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B. F. Music Ed. (1998) 15:3, 327-332 Copyright © 1998 Cambridge University Press Index A-level music, marking of, 256 assessment: of instrumental performance, ability: singing, views of own, 313; tests for, 176, 178, 236; of musical development, 267-8; theories of, 268; types of, related 275-6; see also examinations to potential instrumental competence, Aston, Peter, 32-3, 34 267-8, 269; views of extent of, 152, 172, Atkinson, Elizabeth, 221-2 179, 258 audiating, 147 abstraction, levels of, 256—7 aural skills, 250, 309-11, 314, 315n; see also access issues, 71-81, 95, 269-70, 296 transcription acoustics, 125-6; psychoacoustics, 129-30 automatisation, 10 acting, 312 Adair, Yvonne, 240, 242 Bach, C. P. E., 11 Adams, Pauline, 221, 224 Bamberger, Jeanne, 83 Adey, Christopher, 319-21 bamboo pipes, 242, 247; see also Pipers’ Guild adolescence, physical aspects, 101-16 band music, 227 aesthetics, 216 Barnard, Elizabeth, 240, 249 Africa, 139-59 passim, 171-213 passim, BBC, 248, 251 322-3 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 94 African music, 235, 237; contemporary styles behavioural skills, 304, 305-6, 308, 311-14 in Nigeria, 182—9; cultural issues, beliefs: effects of, 47; teachers’, 53-68; 155-9, 164, 165-6; in education in Zimbabwean traditional, 171-2 Africa, 152-3, 171-9, 202-3, 205-6, bells/drums as signals, 203, 205 207, 208; in education outside Africa, Bhavan Centre, 272 155, 167-8; influences on, 165; Birtwistle, Harrison, 255, 262 ownership/copyright issues, 156—7, 159; Black Papers, 251 resources on, 211-13 Blacking, John, 145, 152 African musicology, 202 Blocksidge, Kathleen, 240, 241, 242, 245, Alcantara, Pedro de, 127-9 247-8, 251 Alexander Technique, 127-9 body: Alexander Technique, 127-9; Allen, Patrick, 219-21 experiencing music with, 237; movement amateur music, 218-19, 261; choirs, 314 styles in dance, 142, 203—4, 205-7; amateurs/professionals: defining, 184; movements when performing music, 237 working together, 218-19 bodymind, 305-6, 311-12, 314n ambition, 41-3, 44, 66 Botswana, 191-200 Amoaku, Komla, 235, 237 Bow-Craft Guild, 241, 242, 243 analysis through composition, 124—5 boys: puberty and vocal development, 102-9, anatomy, 128 115-16; see also gender issues Anderson, William, 149-50 Brearley, Molly, 241, 246 aptitude, see ability Brown, John Hullah, 242 arpeggios: function of practising, 6; ways of practising, 21 Cain, Tim, 221, 222-3 art teaching, 319 Canada, 51, 53, 57, 63-4, 67 arts subjects in schools, 122—4, 318-19 Certificate of Education, 80 Index change, 189; in traditional music, 158, 178 Dalcroze Society, 241-2, 243 Chapple, Stanley, 28 dance: African movement style, 142, 203-4, child-centred approach, 248, 251 205-7; European, 323; in Ghana, 142, Chinese music, 323 147n, 203-4, 205-7; movement in Chopin, Fryderyk, 10, 15 singing games and, 142, 147n; in schools, choral conducting, 303-14, 322 319, 323 choral singing: effects, 313; and holistic Dargie, David, 235, 237 approach to music in schools, 77-8; Dartington International Summer School, National Curriculum and, 100-1; 255-6, 258-9, 261 repertoire, 313-14 Davies, Henry Walford, 251 Christianity, 157-8, 182-3 Dobbs, Jack, 243, 244, 246-7 classical style, 124—5 drama teaching, 319 Clay, Gordon, 318-19 drums/bells as signals, 203, 205 collaborations between professional musicians Dunning report, 295 and schools, 47, 271-85 Dunsby, Jonathan, 126-7 Colour Music System, 251 Durrant, Colin, 236 communication and interpersonal skills, 304, 305-6, 308, 311-14 ear, playing by, and learning, 175-6, 177-9, communication networks, 299-301 267 community/communities, 153, 161-2, 169, electronic networks, 299-300 171-2, 203-8 Ellis, Phil, 236-7 Community Music Limited, 272 equal opportunity issues, 46, 47, 166, 169; community schools, 208 see also gender issues composing/composition and its teaching, 236; error detection, and choral conducting, 306, accessibility, 95; analysis through 310 composition, 124-5; benefits, 299; essays, models for, 318 gender and, 63-5, 67-8; and holistic eurhythmics, 241-2 approach to music in schools, 78-9, 80; European festivals, 323-4 MEUT and, 248-9; resources for, 295, Everitt, Anthony, 218-19, 