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Madrono, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 187-198, 2007 BRODIAEA SANTAROSAE{THEMmKCEK^), A NEW RARE SPECIES FROM THE SANTA ROSA BASALT AREA OF THE SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Tom Chester CA 1802 Acacia Lane, Fallbrook, 92028 [email protected] Wayne Armstrong Life Sciences Department, Palomar College, 1 140 West Mission Road, CA San Marcos, 92069 Kay Madore The Nature Conservancy, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, 22115 Tenaja Road, CA Murrieta, 92562 Abstract Brodiaea santarosae (Themidaceae) is a new species from southwest Riverside County and immediately-adjacent MillerMountainofSan DiegoCounty, CA. It iseasilydistinguished fromother Brodiaea species in southern California by its large flowers and distinctive, variable staminodes; morphological analysis revealed 11 total differentiating characteristics. Brodiaea santarosae occurs only on or very close to the 8-11 million-year-old Santa Rosa Basalt. It has the smallest range ofthe southern California Brodiaeas, withjust four known populations occupying only a small portion of a —40 km- area, plus a fifth small population disjunct by 11 km. It has been speculated that the B. santarosae population is a hybrid swarm between B.filifolia and B. orcuttii, based solely on the appearance ofthe staminodes and filaments in selected fiowers. This speculation wasrejected due to thelack ofsympatry between thethree taxa and because specimens of B. santarosae have numerous characteristics that are not intermediate between the claimed parent taxa. In contrast, intermediate characteristics were seen in Fl specimens of B. filifolia X B. oreuttii discovered in San Marcos, CA, the only location where those species overlap. We also report extensions to the length characteristics for both B. filifolia and B. orcuttii and demonstrate that two populations ofB.filifolia previously thought to be hybrids are consistent with other B.filifolia populations. Resumen Brodiaea santarosae (Themidaceae) es una nueva especie del sudoeste del Condado de Riverside y del monte Millerinmediato-adyacenteen el Condadode San Diego, CA. Esdistinguido facilmentede las otras especies de Brodiaea del Sur de California por sus flores grandes y staminodes variables y distintivos; el analisismorfologicorevelo 11 totalesquedistinguencaracteristicas. Brodiaeasantarosae ocurresolamenteen omuycercadel SantaRosa Basaltde8 11 millonesdeaiiosdeantigiiedad. Tiene lagamamaspequefiadelas Brodiaeasdel SurdeCalifornia, conapenascuatropoblacionesconocidas ocupandosolamenteunaporcion pequeiiadeunareade —40 km-, masunaquinto poblacionpequefia disjunta por 11 kilometros. Se ha especulado que la poblacion de B. santarosae es un enjambre hibrido entre B. filifolia y B. orcuttii, basados solamenteen el aspecto delosstaminodes ydelos filamentosen fiores seleccionadas. Esta especulacion fue rechazada debido a la carencia de sympatry entre los tres taxa y porque los especimenes de B. santarosae tienen caracteristicas numerosas que no sean intermedias entre los taxa demandados del padre. En contraste, las caracteristicas intermedias fueron consideradas en los especimenes Fl del B. filifolia X B. orcuttii descubierto en San Marcos, CA, la unica localizacion donde esas especies se traslapan. Tambien divulgamos extensiones a las caracteristicas de la longitud para B. filifolia y B. orcuttii y demostramos que dos poblaciones del B. filifolia pensaron previamente para ser hibridos son constantes con otras poblaciones del B. filifolia. Key Words: Basalt, Brodiaea, California, endemic. Peninsular Ranges, Santa Ana Mountains, Santa Rosa Basalt, Santa Rosa Plateau. MADRONO 188 [Vol. 54 Wedescribeherea newspecies ofBrodiaeathat de flores, acuminatus, 0-7 mm; perianthii tubi has previously been collected by at least six 6.011.3 mm; anthera 5.4—8.9 mm; ovaria 3.5- different botanists and variously determined as B. 8.2 mm; et styli (includens stigmata) 10.5- orcuttii (E. Greene) Baker, B. filifolia S. Watson, 17.0 mm. or a hybrid between the two (see paratype Geophyte; glabrous; conn 15-25 mm high, specimens cited below, as well as Boyd et al. 25-31 mm wide, producing cormlets at the sides; 1992, 1995). leaves basal, linear, appearing before the The confusion stems from the remarkable inflorescence; inflorescence scapose, 1-2 scapes variation in the staminodes in this species. About per coiTn, scape 8.8-36 cm, umbellate;flowers 2- ', 10% of the flowers of this species have no 6 in terminal umbels, erect on pedicels 18- mm mm staminodes and long filaments, superficially re- 107 long and 1.1-1.9 wide at distal sembling the flowers