INDEX TO BRITTONIA VOLUME 59 (2007) All new plant taxa, new combinations, and lectotypifications are indicated by boldface type. Authors and titles of articles published in this volume are included in this index. Personal names are listed only when new taxa are based on them (eponyms), or when the article con- tains substantial information about the person. Countries are cited only for types of new taxa, for range extensions, when mentioned in the title of an article, or when the article contains substantial information about a country. Plant names of associated species and names men- tioned incidentally are not included here. Accara, 302 104; T. J. Motley, N. Zerega & H. Cross, 2006, Darwin’s Adenia acuta, 320; antongilliana, 320; ecirrosa, 321; epigea Harvest. New Approaches to the Origins, Evolution, and var. stylosa, 317; kigogoensis, 309; litoralis, 311; /ongestipi- Conservation of Crops, 102; H. Pickering, 2006, Wild tata, 321; medadiana, 315; metamorpha, 313; pachyphylla, Flowers of Mombacho Nicaragua, 105 321; stylosa, 317 Brazil, 7, 11, 21, 29, 58, 61, 182, 227, 229, 234, 301, 334, 337, Adenophorus, 151 339, 374 Africa, 159 Bromeliaceae, 57 Akrosida floribunda, 385 Browningia, 294 Alcantarea tortuosa, 61; turgida, 58 Brownsey, P. J.: see Leon R. Perrie Almeda, F.: see Jodo Luiz M. Aranha Filho Bulbostylis amambayensis, 89; aphylla, 89; brevifolia, 89; Amaranthaceae subfam. Gomphrenoideae, 255, 275 closii, 94; major, 94, scabra f. evolutior, 94; spectabilis, 89 Andropogon brevifolius, 72; brevifolius var. leptotherus, 72; Burseraceae, 1-24 flaccidus, 69, floridus, 69; tenellus, 69 Cactaceae, 290-297 Anemia australis, 196; tomentosa var. australis, 196 Caesalpinia hintonii, 33; oyamae, 34 Arakaki, Ménica, Douglas E. Soltis & Pablo Speranza: New Calamus albidus, 352; macrorhynchus oxycarpus, 351 chromosome counts and evidence of polyploidy in Haageo- Callipteris andina, 197 cereus and related genera in tribe Trichocereeae and other Campbell, L.M.: see Gerardo A. Aymard C. tribes of Cactaceae, 290-297 Capparicordis, 246; crotonoides, 248: tweediana, 251; Arbo, M. M.: see Myriam C. Peichoto yunckeri, 251 Arecaceae, 350 Capparis cordata, 248; crotonoides, 248; sidaefolia, 251; twee- Athyrium latinervatum, 186 diana, 251; yunckeri, 251 Aulonemia yanachagensis, 84 Casparia lunarioides, 359, monantha, 364; purpusii, 363; Austrocylindropuntia, 294 ramosissima, 363; retifolia, 365; runyonii, 363; unguicularis, Autopolyploidy, 217 363; uniflora, 364 Aymard C., Gerardo A. & Lisa M. Campbell: A new species of Cheilanthes glutinosa, 188 Securidaca (Polygalaceae) from sandstone outcrops in the China, 243, 350 Venezuelan Andes, 328-333 Clase G., T.: see Paul A. Fryxell Bacon, J.: see Claudia Scareli-Santos Cleistocactus, 290, 293; acanthurus, 293; fieldianus, 293; Bactris nancibaensis, 354 sepium, 293; serpens, 293 Ballard, Jr., H. E.: see Ross A. McCauley Colicodendron crotonoides, 248; tweedianum, 251 Barleria brownei, 208; costaricense, 209; dariense, 209; pyra- Colin, R.T.: see Miriam P. Ramirez-de Anda midata, 209; pyramidatum, 209 Colombia, 54 Bauhinia bartlettii, 358; macranthera, 359; monantha, 364, Cornejo, X.: see Hugh H. Iltis; see Ricarda Riina purpusii, 363; ramosissima, 363; ramosissima vat. ramosis- Corryocactus, 294 sima, 363; ramosissima var. uniflora, 364; retifolia, 365; Costa Rica, 15, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206 runyonii, 363; unguicularis, 363; uniflora, 364 Croton balsensis, 380 Bayly, M. J.: see Leon R. Perrie Croton churutensis, 97 Berry, P. E.: see Ricarda Riina Ctenitis bigarellae, 29 Bigarella, Jodo José, 32 Ctenopteris achilleifolia, 184; gradata, 184; schwackei, 185 Biogeography, 108-181 Cuatrecasas, José, 3 Bolivia, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 343, 346, 378 Curitiba, 302; prismatica, 302 Book reviews: P.V. Bruyns, 2005, Stapeliads of Southern Cyperaceae, 88, 377 Africa and Madagascar, 298; W. D. Hawthorne, D. Jules, Daly, Douglas C.: A new section of Protium from the neotrop- & G. Marcelle, 2004, Caribbean Spice Island Plants, 390; ics. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae XIII, 1-24 S. E. Kingsland, 2005, The Evolution of American Ecol- Dean, Ellen A., Genevieve K. Walden & Sarah L. Thrasher: Ly- ogy, 1890-2000, 389; P. Martin & S. Folsom, 2006, Wild cianthes pringlei (Solanaceae), a rarely collected shrub of Orchids of the Pacific Northwest and Canadian Rockies, western Mexico, 49-53 Brittonia, 59(4), 2007, pp. 392-395. ISSUED: 28 December 2007 © 2007, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A. INDEX TO BRITTONIA VOLUME 59 (2007) All new plant taxa, new combinations, and lectotypifications are indicated by boldface type. Authors and titles of articles published in this volume are included in this index. Personal names are listed only when new taxa are based on them (eponyms), or when the article con- tains substantial information about the person. Countries are cited only for types of new taxa, for range extensions, when mentioned in the title of an article, or when the article contains substantial information about a country. Plant names of associated species and names men- tioned incidentally are not included here. Accara, 302 104; T. J. Motley, N. Zerega & H. Cross, 2006, Darwin’s Adenia acuta, 320; antongilliana, 320; ecirrosa, 321; epigea Harvest. New Approaches to the Origins, Evolution, and var. stylosa, 317; kigogoensis, 309; litoralis, 311; /ongestipi- Conservation of Crops, 102; H. Pickering, 2006, Wild tata, 321; medadiana, 315; metamorpha, 313; pachyphylla, Flowers of Mombacho Nicaragua, 105 321; stylosa, 317 Brazil, 7, 11, 21, 29, 58, 61, 182, 227, 229, 234, 301, 334, 337, Adenophorus, 151 339, 374 Africa, 159 Bromeliaceae, 57 Akrosida floribunda, 385 Browningia, 294 Alcantarea tortuosa, 61; turgida, 58 Brownsey, P. J.: see Leon R. Perrie Almeda, F.: see Jodo Luiz M. Aranha Filho Bulbostylis amambayensis, 89; aphylla, 89; brevifolia, 89; Amaranthaceae subfam. Gomphrenoideae, 255, 275 closii, 94; major, 94, scabra f. evolutior, 94; spectabilis, 89 Andropogon brevifolius, 72; brevifolius var. leptotherus, 72; Burseraceae, 1-24 flaccidus, 69, floridus, 69; tenellus, 69 Cactaceae, 290-297 Anemia australis, 196; tomentosa var. australis, 196 Caesalpinia hintonii, 33; oyamae, 34 Arakaki, Ménica, Douglas E. Soltis & Pablo Speranza: New Calamus albidus, 352; macrorhynchus oxycarpus, 351 chromosome counts and evidence of polyploidy in Haageo- Callipteris andina, 197 cereus and related genera in tribe Trichocereeae and other Campbell, L.M.: see Gerardo A. Aymard C. tribes of Cactaceae, 290-297 Capparicordis, 246; crotonoides, 248: tweediana, 251; Arbo, M. M.: see Myriam C. Peichoto yunckeri, 251 Arecaceae, 350 Capparis cordata, 248; crotonoides, 248; sidaefolia, 251; twee- Athyrium latinervatum, 186 diana, 251; yunckeri, 251 Aulonemia yanachagensis, 84 Casparia lunarioides, 359, monantha, 364; purpusii, 363; Austrocylindropuntia, 294 ramosissima, 363; retifolia, 365; runyonii, 363; unguicularis, Autopolyploidy, 217 363; uniflora, 364 Aymard C., Gerardo A. & Lisa M. Campbell: A new species of Cheilanthes glutinosa, 188 Securidaca (Polygalaceae) from sandstone outcrops in the China, 