261 299-301; in Scotland, 295, 296-7; study examinations, 236; aural tests in, 309, 311, of compositional strategies, 83-96; using 315n; and education in Tanzania, 157; computers, 83-96 gender and results in, 52; in Ghana, 203; computers: attitudes to, 95—6; gender issues in jazz, 225; marking of, 256; statistics on concerning, 64-5, 68; study of entries and results, 52, 295, 297-8 compositional strategies using, 83-96 exercises: for singing, 147, 313; technical, conducting: by children, 243; choral, 303-14; effects on learners, 269; see also under orchestral, 319-21 technique constructionist view of culture, 151 extemporisation, see improvisation constructivism (Personal Construct extra-curricular work, and access issues/ Psychology), 38, 40 integration into curriculum, 71-81; constructivist views of knowledge, 263 see also visiting musicians context, see cultural issues Cook, Nicholas, 124-5 falsetto, 106, 107, 220 copyright/ownership issues, 156-7, 159, 292 Feldberg, Emily, 221-2 cultural issues, 155-9, 161-9, 201-2, feminism, 37-9; see also gender issues 287-8, 323-4; in Ghana, 203-8; samba festivals, 323-4 and, 291-4; in South Africa, 151-2; see fingering systems, piano, 10-19, 20, 21-2 also interculturalism and multiculturalism Flowers, Herbie, 259, 261 cultural studies, 324 Flynn, Doris, 247 Curwen, John, 30, 31 Foxley, Simon, 272 Curwen Method, New, 251 freedom, samba project and feeling of, 290-1 Czerny, Carl, 12, 22 Froebel Foundation, National, 241, 243, 245 funding for amateur music, 219, 261 dalaara, 203, 204-5, 206 Fyk, Janina, 129-30 328 Index Gahu (dance), 142, 147n college, 175-9; see also individual Gamble, Tom, 249 instruments gamelan, 323 instruments, choice of, and gender issues, games, 139-47; for learning music, 223; 43-5, 59, 66-7, 121 see also play interculturalism, 152, 155—9, 168; see also GCSE music, holistic approach and, 77, multiculturalism 78-9, 80 interdisciplinary projects, 323-4 gender issues, 37—48, 51-68, 121-2; see also Internet, 299-300 puberty and vocal development interpersonal and communication skills, 304, Ghana, 158, 201, 202-8; study of singing in a 305-6, 308, 311-14 singing game in, 139-47 interpretation, see performance practice Gilbert, Jean, 322, 323-4 intonation: choral conducting and, 305-6, girls: puberty and vocal development, 102-3, 310; developing in singing, 147, 249, 112-16; see also gender issues 250; in a singing game, 139, 143-7; Glynne-Jones, Marjorie, 248 violin, 129-30; see also pitching Gould, Doris, 248 intuition, 308 Gould, Glenn, 10 invention, see composing Green, Lucy, 51, 53, 54, 55, 121-2 ISME (International Society for Music Education), 235-8 hand piano, see mbira Helliwell, Gladys, 240 James, Florence, 240 Hemsley, Thomas, 321-2 James, Jamie, 126 Hertrich, John, 318-19 James, Margaret, 242 Higher Still, 300 Japanese music, 323 highlife music, 164, 183 Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile, 241 holistic approaches to music education, 27-8, jazz: and listening, 290; resources relating to, 71-81, 296 225-7; teaching of in schools, 79-80 Hollis, Eric, 236 Jones, Peter, 318-19 Horton, John, 249-50 juju, 183, 189 Hosier, John, 248 Houghton, Winifred, 240, 242 Kakube, 203, 204-5, 207, 208 Howard, John, 236 Kamba, Maria, 122-4 Huddersfield University, 309-10 Kelly, George, 38, 39, 40 hymn books, 261 Kenya, 157, 159 knowledge: needed for choral conducting, improvisation: in classroom work, 31; in 303-8, 314; situated, 308; types of, piano practice, 6—9, 20-1; vocal, 236; 263-6, 307 whether teachable, 177-9 Kodaly, Zoltan, 30, 31, 248, 250, 251 Indian music, 323 Kratus, J., 83-4 Indonesian music, 323 Kullak, Adolf, 16-17, 22 infancy, 145-6 infant-directed music, 145, 146-7 language: and children’s singing, 139-47; INSET, 251; and MEUT, 244; teachers’ learning in other than first, 174, 202; views on in Botswana, 192-200 music and, 139-40, 143-7; and vocal instrumental teaching/learning, 264—70; development, 139-41, 143-7 access issues, 269-—70; benefits of, Lawrence, Evelyn, 241, 245 268, 270; goals, 269-70; and holistic leadership, 312 approach to music in schools, 79-80; learning, 135; bodymind aspects, 311-12; and knowledge of music being direct, 146, 150, 151, 158-9, 202, 