), and rhIL-8 plus rhRANTES Real-time reverse transcription–PCR and microarray. RNA isolation (20 þ 20 ng/ml) were placed in the lower chamber. After allowing cell was performed using the TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen). cDNA was prepared migrationfor24h,cellsthathadmigratedthroughthemembranewerestained, using an oligo (dT) primer and reverse transcriptase (Takara, Shiga, Japan) lysed,andquantifiedonamicroplateat560nm.Fortheblockingexperiment, followingstandardprotocols.Real-timePCRwasperformedbyusingSYBR BSMCwerepretreatedwithPD98059(20lM)for1handthencommittedto GreenontheABI7500Real-TimePCRSystem(AppliedBiosystems,Foster migrationassay. City,CA).EachPCRreactionmixturecontained200nMofeachprimer,10ll of23SYBRGreenPCRMasterMix(AppliedBiosystems),5-llcDNA,and Immunoblot/immunoprecipitation. Cellswerelysedonicefor15minby RNase-freewaterinatotalvolumeof20ll.ThePCRreactionwascarriedout M-PERlysisreagent(Pierce).Celllysatewascentrifugedat14,0003gfor15 withadenaturationstepat95(cid:2)Cfor10minandthenfor40cyclesat95(cid:2)Cfor minandthesupernatantfractioncollectedforimmunoblot.Equivalentamounts 15sand60(cid:2)Cfor1min.AllPCRswereperformedintriplicateandnormalized (20lg/ml)ofproteinwereresolvedbySDS-polyacrylamidegelelectrophoresis to internal control glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (8–12%)andtransferredtopolyvinylidenefluoridemembranes.Afterblocking mRNA.Relativeexpressionwaspresentedusingthe2(cid:1)nnCTmethod. for 6 h in 5% nonfat dry milk in Tris-buffered saline, the membrane was Microarray experiment procedures were carried out following the D incubatedwiththedesiredprimaryantibodyfor 1–16h.Themembranewas manufacturer’s protocols. Total RNA (1 lg) was amplified by an Agilent o w then treated with appropriate peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody, and Quick Amp Labeling Kit (Agilent Technologies). sANE-BEAS-2B-CM– n the immunoreactive proteins were detected using an enhanced chemilu- treated BSMC RNA was labeled by Cy5, and control-CM–treated BSMC loa d minescence kit (Millipore) according to the manufacturer’s instructions RNAwaslabeledbyCy3inaninvitrotranscriptionprocess.Cy-labeledcRNA e d (Hsuetal.,2010). (0.825lg)wascleavagedtoanaveragesizeofabout50–100nucleotidesby fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /to x s c i/a rtic le -a b s tra c t/1 2 1 /1 /1 7 7 /1 6 3 9 3 9 6 b y g u e s t o n 1 0 A p ril 2 0 1 9 FIG.2. TheCMofhumanbronchialepithelialcellsexposedtoANE,sANE,andarecolineincreasedproliferationandmigrationofBSMC.ANE-,sANE-,and arcoline-derivedBEAS-2B-CMandHBE-CMincreasedBSMCproliferation(A)andmigration(B).BEAS-2BandHBEcells(23106cells/100-mmdish)were treatedwithvehiclecontrolandvariousconcentrationsofANE,sANE,andarecolinefor6h.Themediumwasreplacedwithfreshmedium,andthencellswere harvestedafter24-hincubation.ThecollectedmediumwasdefinedasANE-,sANE-,orarecoline-BEAS-2B-CMandANE-,sANE-,orarecoline-HBE-CM.The effect of ANE-, sANE-, or arecoline-BEAS-2B-CM and ANE-, sANE-, or arecoline-HBE-CM on BSMC proliferation was assessed by WST-1 after 72-h incubation.The BSMCmigration was assessedby QCM Chemotaxis cell migrationassay system.The asteriskindicates a significantdifferencebetween the control and test groups, as analyzed by Dunnett’s test (p < 0.05). All experiments were performed independently at least three times. The asterisk indicates asignificantdifferencebetweencontrolandtestgroups,*p<0.05. THEMECHANISMOFARECANUT–INDUCEDASTHMA 181 D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /to x s c i/a rtic le -a b s tra c t/1 2 1 /1 /1 7 7 /1 6 3 9 3 9 6 b y g u e s t o n 1 0 A p ril 2 0 1 9 182 KUOETAL. incubation with fragmentation buffer (Agilent Technologies) at 60(cid:2)C for 30 The Condition Medium of ANE-, sANE-, and Arecoline- min. Equal Cy-labeled cRNA was pooled and hybridized to Agilent Whole Treated Epithelial Cells Increased Proliferation and HumanGenome4344koligomicroarray(AgilentTechnologies)at65(cid:2)Cfor Migration of BSMC 17 h. After washing and drying by nitrogen gun blowing, microarrays were scannedbyanAgilentmicroarrayscanner(AgilentTechnologies)at535nm IncreaseinBSMCmassanddecreaseddistancebetweenthe for Cy3 and 625 nm for Cy5. Scanned images were analyzed by Feature smooth muscle and the epithelium are important features of extraction software 10.5 (Agilent Technologies), an image analysis and the remodeled wall in asthmatic airways (Benayoun et al., normalizationsoftwarewasusedtoquantifysignalandbackgroundintensity 2003;Bergeronetal.,2009).ThesechangesinBSMCmaybe for each feature, and the data were substantially normalized by the rank- induced by many factors produced by epithelial cells consistency-filteringlocallyweightedscatterplotsmoothingmethod. (Benayoun et al., 2003; Dekkers et al., 2009). We harvested SmallinterferingRNAknockdown. BSMCweretransfectedwith1lmol/ the condition medium of BEAS-2B and HBE cells that l nontarget or KLF5 Accell small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) pool (Dharmacon) in Accell delivery media (B-005000) according to the were precultured with ANE, sANE, and arecoline for 6 h D o manufacturer’sinstructions.PositivecontrolsAcellGAPDHsiRNAandnon- (ANE-, sANE-, arecoline-BEAS-2B-CM and ANE-, sANE-, w n target Accell siRNA pools were used in the experiments. After 72-h arecoline-HBE-CM) and then assessed the effects of condition lo a transfection, the medium was changed to whole medium, and cells were media on the proliferation and migration of BSMC. As shown de treated with cytokines or condition media. The changes of KLF5 were d measuredbyreal-timePCR,asdescribedabove. in Figure 2A, all six epithelial cell condition media (ANE-, fro sANE-, arecoline-BEAS-2B-CM and ANE-, sANE-, m Statistical analysis. Data were expressed as means ± SD. Statistical h comparisonsoftheresultsweremadeusingANOVA.Significantdifferences(p< arecoline-HBE-CM) increased the proliferation of BSMC in ttp s 0.05)betweenthemeansofthetwotestgroupswereanalyzedbyDunnett’stest. a concentration-dependent manner after 72-h treatment. ://a Furthermore, all condition media also increased the migration c a d of BSMC in a dose-dependent manner after a 24-h attraction e m RESULTS (Fig. 2B). The effect of sANE on both the induction of cell ic .o proliferation and migration is greater than that of ANE- or u ANEs Caused an Inflammatory Response in Human arecoline-treated epithelial cell-CM. p.c Bronchial Epithelial Cells om Increaseofinflammatoryresponseintheepitheliumplaysan /tox 2im00p9o)r.taWnteroalesseinssethdetdheeveelfofepcmteonft towfoasethxmtraact(sHoolfgaatreeceat naul.t, IL-a8nadnsdANRAEN-HTBEES-ACrMeMinaIjnocrreFaascitnogrsBoSfMsCANPEro-BliEfeAraSt-i2oBn-aCnMd sci/artic (sANE and ANE) and arecoline, on various inflammatory Migration le -a cytokines in human bronchial epithelial cell lines BEAS-2B Because sANE appeared to have the strongest effect on b s and HBE. As shown in Figures 1A and 1B, ANE, sANE, and epithelial cell inflammation, which can increase BSMC tra c arecoline increased the production of IL-8 and RANTES in proliferation and migration, we selected sANE as the model t/1 2 bothBEAS-2BandHBEcelllinesinadose-dependentmanner