243, 350 Venezuelan Andes, 328-333 Clase G., T.: see Paul A. Fryxell Bacon, J.: see Claudia Scareli-Santos Cleistocactus, 290, 293; acanthurus, 293; fieldianus, 293; Bactris nancibaensis, 354 sepium, 293; serpens, 293 Ballard, Jr., H. E.: see Ross A. McCauley Colicodendron crotonoides, 248; tweedianum, 251 Barleria brownei, 208; costaricense, 209; dariense, 209; pyra- Colin, R.T.: see Miriam P. Ramirez-de Anda midata, 209; pyramidatum, 209 Colombia, 54 Bauhinia bartlettii, 358; macranthera, 359; monantha, 364, Cornejo, X.: see Hugh H. Iltis; see Ricarda Riina purpusii, 363; ramosissima, 363; ramosissima vat. ramosis- Corryocactus, 294 sima, 363; ramosissima var. uniflora, 364; retifolia, 365; Costa Rica, 15, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206 runyonii, 363; unguicularis, 363; uniflora, 364 Croton balsensis, 380 Bayly, M. J.: see Leon R. Perrie Croton churutensis, 97 Berry, P. E.: see Ricarda Riina Ctenitis bigarellae, 29 Bigarella, Jodo José, 32 Ctenopteris achilleifolia, 184; gradata, 184; schwackei, 185 Biogeography, 108-181 Cuatrecasas, José, 3 Bolivia, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 343, 346, 378 Curitiba, 302; prismatica, 302 Book reviews: P.V. Bruyns, 2005, Stapeliads of Southern Cyperaceae, 88, 377 Africa and Madagascar, 298; W. D. Hawthorne, D. Jules, Daly, Douglas C.: A new section of Protium from the neotrop- & G. Marcelle, 2004, Caribbean Spice Island Plants, 390; ics. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae XIII, 1-24 S. E. Kingsland, 2005, The Evolution of American Ecol- Dean, Ellen A., Genevieve K. Walden & Sarah L. Thrasher: Ly- ogy, 1890-2000, 389; P. Martin & S. Folsom, 2006, Wild cianthes pringlei (Solanaceae), a rarely collected shrub of Orchids of the Pacific Northwest and Canadian Rockies, western Mexico, 49-53 Brittonia, 59(4), 2007, pp. 392-395. ISSUED: 28 December 2007 © 2007, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A. 2007] INDEX 393 Deprea nubicola, 54 Gragas Lapa Wanderley, M. das: see Leonardo M. Versieux Dicranopteris, 129 Grammitis achilleifolia, 184; gradata, 184 Dioscorea howardiana, 370 Granville, Jean-Jacques de: A new species of Bactris (Palmae) Dioscoreaceae, 370 from French Guiana, 354-356 Diplazium andicola, 196; andinum, 197; bipinnatum, 188; Grayana, 359 bolivianum, 190; bombonasae var. petiolulatum, 197; gran- Guo, Lixiu & Andrew Henderson: Notes on Calamus (Palmae) difolium var. andicola, 196; petiolulatum, 197; yuyoense, in China: C. oxycarpus, C. albidus, and C. macrorhynchus, 190 350-353 Dodecatheon, 79-82, 81; austrofrigidum, 81; clevelandii, 81; Guyana, 19 clevelandii subsp. insulare, 81; conjugens, 81; cusickii, 81; Gymnacanthus campestris, 210 dentatum var. utahense, 82; ellisiae, 82; frigidum, 81; hen- Haageocereus, 290, 293; acranthus subsp. acranthus, 293; dersonii, 81; jeffreyi, 81; jeffreyi var. redolens, 81; meadia, acranthus subsp. ollowinskianus, 293; australis, 293; cha- 81; meadia var. amethystinum, 81; meadia var. frenchii, 81; laensis, 293; decumbens, 293; fulvus, 293; icosagonoides, meadia var. latilobum, 81; meadia var. macrocarpum, 82; 293; multangularis, 293; pacalaensis, 293; pacalaensis patulum var. gracile, 81; pauciflorum, 81, 82; pauciflorum subsp. repens, 293; platinospinus, 293; pseudomelanostele, var. shoshonense, 82; poeticum, 82; pulchellum var. distolum, 293; pseudoversicolor, 293; tenuis, 293; versicolor, 293 81; subalpinum, 82; tetrandrum, 82; viscidum, 81; zionense, Hanks, J. G.: see Germinal Rouhan 82 Hatch, S. L.: see David J. Rosen Dolichoura kollmannii, 227; spiritusanctensis, 229 Haufler, Christopher