ofB. orcuttii. Approximate- end; bracts at base of umbel, scarious, 6.5- lsytaamniontohdeers 5a-n1d0%shohratveer sfhiolratmenrtesc,urvsuepderffiilciifaolrlmy 21.10-m3m.9;mcmorolwliadeb,luet-upbuerpl6e.,0-1ca1.m3pamnmu,latleo,besbas6e, Ii resemblingthe flowers ofB.filifolia. Themajority ascending, 15.4-29.5 mm; ovary green, 3.5- of the flowers have longer staminodes and 8.2 mm; style including stigma 10.5-17.0 mm, variable-length filaments, which in the absence stigma 3-lobed, with one lobe usually sHghtly of quantitative analysis appeared to be hybrids above the other two, distal end of stigma between those taxa. from 3.0 mm below to 1.4 mm above distal end The recognition ofthis new species came from of anthers; anthers barely exserted from corolla a research program of the first two authors on tube, filaments 2.4-8.2 mm, anther sacs 5.4- hybrids of various Brodiaea species in southern 8.9 mm; staminode present in 90% of ; ! California, combined with the discovery by the flowers, white to lavender, tapered to tip, free third author of a large accessible population of portion 0.0-7.0 mm, usually variable in length this new species. Analysis of that population within individual flowers; fruit loculicidal cap- revealed that it was not consistent with any sule, with perianth tube becoming thin and previously-known southern California Brodiaea sometimes splitting at fruit maturity. Flowering species, nor did it seem consistent with a hybrid May-June. swarm between any ofthose species. All measurements above are for fresh, not j This discovery came in time to survey many of pressed, specimens, collected in the relatively dry \ the relevant Brodiaea populations in Riverside year of2006. Measurements might be somewhat and San Diego Counties during the 2006 season. greater in a wetter year. The flower parts in ! During that survey, we found three specimens dried specimens shrink by roughly 10%. The \ from San Marcos that appear to be true hybrids ranges in the measurements above are exactly between B. filifolia and B. orcuttii. These speci- the ranges ofour measured values; it is expected mens were valuable in confirming that this new that the true population range is somewhat species was not ofhybrid origin. greater. We were able to obtain and analyze enough Type: USA, California, Riverside Co., Santa fresh specimens from enough populations to Ana Mountains, Santa Rosa Plateau region: Clay , determine that this entity warranted recognition Hill, 0.55 km south-southwest of the northern- I as a new species that is distinguished from B. most high point ofthe Mesa de Burro; 33.52927° : filifolia and B. orcuttii by at least 11 separate N, 117.24857" W [NAD27]; 580 m elevation; 15 , characteristics. This new species has the smallest June 2006, T. Chester, W. Armstrong, K. Madore \ range ofthe southern California Brodiaeas and is 927 (holotype UCR; isotypes RSA, SD). i found only on or very close to the 8-11 million- Paratypes: All from USA, CaUfornia, Santa year-old Santa Rosa Basalt. Ana Mountains. Riverside Co. specimens: Elsi- | Our analysis also showed that two populations nore Peak, 0.3 km southwest of the Peak, ofB.filifolia previously thought to be hybrids are 33.60049 decimal degrees N, 117.34514 degrees consistent with other B.filifolia populations. This W [NAD27], 1045 m elevation, 10 June 2006, T. adds two protected populations of B. filifolia to Chester, W. Armstrong 918 (UCR), 15 May the list in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2004). 1992, S. Boyd 7385 (RSA, UCR); Mesa de These populations were omitted from that list Burro, 23 June 1983, R. Gustafson andG. Wallace ' since hybrids are not as important as pure 2716 (RSA), 25 May 1977," C Davidson 5639 populations for the conservation of the species. (RSA), 0.4 km west of the north end, 17 May j 1988, S. J. Mverss.n. (UCR); Mesa deColorado, Species Description and Distribution 18 May 1985, R. Thome et al. 60644 (RSA), 27 May 1960, E. Lathrop 5221 (RSA), Via Volcano Brodiaea santarosae T. Chester, W. Armstrong & Road just north of Avocado Mesa Road, T. \ K. Madore, sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Chester, W. Armstrong 921 (UCR); Avenaloca i; Differt a B. filifolia filamenta 2.4^8.2 mm. Mesa, west side, northwest of intersection of i: Differt a B. orcuttii staminodia praesens in 90% Corona Cala Camino and Avocado Mesa Roads, I 2007] CHESTER ET AL.: BRODIAEA SANTAROSAE 189 Fig. 1. Comparison offlowers of B. sautarosac with B. orcutfii. B. filifoUa and B. filifolia X B. orcuffii. (A) B. orcuttii(B) B. filifolia(C) B.filifolia XB. orcuttii. (D-F) B. santarosae. Theflowers shown in D and E arefrom the same corm. All flowers are to the scale shown in F, and are