to investigate the mechanism of areca nut in airway remodel- 1/1 after6hoftreatment.TheeffectofsANEisgreaterthanthatof ing.ToaddresstheroleofIL-8andRANTESonsANE-BEAS- /1 7 7 either ANE or arecoline in IL-8 and RANTES expression. In 2B-CM– and sANE-HBE-CM–mediated BSMC proliferation /1 6 contrast, ANE, sANE, and arecoline failed to affect the and migration, we depleted IL-8, RANTES, or IL-8 plus 3 9 secretion of IL-6, CXCL5, and eotaxin (Figs. 1C–E). RANTES from sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and sANE-HBE-CM. 39 6 To ascertain that sANE-mediated effects were not due to The successful depletion of IL-8 and RANTES from sANE- b y contaminating endotoxins, sANEweretreated with polymyxin BEAS-2B-CM and sANE-HBE-CM was confirmed by IL-8 g u e B, which is known to neutralize lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and RANTES ELISA kits (data not shown). As shown in s activity (Hosseinzadeh et al., 2003; Lara et al., 2003). Figure 3A, IL-8 orRANTES depletion only partially inhibited t on 1 Although IL-8 production induced by LPS was reduced by BSMC proliferation caused by sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and 0 A 90% in the presence of polymyxin B, no effect on IL-8 levels sANE-HBE-CM. In contrast, pull-down IL-8 plus RANTES p inducedbysANEpluspolymyxinBwasobserved.Inaddition, completelyreversedcellgrowthofBSMCpresentinginsANE- ril 2 0 there is no difference of IL-8 production in BEAS-2B BEAS-2B-CM and sANE-HBE-CM. Similarly, increase of 1 9 cells, which is espoused to LPS removal kit–processed and BSMC migration by sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and sANE-HBE- –unprocessed sANE (Supplementary figure). CM was totally abrogated upon depletion of both IL-8 and FIG. 3. IL-8 and RANTES are major factors of sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and sANE-HBE-CM in increasing BSMC proliferation and migration. (A) The proliferationofBSMCpresentinIL-8and/orRANTESdepletedsANE(800lg/ml)-BEAS-2B-CMandsANE(800lg/ml)-HBE-CM.(B)ThemigrationofBSMC presentedinIL-8and/orRANTESdepletedsANE-BEAS-2B-CMandsANE-HBE-CM.(C)rhIL-8and/orrhRANTESincreasedproliferation(C)andmigration (D)inBSMC.IL-8andRANTESdepletedfromsANE-BEAS-2B-CMandsANE-HBE-CMwasperformedusinganti-IL-8andanti-RANTESantibodies(2lg/ml) andSepharoseA/Gbeads,followingregularimmunoprecipitationtechniques.TheeffectofrhIL-8(20ng/ml),rhRANTES(20ng/ml),rhIL-8plusrhRANTES (20þ20ng/ml),andvariouscytokinesdepletedfromsANE-BEAS-2B-CMandsANE-HBE-CMonBSMCproliferationwasassessedbyWST-1after72-h incubation.BSMCmigrationwasassessedbyQCMChemotaxiscellmigrationassaysystem.Allexperimentswereperformedindependentlyatleastthreetimes. Theasteriskindicatesasignificantdifferencebetweencontrolandtestgroups,*p<0.05. THEMECHANISMOFARECANUT–INDUCEDASTHMA 183 D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /to x s c i/a rtic le -a b s tra c t/1 2 1 /1 /1 7 7 /1 6 3 9 3 9 6 b y g u e s t o n 1 0 A p ril 2 0 1 9 FIG. 4. sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and sANE-HBE-CM increased KLF5 expression and MAPK activation. sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and rhIL-8/rhRANTES increasedtheexpressionofKLF5assessedbymicroarray(A),real-timePCR(B),andimmunoblotassay(C).(D)ANE-BEAS-2B-CM,sANE-HBE-CM,andrhIL- 8/rhRANTESincreasedthelevelsofcyclinDandILK.