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Preview British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2003: Vol 41 Index

BRITISH G 1 o¢ 542 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Subject index (Volume 41, 2003) Bone cavitit es>, id} iopathiL c, Accessory nerve, see Spinal accessory nerve Adenocarcinoma, oral metastasis of, 3: obey staaet in cNoSl lagen gra t1TL S . : a In subculaneous tissue, Dy Aesthetic facial surg: ery, training: in, 203, 20 206 \D one Marrow mesench| ymal c Irway Management nic protein (BMP). fixation of armoured tubes for tracheostomy, 2 : * laryyinsg eal mask, use in minor oral surgé ery,- fract, ure in neonates with Pierre Robin syndrome. tongue fixation after total mandibulectomy, 1onoecortical Mm in treatment of midfacial fractures, 259 Allen test, 15 Alveolar distraction, in posterior implant insertion, 376 Alveolar grafting, mandi 132 Alveolar nerve, inferiot anatomic variations articaine block, prolon paraesthesia, 201 hDII] OCK+ OT, t Inn cidleannccee aOf!t hi LO 1 wvee ssel> ] npeenneet ra f cryobl] ockade of. post?s urgicwao l 1 ' } , Sicard syndrome, 190 modified retractor for sect thermosensory testing of, 36 Alveolar ridge augmen alveolar distraction in poste bone grafting of severel\ Ost COptlastic 1 api nmn ltto te hr roaden Q 2 templal Antibiotics Anxiety, as Arterial donor of temporals 1 14 avernous sinus Arthrocentesis, of temporomandibular joint. ae on Articaine, inferior alveolar nerve block, prol esthesia, ae hildren, see al \frican, noma BAOMS meeting 3, abstracts of papers and posters, 283 Chondromyxoid fibr BAOMS Surgery Prize (2002), Stephen W. Worrall, 218 of frontal sinus, 4 Basal cell carcinoma, predictive variables for biological of mandibl behaviour,t 141 7 Lh, ondro. sarcom1%a , Bioresorbable fixation system, in sagittal split mandibulat Choristoma, |] advancement, 179 left lip. serum leve Blood vessel penetration, incidence 1n inferior alveolar nerve mothers, 205 blocks, 188 left palate, distraction BMP, see Bone morphogenic protein ondary deformities, V/ iction , Of +t} hird“1 my ola] rs, seleactt ion + }b ias, in, 1|1 92 9 ) in associatit on t with surgica. l ] e21m7)p ny} therapeutic, arteriovenous malformations of NECK, /L mergencies, maxillofacial, effect of full moon, 170 omputed tomogt ndochondral bone grafts, compared to intramembranous Ionn pnil ace“mmeenntt t adg]d iationn ndgroaslctso,p ic 385 approach to ectopic mandibular third molar, 340 idoscopic gastrotomy tubes, percutaneous, placement by yy production maxillofacial surgical teams, 133 V9 } 0) ndotracheal intubation hods in children, 309 ral, in management of midfacial fractures, 259 landibular osteotomy via tracheostomy, fixation of armoured tubes, 270 OSt yidural spinal abscess, as sequela to dental extraction, 56, OX-2 24) 924 +2 | Etodolac, in treatment of TMJ dysfunction, 323 Eyebrow reconstruction, 355 so Midface basal cell carcinoma of, 147 fractures caused by blow from mobile phone, 415 psychological consequences of trauma, 31 yn with “round block” purse-string suture, De | graduates e medicine, 204 as cause of orbital cellulitis= , ,] 21 Dental implants , due to posterior scleritis, 62 alveolar distraction before insertion, posterior mandible 3/6 computer-aided navigation for placement, 102 in severely atrophic maxilla, 249 natives to intermaxillary fixation screws, Dental nerve, see Alveolar nerve, inferio1 bioresorbable fixation systems, 179 Dentigerous cyst intermaxillary fixation screws, 48, 363 monocortical miniplates, provision of compression by, and ectopic third molar, endoscopic tr emo enucleation in a ‘nt taking