H.: Genetics, phylogenetics, and biogeog- Dominican Republic, 385 raphy: Considering how shifting paradigms and continents Dryopteris, 146 influence fern diversity, 108-114 Echinopsis, 293 Hawaii, 142 Ecuador, 97, 343 Hearn, David J.: Novelties in Adenia (Passifloraceae): Four new Eleocharis steinbachii, 378 species, a new combination, a vegetative key, and diagnostic Epicuticular wax, 37 characters for known Madagascan species, 308-327 Eriosorus angustus, 191; ascendens, 192; madidiensis, 192 Henderson, A.: see Lixiu Guo Eriosyce, 294 Heng, L.: see Jin Xiaohua Espostoa, 290; blossfeldiorum, 293; lanata, 293; senilis, 293 Herrera-Arroyo, M. L.: see Claudia Scareli-Santos Eugenia prismatica, 302 Hybridization, 37 Euphorbiaceae, 97, 380 Hymenophyllum, 148 Fabaceae, 357 Hypolepis minima, 194; scandens, 193 Ferns, 108-197 Iltis, Hugh H. & Xavier Cornejo: Studies in the Capparaceae Filho, Joao Luiz M. Aranha, Peter W. Fritsch, Frank Almeda & XXX: Capparicordis, a new genus from the neotropics, 245- Angela B. Martins: Symplocos saxatilis (Symplocaceae), a 254 new dioecious species from Serra do Cip6, Minas Gerais, lonta, G.: see Walter S. Judd Brazil, 233-237 ITS, 275-289 Franca, Flavio & Carolyn E.B. Proenga: Vochysia palmirana Janssen, Thomas, Hans-Peter Kreier & Harald Schneider: Ori- (Vochysiaceae), a new species from Goids and Tocantins, gin and diversification of African ferns with special emphasis Brazil, 374-376 on Polypodiaceae, 159-181 French Guiana, 354 Jiménez, Ivan, 195 Fritsch, P.W.: see Jodo Luiz M. Aranha Filho Judd, Walter S., Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis & Gretchen Froelichia, 255-289 lonta: Tolmiea diplomenziesii: A new species from the Pa- Fryxell, Paul A. & Teodoro Clase G.: Akrosida floribunda (Mal- cific Northwest and the diploid sister taxon of the autote- vaceae), a new arborescent mallow from the Dominican Re- traploid 7: menziesii (Saxifragaceae), 217-225 public, 385-388 Judziewicz, Emmet J. & Christopher D. Tyrrell: Aulonemia Galipea maxima, 343; ramiflora, 346 yanachagensis (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae): A Geeta, R.: see Oswaldo Téllez-Valdés new species from central Peru, 83-87 Geiger, Jennifer M.O., Tom A. Ranker, Jennifer M. Ramp Kallunki, J. A.: see Jose R. Pirani Neale & Susan T. Klimas: Molecular biogeography and ori- Karyology, 290-297 gins of the Hawaiian fern flora, 142-158 Kessler, Michael & Alan R. Smith: New species and other Gentry, Howard Scott, 372 nomenclatural changes for ferns from Bolivia, 186-197 Gleichenia, 129 Klimas, S. T.: see Jennifer M.O. Geiger Goldenberg, Renato & Marcelo Reginato: Three new species of Kreier, H.: see Thomas Janssen Melastomataceae from the Southeastern Atlantic Forest of Labiak, P. H.: see Pedro Bond Schwartsburd Brazil, 334-342 Labiak, Paulo Henrique & Fernando Bittencourt Matos: A new Goldenberg, Renato & Rafael dos Anjos Mendes Tavares: A hybrid and two new combinations in neotropical grammitid new species of Dolichoura (Melastomataceae) and broad- ferns, 182-185 ened circumscription of the genus, 226-232 Landrum, L. R.: see Andrew M. Salywon Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A.: see Claudia Scareli-Santos Lasiocereus fulvus, 293; rupicola, 293 Gordillo, M.M.: see Victor W. Steinmann Lehnebach, C. A.: see Leon R. Perrie 394 INDEX [VOL. 59 Lellingeria, 155 Pirani, Jose R. & Jacquelyn A. Kallunki: Two new species of Lewis, G. P.: see Solange Sotuyo Galipea (Rutaceae, Galipeae) from Bolivia, Ecuador, and Listera fugongensis, 243 Peru, 343-349 Lopez, M. Gabriela, Ana Pauia Prata & W. Wayt Thomas: New Polygalaceae, 