shown in the same proportion to each otheras for the median-size flower for each taxon. MADRONO 190 [Vol. 54 W m 33.49379° N, 117.33178° [NAD27], 720 34.3 elevation, 22 June 2006, T. Chester, W. Arm- strong 934 (UCR). San Diego County: south SanBernardinoCounty flank ofMiller Mountain, about upperportion of Miller Canyon, -730 m, 6 May 1992, S. Bovdet al. 7289, 7304B {RSAl 7304A (SD). RiversideCounty Epithet etymology, pronunciation, and common name. The epithet is for the Santa Rosa Basalt closely associated with this species. The suggested SantaRosaBasaltArea pronunciation is san-tuh rose' ee (U.S.), or san- tuh rose' eye (European). The suggested common name is Santa Rosa Basah Brodiaea. Distribution Brodiaea santarosae is found only in a unique location in southern California, an area of low topographic relief that was flooded by the Santa Rosa Basalt 8-11 million years ago. Its range mostly, but not entirely, separates the popula- tions ofB. filifolia and B. orcuttii. Fig. 2A shows the geographic range of these -117.4 -116.9 -116.4 three species, along with the estimated minimum EastLongitude(degrees) original extent of the basalt. Populations of B. orcuttii are found entirely to the south and southeast ofthe basalt. Populations ofB.filifolia are found mostly to the north and west of the basalt, with just a few occurrences to the south, and only one population within the basalt area. That population, at the Mesa de Colorado, occurs at the biggest vernal pool, in heavily- leached dark vernal pool soils unlike the reddish basalt-derived soil elsewhere on the basalt; it is not accompanied there by B. santarosae. The Santa Rosa Basalt has been dated as 8-11 33.52 million years old (Hull and Nicholson 1992; v^.^.^- Hawkins 1970; D. Krummenacher, cited in 33.50 2* Kennedy 1977). It formerly covered an area of at least 500 km- (Kennedy 1977), from Elsinore 33.48 OPeaakkMoonutnhteanionrtoh,nttohetheeasMtu,rrtioestoamHeowghbearcekssoauntdh 33.46 RiversideCounty ofthe Mesa de Colorado on the south, and to the 33.44 SanDiegoCounty area of Miller Mountain on the west. This is a minimum extent, estimated simply by taking 33.42 the surviving patches of basalt and assuming -117.40 -117.35 -117.30 -117.25 -117.20 basalt originally was continuous between them. EastLongitude(degrees) Erosion has removed at least 97% ofthe original basalt area; the basalt now covers only disjunct Fig. 2. Geographic distribution of B. filifolia (+), B. areas of about 15 km- (within a region of santarosae (X), and B. orcuttii (O) in southern apaptpckrhomexsimsautcehlyas4t0hektmw-o) ppaltucsheas afteEwlsvienroyresPmeaalkl amCtailniRfiSomrAnu,ima,SoDrUigSaiAnnadlfUrexoCtmeRnvtovuoecrfhieftirhesed,SbbayontttahheRouoarsustahaoBrnasds.aloTtnheiess 11We diinsctlaundte. the "Basalt of Elsinore Peak", oMuatlpinsehdowuisninggaltlhepoppruelsaetnitonsp.osiBt.ioEnxpoafndtehde-sBcaaslalet.maAp. dated only as "Miocene" (Morton et al. 1999), as showing remaining areas covered by Santa Rosa Basalt part of the Santa Rosa Basalt. Because these (black outline areas) and trails of the Santa Rosa basalts most likely derived from the same or very Plateau Ecological Reserve in grassland (light gray). similar source, and are from the same time period, they are highly likely to be substantially the same, and are treated as such here. 2007] CHESTER ET AL.: BRODIAEA SANTAROSAE 191 Fig. 2B shows the largest remaining areas of Key to the Species of Brodiaea in the basalt, along with all vouchered locations Southern California of B. santarosae and B. filifolia in that area. Voucher locations of most B. santarosae speci- This key is an artificial key to separate all mens are not precise; locations such as Mesa de species of Brodiaea in mainland southern Cali- Burro have been arbitrarily placed on the Mesa. fornia. In this key and subsequently in this paper, Most of the extant basalt is on the mesas of the the properties of the staminode refer only to its Santa Rosa Plateau, not all of which have yet free portion and do not include the lower been surveyed for these species. All Santa Rosa continuation of the staminode that is fused to Basalt areas surveyed to date contain B. santa- the outer perianth. rosae. Perhaps the most remarkable feature of B. 1 Staminodes 0 in all flowers B. orcuttii santarosae is that every population we surveyed 2V SSttaammiinnooddeess porbelsoenngt itno9r0e-ct1a0n0g%ulaorffilnowoeutrlsin.e.,. (2) grows in soils derived from the Santa Rosa tapered only near tip ifat all (3) Basalt. Every surveyed population except one, 2' Staminodesfiliform oruniformlytapered from and all vouchers we determined as B. santarosae, base to tip (4) were from soils underlain by the Santa