warfarin, 27 >) Dentition, sec Flaps DYeennttaonaallv eo~lOalarr {f ra mm1o) oi}i stlaicta ion ma free, see Free tissue transfer/flaps fibre splint, 417 osteoplastic, in mandible, 383 Dentofacial disharn utility pedicled, leeches 1n salvage of, 54 sternocleidomastoid after superficial parotidectomy, 201, reatment 28] ictures Dermal fat autologous graft after superficial parotidectomy, dentoalveolar, immobilisation procedure using fibre splint, 417 Dermoid cyst with cartilage, of the tongue, 117 facial caused by blow from mobile phone, 415 Distraction osteogenesis mandibular alveolar distraction in posterior mandible, effects of PDGF-B and BMP-2 on healing, 173 in maxillary hypoplasia, for orthodontic tooth alig monocortical miniplates for fixation, 232 185 mandibular condyle, subsequent to ramus osteotomy, 67 iltrasound monitoring of, 256 maxillofacial fractures in Nigeria, 396 Donor site midfacial fractures, airway management in, 259 assessment of vascular integrity, radial forearm free flap orbital, as cause of orbital cellulitis, 21 157 orbital floor blow-out fracture, 50, 209 erratum, 415 morbidity, comparison of lateral upper arm and radial Free tissue transfer/flaps, see a/so Donor site forearm, 161 compromised, salvage rate for, 16 splinting, radial forearm free flap, 193 lateral upper arm, compared to radial forearm, 161 Doppler ultrasound recordings, assessment of vascular leeches in salvage of, 54 integrity of palmar arch, 157 for oromandibular injury with infection and scar con- Down Surgical Prize (2002), John Christopher Lowry, tracture, 380 220 radial forearm, see Radial forearm free flaps Drains, corrugated, use of stoma bags for collection of fluid, squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, treatment during 2yy 06 pregnancy, 109 survival after vascular disconnection, 281 . Metastatic ameloblastoma of, Freud, Sigmund, oral cancer of, 78 ung cancer, oral metastasis of. 3 Frontal sinus, chondromyxoid fibroma of, 418 ymph 1 node metastases. as predi} cto+ r of | survival, 224 M Gastrotomy tubes, percutaneous endoscopic. placement by maxillofacial surgical teams, 133 MacLennan, William Donald Gingival metastasis, of malignant mesenchymal tumor, 59 Maggots, use to clean necrotic Grafts, see also Flaps; Free tissue transfer/flaps Magnetic resonance ¢ bone induction matrices, 240, 244 mations, 75 iliac, in jaw augmentation, 266 Magnetic resonance imaging, intramembranous compared to endochondral bone, 385 Malignant melanoma, of tongue. mandibular lower border as donor site for alveolar graft- Malignant mesenchymal ing, 132 Mandible of severely atrophic maxilla, 249 u]w veolar di1; SUtrraaCcutiloonn dedle #ror1 e ay Great auricular causalgia, 34 4/0 ameloblastoma, pulmonat arteriovenous malformation H chondromyxoid fibroma, ‘riptive terminology Haemangioma, of mandibular body, 112, 363 as donor site for alveolar graft Haemostasis, in removal of dentigerous cyst in patient double osteotomy with corot taking warfarin, 275 the parapharyng Haemostatic poultice as ald 1 +t O mmiiccrr ovascu‘lwalrar anastoMon OsIs {|I ractures, see acture 5s,2N 4 haemangioma, of body, 112 Hair follicle transplant, 355 idiopathic bone cavities, 407 Hard palate tumors, 360 metastasis to, 3 Hydrogel, polyethylene oxide, in bone induction, 240 osteoplastic flap to broaden a nar 8-Hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine, serum levels in mothers of sagittal split mandibular children with cleft lip, 205 fixation system for, 179 Hyperbaric oxygen, for treatment of critical ischaemia of the vascularised free flap for injury with infection maxilla, 346 contracture, 380 Mandibular