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Preview British Journal of Haematology 2003: Vol 123 Table of Contents

BRITISH JOURNAL HAEMATOLOGY EDITORS: [AN HANN, FINBARR COTTER, JOHN REILLY ASSOCIATE EDITORS H. E. Broxmeyer, A. K. Burnett, M. Greaves, M. Y. Gordon, I. R. Peake, M. J. Pippard, I. A. G. Roberts, N. Russell, S. L. Thein, L. Williamson EDITORIAL BOARD I. R. Peake Chairman R. Auer, T. Baglin, B. J. Bain, M. Barnett, B. Bennett, J. Boultwood, C. Camaschella, R. Chopra, C. J. Eaves, C. Fegan, P. Fenaux, A. Goodeve, A. R. Green, J. D. Griffin, H. Heslop, T. L. Holyoake, M. Le Beau, D. Linch, M. Makris, C. Mecucci, D. R. Miller, P. A. H. Moss, A. Nurden, D. Provan, D. Pamphilon, D. Rees, D. Rund, O. P. Smith, M. Worwood Volume 123 Pages 1-968 Dy Blackwell Publishing 2003 © 2003 British Journal of Haematology Blackwell Publishing Ltd Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd Editorial Offices: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 101 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES, UK Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty, 550 Swanston Street, Carlton South, Melbourne, VIC 3053, Australia, and TK Building, 2-38-14 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan Blackwell Publishing Europe Ltd, 10 rue Casimir Delavigne, F-75006 Paris, France Blackwell Verlag GmgH, Kurfiirstendamm 57, D-10707 Berlin, Germany Blackwell Publishing KK, NK Building 3F, 2-8—12 Iwamotocho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 101-0032, Japan Blackwell Publishing Inc, Commerce Place, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5018, USA Blackwell Munksgaard, 1, Rosenorns Alle, P.O. 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Volume Contents BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY Volume 123, Issue 1, October-I 2003 IMAGES IN HAEMATOLOGY Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease following allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukaemia M. Mukai, M. Kondo, T. Bohgaki, A. Notoya and M. Kohno Circulating neuroblastoma cells in peripheral blood V. Moodley and R. Pool HISTORICAL REVIEWS William Osler’s legacy and his contribution to haematology M. J. Stone Paul Ehrlich’s doctoral thesis: a milestone in the study of mast cells E. Crivellato, C. A. Beltrami, F. Mallardi and D. Ribatti GUIDELINE Guidelines on the use of colony-stimulating factors in haematological malignancies A. Pagliuca, P. A. Carrington, R. Pettengell, S. Rule and J. Keidan on behalf of the Haemato-Oncology Task Force of the British Committefeo r Standards in Haematology HAEMATOLOGICAL MALIGNANCY Ber-Abl upregulates cytosolic p21”“*'/C” “! by a phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)-independent pathway K. Keeshan, T. G. Cotter and S. L. McKenna Role of DNA mismatch repair genetic polymorphisms in the risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia G. Mathonnet, M. Krajinovic, D. Labuda and D. Sinnett Prognostic significance of quantitative analysis of WT1 gene transcripts by competitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in acute leukaemia M. Garg, H. Moore, K. Tobal and J. A. L. Yin Geographical and ecological analyses of childhood acute leukaemias and lymphomas in north-west England R. J. Q. McNally, R. D. Alston, D. P. Cairns, O. B. Eden and J. M. Birch The P2X7 receptor gene polymorphism 1513 A — C has no effect on clinical prognostic markers, in vitro sensitivity to fludarabine, Bcl-2 family protein expression or survival in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia J. Starczynski, C. Pepper, G. Pratt, L. Hooper, A. Thomas, T. Hoy, D. Milligan, P. Bentley and C. Fegan Volume Contents Elevated levels of cyclin Al and A (A2) mRNA in acute myeloid leukaemia are associated with increased survival T. Nakamaki, Y. Hamano, J.