328 synonymy and new distributional records in Bulbostylis Polypodium achilleifolium, 184, gradatum, 184; hirsutulum, (Cyperaceae) from South America, 88-96 185; schwackei, 185 Lycianthes pringlei, 50 Polystichum, 149 Madagascar, 308, 311, 313, 315 Porter-Utley, Kristen E.: Passiflora tacanensis, a new species of Malaxis hagsateri, 241; histionantha, 241; molotensis, 238: Passiflora subgenus Decaloba supersection Cieca from Mex- molotensis, 241; rosilloi, 241 ico, 25-28 Malvaceae, 385 Praecereus, 294 Martins, A. B.: see Jodo Luiz M. Aranha Filho Prata, A. P.: see M. Gabriela Lopez Mast, Austin R. & James L. Reveal: Transfer of Dodecatheon Primula, 79-87; sect. Dodecatheon, 81; austrofrigida, 81. to Primula (Primulaceae), 79-82 clevelandii, 81; clevelandii var. gracilis, 81; clevelandii var. Matos, F. B.: see Paulo Henrique Labiak insularis, 81; clevelandii var. patula, 81; conjugens, 81; Matucana haynei subsp. haynei, 293; haynei subsp. conjugens var. viscida, 81; fassettii, 81; fragrans, 81; herzogiana, 294 frenchii, 81; frigida, 81: hendersonii, 81; jeffreyi, 81: McCauley, Ross A. & Harvey E. Ballard, Jr.: Systematics of latiloba, 81; meadia, 81; pauciflora, 81; pauciflora var. cu- North American Froelichia (Amaranthaceae subfam. Gom- sickii, 81; pauciflora var. distola, 81; pauciflora var. phrenoideae) I: Identification of consistent morphological macrocarpa, 82: pauciflora var. monantha, 82: pauciflora variation and segregation of species complexes, 255-274 var. Shoshonensis, 82; pauciflora var. zionensis, 82; poet- McCauley, Ross A. & Harvey E. Ballard, Jr.: Systematics of ica, 82; standleyana, 82: subalpina, 82: tetrandra, 82; uta- North American Froelichia (Amaranthaceae subfam. Gom- hensis, 82 phrenoideae) Il: Phylogeny and biogeographic speciation Proenga, C. E. B.: see Favio Franca patterns inferred from nrlTS sequence data, 275-289 Protium, |-24; section Pepeanthos, \-24 ; sect. Pepeanthos, 2: McClelland, D.: see Germinal Roukan amazonicum, 6; apiculatum, 7; calendulinum, 7; fimbriatum, McDade, Lucinda A. & Erin A. Tripp: A synopsis of Costa 6; firmum, 7; gallosum, 11; minutiflorwn, 15; nitidifolium, 15: Rican Ruellia (Acanthaceae), with descriptions of four new pecuniosum, 15; retusum, 19; urophyllidium, 21 species, 199-216 Quadrella crotonoides, 248 McDade, Lucinda, 317 Quercus conzattii, 37-48; eduardii, 37-48 Meadia patula, 81 Ramirez-de Anda, Miriam P. & Rafael Torres Colin: Revision Melastomataceae, 334 taxonémica del complejo Bauhinia macranthera (Fabaceae: Merianieae, 226 Caesalpinioideae: Cercideae), un grupo endémico del centro Mexico, 25, 34, 49, 238, 357, 370, 380 y noreste de México, 357-369 Miconia kollmanii, 337; shepherdii, 334 Ranker, T. A.: see Jennifer M. O. Geiger Micropolypodium achilleifolium, 184; gradatum, 184; Reginato, M.: see Renato Goldenberg xbradei, 182 Reveal, J. L.: see Austin R. Mast Mila caespitosa, 294 Riina, Ricarda, Paul E. Berry & Xavier Cornejo: A new species Moran, R. C.: see Germina! Rouhan of “sangre de drago” (Croton section Cyclostigma, Euphor- Mosiera, 302; prismatica, 302 biaceae) from coastal Ecuador, 97-101 Myrtaceae, 301 Rosen, David J. & Stephan L Hatch: A new species of Neale, J. M. R.: see Jennifer M. O. Geiger Eleocharis subgen. Limnochloa (Cyperaceae) from Bolivia, Nicaragua, 208 377-379 Ossaea suprabasalis, 339 Rouhan, Germinal, Judith Garrison Hanks, Donald McClelland Oyama, K.: see Claudia Scareli-Santos & Robbin C. Moran: Preliminary phylogenetic analysis of Oyama, Ken, 36 the fern genus Lomariopsis (Lomarioipsidaceae), 115-128 Palmae, 350 Ruellia, 199-216; barbillana, 