nerve, anatomic variations of, 236 Mandibulectomy, total, tongue fixation after, Matrix metalloproteinase-3, reduction with IMJ dysfunction, 323 Iliac bone grafts, template for accurate harvesting of, 266 Maxilla Implants, see Dental implants atrophic, grafting and implant placement, 249 Infants, see Neonates and infants Injury, see Trauma chondrosarcoma, 329 hypoplastic, use of distraction osteogenesis in orthodon- Interleukin 6, in internal derangement of TM tic tooth alignment, 185 Intermaxillary fixation screws alternative to, Rapid IMF system, 132 3s6ee:s osteosarcoma, 329 treatment of critical ischaemia with hyperbaric oxygen, self-drilling, reduced complications with, 48, 346 Intramembranous bone grafts, compared to endochondral grafts, 385 Maxillary artery entrapment, 46 Maxillary sinus Ischaemia, treatment with hyperbaric oxygen, 346 bilateral pneumosinus dilatans, Ivermectin, treatment of myiasis, 421 sinus floor augmentation, 120 Maxillectomy, immediate reconstruction obduration, 68, 364 Maxillofacial fractures, in Kaduna, Nigeria, 396 Joint mice, Maxillofacial trauma, psychological consequences of, 317 Maxillomandibular fixation, using self-drilling intermaxil- lary fixation screws, 48, 132, 363 Medial supraclavicular nerves, integrity of, and stability of sternoclavicular joint, 12 aryngeal mask, use in minor oral surgery, 343 Mesenchymal cells, in bone induction, 240 ateral upper arm free flaps, comparison to radial forearm Metastases free flap, 161 gingival, of malignant mesenchymal tumour, 59 eeches (Hirudo medicinalis), prevalence of use in UK, 54 lymph node, as predictor of local recurrence and survival elomyosarcoma, metastasis to gingiva, 59 224 ingual nerve, thermosensory testing of, 36 oral, patient distribution, site and type, and primary owry, John Christopher, citation for Down Surgical Prize tumor site, 3 (2002), 220 parotid gland, of prostatic carcinoma, 64 Journal of Oral J and J Maxilloj fa4dc ial j Su¥ rger\. pulmonary, of mandibular ameloblastoma, 194 Parotid region, aberrant muscle in, 336 Microvascular anastomosis, haemostatic poultice for, 353 Parotidectomy, superficial Midface, fracture management, oral endotracheal intuba- dermal fat graft vs. sternocleidomastoid flap, 201 tion, 259 extracapsular dissection vs. sternocleidomastoid flap, 281 Miniplate osteosynthesis, 929 in treatment of chronic sialadenitis, 202 heidi Mobile phone, facial fractures caused by, 415 Patient-centred outcome measures, in oral surgery, 43 Monocortical miniplates, provision of compression by, 232 Patient education, on orthodontic preparation for orthog- Moon, effect of phase on maxillofacial emergencies, 170 nathic surgery, 401 Morphine infusion of temporomandibular joint, 29 PDGF-B, see Platelet-derived growth factor-B Morphometric analysis, basal cell carcinoma, 147 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrotomy tubes, placement by Myiasis, oral, 115, 421, 422 maxillofacial surgical teams, 133 Perineural invasion by cancer, as predictor of local recur- rence and survival, 224 N Pichler, Hans, 78 Pierre Robin syndrome, airway management in, 272 Nasal balloon, haemostatic, in sinus floor augmentation Platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B), and mandibu- procedure, 120 lar fracture healing, 173 Nasopharyngeal tube, modified, for airway management in Plates Pierre Robin syndrome, 272 healing, removable, in exposure of impacted canines, Neck dissection 264 shoulder complaints after, 7 monocortical miniplates, provision of compression by, and stability of sternoclavicular joint, 12 232 Neonates and infants Pleomorphic adenoma, of hard palate, 360 