-I. Hisatake, A. Yokoyama, K.-I. Kawakami, S. Tomoyasu, Y. Honma and P. Koeffler The impact of intensive antileukaemic treatment strategies on prognosis of myelodysplastic syndrome patients aged less than 61 years according to International Prognostic Scoring System risk groups M. Oosterveld, S. H. Wittebol, W. A. J. G. Lemmens, B. A. L. M. Kiemeney, A. Catik, P. Muus, A. V. M. B. Schattenberg and T. J. M. de Witte Prevalence and pattern of antinuclear autoantibodies in 347 patients with non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma S. Guyomard, G. Salles, M. Coudurier, H. Rousset, B. Coiffier, J. Bienvenu and N. Fabien Short reports 100 Veno-occlusive disease in patients receiving thiopurines during maintenance therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia S. Stoneham, L. Lennard, P. Coen, J. Lilleyman and V. Saha Tandem high-dose therapy (HDT) for multiple myeloma: recombinant human erythropoietin therapy given between first and second HDT allows second peripheral blood stem cell transplantation without red blood cell transfusion F. Baron, P. Frere, G. Fillet and Y. Beguin Serum levels of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1«) correlate with the extent of bone disease and survival in patients with multiple myeloma E. Terpos, M. Politou, R. Szydlo, J. M. Goldman, J. F. Apperley and A. Rahemtulla TRANSPLANTATION Long-term outcomes of allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients after calcineurin inhibitor-induced neurotoxicity R. Chohan, R. Vij, D. Adkins, W. Blum, R. Brown, M. Tomasson, S. Devine, T. Graubert, L. T. Goodnough, J. F. DiPersio and H. Khoury The use of stimulated granulocyte transfusions to prevent recurrence of past severe infections after allogeneic stem cell transplantation J. P. Kerr, E. Liakopolou, J. Brown, J. M. Cornish, D. Fleming, E. Massey, A. Oakhill, D. H. Pamphilon, S. P. Robinson, A. Totem, A. M. P. I. Valencia and D. I. Marks Phenotype, function and chimaerism of monocyte-derived blood dendritic cells after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation D. Nachbaur, B. Kircher, K. Eisendle, K. Latzer, M. Haun and G. Gastl PLATELETS, HAEMOSTASIS AND THROMBOSIS Bernard-—Soulier syndrome due to the homozygous Asn-45Ser mutation in GPIX: an unexpected, frequent finding in Germany U. J. H. Sachs, H. Kroll, A. C. Matzdorff, H. Berghdfer, J. A. Lépez and S. Santoso Molecular, ultrastructural and functional characterization of a Spanish family with Hermansky—Pudlak syndrome: role of insC974 in platelet function and clinical relevance R. Gonzalez-Conejero, J. Rivera, G. Escolar, I. Zuazu-Jausoro, V. Vicente and J. Corral Short reports 139 Beta-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms in patients with elevated factor VIII levels with venous thrombosis J. O'Donnell, R. A. Manning and M. A. Laffan Volume Contents Vv Intravenous anti-D as a treatment for immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) during pregnancy M. Michel, M. V. Novoa and J. B. Bussel RED CELLS AND IRON Pure red cell aplasia associated with expansion of CD3* CD8* granular lymphocytes expressing cytotoxicity against HLA-E” cells K. L. Mori, H. Furukawa, K. Hayashi, K.