207, studied, 267, 268-9; notation and, 208; play and, 135; situated, 266; in 176, 177-9, 267, 269; predictors of traditional Ghanaian culture, 202, 208; success, 268, 269; reasons for giving in traditional Zimbabwean culture, up, 267, 269; reasons for students 171-2, 176-7 choosing, 45; in a Zimabwean teachers’ Lewin, Olive, 149 Index listening: multiculturalism and, 287-8; samba and arts subjects, 123; assessment and, project and, 289-90 275-6; collaborative projects and, literacy, musical, see notation 273-4, 275, 277, 278, 284; and holistic London Arts Board, 271-2, 284 approaches/access issues, 71—5, 81; Lougheed, Judith, 221, 223-4 influences on, 32; resources relating to, 221-5, 323-4; singing and, 99-102, MacGregor, Joanna, 258-9, 261 109, 115-16, 220; and world music(s), MacMillan, James, 300 166, 169 McMillan, Margaret, 241 Nepal, 192-3 Maconie, Robin, 125-6 networks, 299-301 marimba, 175, 176-9 Negoko, 235, 237 maturity: gender and, 63; vocal, see voice, Nigeria, 181-9 development of Nketia, J. H. Kwabena, 152, 202 mbira, 175-9 Norton, Christopher, 225-7 Mellers, Wilfrid, 317-18 notation/music reading: and instrumental Mendoza, Anna, 249 teaching/learning, 176, 177—9, 267, 269; mental imagery and choral conducting, 306 MEUT and, 249, 250-1; place of MEUT (Musical Education of the Under- learning in music education, 27, 29; Twelves), 239-52; changed to ‘Up to systems, 165-6; see also sight-reading Thirteen’, 244; closure, 244-5 Nursery School Association, 241, 243 Michael, Richard, 225, 227 Midi Files, Standard, 225, 226 Obiara (singing game), 139-47 Mills, Janet, 318-19 OFSTED (Office for Standards in mind/body, see bodymind Education), 46, 318, 319 motivation, 5, 19-20, 269; of choral singers, Orchestra of St John’s Smith Square, 272 311-14; singing games and, 146 orchestras, 319-21 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 94, 124 Orff, Carl, 30-1, 248, 251 multiculturalism, 151-2, 213-16, 288, ownership/copyright issues, 156-7, 159, 292 291-4; see also interculturalism Munn report, 263, 295, 296 parents, 171 Murphy, William, 248 Paynter, John, 31, 32-3, 34, 149, 247 music: language and, 139-40, 143-7; Percussion Band Association, 240, 241, meaning, 201, 266-7 (see also cultural 242-3 issues); ownership/copyright issues, percussion bands, 242-3 156-7, 159, 292; participation in, performance, 126-7; orchestral, 319-21; 218-19, 261; ’proper’/’improper’, 256, perfection and, 126 258, 261-2; status as subject, 236, 258, performance practice, choral conductors and, 259-60, 261-2 303-4, 307, 308 music education: historical studies of, 5-22, performance studies, 126-7 25-35, 239-52; holistic approaches, Personal Construct Psychology, 38, 40 71-81, 296; order of, 27, 28-9; personality and choral conducting, 312 philosophies of, 25-35, 245-51 Pfaff, Philip, 240 music reading, see notation philosophy/philosophies, 25-35, 216, musical ability, see ability 245-51; National Curriculum and, 263 Musical Education of the Under-Twelves, see physical exercises for singers, 313 MEUT physical training, 9, 10; see also technique musicians, professional, see professional piano teaching/learning, 5-22; fingering musicians systems, 10-19, 20, 21-2 musicianship, characteristics associated with, Pipers’ Guild, 241, 242, 243, 244 67; see also ability pitching, 220; see also intonation musicology, African, 202 planning, in collaborative projects, 47, 277, 283-5 Nalden, Rosemary, 237 play, 135, 245; see also games National Curriculum, 25, 35, 99-101, 263; Plowden Report, 243, 247, 248 330 Index popular music: effects on music education, Schumann, Clara, 7, 9 236; Ghanaian styles, 203-4; Nigerian science, 125-6 styles, 182-9 Scotland, 263, 295-301 primary schools, non-specialists teaching Scruton, Roger, 216-18 music in, 191—200; and collaborative Sebba, Jane, 221, 223 projects, 276, 277—85; and INSET, in sex: gender and, 52; see also gender issues Botswana, 192-200; resources for, Sharma, Elizabeth, 322-3 221-5 sight-reading, piano, fingering rules and, 22 professional musicians: collaborative projects singing, 219-21, 321-2; choral conducting with schools, 47, 271-85; defining, 184; and, 305-6, 310, 311, 313-14; training, in Nigeria, 184; working with development of, 