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Broadband Optical Access Networks PDF

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D3pZ4i & bhgvld & rosea (for softarchive) Stole src from http://avaxho.me/blogs/exlib/ BROADBAND OPTICAL ACCESS NETWORKS BROADBAND OPTICAL ACCESS NETWORKS LEONID G. KAZOVSKY NING CHENG WEI-TAO SHAW DAVID GUTIERREZ SHING-WA WONG AJOHNWILEY&SONS,INC.,PUBLICATION Copyright(cid:1)C 2011byJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformor byanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanning,orotherwise,exceptas permittedunderSections107or108ofthe1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withouteithertheprior writtenpermissionofthePublisher,orauthorizationthroughpaymentoftheappropriateper-copyfeeto theCopyrightClearanceCenter,Inc.,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers,MA01923,(978)750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the web at www.copyright.com. 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ISBN978-0-470-18235-2 PrintedinSingapore oBookISBN:9780470910931 ePDFISBN:9780470910924 ePubISBN:9780470922675 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D3pZ4i & bhgvld & rosea (for softarchive) Stole src from http://avaxho.me/blogs/exlib/ CONTENTS FOREWORD xi PREFACE xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xv 1 BROADBANDACCESSTECHNOLOGIES:ANOVERVIEW 1 1.1 CommunicationNetworks / 2 1.2 AccessTechnologies / 4 1.2.1 Last-MileBottleneck / 4 1.2.2 AccessTechnologiesCompared / 5 1.3 DigitalSubscriberLine / 6 1.3.1 DSLStandards / 7 1.3.2 ModulationMethods / 8 1.3.3 VoiceoverDSL / 8 1.4 HybridFiberCoax / 9 1.4.1 CableModem / 10 1.4.2 DOCSIS / 10 1.5 OpticalAccessNetworks / 11 1.5.1 PassiveOpticalNetworks / 11 1.5.2 PONStandardDevelopment / 12 1.5.3 WDMPONs / 13 1.5.4 OtherTypesofOpticalAccessNetworks / 15 v vi CONTENTS 1.6 BroadbandoverPowerLines / 18 1.6.1 Power-LineCommunications / 18 1.6.2 BPLModem / 19 1.6.3 ChallengesinBPL / 20 1.7 WirelessAccessTechnologies / 20 1.7.1 Wi-FiMeshNetworks / 21 1.7.2 WiMAXAccessNetworks / 22 1.7.3 CellularNetworks / 24 1.7.4 SatelliteSystems / 25 1.7.5 LMDSandMMDSSystems / 26 1.8 BroadbandServicesandEmergingTechnologies / 28 1.8.1 BroadbandAccessServices / 29 1.8.2 EmergingTechnologies / 30 1.9 Summary / 31 References / 33 2 OPTICALCOMMUNICATIONS:COMPONENTS ANDSYSTEMS 34 2.1 OpticalFibers / 35 2.1.1 FiberStructure / 35 2.1.2 FiberMode / 38 2.1.3 FiberLoss / 45 2.1.4 FiberDispersion / 47 2.1.5 NonlinearEffects / 52 2.1.6 Light-WavePropagationinOpticalFibers / 54 2.2 OpticalTransmitters / 55 2.2.1 SemiconductorLasers / 55 2.2.2 OpticalModulators / 66 2.2.3 TransmitterDesign / 71 2.3 OpticalReceivers / 72 2.3.1 Photodetectors / 73 2.3.2 OpticalReceiverDesign / 76 2.4 OpticalAmplifiers / 78 2.4.1 