-J]. J. Sugimoto and K. Oshimi A novel deletion causing (ey5p)° thalassaemia in a Chilean family L. Game, J. Bergounioux, J. P. Close, B. E. Marzouka and S. L. Thein Quiescent CD34" early erythroid progenitors are resistant to several erythro- poietic ‘inhibitory’ cytokines; role of FLIP J. Ratajczak, M. Kucia, R. Reca, J. Zhang, B. Machalinski and M. Z. Ratajczak Short reports Hypoxic response of iron absorption is not affected by the Hfe gene knock-out in mice A. H. Laftah, R. J. Simpson, N. Beaumont, 8. Bahram, K. Schtimann and S. K. S. Srai Cytogenetic abnormalities in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria usually occur in haematopoietic cells that are glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein (GPI-AP) positive E. M. Sloand, M. Fuhrer, K. Keyvanfar, L. Mainwaring, J. Maciejewski, Y. Wang. S. Johnson, A. J. Barrett and N. S. Young HAEMOPOIESIS AND LEUCOCYTES The type 1 CD10/neutral endopeptidase 24.11 promoter: functional character- ization of the 5’-untranslated region N. Sezaki, F. Ishimaru, T. Tabayashi, I. Kataoka, K. Nakase, K. Fujii, T. Kozuka, H. Nakayama, M. Harada and M. Tanimoto CORRESPONDENCE Paediatric myelodysplasia M. M. Reid Paediatric myelodysplasia — response to M. M. Reid S. J. Passmore, C. A. Stiller, H. Kempski and I. M. Hann ERRATA BOOK REVIEWS ANNOUNCEMENT Volume 123,> Issue 2, October-II 2003 IMAGES IN HAEMATOLOGY Malignant sarcoma masquerading as a pseudotumour in a patient with mild haemophilia P. Connor, B. Cheung and S. Rangarajan 192 Atypical large granular lymphocytes in a child F. Girodon, L. Faivre, N. Devillier, P. M. Carli and M. Maynadie Volume Contents REVIEW The role of haploidentical stem cell transplantation in the management of children with haematological disorders P. Veys, P. Amrolia and K. Rao HISTORICAL REVIEW Haematology at the Hammersmith hospital and Royal Postgraduate Medical School 1934-1994 A. V. Hoffbrand HAEMATOLOGICAL MALIGNANCY Cytogenetic findings in adult de novo acute myeloid leukaemia. A population-based study of 303/337 patients B. S. Preiss, G. B. Kerndrup, K. G. Schmidt, A. G. Sorensen, N.-A. T. Clausen, O. V. Gadeberg, T. Mourits-Andersen and N. T. Pedersen on behalf of the AML study Group Region of Southern Denmark Possible regulation of Wilms’ tumour gene 1 (WT1) expression by the paired box genes PAX2 and PAX8 and by the haematopoietic transcription factor GATA-1 in human acute myeloid leukaemias J. M. Siehl, E. Thiel, K. Heufelder, E. Snarski, S. Schwartz, V. Maildnder and U. Keilholz Clinical significance of residual disease during treatment in childhood acute myeloid leukaemia E. Coustan-Smith, R. C. Ribeiro, J. E. Rubnitz, B. I. Razzouk, C.-H. Pui, 8. Pounds, M. Andreansky, F. G. Behm, S. C. Raimondi, S. A. Shurtleff, J. R. Downing and D. Campana Occurrence of dysregulated oncogenes in primary plasma cells representing consecutive stages of myeloma pathogenesis: indications for different disease entities T. Rasmussen, K. Theilgaard-Monch, H. R. Hudlebusch, M. Lodahl, H. E. Johnsen and I. M. S. Dahl Enhanced production of ostecpontin in multiple myeloma: clinical and pathogenic implications Y. Saeki, T. Mima, T. Ishii, A. Ogata, H. Kobayashi, S. Ohshima, T. Ishida, Y. Tabunoki, H. Kitayama, M. Mizuki, Y. Katada, H. Asaoku, M. Kitano, N. Nishimoto, K. Yoshizaki, M. Maeda, S. Kon, N. Kinoshita, T. Uede and I. Kawase Chlorambucil in combination with induction and maintenance rituximab is feasible and active in indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma G. Martinelli, D. Laszlo, F. Bertolini, R. Pastano, P. Mancuso, A. Calleri, A. Vanazzi, P. Santoro, F. Cavalli and E. Zucca