(E)sANE-BEAS-2B-CM,sANE-HBE-CM,andrhIL-8/rhRANTEStriggeredtheactivationofMAPK cascade.BSMCwastreatedwithsANE(800lg/ml)-BEAS-2B-CM,sANE(800lg/ml)-HBE-CM,andrhIL-8/rhRANTES(20ng/mleach)forindicatedtimes. TheexpressionmRNAofKLF5wasassessedbymicroarray(6-htreatment)andreal-timePCR.Phosphorylatedandunphosphorylatedproteinswereassessedby immunoblot.Theasteriskindicatesasignificantdifferencebetweenthecontrolandtestgroups,asanalyzedbyDunnett’stest(p<0.05).Allexperimentswere performedindependentlyatleastthreetimes. 184 KUOETAL. D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /to x s c i/a rtic le -a b s tra c t/1 2 1 /1 /1 7 7 /1 6 3 9 3 9 6 b y g u e s t o n 1 0 A p ril 2 0 1 9 FIG.5. InvolvementofKLF5onBSMCproliferationandmigrationinducedbysANE-treatedepithelialcells.(A)KLF5siRNAinhibitedKLF5expression. (B)InhibitionofKLF5decreasedcyclinDandILKexpression.TheinhibitionofKLF5bysiRNAdecreasedBSMCproliferation(C)andmigration(D).BSMC weretransfected withcontrolsiRNA or KLF5siRNA for 3daysand then treated withsANE-BEAS-2B-CM,sANE-HBE-CM, or rhIL-8/rhRANTESfor the THEMECHANISMOFARECANUT–INDUCEDASTHMA 185 RANTES, whereas depletion of either IL-8 or RANTES alone sANE-HBE-CM, and rhIL-8/rhRANTES (Fig. 5B). Selective only partially reversed BSMC migration (Fig. 3B). genetic inhibition of KLF5 abrogated BSMC proliferation WealsoassessedtheeffectofrhIL-8andrhRANTESonthe induced by sANE-BEAS-2B-CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and proliferation and migration of BSMC. The results showed that rhIL-8/rhRANTES (Fig. 5C). In addition, KLF5 inhibition both rhIL-8 and rhRANTES increase BSMC proliferation. also decreased sANE-BEAS-2B-CM–, sANE-HBE-CM–, and Furthermore, the combination of rhIL-8 and rhRANTES rhIL-8/rhRANTES–mediated cell migration in BSMC caused a synergistic enhancement of BSMC proliferation (Fig. 5D). These results suggest that KLF5 may play a key (Fig.3C).Similarly,bothrhIL-8andrhRANTESincreasedthe role in areca nut–mediated BSMC proliferation and migration. BSMC migration ability, and this effect was further enhanced when rhIL-8 was combined with rhRANTES to act as The Role of MAPK on BSMC Proliferation and Migration chemotaxis agent for BSMC (Fig. 3D). Induced by sANE-Treated Epithelial Cells D o TounderstandwhethertheexpressionofKLF5isregulatedby w sANE-BEAS-2B-CM and sANE-HBE-CM Increased the MAPK, we pretreated BSMC with PD98059 (MEK1/2, an nlo a Activation of KLF5 and MAPK upstream kinase of ERK1/2, inhibitor), then exposed the cells de d WeassessedallchangesingeneexpressioninsANE-BEAS- to sANE-BEAS-2B-CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and rhIL-8/ fro 2B-CM–andrhIL-8/rhRANTES–treatedBSMCbymicroarrays. rhRANTES.TheeffectofERKinhibitorsontheexpressionof m h The2-foldgeneexpressionsarelistedinSupplementarytable1. KLF5, cell migration, and proliferation was then examined. It ttp s The results showed that the expression of KLF5 increased in was found that pretreatment of BSMC with ERK inhibitors ://a both sANE-BEAS-2B-CM– and rhIL-8/rhRANTES–treated reducedphosphorylationofERKinducedbysANE-BEAS-2B- c a d BSMC (Fig. 4A). Real-time PCR and immunoblot assay also CM, sANE-HBE-CM, or rhIL-8/rhRANTES (Fig. 6A). Also, e m further confirmed the upregulation effect of sANE-BEAS-2B- specific inhibitor of ERK abrogated KLF5 upregulation in ic .o CM and rhIL-8/rhRANTES in mRNA and protein levels in BSMC after sANE-BEAS-2B-CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and u p BSMC (Figs. 4B and 4C). Because KLF5 has been found to rhIL-8/rhRANTES treatment (Fig. 6A). The increase of cell .c o m regulatetranscriptionsofcellcycle–relatedproteincyclinDand proliferation was also abrogated in BSMC after sANE-BEAS- /to cell migration–controlled ILK, we also analyzed the expression 2B-CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and