Rosa 3 Staminodes generally erect, edges flat to Basalt as mapped in Kennedy (1977). The inrolled, sometimes hooded, generally pur- exception was the population immediately west ple B. terrestris ssp. l<ernensis of the Mesa de Burro. Although the basement y Staminodes recurved, edges flat, not hooded, rock there is mapped as metasedimentary, the soil pointed at tip, generally white; Mission Trails had abundant basalt rocks within it and on its 4 RFeiglaimoennatlsP0a-r1k.5. m.Bm.;elsetgaamnsinHoodeosve1r.0su^b.s5p.memlegans surface, remaining from the geologically-recent past when the Santa Rosa Basalt was still intact 4" lFoinlga,mernetfslexe2d-8agmamin;stsptearmiainntohdes 0.0-7.0B.mfmilifolia here. Thus this soil is derived, at least in part, long, recurved to erect (5) from the basalt. 5 Perianth length 19-24 mm; style 8.0-9.5 mm; This distribution thus shows tremendous fidel- ovary 4.0-5.0 mm; anther 5.0-5.5 mm; San ity to the basalt areas, since both the populations Marcos B. filifolia X B. orcuttii and the major remaining basalt areas (not 5' Perianth length 24-36 mm; style 10.5- including the unsurveyed Oak Mountain) span 17.0 mm; ovary 3.5-8.2 mm; anther 5.4- a distance of 15 km by 15 km, yet both B. 8.9 mm; Elsinore Peak to Miller Mountain B. santarosae santarosae and the basalt only cover almost the -7% identical (15 km2/225 km") ofthat area. Because onlythree specimens ofB. filifolia X B. This coincidence is not due to habitat con- oreuttiiare known, therange ofmeasurements for siderations; there are extensive grasslands inhab- it in the above keywill require slight extensions as ited by B. terrestris Kellogg subsp. kernensis morespecimensarefound. However, theprincipal (Hoover) T. Niehaus outside the basalt areas. No component analysis presented below indicates other populations ofB. santarosae, B. filifolia, or that those extensions will be much smaller than B. orcuttii have been documented even though the differences from B. santarosae. those grasslands have been intensely studied. The first and third author surveyed the grassland Phenetic Analysis of Brodiaea Santarosae trails of the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological and Other Brodiaea Species in Reserve shown in Fig. 2B in 2001-2006; Lathrop Southern California and Thorne (1985) surveyed most of the area shown in Fig. 2B south of Murrieta; Boyd et al. Data and Analysis Methods (1995) surveyed the rest of the area shown in Fig. 2B; and there have been numerous surveys We surveyed, photographed, and sampled for residential development. populations from the following areas, mapped Thus, it is likely that there are no other in Fig. 2A, specifically forthis analysis, on 1,4, 5, populations of B. santarosae other than those 10, 13, and 22 June 2006. The species determina- shown, except for more populations in the basalt tion for each specimen was made later from the areas themselves. In particular, Redonda Mesa analysis in this paper. Numbers in parentheses and Mesa de la Punta may contain additional are collection numbers of Chester et al. B. populations. In addition, therearea fewlocations filifolia: Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve that have small remnants of the Santa Rosa (SRPER): Vernal Pool Trail near Main Pool Basalt, not shown on the map, such as the (909); San Marcos (912); San Mateo Canyon Murrieta Hogbacks and Oak Mountain. These Wilderness: Mud Canyon 1 (920, 933), Mud areas should be searched for B. santarosae. It is Canyon 2 (924). B. filifolia X B. orcuttii: San also possible that small populations of B. Marcos (917, 936). B. orcuttii: Miramar (915); santarosae might occur in drainages from basalt Cuyamaca Lake (916); Tierra Santa (935). B. areas, carried there by runoff. santarosae: SRPER: Clay Hill Area (910-911, MADRONO 192 [Vol. 54 925-930), Via Volcano Road (921); Elsinore Peak (918); Avenaloca Mesa (934). B. terrestris subsp. kernensis: Elsinore Peak (919); SRPER: Via ^ A E Volcano Road (922). E Mud Canyon is the informal name used for the 2 dArraeianagneearin DtehveilSanCaMnaytoenotChaatnycoonntWaiilnsderMneusds sa 0 B.santarosae I- Springs. Mud Canyon 1 isadrainagefroma fairly large upstream meadow area. Mud Canyon 2 is a small grassy area a few hundred feet south of Mud Canyon 1. '"^ Bk.ertneernressitsrissubsp. In each area, wephotographed the full range of variation seen in the flowers, and we selected 5- -10 -5 0 5 10 10 inflorescences or flowers to measure in detail. PrincipalComponent1(mm) The samples were selected mostly geographically, from the edges ofeach area and from the center, pFiagr.ame3t.ersPrniontcispcaalledCboympsotnanednatrsd dAevniaaltyisoins. Tohfefmleoraanl in order to avoid