147, 313-14; falsetto, amateurs, 218-19 106, 107, 220; gender and attitudes to, psychoacoustics, 129-30 57-9; and holistic approach to music in puberty and vocal development, 101-16, 220 schools, 77-8; MEUT and, 249-50, 251; National radio, 188, 193, 251 Curriculum and, 99-102, 109, 115-16, 220; Rainbow, Bernarr, 30, 251, 252n social issues, 101, 220; transcription of, Read, Ernest, 241-2 140-1 reconstructionism, 214, 215 singing games: movement in, 142, 147n; Recorder Society, 241 study of language and singing in, 139-47 relevance, 236, 237 Skett, Gwendoline, 240 religion, 157-8, 182-3, 206 Small, Christopher, 152 Rennoldson, Reginald, 242, 244 SMF (Standard Midi Files), 225, 226 repertoire: choral, 100—1, 313-14; cultural social issues, 101, 220; see also cultural issues issues, 101; National Curriculum and, socialisation, music and, 153 100-1; orchestral, 321 sound therapy, 236-7 repertory grids, 39-40 Soundbeam, 236-7 resources: on African music, 211-13; in soundscape, 33, 34, 125, 146 Ghana, 202; relating to jazz, 225-7; South Africa, 149-53, 237; ISME conference relating to National Curriculum, 221-5, in, 235-8; National Music Educators’ 323-4; for teaching composition, 295, Conferences, 149-50 299-301 special needs, 236-7 rhythm, perception of, samba project and, spiritual development, 246 289-90 sport, 9-10, 269 ritual, 202, 204, 205, 207 Standard Grade music, 295, 297-9 rock music, 261, 262 standards: and access issues, 74—5, 80, 81; Rockshop, 259, 261 amateur, 261 role models, 39-47, 65-6, 122, 207 steel band music, 323 Rose, Jim, 318-19 Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 125 Ross, Malcolm, 122-4, 236 Stone, Ruth M., 211-13 Strathclyde, see SCARLATTI samba, 287-94 Stravinsky, Igor, 94 SAMES (Southern African Music Educators’ string playing, 129-30, 320 Society), 149, 150, 152 subsidies for amateur music, 219, 261 sansa, see mbira supervisory knowledge, 308 scales, function of practising, 6 SCARLATTI (Strathclyde Consortium for Tanzania, 157-8, 159 Action Research in Learning Approaches teacher education, 220, 260; in Ghana, 202, and Teaching Techniques in Inventing), 205, 208; and MEUT, 244, 251; samba 295, 299-301 project in, 287-94; and teaching of Schafer, Murray, 31, 32, 33-4, 126 composition, 297, 298-9; in Zimbabwe, Scholes, P. A., 30, 31 172-9 school subjects: arts subjects, 122-4, teachers: beliefs, 53—68; essential attributes, 318-19; popularity rating, 258, 259-60 views of, 28; non-specialist, views of Index INSET needs, 192—200; own values, 152 involvement in musical activities, 194, violin playing, 129-30 199; as role models, 41, 45-6, 65 visiting musicians, 47, 271—85 technical exercises, effects on learners, 269 voice, development of, 99, 101-16, 220; technique: automatisation, 10; conducting, language and, 139-41, 143-7; see also 304-7, 312—13; methods of developing, singing 5-22, 269; of orchestral instruments, Volk, Terese M., 213-16 320-1; see also singing technology, 244; gender issues concerning, Wales, 71; study of holistic approach in, 64-5, 68; in Ghana, 203, 204-5, 206, 76-81 207-8; interactive, 225, 226; in Nigeria, warm-ups, 220, 313 186-7 Welton, Leonard, 242 television, 188, 248 Welton, Leslie, 240 tempo, 306-7 Werkenthin, Albert, 17—19, 22 terminology, 152, 162 Williams, Joseph (publishers), 240, 242 theory, understanding of, and practical wind instruments, 320-1 competence, 266 Winn, C., 30 therapy, 236-7 Winters, Geoffrey, 244, 250-1 thumb piano, see mbira Wishart, Bobby, 300 Time and Tune, 248 Witkin, Robert, 256-8, 260 Tobin, Candida, 251 world music(s), 164—6, 322-4; attitudes to, traditional music: change in, 158, 178; in 54; in education, 166-9; see also African education in Zimbabwe, 171-9; in music, cultural issues and traditional Ghana, 204; and means of learning, 267; music popular music based on, in Nigeria, 183, writing, models for, 318 189; see also world music(s) transcription, 140-1; see also aural skills xylophone, 205, 206 Trinidad, 323 Yamaha-Kemble, 271 ubuntu, 235, 236 Yorke Trotter, Thomas H., 25, 26-32, 33, universities, music in, 186, 309-10 34-5 University of London, and MEUT, 241 USA, multiculturalism in, 213-16 Zimbabwe, 171-9

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