Successful treatment of refractory pure red cell aplasia associated with lympho- proliferative disorders with the anti-CD52 monoclonal antibody alemtuzumab (Campath-1H) X. Ru and H. A. Liebman Predictive value of early '*F-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography in chemosensitive relapsed lymphoma B. Schot, G. van Imhoff, J. Pruim, W. Sluiter, W. Vaalburg and E. Vellenga Volume Contents Vii DNA microarray analysis of stage progression mechanism in myelodysplastic syndrome M. Ueda, J. Ota, Y. Yamashita, Y. L. Choi, R. Ohki, T. Wada, K. Koinuma, Y. Kano, K. Ozawa and H. Mano Granulomatous slack skin disease — disease features and response to pentostatin N. Osuji, L. Fearfield, E. Matutes, A. C. Wotherspoon, C. Bunker and D. Catovsky Short report Plasma levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 predict progression-free survival following thalidomide therapy in patients with previously untreated multiple myeloma M. A. Thompson, T. E. Witzig, S. Kumar, M. M. Timm, J. Haug, R. Fonseca, P. R. Greipp, J. A. Lust and S. V. Rajkumar TRANSPLANTATION T- and B-cell immune reconstitution and clinical outcome in patients with multiple myeloma receiving T-cell-depleted, reduced-intensity allogeneic stem cell transplantation with an alemtuzumab-containing conditioning regimen followed by escalated donor lymphocyte infusions S. D’Sa, K. Peggs, A. Pizzey, S. Verfuerth, D. Thuraisundaram, M. Watts, H. White, G. Hale, H. Waldmann, A. Goldstone, S. Mackinnon and K. Yong Short report T-cell alloreactivity dominates natural killer cell alloreactivity in minimally T-cell- depleted HLA-non-identical paediatric bone marrow transplantation E. J. Lowe, V. Turner, R. Handgretinger, E. M. Horwitz, E. Benaim, G. A. Hale, P. Woodard and W. Leung PLATELETS, HAEMOSTASIS AND THROMBOSIS Pregnancy-associated venous thromboembolism (VTE) in combined heterozygous factor V Leiden (FVL) and prothrombin (FII) 20210 A mutation and in heterozygous FII single gene mutation alone M.-M. Samama, R. A. Rached, M.-H. Horellou, S. Aquilanti, V. G. Mathieux, G. Plu-Bureau, I. Elalamy and J. Conard A multicentre assessment of the endogenous thrombin potential using a continuous monitoring amidolytic technique A. S. Lawrie, E. Gray, D. Leeming, S. J. Davidson, G. Purdy, R. lampietro, S. Craig, P. Rigsby and I. J. Mackie Short report Two novel factor V null mutations associated with activated protein C resistance phenotype/genotype discrepancy Y. Dargaud, M. C. Trzeciak, S. Meunier, C. Angei, D. Pellechia, C. Négrier and C. Vinciguerra RED CELLS AND IRON Familial polycythemia vera with Budd—Chiari syndrome in childhood H. Cario, H. L. Pahl, K. Schwarz, C. Galm, M. Hoffmann, M. Burdelski, E. Kohne and K.-M. Debatin Heterocellular hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin affects the haematological parameters of B-thalassaemia trait C. Garner, T. K. Dew, R. Sherwood, D. Rees and S. L. Thein viii Volume Contents Causes of death in sickle cell disease: an autopsy study E. A. Manci, D. E. Culberson, Y.