having multiple samples from values with their one-standard deviation error bars are the same clonal population. {Brodiaeas often shown for the eleven geographically-distinct popula- reproduce by corms, and hence the population tions given in Table 1. Rectangles delineate individual in a small area is often clonal.) Samples were also taxa with more than one population; circles denote the taken of extreme members of the population if mean for each taxon. To convert to PCA values from tthhee gvearoigartaipohnicseseanmpilnintghedipdopnuoltatieonnc.omTphaessonalel fPlCorAall pbayra0m.e3t8e9rsmsmcal'edanbdysPtCaAnd2arbdyd0e.v4ia2t5iomn,mmultiply exception to the above sampHng was on the 18 June 2006 visit to San Mateo Mud Canyon 1, give the otherversion are given in the caption for where we intentionally sampled only the largest Fig. 3. flowers from the B. filifolia population in an attempt to discover any population intermediate Results ofAnalysis ofCharacteristics of the to B. santarosae. (Later analysis showed no Brodiaea Species intermediates were found.) For comparison purposes, especially to study The coefficients of the first two principal any possible hybridization, we also used data components (PCI and PC2) are given in Table 1, collected in 2005 from the SRPER for fresh along with the variation in PC2 contributed by samples ofB. terrestris subsp. kernensis. each variable. These two components accounted Fourteen independent characteristics were for 89% ofthe total variance in the data. measured for each fresh flower before pressing, Principal Component 1 is a length parameter, in addition to the scape and bract length for each essentially a scale factor times the perianth length inflorescence. In addition, all herbarium samples plus the portion of the length of the floral parts of '"B. filifolid\ "'B. orcuttir\ and "B. filifolia X that is correlated to the perianth length. Principal B. orcuttii'" from RSA and SD were examined Component 2 is essentially a scale factor times and measured for all quantities visible on each the lengths of the filament plus the style minus specimen, and re-determined. the perianth tube minus the perianth lobe minus the staminode, where the staminode contributes These characteristics were then analyzed di- roughly twice the variation of the other param- rectly and with principal components analysis. eters. The variable staminodes of B. santarosae Principal Components Analysis. The measure- account for most of the spread in values of PC2 ments of seven floral parameters (perianth lobe, for that taxon. Table 1 also shows the variation perianth tube, filament, anther, ovary, style, and in PC2 contributed by each parameter. staminode) were analyzed for principal compo- nents, with the results separated by geographic Table 1. Coefficients for Principal Compo- populations in Fig. 3. nents PCI AND PC2, AND Variation in PC2, By We removed the mean from each floral Parameter. parameter and then computed the principal components in two ways, once dividing each Parameter PCI PC2 PC2 Variation (mm) parameter by its standard deviation and once Tube 0.19 -0.36 -3.28 without such division. Since the resulting plots Lobe 0.70 -0.16 -3.46 were essentially identical except for scale Filament 0.36 0.46 3.73 (r-=0.95 for PCAl and 0.96 for PCA2), we Anther 0.18 0.02 0.11 present here the version without such scaling Ovary 0.21 -0.15 -1.00 which allows the coefficients to be more easily Style 0.51 0.22 2.94 Staminode 0.09 -0.76 -6.64 interpreted. The scale factors that will closely 2007] CHESTER ET AL.: BRODIAEA SANTAROSAE 193 The error bars in Fig. 3 were computed by the unusual rainfall pattern in 2006. For addi- dividing the population standard deviation for tional detail, see Chester et al. (2007). each species by (/z—1)'^-, where n is the number of individuals in each population. Note that some Comparison of Individual Characteristics of populations, such as B. filifolia and B. filifolia X Brodiaea Species in Southern California B. orcuttii from San Marcos, are represented by only three specimens, which accounts for some of Measured ranges for each parameter for each the larger error bars. species are given in Table 2, along with the Fig. 3 shows four distinct taxa that are nearly number ofsamples measured. We did not include equally distant from each other, the three distinct B. elcgans or B. kiukiciisis in the analysis here clusters denoted by labeled rectangles and the since they do not come into the geographic range point corresponding to B. tevrcstris subsp. ofany southern California Brodiaea except for B. kernensis. The B. filifolia X B. orcuttii specimens terrestris subsp. kernensis, and we thereforedidn't plot