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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Оренбургский государственный университет» И.В. Вержинская BROADEN YOUR MIND IN THE WORLD OF TRANSLATION Рекомендовано ученым советом федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Оренбургский государственный университет» в качестве учебного пособия для студентов, обучающихся по программам высшего образования по направлению подготовки 45.03.02 Лингвистика Оренбург 2016 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» УДК 811. 111(075.8) ББК 81. 432. 1я73 В 31 Рецензент – доцент, кандидат филологических наук О. А. Агаркова Вержинская, И. В. В 31 Broaden your mind in the world of translation: учебное пособие / И. В. Вержинская; Оренбургский гос. ун-т. – Оренбург : ОГУ, 2016. – 107 с. ISBN 978-5-7410-1564-3 Учебное пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов второго курса по направлению подготовки 45.03.02 Лингвистика по дисциплине «Практический курс второго иностранного языка». Языковой материал представлен в восьми тематических разделах, включающих тексты разговорных тем, изучаемых студентами в течение всего курса. Каждый текст пособия завершается лексическим минимумом, необходимым для адекватного восприятия текста, а также комплексом лексических и грамматических упражнений и упражнений на перевод, направленных на совершенствование умений и навыков развития устной и письменной речи. В конце каждого тематического раздела представлен список слов и выражений для закрепления изучаемого материала. Пособие направлено на расширение кругозора и фоновых знаний обучающихся в сфере изучаемой дисциплины, а также на совершенствование навыков перевода. УДК 811. 111(075.8) ББК 81. 432. 1я73 ISBN 978-5-7410-1564-3 © Вержинская И.В., 2016 © ОГУ, 2016 2 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Содержание Введение…………………………………………………………………………. 4 1 Unit Family life………………………………………………………................ 6 2 Unit Housing standards………………………………………………………… 16 3 Unit Education………………………………………………………………….. 27 4 Unit Biology……………………………………………………………………. 43 5 Unit Medicine…………………………………………………………………... 50 6 Unit Bacteria……………………………………………………………………. 62 7 Unit Cities and towns………………………………………………................... 68 8 Unit Travelling………………………………………………………................. 78 Список использованных источников………………………………….....………....….... 89 Приложение А Personalities…………………………………………………….. 91 Приложение Б Irregular verbs………………………………………………......... 101 3 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Введение Учебное пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов второго курса по направлению подготовки 45.03.02 Лингвистика по дисциплине «Практический курс второго иностранного языка» (III, IV семестры ФГОС ВО 45.03.02) . Языковой материал представлен в восьми тематических разделах: Family life (Семейная жизнь), Housing standards (Жилищные стандарты), Education (Образование), Biology (Биология), Medicine (Медицина), Bacteria (Бактерия), Cities and towns (Большие и малые города), Travelling (Путешествие), включающих тексты разговорных тем, изучаемых студентами в течение всего курса. Каждый текст пособия завершается лексическим минимумом (Words on Family Life (cлова по теме «Семья»)), Words on Housing standards (слова по теме «Дом»), Words on Education (слова по теме «Образование»), Words on Medicine (слова по теме «Медицина») Words on Cities and towns (слова по теме «Город»), Words on Travelling (слова по теме «Путешествие»)), необходимым для адекватного восприятия текста, а также комплексом лексических и грамматических упражнений (Learning activities) и упражнений на перевод, направленных на совершенствование умений и навыков развития устной и письменной речи. Тексты пособия заимствованы из энциклопедического лингвострановедческого словаря Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia. Написанные преимущественно носителями языка тексты сохраняют авторский стиль, не подвергались адаптации и лишь в отдельных случаях были несколько сокращены. Цель пособия - ознакомить студентов с интересными событиями и фактами из истории, географии стран изучаемого языка, особенностями культуры и быта народов, населяющих их, традициями их свободного времяпрепровождения, а также малоизвестными фактами из текстов общей тематики. Пособие направлено на совершенствование навыков перевода, расширение кругозора и фоновых знаний обучающихся в сфере изучаемой дисциплины. 4 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Тематические словники разделов данного пособия могут быть полезны как студентам для самостоятельного изучения, так и преподавателям для проведения итоговых контрольных работ и тестов. В конце пособия помещены приложения. Приложение А (Personalities (Персоналии)) рекомендуется для изучения, так как содержит ознакомительные тексты биографий и сферы творчества выдающихся ученых, медиков и педагогов. Информация данного приложения может оказаться полезной студентам и широкому кругу читателей при подготовке докладов и рефератов. Приложение Б (Irregular verbs (Неправильные глаголы)) является незаменимым при выполнении лексико - грамматических упражнений как по текстам данного пособия, так и по текстам других тематик, так как содержит актуальный материал о форме и особенностях неправильных глаголов. 