-M. Yang, T. M. Gardner, R. Powell, J. Haynes Jr, A. K. Shah and V. N. Mankad and Investigators of the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease CORRESPONDENCE Concomitant myelodysplastic syndrome and chronic myeloid leukaemia: treatment outcomes with imatinib mesylate R. A. Mesa, D. P. Steensma, J. Hoyer and R. P. Ketterling Severe acute respiratory syndrome and lupus anticoagulants in children E. Y. Chow and W. K. Chiu Malignancies in sickle cell disease patients treated with hydroxyurea A. Ferster, E. Sariban and N. Meuleman for the Belgian Registry of Sickle Cell Disease patients treated with Hydroxyurea Lithium effects on neutrophil motility in Shwachman—Diamond syndrome: evaluation by computer-assisted image analysis A. Azzara, G. Carulli and M. Petrini Prognostic features of splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes E. Iannitto, E. Ammatuna, A. M. Florena and V. Franco Erythrocytosis and the Chuvash von Hippel-Lindau mutation M. J. Percy, M. E. J. Beard, C. Carter and S. L. Thein Endothelial cells express normal cellular prion protein R. Starke, P. Harrison, R. Gale, I. Mackie, O. Drummond, I. MacGregor and S. Machin Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: pathogenesis and management R. A. Saad Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: pathogenesis and management — Response to Rasheed Saad T. E. Warkentin Volume 123, Issue 3, November-I 2003 IMAGES IN HAEMATOLOGY Splenunculectomy in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura P. A. Fields, H. Cohen and K. G. Patterson Splenosis peritonei S. Luminari, M. De Santis, A. Casolo and M. Federico The reticulin stain in bone marrow biopsies — beyond marrow fibrosis J. Ahluwalia, G. Garewal, R. Das and K. Vaiphei REVIEW Role of the microenvironment in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia I’. Caligaris-Cappio Volume Contents HISTORICAL REVIEW Louis Diamond and his contribution to haematology W. C. Mentzer HAEMATOLOGICAL MALIGNANCY Long-term follow-up of relapsed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia J. M. Chessells, P. Veys, H. Kempski, P. Henley, A. Leiper, D. Webb and I. M. Hann Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma-like human T-cell leukaemia virus-1 replication in infective dermatitis A.-S. Gabet, M. Kazanji, P. Couppie, E. Clity, J.-F. Pouliquen, D. Sainte-Marie, C. Aznar and E. Wattel Evidence for allelic evolution of C/EBPalpha mutations in acute myeloid leukaemia J. Tiesmeier, A. Czwalinna, C. Muiiller-Tidow, J. Krauter, H. Serve, G. Heil, A. Ganser and W. Verbeek Identification of the CD33-related Siglec receptor, Siglec-5 (CD170), as a useful marker in both normal myelopoiesis and acute myeloid leukaemias P. Virgo, P. A. Denning-Kendall, C. L. Erickson-Miller, S. Singha, R. Evely, J. M. Hows and S. D. Freeman Progenitor cell involvement is predictive of response to induction chemotherapy in paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia D. L. Johnston, S. Meshinchi, K. E. Opheim, M. G. Pallavicini, J. Feusner, W. G. Woods, B. J. Lange, J. P. Radich and I. D. Bernstein Single agent thalidomide in patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukaemia D. A. Thomas, E. Estey, F. J. Giles, S. Faderl, ]. Cortes, M. Keating, S. O’Brien, M. Albitar and H. Kantarjian Double Philadelphia masquerading as chromosome 20q deletion - a new recurrent abnormality in chronic myeloid leukaemia blast crisis A. G. Reid, S. Swanton, C. Grace, L. J. Campbell, A. R. Green and E. P. Nacheva Together with the United Kingdom Cancer Cytogenetics Group (UKCCG) HLA-DR4 predicts haematological response to cyclosporine in T-large granular lymphocyte lymphoproliferative disorders M. Battiwalla, J]. Melenhorst, Y. Saunthararajah, R. Nakamura, J]. Molldrem, N. S. Young and A. J. Barrett 'SEDG positron emission tomography versus *7Ga scintigraphy as prognostic test during chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ]. M. Zijlstra, O. S. Hoekstra, P. G. H. M. Raijmakers, E. F. I. Comans, J. J. M. van der Hoeven, G. J. J. Teule, A. R. Jonkhoff, H. v