rhIL-8/rhRANTES treatment x s c of cyclin D and ILK. Figure 4D shows that sANE-BEAS-2B- (Fig.6B).Furthermore,ERKinhibitiondecreasedsANE-BEAS- i/a CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and rhIL-8/rhRANTES increased the 2B-CM–, sANE-HBE-CM–, and rhIL-8/rhRANTES–mediated rtic le expression of cyclin D and ILK in BSMC. enhancementofBSMCmigration(Fig.6C). -a b MAPK signaling is postulated to integrate growth factor, s cytokine,andintegrinsignalsandtobeinvolvedintheregulation sANE-BEAS-2B-CM Increased the Expression of trac of KLF5, which in turn modulates cell proliferation and Inflammatory and Chemotaxis Factors in BSMC t/1 2 1 migration (Mori et al., 2009; Yao et al., 2008). We assessed Increased inflammatory response of BSMC is a key /1 whether sANE-BEAS-2B-CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and rhIL-8/ pathological feature in the development of airway remodeling /17 7 rhRANTES induce BSMC proliferation and migration by (Dekkers et al., 2009). We consequently investigated whether /16 MAPK cascade. The results showed that sANE-BEAS-2B-CM, ANE enhanced the inflammation through interaction of the 39 3 sANE-HBE-CM, and rhIL-8/rhRANTES increased the phos- 9 epithelium and BSMC and found that sANE-BEAS-2B-CM 6 phorylation of Raf, MEK1/2, and extracellular signal regulated increased the transcription of various inflammatory cytokines, by g kinase(ERK)1/2inBSMC,butdidnotcauseanychangeinthe including CXCL2, CXCL5, CXCL6, IL-1b, and IL-8, as ue protein levels of total proteins (Fig. 4E). determined by microarray (Fig. 7A). These findings were st o n further verified by real-time PCR (Fig. 7B) in sANE-BEAS- 1 Involvement of KLF5 in BSMC Proliferation and Migration 2B-CM–treated BSMC. In addition, sANE-BEAS-2B-CM 0 A Induced by sANE-Treated Epithelial Cells increased the amounts of CXCL5, IL-1b, and IL-8 on the pril 2 WenextusedspecificsiRNAtoinvestigatetheroleofKLF5 protein levels (Figs. 7C–E). 0 1 on BSMC proliferation and migration induced by sANE- 9 BEAS-2B-CM, sANE-HBE-CM, and rhIL-8/rhRANTES. As shown in Figure 5A, in comparison with the control, KLF5 DISCUSSION siRNA reduced KLF5 expression approximately 70%. Inhibition of KLF5 by siRNA decreased the upregulation Thepresentstudyisthefirsttoinvestigatetheinteractionof of cyclin D and ILK induced by sANE-BEAS-2B-CM, airway epithelium and smooth muscle after exposure to ANE. indicatedtimes(6hforKLF5,12hforcyclinDandILK,72hforproliferation,and24hforcellmigrationassay).ThelevelofKLF5mRNAwasassessedbyRT- PCRafter72-htransfection.CellproliferationwasassessedbyWST-1andBSMCmigrationwasassessedbyQCMChemotaxiscellmigrationassaysystem.All experimentswereperformedindependentlyatleastthreetimes.Theasteriskindicatesasignificantdifferencebetweencontrolandtestgroups,*p<0.05. 186 KUOETAL. D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /to x s c i/a rtic le -a b s tra c t/1 2 1 /1 /1 7 7 /1 6 3 9 3 9 6 b y g u e s t o n 1 0 A p ril 2 0 1 9 FIG.6. TheroleofERK1/2onBSMCproliferationandmigrationinducedbysANE-treatedepithelialcells.(A)ERKinhibitor(PD98059)decreasedKLF5 expressionandERK1/2phosphorylation.ERKinhibitorreducedBSMCproliferation(B)andmigration(C)inducedbysANE-BEAS-2B-CM,sANE-HBE-CM, andrhIL-8/rhRANTES.BSMCwerepretreatedwithPD98059(20lM)for1handthenexposedtosANE-BEAS-2B-CM,sANE-HBE-CM,andrhIL-8/rhRANTES (45minforERKphosphorylationand6hforKLF5expression,72hforproliferationassay,and24hformigrationassay).Theasteriskindicatesasignificant differencebetweenthecontrolandtestgroups,asanalyzedbyDunnett’stest(p<0.05).Allexperimentswereperformedindependentlyatleastthreetimes.