airway management in Pierre Robin syndrome, 272 Pneumosinus dilatans of the maxillary sinuses, 22 lingual traumatic ulceration in, 201 Poly-t-lactide (SR-PLLA) screws, 179 Neoplasms, see Cancer; Tumours Polyethylene oxide hydrogel in bone induction, 240 New World screwworm (Cochliomyvia hominivorax ), 115 Polyglactin suture, for coronal flap closure in children, 309 Nigeria Post-traumatic stress disorder, as consequence of maxillo- maxillofacial fractures, 396 facial trauma, 317 noma and cancrum oris, 222 Posterior scleritis, facial pain due to, 62 Sokoto Noma Project, 222 Poswillo, David, obituary, 215 Noma in Nigeria, 222 Pregnancy, treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the Notoplatysma, aberrant muscle in parotid region, 336 tongue during, 109 Preseptal cellulitis, 21 Prostatic carcinoma oral metastasis of, 3 Oji spatula for tongue fixation, 392 parotid gland metastasis of, 64 Oral contraceptives, interaction with antibiotics, 13: Prostheses, see also Dental implants Oral metastases titanium orbital floor, custom-made, 50, 209 erratum malignant mesenchymal tumour, 59 Psychological consequences of maxillofacial trauma, 317 patient distribution, site and type, and primary tumor site, Pulse oximetry, in management of Pierre Robin syndrome, > "79 Oral surgery, patient-centred outcome measures and, 4 ~4 Purse-string suture, “round block”’, in facial reconstruction, Orbital abscess, 21 15] Orbital cellulitis, post-traumatic, 21 Orbital floor blow-out fracture caused by blow with mobile phone, 415 titanium custom-made prosthesis for, 50, 209 erratum Qualitative sensory thermal threshold testing, 36 Orthodontic tooth alignment Quality of life impacted canine teeth, 264 after intraoral soft tissue reconstruction, 161 use of distraction osteogenesis in maxillary hypoplasia, 185 and costutility analysis, 32 Orthognathic treatment patient-centred outcome measures, 43 cost-utility analysis of, 3 + orthodontic preparation for, patient education, 401 Osteosarcoma, of maxilla, 329 Outcome measures, in oral surgery, 43 Radial forearm free flaps comparison to lateral upper arm free flap, 161 compromised, salvage rate for, 16 donor site Parapharyngeal tumours, approach by double mandibular assessment of vascular integrity of palmar arch, 157 osteotomy, 142 splinting of, 193 Parotid gland Radiation dosage associated with stereolithographic model prostatic carcinoma metastasis to, 64 construction, 416 tumours, approach by double mandibular osteotomy, 142 Randomised clinical trials, selection bias in, 129 Subject index 431] Ranula, plunging, treatment with fenestration and contin- Surgical emphysema, after cryoblockade for trigeminal uous pressure, 410 neuralgia, 190 Rapid IMF system for intermaxillary fixation, 132, 363 Swallowing function after intraoral soft tissue reconstruc- Renal cell carcinoma, oral metastasis of, 3 tion, 16] Retractor, modified for inferior alveolar nerve sectioning, Synovial chondromatosis, temporomandibular joint, 199 124 Rhinoplasty course in India, 206 Riga-Fede disease, 201 Robodent system for image-guided implant dentistry, 102 Teeth, see Tooth Temporalis muscle, arteriovenous malformation of, 277 S Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis of Sagittal split mandibular advancement, bioresorbable fixa- botulinum toxin as adjunct to, 351 tion system for, 179 and COX-2 inhibitor treatment, Salivary go gland calculi, rapid growth of, 414 morphine infusion, 29 Salivary go glands, see Parotid gland; Submandibular gland internal derangement Salvage procedures for flaps expression of interleukin 6, 95 for free tissue flaps, 16, 54 expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, 88 for pedicled flaps, 54 MRI imaging of, 88 timing of intervention and outcome, 16 randomised clinical trial of disorder, selection bias in, 129 use of medicinal leeches, 54 synovial chondromatosis, 199 Screws Teratoid cyst, 117 bioresorbable, 179 Teratoma, 117 intermaxillary, see Intermaxillary fixation screws Tetanus, cephalic, 338 Screwworm, oral myiasis, 115, 421, 422 Therapeutic embolism, arteriovenous malformations of Sebaceous carcinoma, intraoral, 84 head and neck, 75 Shoulder pain and dysfunction, after neck resection, 7 Thermosensory testing of trigeminal nerve function, 36 Sialadenitis, chronic, superficial parotidectomy as treat- Thexton, Ronald, obituary, 141 ment, 202 Third molars Simvastatin, in statin collagen bone grafts, 244 clinical guidelines for extraction, 371 Sinus lift augmentation, 120 ectopic, removal by endoscopic approach, 340 Skin tumours extraction, trigeminal nerve injury and, 36 basal cell carcinoma, predictive variables for biological Tissue engineering, bone induction techniques, 240 behaviour, 147 Titanium orbital floor prostheses, custom-made, 50, 209 “round block” purse-string suture in facial reconstruc- erratum tion, 151 Tongue Society of Civil War Surgeons, 280 dermoid cyst with cartilage, 117 Sokoto Noma Project, 222 malignant melanoma of, 197 Speech function after intraoral soft tissue reconstruction, squamous cell carcinoma, free tissue transfer during 161 pregnancy, 109 Spinal abscess, epidural, as sequela to dental extraction, 56, traumatic ulceration in neonates and infants, 201 42] Tongue fixation after total mandibulectomy, 392 Spinal accessory nerve Tooth, see also Third molars dysfunction as cause of shoulder complaints, 7 alignment by distraction osteogenesis in maxillary hypo- integrity of, and stability of sternoclavicular joint, 12 plasia, 185 Splinting of radial forearm free flap donor site, 193 canine, impacted, use of removable healing plates, 264 Squamous cell carcinoma of tongue, treatment by free tissue descriptive terminology of, 125 transfer during pregnancy, 109 extraction of Statin collagen grafts, bone induction by, 244 epidural spinal abscess as sequela to, 56, Stereolithographic models management of patients taking warfarin, for production of titanium orbital floor prostheses, 50, third molar, clinical guidelines for, 371 209 erratum of third molar, trigeminal nerve injury and, 36 radiation dosage associated with procedure, 416 Torticollis, postoperative complications, sternoclavicular Sternoclavicular joint, stability after neck dissection, enlar- joint enlargement, 12 gement of, 12 Tracheostomy Sternocleidomastoid flap after superficial parotidectomy, method for fixation of armoured tubes, 270 201, 281 ultrasound estimation of tube size in children, 312 Sternomastoid muscle, surgical section of, and stability of Training in oral and maxillofacial surgery sternoclavicular joint, 12 aesthetic facial surgery, 203, 204, 206 Stoma bags for collection of fluid from corrugated drains, demonstrator positions in, 134 206 dental graduates, 204 Submandibular gland, great auricular causalgia as compli- dissection opportunity, 364 cation of excision, 334 programmes, 203, 204 Subperiosteal abscess, 21 Trapezius muscle, examination to detect accessory nerve Surgical clips, for coronal flap closure in children, 309 dysfunction, 7 432 British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surger) Trauma, see a/so Fractures Ashworth DR, 353 facial, as cause of orbital cellulitis, 21 Avery C, 281 maxillofacial, psychological consequences of, 31 Avery CME, 363 mobile phone, facial fractures caused by, 