Rare-Earth-DopedFiberAmplifiers / 81 2.4.2 SemiconductorOpticalAmplifiers / 83 2.4.3 RamanAmplifiers / 85 2.5 PassiveOpticalComponents / 86 2.5.1 DirectionalCouplers / 86 2.5.2 OpticalFilters / 89 CONTENTS vii 2.6 SystemDesignandAnalysis / 93 2.6.1 ReceiverSensitivity / 93 2.6.2 PowerBudget / 98 2.6.3 DispersionLimit / 99 2.7 OpticalTransceiverDesignforTDMPONs / 101 2.7.1 Burst-ModeOpticalTransmission / 102 2.7.2 ColorlessONUs / 104 2.8 Summary / 106 References / 107 3 PASSIVEOPTICALNETWORKS:ARCHITECTURES ANDPROTOCOLS 108 3.1 PONArchitectures / 109 3.1.1 NetworkDimensioningandBandwidth / 110 3.1.2 PowerBudget / 110 3.1.3 Burst-ModeOperation / 112 3.1.4 PONPacketFormatandEncapsulation / 113 3.1.5 DynamicBandwidthAllocation,Ranging, andDiscovery / 114 3.1.6 ReliabilityandSecurityConcerns / 114 3.2 PONStandardsHistoryandDeployment / 115 3.2.1 BriefDevelopmentalHistory / 115 3.2.2 FTTxDeployments / 116 3.3 BroadbandPON / 117 3.3.1 BPONArchitecture / 118 3.3.2 BPONProtocolandService / 121 3.3.3 BPONTransmissionConvergenceLayer / 125 3.3.4 BPONDynamicBandwidthAllocation / 130 3.3.5 OtherITU-TG.983.xRecommendations / 133 3.4 Gigabit-CapablePON / 133 3.4.1 GPONPhysicalMedium–DependentLayer / 134 3.4.2 GPONTransmissionConvergenceLayer / 137 3.4.3 RecentG.984SeriesStandards,Revisions,and Amendments / 142 3.5 EthernetPON / 144 3.5.1 EPONArchitecture / 144 3.5.2 EPONPoint-to-MultipointMACControl / 147 3.5.3 OpenImplementationsinEPON / 152 3.5.4 UnresolvedSecurityWeaknesses / 155 viii CONTENTS 3.6 IEEE802.av-200910GEPONStandard / 156 3.6.1 10GEPONPMDArchitecture / 156 3.6.2 10GEPONMACModifications / 158 3.6.3 10GEPONCoexistenceOptions / 161 3.7 Next-GenerationOpticalAccessSystemDevelopment intheStandards / 162 3.7.1 FSANNGARoadMap / 162 3.7.2 EnergyEfficiency / 163 3.7.3 OtherWorldwideDevelopment / 164 3.8 Summary / 164 References / 165 4 NEXT-GENERATIONBROADBANDOPTICAL ACCESSNETWORKS 166 4.1 TDM-PONEvolution / 167 4.1.1 EPONBandwidthEnhancements / 168 4.1.2 GPONBandwidthEnhancements / 168 4.1.3 LineRateEnhancementsResearch / 169 4.2 WDM-PONComponentsandNetworkArchitectures / 172 4.2.1 ColorlessONUs / 173 4.2.2 TunableLasersandReceivers / 174 4.2.3 Spectrum-SlicedBroadbandLightSources / 176 4.2.4 Injection-LockedFPLasers / 178 4.2.5 CentralizedLightSourceswithRSOAs / 179 4.2.6 MultimodeFiber / 181 4.3 HybridTDM/WDM-PON / 184 4.3.1 TDM-PONtoWDM-PONEvolution / 184 4.3.2 HybridTreeTopologyEvolution / 186 4.3.3 TreetoRingTopologyEvolution / 195 4.4 WDM-PONProtocolsandSchedulingAlgorithms / 202 4.4.1 MACProtocols / 203 4.4.2 SchedulingAlgorithms / 204 4.5 Summary / 211 References / 211 5 HYBRIDOPTICALWIRELESSACCESSNETWORKS 216 5.1 WirelessAccessTechnologies / 217 5.1.1 IEEE802.16WiMAX / 217 5.1.2 WirelessMeshNetworks / 225

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