5 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 1 Unit Family life Family system in the US In terms of organization, the family system in the United States emphasizes monogamy, neolocal residence, a modified-extended kinship linkage, bilateral descent and inheritance, egalitarian decision making, endogamous marriage, and a relatively free choice of mate selection. It is estimated that 95 percent or more of the existing population either have married or will marry. The majority of those still single are likely to marry at some point in their lives, and most divorced persons remarry. American families tend to be small and, compared with other countries, rather isolated; marital and family roles for men and women are overlapping more and more; love is emphasized in mate selection; divorce is granted easily. Rates of marriage are influenced by a variety of factors. The rate characteristically falls during periods of economic recession and rises during periods of prosperity. The rate also tends to rise at the beginning of a war and again after a war has ended. Variations in the age of the population are also influential. Most marriages are between people of roughly the same age, though people are free to marry someone considerably older or younger within the legal limits determined by each state. In 1900 the median age at first marriage was 25.9 for men and 21.9 for women. In 1994 the figures were 26.7 and 24.5 respectively. Recently people have been postponing marriage until they are older, which reflects a decision by young people to live independently as they pursue higher education or job opportunities. In the decade of the 1970s there was a sharp increase in those who have never married. In 1970 one out of every ten women age 25 to 29 had never married. By 1980 this proportion had doubled to one in five. For men it was one in five in 1970 and one in three in 1980. Research on such societies as those in Greece, India, Middle Eastern countries, North Africa, and Latin America suggests that family systems are moving toward patterns seen in the United States and other developed nations. A number of societies are ahead of the United States in instituting family policies intended to improve the welfare of the 6 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» society and of families within it. In several Western European countries, legislation provides financial assistance to deal with family or marital problems. In many developing countries governments have participated in planned-parenthood programs to limit and decrease family size. Some evidence suggests that there is a worldwide trend toward greater involvement of women in decision-making processes, and of youth in the selection of their marital partners, an increasing divorce rate, and modifications in extended family patterns. Within the United States three new marital and family lifestyles seem to be emerging in the second half of the 20th century: unmarried partners living together, childless marriages, and dual-career marriages. Most married couples have or want to have children. Voluntary childless marriages are uncommon but increasing. In 1990 there were 4.2 million births, a rate of 16.7 per 1,000 population. Like marriage rates, birthrates fluctuate with wars, socioeconomic conditions, and other variables, as was evident in the "baby boom" following World War II. By about 1900 the birthrate was more than 30 per 1,000 population, decreasing to 19.4 in 1940, and increasing to 25 by the mid-1950s. Childless marriages, or at least a delay in having a first child, appear to be another emerging family lifestyle. Nearly 7 percent of all married or previously married women age 40 to 44 were childless in the early 1980s. These figures increase dramatically as the age of married women decreases. For example, it increases to 26.2 percent among 25- to 29-year-old married women, 40.5 among those 20 to 24, and 48.5 among those 15 to 19 years of age. These younger age groups have not completed their child-bearing years, however, and most expect to have children at some time in their lives. Couples who are unmarried or are simply living together are more likely to be childless. Among these couples a desire for children, pregnancy, or the birth of a child often leads to marriage. The United States has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. In 1988 it was 4.8 per 1,000 persons compared with 3.1 in Canada, 2.9 in the United Kingdom, 2.4 in Australia, 2.1 in Sweden, 1.3 in Israel and Japan, and 0.6 in China. Like marriage rates, divorce rates tend to decline in times of economic depression and rise during periods of prosperity. Approximately one half of all divorces are among persons in their 20s, and the 7 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» rate is exceptionally high among teenagers. Divorce is also most frequent in the first three years after marriage, and the incidence is higher among lower socioeconomic levels. Living together more formally known as nonmarital heterosexual cohabitation, has become a common phenomenon. In the early 1990s more than 3 million unmarried couples lived together, six times the number of 1970. Living together is not confined to