415 Ayoub AF, 179 oromandibular, with infection and scar contracture, 380 Azad SM, 64 Trigeminal nerve, thermosensory testing of, 36 Azorin D, lrigeminal neuralgia cryoblockade treatment, development of postsurgical emphysema and Collet-Sicard syndrome, 190 modified retractor for sectioning inferior alveolar nerve, Baliga M, 417 124 Ballestin C, 418 treatment failure and anatomic variations of inferio1 Banks P, 69 alveolar nerve, 236 Barnard D, 215 rumours, see also specific histological types Berge S, 147 of frontal sinus, 418 Bibb R, 50, 209 of hard palate, 360 Bierhoff E, 147 malignant, see Cancer of mandibular body, 112, 261, 363 Bowden JR, 358 Bradley M, 256 parapharyngeal, approach by double mandibular osteot- Brand B, 84 omy, 142 Bremerich A, 249 Brennan PA, 29, 201, 203, 358 Broome IJ, 270 Brown JS, 16, 364 Ultrasound Buter J, 3 estimation of tracheostomy tube size in children, 312 Butler S, 170 monitoring of distraction osteogenesis, 256 Vv Cabov T, 261 Vascular endothelial growth factor, expression in internal Campbell D, 194 derangement of TMJ, 88 Carter G, 275 Vascular permeability factor, sec Vascular endothelial Cashman M, 312 growth factor Castling B, 281 Vertical subsigmoid osteotomy, pathologic mandibular con- Cawood JI, 1, 266 dylar fractures and, 67 Cengiz O, 59 Chan TC-K, 185 Chen F, 240 Chen S, 240 Chukwuneke F, 392 Warfarin-treated patients Coffin F, 68 dental extraction in, 132, 280 Cohen B, 215 haemostasis in, with autologous fibrin glue, 275 Comfort MB, 43 Worrall, Stephen W., Citation for the BAOMS Surgery Coskun U, 59 Prize (2002), 218 Cousin G, 132 Can D. 277 Author index (Volume 41, 2003) Cunningham SJ, 24 9 Custodio Neto AL, Adebayo ET. 396 Demirbag E, 122 Adekeye EO, 396 Demura N, 88, 95 Ahmet T, 201 Devine JC, 16 Aird DW, 21 Devlin M, 317 Ajike OS, 396 Devlin MF, 415 Allan W, 232 Dhariwal DK, 21, 56 Ambroszkiewicz J, 205 Dickenson AJ, 334 Anand R, 29 Dijkstra PU, 7 Anil A, 236 Ding G, 240 Antoniades K, 142 D’Onofrio PJ, 280 Antonopoulou I, 188 Drage NA, 112 Appel T, 147 Dudkiewicz Z, 205 Appel K, 147 Duker J, 161 Asaumi J-I, 410 Duncan C, 416 Author index 433 Dziewulski P, 64 Hill CM, 136 Hockley AD. 416 E Hodder SC, 48 l Holt DS, 364 Ekambar Eshwara Reddy C, 329 Honda T, 161 Elif Gultekin S, 59 Hope DA, 259 Elliott JH, 270 Hopkins R, 422 Ethunandan M, 336 Hozyasz KK, 205 Eufinger H, 249 Hughes CW, 50, 193, 209, 256 Ezike H, 392 Hulks G, 194 Hull AM, 317 F Hussain K, 112 Hutchison I, 170 Fakler O, 161 Farrier JN, 21 Ferruh B, 201 Fillies T, 102 Ichinose A, 380 Finlay P, 317 lijima T, 173 Frangiskos F, 188 Ilankovan V., 12, 29, 201, 203 Imai Y, 360 Freund, BJ, 351 Fryer L, 199 Irvine GH, 25 6. 264 Ishimaru J-I, ; 2 IZ39 Iwase H, 360 G J Gajewska J, 205 Gandara-Rey JM, 376 Gandara-Vila P, 376 Jain A, 329 Garcia-Garcia, A, 376 Jamileh Y, 371 Gardiner S, 224 Jani P, 134, 272 Jeffrey RR, 194 Gellrich N-C, 161, 340 Gibbons AJ, 48, 135, 204, 259, 280. 416 Joos U, 102 Gil A, 418 Junor E, 224 Godden D, 193, 202 Gollins SW, 109 K Gomez RS, 115, 407 Goodger NM, 208 Kademani D, 363 Kalbassi R, }2 Gregory M C, 56 Kaleb S, 261 Grime P, 366 Kamisetty A, 206 Grime PD, 136 Kaneyama K, 88 Grogan J, 309 Karlidag T, 122 Gu X, 240 Kaygusuz I, 122 Guest P, 203 Kerawala CJ, 157, 232 Gilekon IN, 236 Kerr KM, 194 Gunel U, 59 Kersten A, 277 Gunel N, 59 Khambay BS, 179 Gircan A, 201 Khandavilli SD, 206 Gutwald R, 277 Kim DS, 204 Kimura T, 410 Kittur MA, 21 Klisch J, 277 Kobayashi M, 348 Hamill R, 224 Komis C, 338 Hamilton Farell MR, 346 Komori T, 380 Hammersley N, 224 Konig S, 249 Handschel J, 84 Koppel D, 179, 317 Hankins M, 36 Koron S, 272 Hara I, 161 Koumoura F, 338 Hardee PSGF, 