almost exactly intermediately between the sample them for this analysis. (For this analysis, parent species, as expected for Fl hybrids. Since we treat southern California specimens deter- these specimens are found only in the single mined as B. jolonensis Eastw. as B. terrestris location where the parent species occur together, subsp. kernensis. They have numerous differences the evidence for their hybrid origin is strong. from specimens of B. jolonensis from the type The separation of the taxa in Fig. 3 demon- locality ofJolon, CA, and are nearly identical to strates that B. scmtarosae is a taxon as distinct as specimens of B. terrestris subsp. kernensis. The ) any of the other three taxa, with characteristics sampling of B. terrestris subsp. kernensis was not not intermediate to any of those three taxa. In extensive enough to give the full range for its particular, these specimens are not direct hybrids parameters, especially from other locations. ofB. filifolia and B. orcuttii, nor are they part of Brodiaea santarosae showed the following any hybrid swarm between those species. Our substantial differences from B. filifolia and B. discovery ofclear hybrids between B.filifolia and orcuttii: B. orcuttii, from the only location where the populations overlap, confirms these conclusions. (1) It had larger fiowers and larger fioral parts. The clusters denoted by the labeled rectangles The median B. santarosae fiower was 40% in Fig. 3 are robustly defined. Note in particular larger than the median B. filifolia and B. the very small error bars on the PC2 values for all orcuttii fiower. Only a small percentage of taxa except B. santarosae; within each of those B.filifolia and B. orcuttiifiowers were larger clusters, all populations show extremely good than the smallest B. santarosae fiower. concordance for PC2 in Fig. 3, reflecting the (2) The anther, ovary and style lengths of B. uniform staminodes of each taxon. The popula- santarosae were all markedly longer than tions of B. scmtarosae also show good concor- those for B. filifolia and B. orcuttii. There dance, with each having significant spreads in the was almost no overlap at all for anther values ofPC2, reflectingthe staminode variability lengths, and only a small overlap for the of that species being consistent between popula- other lengths. tions. (3) The inflorescence bract and pedicel lengths For both PCI and PC2, the mean of each for B. scmtarosae were typically much population is consistent with the corresponding longer than those of B. flifolia and B. species mean (Fig. 3), except for the B. orcuttii orcuttii. Two-thirds ofthe bract lengths for population with the highest value of PCI. That B. filifolia and B. orcuttii were shorter than population (San Marcos) is 3.3 standard devia- 6 mm; none of the bracts of B. santarosae tions away from the species mean value. Since were that short. All pedicels of B. filifolia PCI is essentially the perianth length, this simply and B. orcuttii were shorter than 75 mm, means that the San Marcos fiowers in our sample but over one third of the pedicels of B. were significantly larger than the other two scmtarosae were longer than 75 mm. populations from Miramar and Cuyamaca Lake. (4) The peduncle lengths for B. santarosaewere Although the San Marcos specimens possessed also much longer than those of B. filifolia somewhat-larger flowers, they are otherwise and B. orcuttii. However, this may simply consistent with the other two B. orcuttii popula- be a consequence ofthe habitat difference. tions in all respects. In particular, they have the B. santarosae grows in areas with abundant distinctive properties of B. orcuttii described tall non-native grasses, whereas the other below, including the complete absence of stami- two species grow in areas without as much nodes. Herbarium specimens show a much smal- such cover. ler separation of San Marcos fiowers from the other two populations in other years, indicating In the rest ofthis section, we compare all four that the apparent difference in our samples was species and give those properties in which one or either sampling variation or perhaps related to more species significantly differed at close to or MADRONO 194 oqor^, oo©pxr^oqcr;oqqoor~^(N O iri ^* f*^ F-H iri Tf- ^ On O O (N H od (N © o o o o (^i cK ON ON r<S in cx) r-i r-^ o o o n ON »n rninOr-o|iooOr<-)CX)Oro) * r-" (N 'si- 06 I qqq f^iiTjinr^ ON (NO—; ON ononOit^o o m NO --^ <N t/^ir^Or<-;'r)-^00 00 qq00NOD0ON'*r^<-)'-'O ri^n' 00 NO CO ON 0(N6 i^i NO t^' r—<~I rvi r-i i/S O m 00 NO 00 NO *n ri in r'S O o O (N O r—t oqoooooNNO^'-^_qoo(Ninqq(N o o o o »n c<j f^' ri t-^ NO 1^ IT) r^i in rn 0000<NO(^)0100ininr--(NOOO oinoq-^^qoNOt^xcNfN-^ooooo in ^' ^ r^' ^' r4 iri d d d O m n o O m m r«-) r<-) r<~, r-j 04 (N >qnqoqdoqNqasqoion6/^^Nodrr~i-'^©N0—0^0d-r^n r^l ri qin N(ON 1^ IT) r< OOOr^o^mrtininmininr-iOinino x'NddmNdr\^io^NO'*''=i-Ndddoi--<(Nro--^ IT; o q q If) M <s oo 00 a\ iTi d drvj —ON —q © q »ri r^; ri ri ^' <' r4 <n 2 & as OX) 1^ X3) SO:, c/0 c/5 C ^ c« O X O O C ^ ?J C C ^ ^ 73 TD 'C 'C cd (U !