the young adult population, by any means. In fact, more than one fourth of all unmarried couples living together in the early 1980s were between 25 and 34 years old, and an additional 19 percent were 45 and over. It does not appear to be a substitute for marriage, a cure-all for marital problems, or a solution to the problem of frequent divorce. Most cohabiting relationships are short-term, but the longer couples live together the more likely they are to marry eventually. Unmarried couples have problems similar to those of married couples. Dual-career marriages are a third emerging pattern. One of the important social changes since World War II has been an increase of women in the labor force. In 1940, despite a sharp increase in the number of working wives during the Great Depression of the 1930s, only 15 percent of all married women living with their husbands held an outside job. By 1960 the proportion had risen to 32 percent and by 1980 to about 50 percent. Today more than half of all married women age 35 years or younger hold jobs outside the home. The proportion of married women in the labor force is highest among those who have no small children-80 percent. Most of these employed women are in clerical or service work with earnings well below that of their male counterparts. Arrangements of this type might be termed dual-employment marriages rather than dual-career marriages. The word career is often used to designate a job that involves a higher level of commitment than one taken primarily to increase the family income. But some women managers encountered setbacks early in their careers when they needed more time at home for children. In a growing trend of the late 1980s-labeled the "mommy track"-they were identified as career-and-family workers (in contrast to those being groomed on the career- primary level). Executive programs with flexible workdays allowed them to foster their talents, though at a slower pace of advancement, while nurturing their young families. Vocabulary 8 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» kinship – родство, подобие, сходство bilateral descent – двойное происхождение egalitarian – поборник равноправия, эгалитарист endogamous marriage – эндогамный брак to overlap – перекрывать, совпадать to fluctuate – меняться, колебаться commitment – вручение, передача setback – регресс, препятствие nurture – воспитание, выращивание Learning activities 1 Answer the following questions: 1 What does the family system in the United States emphasize? 2 The rate characteristically falls during periods of economic recession and rises during periods of prosperity, doesn’t it? 3 What problems do unmarried couples have? 4 What are cohabiting relationships? 5 Is the proportion of married women highest or lowest among those who have no small children? 6 Who encountered setbacks early in their careers when they needed more time at home for children? 7 Executive programs with flexible workdays allowed them to foster their talents, though at a slower pace of advancement, while nurturing their young families, didn’t they? 2 Transcribe the words from the text and use one of them in the sentence of your own: monogamy, egalitarian, endogamous, recession, fluctuate, heterosexual cohabitation, pregnancy, earnings, commitment, setback, foster. 3 Match the words in the box to their definitions: inheritance pregnancy family marriage kinship mate divorce career incidence commitment nurture 9 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 1 separation, partition, dissociation, breach; 2 the state of being married; relation between husband and wife; married life; wedlock; matrimony; 3 ownership by virtue of birthright; 4 dedication to a long-term course of action; engagement; involvement; 5 the condition, quality, or period of being pregnant; 6 a profession or occupation which one trains for and pursues as a lifework; 7 family relationship; close connection; 8 anything that nourishes; food; nutriment; 9 partner, comrade, schoolfellow; 10 social unit consisting of parents and the children they rear; 11 the act, fact, or manner of falling upon or influencing. 4 Translate the following words and phrases into English: моногамия, родство, брак, уровень рождаемости, неженатые пары, семейный доход, карьера, неудача, препятствие. 5 Ask all types of questions to the following sentences: 1 It is estimated that 95 percent or more of the existing population either have married or will marry. 2 Variations in the age of the population are also influential. 3 Like marriage rates, birthrates fluctuate with wars, socioeconomic conditions, and other variables, as was evident in the "baby boom" following World War II. 4 Approximately one half of all divorces are among persons in their 20s, and the rate is exceptionally high among teenagers. 5 In several Western European countries, legislation provides financial assistance to deal with family or marital problems. 6 One of the important social changes since World War II has been an increase of women in the labor force. 7 Executive programs with flexible workdays allowed them to foster their talents, though at a slower pace of advancement, while nurturing their young families. 10

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