Tinteren, A. A. Lammertsmanad P. C. Huijgens The clinical impact of expert pathological review on lymphoma management: a regional experience ]. F. Lester, S. D. Dojcinov, R. L. Attanoos, C. J. O'Brien, T. S. Maughan, E. T. Toy and C. H. Poynton Short reports Bi-allelic silencing of the Fanconi anaemia gene FANCF in acute myeloid leukaemia M. Tischkowitz, N. Ameziane, Q. Waisfisz, J. P. De Winter, R. Harris, T. Taniguchi, A. D'Andrea, S. V. Hodgson, C. G. Mathew and H. Joenje The polycythaemia rubra vera-1 gene is constitutively expressed by bone marrow cells and does not discriminate polycythaemia vera from reactive and other chronic myeloproliferative disorders O. Bock, E. Serinséz, M. Neusch, J. Schluée and H. Kreipe Volume Contents Frequent aberrant promoter hypermethylation of O°-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase and death-associated protein kinase genes in immunodefi- ciency-related lymphomas D. Rossi, G. Gaidano, A. Gloghini, C. Deambrogi, S. Franceschetti, E. Berra, M. Cerri, C. Vendramin, A. Conconi, A. Viglio, G. Muti, P. Oreste, E. Morra, M. Paulli, D. Capello and A. Carbone TRANSPLANTATION Mobilization of Ph chromosome-negative peripheral blood stem cells in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients with imatinib mesylate-induced complete cytogenetic remission M. W. Drummond, D. Marin, R. E. Clark, J. L. Byrne, T. L. Holyoake and A. Lennard on behalf of the United Kingdom Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (UK CML) Working Party Survival after relapse following tandem autotransplants in multiple myeloma patients: the University of Arkansas total therapy I experience A. B.-T. Fassas, B. Barlogie, §. Ward, S. Jagannath, D. Vesole, S. Mattox, D. Siegel, F. Muwalla, M. Zangari, E. Anaissie, F. V. Rhee, R. Thertulien, C.-K. Lee, R. Desikan, V. Arzumanian, J. Mccoy and G. Tricot PLATELETS, HAEMOSTASIS AND THROMBOSIS Is the determination of anti-beta2 glycoprotein I antibodies useful in patients with venous thromboembolism without the antiphospholipid syndrome? K. Hsieh, P. Knébl, C. Rintelen, P. A. Kyrle, P. Quehenberger, C. Bialonczyk, H. Partsch, K. Lechner and I. Pabinger Factor V 1359T: a novel mutation associated with thrombosis and resistance to activated protein C A. D. Mumford, J. H. McVey, C. V. Morse, K. Gomez, M. Steen, E. A. Norstrom, E. G. D. Tuddenham, B. Dahlback and P. H. B. Bolton-Maggs Long-term safety and feasibility of arteriovenous fistulae as vascular accesses in children with haemophilia: a prospective study E. Santagostino, A. Gringeri, L. Berardinelli, C. Beretta, M. Muca-Perja and P. M. Mannucci Central venous catheter related thrombosis in haematology patients and prediction of risk by screening with Doppler-ultrasound C. J. van Rooden, F. R. Rosendaal, R. M. Y. Barge, J. A. van Oostayen, F. J. M. van der Meer, A. Edo Meinders and M. V. Huisman Increased risk for vascular complications in PRV-1 positive patients with essential thrombocythaemia P. Johansson, A. Ricksten, L. Wennstrém, L. Palmqvist, J. Kutti and B. Andréasson Long-term evaluation of 164 patients with essential thrombocythaemia treated with pipobroman: occurrence of leukaemic evolution V. De Sanctis, M. G. Mazzucconi, A. Spadea, M. Alfo, M. Mancini, L. Bizzoni, M. Peraino and F. Mandelli Endothelial cell activation in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): a prospective analysis T. Romani de Wit, R. Fijnheer, H.-J. Brinkman, S. Kersting, R. J]. Hene and J. A. van Mourik

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