211; biolleyi, 209; blechum, 208; Paraprotium nitidifolium, 15 campestris, 210; cooperi, 209; costaricensis, 209; exilis, Passiflora tacanensis, 25 202: geminiflora, 210; golfodulcensis, 211; matagalpae, 208: Passifloraceae, 25, 308 metallica, 2\\; mira, 204; norvegigratiosa, 206; odorata, Peichoto, Myriam C., Maria M. Arbo, Zulma E. Rugolo de 200; pittieri, 209; stemonacanthoides, 211; tonduzii, 209 Agrasar & Viviana Solis Neffa: Identity of Schizachyrium sul- Rugolo de Agrasar, Z. E.: see Myriam C. Peichoto catum and S. brevifolium (Poaceae: Andropogoneae), 65-78 Rutaceae, 343 Perrie, Leon R., Michael J. Bayly, Carlos A. Lehnebach & Salazar, Gerardo A. & Ricardo de Santiago: A new species of Patrick J. Brownsey: Molecular phylogenetics and molecular Malaxis (Orchidaceae) from Guerrero, Mexico, 238-242 dating of the New Zealand Gleicheniaceae, 129-141 Salino, A.: see Pedro Bond Schwartsburd Peru, 83, 84, 343 Salywon, Andrew M. & Leslie R. Landrum: Curitiba (Myr- Phenetic analysis, 255-274 taceae): A new genus from the Planalto of southern Brazil, Phylogeny, 275-289 301-307 Pimenta, 302 Sanchez-Mondragon, M. L.: see Claudia Scareli-Santos 2007} INDEX 395 Santiago, R.: see Gerardo A. Salazar Steinmann, Victor W. & Martha Martinez Gordillo: Croton Sawyer, Neil W.: Deprea nubicola (Solanaceae), a new species balsensis (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from the Balsas from northern Colombia, 54-56 Depression, Mexico, 380-384 Scareli-Santos, Claudia, Maria Luisa Herrera-Arroyo, Maria L. Sticherus, 129 Sanchez-Mondrag6n, Antonio Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Jeffrey Subfamily, 275 Bacon & Ken Oyama: Comparative analysis of micromor- Symplocaceae, 233 phological characters in two distantly related Mexican oaks, Symplocos saxatilis, 234 Quercus conzattii and Q. eduardii (Fagaceae), and their hy- Tanzania, 309 brids, 37-48 Tavares, R. A. M.: see Renato Goldenberg Schizachyrium brevifolium, 69; sulcatum, 72 Tectaria jimenezii, 195 Schneider, H.: see Thomas Janssen Téllez-Valdés, Oswaldo & R. Geeta: Dioscorea howardiana, a Schwartsburd, Pedro Bond, Paulo Henrique Labiak & Alexan- new species in Dioscorea section Trigonobasis (Dioscore- dre Salino: A new species of Crenitis (Dryopteridaceae) from aceae), 370-373 southern Brazil, 29-32 Terpsichore achilleifolia, 184; gradata, 184 Securidaca fundacionensis, 329 Thomas, W. W.: see M. Gabriela Lopez Shepherd, George J., 337 Thrasher, S. L.: see Ellen A. Dean Silva, Ana Palmira, 376 Tolmiea diplomenziesii, 218; menziesii, 217 Smith, A. R.: see Michael Kessler Tripp, E. A.: see Lucinda A. McDade Solanaceae, 49 Tyrrell, C. D.: see Emmet J. Judziewicz Solanum pringlei, 50 United States, 218 Solis Neffa, V.: see Myriam C. Peichoto Venezuela, 328, 329 Soltis, D. E.: see M6nica Arakaki and Walter S. Judd Versieux, Leonardo M. & Maria das Gragas Lapa Wanderley: Soltis, P. S.: see Walter S. Judd Two new species of Alcantarea (Bromeliaceae, Tilland- Sotuyo, Solange & Gwilym P. Lewis: A new species of Cae- sioideae) from Brazil, 57-64 salpinia from the Rio Baisas Depression, Mexico, and an up- Vochysia palmirana, 374 dated taxonomic circumscription of the Caesalpinia hintonii Vochysiaceae, 374 complex (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae: Caesalpinieae: Walden, G.K.: see Ellen A. Dean Poincianella Group), 33-36 Weberbauerocereus, 290; johnsonii, 294; rauhii, 294; weber- South America, 88 baueri, 294; winterianus, 294 Speranza, P.: see Monica Arakaki Xiaohua, Jin & Li Heng: Listera fugongensis (Orchidaceae), a Steinbach, José, 378 new species from Yunnan, China, 243-244