312 Krimmel M, 249 Hardee P, 170 Krishna L, 417 Hart C, 401 Kumar M, 206 Hashikawa K, 380 Kunjar J, 201 Hatter T, 64 Kunjur J, 29 Herbst H, 84 Kurita K, 129, 323 434 British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surger) Niederhagen B, 147 Nishikawa H, 416 Nishikawa K, 95 Lalitha RM, 75 Nishimura M, 88, 95 Langton SG, 282 Nomura T, 380 Laws DE, 21 Nugent M, 132 Lazaridis N, 78, 142 Nusair YMH, 334 Liman F, 236 Lloyd J, 275 Lloyd CJ, 109, 133, 206 Lo ECM, 43 Lowe T, 317 O’Brien, C.J., 224 Lueth T, 102 Ogi N, 323 Luo Y, 43 Ohishi M, 173 Lu M, 385 Oj C, 392 Luther F, 401 Okui T, 348 Oliver DW, 272 Ooya K, 120 Macan, D, 261 Magennis P, 16 Mahmood S, 117, 125 Page K, 50, 209 Makdissi J, 414 Paley M D, 109, 206 Malden NJ, 343 Panda NK, 329 Manca A, 32 Patel KK, 151 Manojlovic, S, 261 Pathak I, 224 Mao T, 240 Patton DW, 56 Martin I, 204 Pedlar J, 371, 202 Martin IC, 157 Peker T, 236 Martin TJ. 135 Penfold CN, 109, 133 Martinez-Tello F-J, 418 Perdigao PF, 115, 407 Matthews NS, 179 Perkins CS, 193 May P, 309 Peters WJ, 190 McArdle P, 190 Philip, S, 125 McArdle PJ, 12 Piffko J, 84 McCaul JA, 415 Pigadas N, 363 McGrath C, 43 Pimenta FJGS, 115 McGurk M, 36, 222 Plukker JT, 7 McKechnie AJ, 67 Prasad K, 75 McMahon J, 224 McManners J, 270 McNeil E, 224 Meechan JG, 201, 366 Meier N, 102 Rabie, ABM, 244, 385 Merenditis N, 188 Ramchandani P, 201 Meyer U, 84, 102 Rao J, 54 Mgbokwere U, 392 Rasubala L, 173 Milton TM, 264 Reinert S, 249 Miyamoto K, 323 Renehan A, 281 Mizui T, 323 Renton T, 36 Mizukawa N, 410 Revington P, 50, 209 Monaghan AM, 135, 204 Richardson D, 309 Monaghan A, 124 Rios Leite AC, 115 Moody H, 117 Robinson PD, 199 Morris DO, 401 Rogers SN, 16 Morton ME, 282 Roodenburg JLN, 7 Muronoi M, 120 Rootkin-Gray VFAI, 199 Murray JB, 336 Rowland HN, 197 Murray PG, 264 Runte C, 102 Musgrove B, 203 Sadiq Z, 62, 124 Sakurai E, 407 Sakurai A, 380 SSaanndcyh ezJ-, An4i2c3 eto G, 418 Tsitsogianis H, 188 Author index 435 Sanno T, 380 Turgut HB, 236 Sasaki T, 360 Sassi F, 32 [ or a Sato J, 88, 95 $$ oe SSaautloarcui c O,N . 163]7 6 eee ae E / Schmelzeisen R. 277, 340 UUsgloesmiuc,o h V, RN26.1 392 SSSccchhhnéoenet nl eRr,R , J1F6,31 4 0 197 _U guru CC,- 392- SSSSSSSSShhShSheeeececeanacncguphnr knhalwhoipkrmpanRPey ei ,,arhr r tSeImd ,zr, m V11,N , 3 M3, 1 2R2, M3 , 5 5A4,M 9,,81 , 8 736 .4 223 36 0234 94 505 ] vVVVVvvovvaaaaaanaarunrner nnd gd ayahLd dWddsiaaeeeie nrnrrrlSd a ,gEe j e,WWrLa nEa6naan D2a aa 1 ,lln8C J 8P-V J.,.RBI1 .I6F F17A3.1 0 4 9M7 . ; 3 7 \o o Shibata T, 323 ———— Shimizu Y, 120 = Shinohara EH. 42] Sidebottom AJ, 132. 266, 309 Wake MJC. 124 Sillifant P. 16 Walker JEG. 64 Silva EC, 407 Wallis F, 194 Silvester KC. 259 Westesson P-L. 129 Simsek B, 59 Whaites EJ, 112 Smelzeisen R, 16] Whear NM, 353 SSomayrtehs dAeG ,A ra3t6i7j o N, 407 WWhhiittlaekye r S, IS3, 635 4. 134, 272 Somoza-Martin M. 376 Wiesmann HP, 102 Songra A. 170 Williams ED. 232 Southee R, 15] Williams RW, 256 Spiéek J, 261 Willy PJ, 190 Sreevathsa MR. 75 Wilson AW, 336 Stavrou E, 188 Wong, RWK, 244 Stephen Dover M. 416 Wood GA, 415 Stewart AM. Se Wood G, 179 Storrs TJ, 383 -_ ai SSuugaarre z-ACWu,n que2i1.r o2 80 MM, 277, 340 — — ——X_ —z—x_ ___ Xu H. 120 Fahara S. 380 TTTaaankkiiammgoiot too* Ksr,s. l 33 6408 ; YYYaoalnke oionB S-§Sw,., 31821208 5 Tanos de Lacerda JC. 115 Yoshiga K. 348 Fao K, — ‘ Yoshikawa H. 173 Tlaayrlaowra liJ , K5,0 , 4220]9 YYoosshhiitmaukrea Y.H , 958 8, 95 TTeelhfaern MBR, , 1091 5] Yuasa H, 129 TThheoxmtsoonn A,E , 361 32. 42] [— —_. aLi Thway Y, 64 7 acid Tocchetti R, 275 Zachariades N, 338 Tong AC-k, 185 Zaitoun H, 42] Zaki GA, 358

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