-i (U dJ (U 2007] CHESTER ET AL.; BRODIAEA SANTAROSAE 195 exceeding the 95% confidence level (with a differ- ence more than two standard deviations). Plots, HistogramofPeduncleLengths histograms, and additional information are given in Chester et al. (2007). Habitat. The habitats of the four species are distinct. B.filifolia and B. orciittii are confined to B.f. the wettest areas such as flat streambeds, benches aBs.o.. along streambeds, and vernal pool areas. B. B.t.k. terrestris subsp. keniensis and B. santarosae are less moisture-dependent. B. terrestris subsp. keniensis grows in many habitats, but generally does not occur in thewettest areas preferred by B. 100 200 300 400 filifolia and B. orcuttii. It grows in drierdrainages Pedunclelength(mm) and along trails and roads in flattish areas. Brodiaea santarosae grows in many habitats as well, including next to vernal pools, but can grow HistogramofBractLengths in drier locations than even B. terrestris subsp. kernensis. Surprisingly, B. santarosae even grows in disturbed areas such as Waterline Road next to the Mesa de Burro. That area wascompletely dug up to install a water main, and B. santarosae B.f. ^-B.o. grows abundantly in the disturbed soil on top of -^B.s. the water pipe, as well as in roadside berms. B.t.k. There is only one known occurrence of B. filifolia within the range of B. santarosae, on the Mesa de Colorado immediately surrounding the largest vernal pool. The area in which it grows 5 10 was part of that pool for —75 years, when the Bractlength(mm) outlet ofthe pool was dammed to raise the level of the pool. The soil in that area is heavily leached, and does not have the red color of the HistogramofPedicelLengths surrounding basalt-derived soil. B. santarosae is not found on that vernal pool soil, only in the red basalt soil elsewhere on the Mesa de Colorado. Of course, the most remarkable difference in habitat is the restriction ofB. santarosae to basalt BB..fo.. soil in areas on or near the Santa Rosa Basalt. as. B.t.k. Peduncleandbract lengths. Histograms ofthese two parameters (Fig. 4) each showed two distinct patterns: B. filifolia and B. orcuttii had similar histograms that peak at shorter values, and B. 40 60 80 100 120 santarosae and B. terrestris subsp. kernensis had Pedicellength(mm) similarhistograms that peakat longervalues. For example, 60% ofthe peduncles for B. filif)lia and Fig. 4. Histograms of peduncle, bract and pedicel B. orcuttii were less than 150 mm, but only 27% lengthsfor B.filifolia (B.f), B. orcuttii (B.o.), B. santa- of the peduncles for the other two species were rosae (B.S.). and B. terrestris ssp. kernensis (B.t.k.). that short. Even more dramatically, 65% of the bract lengths for B. filifolia and B. orcuttii were less than 6 mm, but none ofthe bract lengths for orcuttii are found in habitats that largely exclude the other two species were that short. non-native annual grasses, whereas B. terrestris Although it is possible that the peduncle length subsp. kernensis and especially B. santarosae are further distinguishes B. santarosae from B. found in drier habitats that favor those grasses. filifolia and B. orcuttii, we suspect the peduncle Supporting our suspicion, the range ofpeduncles length is subject to environmental modification is essentially the same for every species even by the height of the immediately-neighboring though the histograms are different, implying plants, which in turn derives from the different that each species grows its peduncle long enough habitats of these species. Peduncles are shorter for its flowers to be out in the open. where there are few neighboring plants, and The difference in bracts is more fundamental longer where the plant is surrounded by tall since the range for bract lengths is very different annual non-nativegrasses. Both B. filifolia and B. among the species; there seems to be a firm upper MADRONO 196 [Vol. 54 Table 3. Scalingof Floral Characteristicswith Perianth Length: Slopeand Standard Deviation. Slope values in bold type indicate characteristics significantly larger than for the other species; values in italics indicate significantly-smaller characteristics. B. tervestris subsp. Characteristic B. filifolia B. orcuttii B. sciutarosae kernensis Perianth tube 0.20 0.04 0.31 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.28 0.07 Perianth lobes 0.80 -H 0.04 0.69 0.05 0.95 -1- 0.07 0.72 0.07 Filament 0.09 0.02 0.19 0.03 0.26 -H 0.09 0.11 0.06 Anther 0.13 -H 0.03 0.13 0.02 0.17 H- 0.04 0.16 -H 0.03 Ovary 0.19 -H 0.04 0.19 0.03 -0.01 -1- 0.06 0.14 -+- 0.07 Style + stigma 0.31 0.05 0.41 0.05 0.37 0.06 0.17 -H 0.04 Staminodes (free portion) 0.04 -H 0.03 0.00 0.00 -0.19 + 0.14 0.16 0.07 limit for the bract length of B. filifolia and B. The scaling with perianth length for the other orcuttii. floral parameters, given in Table 3, was generally consistent between all species, with the following Pedicel lengths. As for the peduncle and bract exceptions: the tube for B. filifolia grew more lengths, B. filifolia and B. orcuttii had a similar slowly with perianth length than did the tube for patternwithhistogramsthatpeakatshortervalues B. orcuttii, a difference of 1.7 standard deviations (Fig. 4). However, B. terrestris subsp. kernensis (P = 0.09 due to chance); the filament length for had a histogram shifted only sHghtly to larger B.filifolia grew more slowly with perianth length values, whereas B. santarosae had a histogram than did the filament lengths for B. orcuttiiand B. shifteddramaticallytolargervalues. Forexample, santarosae, differences of2.9 standard deviations , all pedicels ofB. filifolia and B. orcuttii were less (P = 0.004) and 1.9 standard deviations (P = ! stahnatnaro6s0aem,ma,ndb1u3t%3o7f%theopfedtihceelspeodfiBc.eltserroefstrBi.s 0s.t0i6g)m,a)rlesepnegctthivfeolry;B.atnedrrestthreis sstuyblsep.(iknecrlnuednisnigs Ij subsp. kernensis, were greater than 60 mm. grew more slowly with perianth length than did Floral parameter lengths. Analysis of seven the styles for the other species, differences of2.1- floral parameters, plotted against perianth length 3.9 standard deviations (P = 0.04-0.0001). and analyzed with linear regression, revealed that Table 4 gives the mean values and standard every floral parameter for every species scaled deviation ofthe mean for the floral characteristics. with the perianth length with two exceptions. Significantly-larger mean values are in bold type; First, the staminodes for every species except B. significantly-smaller values are in italics; the terrestris subsp. kernensis did not scale with differences here range from 4.4-10 standard devia- perianth length. The staminodes for B. terrestris tions (P<10"'^). Six of the seven characteristics of subsp. kernensis scaled with perianth length much B. filifolia and B. orcuttii were significantly- the same as every other non-corolla floral smaller than at least one ofthe other two species; ; parameter, which had slopes of 0.11 to 0.17. in contrast, six of the seven characteristics of B. (This slope value means that for every 10 mm santcu'osae were significantly-larger than at least enlargement ofthe corolla, the other part length- one of the other two species. Interestingly, B. , espnescibeys1.h1atdo 1f.i7ttmedmsloonpeasvercaognes.i)stAelnltofwitthehoztehreor stemrarlelsetrrivsasluubesspa.nkderfnoeunrssiisgnhiafdictahntrleye-lsairggneirfivcaalnutelsy.- ;\ within two standard deviations. (The slope was of In addition, thewidth ofthe antheraxis tmissmue for csotuarmsienodeexalcetnlgythziesraolwfaoyrs zBe.ro.o)rcTuhtteiifitstiendcseloiptes Bn.evteerrrbeestcraismesuabsspn.arkreronwenassitshweamsin0.i5m-0u.m9valueafnodr i of the staminode length for B. santarosae was each the other species of0.2 mm. j ; actually negative with perianth length; i.e., there 1 was a tendency for the maximum staminode Conclusions and Discussion ' length to decrease with increasing perianth length. However, the slope value was only 1.4 Brodiaea santarosae merits designation at the times its standard deviation, consistent with zero. rank of species. The plants are taxonomically Second, the perianth tube and ovary length for distinct in a number of significant features from j B. santarosae did not scale with perianth length. all other Brodiaea species, and in fact are among It is tempting to say that these values have simply the most distinctive Brodiaea species. The plants reached their maximum values for the large are not direct hybrids of B. filifolia and B. flowers of this species, but both characteristics orcuttii, nor are they part of a hybrid swarm had a significant positive slope for B. terrestris between those species. The plants form a homo- subsp. kernensis, which had equally large flowers. geneous population with a well-defined geo- These two exceptional traits add to the suite of graphic range. Further, as is often the case for i characters that make B. santarosae distinctive. many recently-recognized species, this species is

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